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Preferences - Part 1

  On this page:
UI Controls

In Part 2:
Media Handling
Data Importing
Special Features


Following is a summary of the settings found at Tools>Preferences. They are grouped in functional categories, while the left-hand column indicates the location of each setting in the Preferences window.

  • Database—set according the nature of the database (see *Database Design); generally set when the database is first created, and not changed.
  • Appearance—change the appearance of the UI, and do not directly affect the operation of the program.
  • UI Controls—for user navigation of the UI.
  • Command—affect the operation of active commands that change or manipulate data.
  • Media Handling—the recording and management of media files in the database.
  • Data Importing—plugin configurations and other settings affecting the import of online data.
  • Special FeaturesLoans manager, Screenshot maker, Web search, and Twitter plugin.

Movies > Main   Show movies added from Filmography.
Results in all movies in filmographies appearing in the movie list. Intended for collections of people (and the movies they're associated with), rather than the more common collection of movies (with the people associated with them).

Cannot be undone easily.
Movies > Main   Automatically set IDs for new movies
Take first available number | Take maximum number + 1
Movies > Custom items

   Field name/type   Add | Rename | Change type | Delete
People > Main   Show people added from movie credits.
Must be set if people are to be shown in the people list and information about them recorded.

Cannot be undone easily.
Lists   Values for list fields (Genre, Category, Language, Country, Media type, Quality, Video codec, Audio codec, Translation, Location, and Tags) existing in the database may be changed here.
This is a powerful way to revise list terms in the entire database to restrict them to desired, consistent values.

   Add | Rename | Remove
Folders   Default folder for images: Posters, Photos, Screenshots, Covers, Thumbnails   Specified | N/A if images saved in database

Folders   Save screenshots and covers in separate folder for each movie   Boolean | N/A if images saved in database

Screenshots   Take screenshots automatically on video file assignment
Take one screenshot to use as poster

Plugins   General: ValueConverter   None
Plugins   Merge Filmography   Boolean
Plugins   Do not add people from awards if they are not listed in movies credits

Miscellaneous   Save images in database file
It's preferable to save images in the database, unless they regularly need to be accessed by other applications (e.g., imaging software).

Movies > Main   Filter episodes (Only single field filters)   Boolean
Movies > Main   Do not create season group if series has only one season   Boolean
Movies > Title formatting   Show movie in the list as   %T-Title | %O - Original title | %Y - Year | %N - ID | %R - Release
Movies > Title formatting   Capitalize first letters in all words   Boolean
Movies > Title formatting   Prefixes   Leave as they are | Put at the end of the title | Put at the beginning of the title | Remove from the title
Movies > Tree View   Nodes
Determines how the list is grouped when Tree view is selected. Supports nested grouping (e.g., Genre\Year or Director\Genre).

Movies > Visible items   Fields   Field multi-select list
Movies > Information card   Show credits as Name
Show credits as Translated name
Show credits as Role

Movies > Information card   Default seen state   Seen | Not seen
Movies > Information card   Show random poster   Boolean
Movies > Information card   Use minutes far duration field   Boolean
Movies > Information card   Use gigabytes far file size field   Boolean
People > Title formatting   Show people in the list as   %N - Name | %T - Translated name
People > Title formatting   Capitalize first letters in all words   Boolean
People > Tree View   Nodes   Fields
People > Visible items   Fields   Field multi-select list
People > Information card   Show random photo   Boolean
Appearance > Main   Color of list items by type   Color picker
Appearance > Main   List font   Select list
Appearance > Movie panel skin   Select Movie Panel skin   Select list
Appearance > People panel skin   Select People Panel skin   Select list
Dialogs   Interface Language   English | Russian | German | Dutch | Serbian | French | Italian | Chinese | Slovenian | Hungarian

UI Controls
Appearance > Toolbar/Hotkey   The following controls may be assigned to Toolbar buttons and hotkeys, but they do not appear in the menus. Many other commands are included in the Toolbar and Hotkey configuration dialogs, but are not listed here.

Default Hotkey:
   Next record
Previous record
Expand all fields
Collapse all fields
Ctrl+Num +
Ctrl+Num -

   Refresh skin   
Miscellaneous   Wait for Enter before filtering if records > 1000 or searching in all fields   Boolean
Miscellaneous   Use space for scrolling   Boolean
Miscellaneous   Do not jump to the next movie when scrolling movie information with SPACE   Boolean
Miscellaneous   Visible record link Click
Visible record link Ctrl+Click
Invisible record link Click
Invisible record link Ctrl+Click
   Nothing | Switch to record | Open in browser

[attachment deleted by admin]

rick.ca made the following comment on September 26, 2010, 01:11:52 am:


Hyomil made the following comment on October 06, 2010, 08:52:03 am:

People > Main         Show people added from movie credits.      Must be set if people are to be shown in the people list and information about them recorded.

What is the purpose of this option?  PVD comes with this unchecked and I don't see how it "must be set if people are to be shown in the people list and information about them recorded."  I've always had this unchecked and when I click on a person in Movies view, they're made visible in the People list (whose filter I have set to Visible).  If I want to remove their visibility, I use the Delete key (and omit adding CTRL to it).  And "information about them" is certainly recorded.  Comparing this with the related option,

Movies > Main         Show movies added from Filmography.
Results in all movies in filmographies appearing in the movie list. Intended for collections of people (and the movies they're associated with), rather than the more common collection of movies (with the people associated with them).

my guess was it meant that setting this option will, when you import the cast in Movies view, immediately set all those people to Visible in People view.  But what I found when I tested it on a copy of my database was that it set all 79000 of my People to Visible.

rick.ca made the following comment on October 06, 2010, 09:47:24 am:

Yes, without this option selected, you could click on one person at a time to make them visible. Or display them all, select some and set all those visible. This is the default, and it's meant to serve those who only want information about the people they specifically select.

There's nothing mysterious about this option. If it's selected, it will not do the rather unusual default behaviour of hiding people until they're somehow made visible. Every person added from movie credits will be visible in People View. This makes sense if you don't want to spend time deciding which people to make visible and update, and would rather just download information for them all. By doing so, information for all people is always immediately available. That includes the thumbnail and other information displayed in tooltips in Movie View—very handy for identifying actors not recognized by name.

With 79,000 people in your database, you've probably not restricted actors to "main page only," and may also be adding people from awards. That's going to mean a lot of people you'd rather not download information for. So I imagine you'll prefer to stick with the strategy of downloading all people, but only getting information for those you're interested in. If you're not regularly referring to people information, that's probably the best choice. At worst, it means waiting a few seconds while information about a person is downloaded.

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