Author Topic: Personal Video Database MOD  (Read 271442 times)

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Offline Ivek23

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #320 on: August 08, 2021, 11:41:26 am »
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]V script

Due to the new layout of the Main IMDb websites, it was necessary to fix the entire Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE to now re-download the information from the Main IMDb websites. Certain information is no longer available in the new layout of the Main IMDb websites, such as Bottom 100, or has been modified or hidden, such as IMDB Votes. A hidden mid box and a visible numid box are now added to the script. These are now the custom number fields listed below. 
    //Get ~MID ID:~ and ~NUM ID::~
   AddCustomFieldValueByName('MID ID:',GetFieldValueXML('mid'));
   LogMessage('  ** Movie MID ID: '+GetFieldValueXML('mid')+' **');
   if GetFieldValueXML('num') <> '0' then AddCustomFieldValueByName('NUM ID:',GetFieldValueXML('num'));
   if GetFieldValueXML('num') <> '0' then LogMessage('   * Movie NUM ID: '+GetFieldValueXML('num')+' ||');

The new origgitle and alternatetitle information have now also been added.
        //Get ~origtitle~
        ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'","name":"','","');          //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
        If (Length(ItemValue)=0) Then ItemValue:=titleValue;                           //Provider hides the original title if same that title. WEB_SPECIFIC
      LogMessage('      Get result origtitle:'+ItemValue+'||');

        //Get ~alternatetitle~
        ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'","alternateName":"','","');          //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
      AddCustomFieldValueByName('Localized title',ItemValue);
        if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage('      Get result alternatetitle:'+ItemValue+'||');

A custom Certification field is now added to the ParsePage_IMDBMovieMPAA Function to download the MPAA Certification List by country.
   //Get "Certification" info
    curPos:=Pos('<td class="ipl-zebra-list__label">Certification</td>',HTML);
    if (curPos=0) then Exit;
   //Get "Certification" info
   curPos:=Pos('<td class="ipl-zebra-list__label">Certification</td>',HTML);
   If 0<curPos Then Begin      
        ItemValue1:=HTMLValues2(HTML,'<td class="ipl-zebra-list__label">Certification</td>','</section>','<li class="ipl-inline-list__item">','</li>','<br>   •   ',EndPos);  //WEB_SPECIFIC.
      ItemValue1:=StringReplace(ItemValue1,':',':  ',True,False,True);
      ItemValue1:=StringReplace(ItemValue1,'                                        (','    (',True,False,True);
      AddCustomFieldValueByName('Certification','Certification<br>   •   '+ItemValue1);
      LogMessage('      Certification:<br>'+ItemValue1+'||');

In the Function ParsePage_IMDBMoviePLOTSUMMARY, a custom IMDB Synopsis memo field is added because a function is added that is set to False by default to not transfer full IMDB Synopsis information to the comment field.
//Script Options-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  //Retreive Data Config
//  GET_FULL_PLOT_SUMMARY  = True ;  //Set to False to not wanted to Download full synopsis for Plot provider page for retreive the Synopsis info in Comment box. 
  GET_FULL_PLOT_SUMMARY  = False ;  //Set to True if to wanted to Download full synopsis for Plot provider page for retreive the Synopsis info in Comment box.
//  MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH  = 1200; //Heigth limit of the stored posters.   
  MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH  = 500; //Heigth limit of the stored posters.

  //Process Data Config
   // ~Plot Summary~
   If (Pos('It looks like we don'+Chr(39)+'t have any Summaries for this title yet.',HTML)>0) then Exit;   
   //Get "Summaries" info (~Comment~)
   If Pos('<h1 class="header">Plot</h1>',HTML)>0 Then Begin
      curPos:=Pos('<h1 class="header">Plot</h1>',HTML);
      ItemValue:=HTMLValues2(HTML,'Plot','See also','<li class="ipl-zebra-list__item" id="summary','</p>','<br><br>-------<br><br>',EndPos);   
      ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'<a href='+Chr(39),'<link url="'+GetFieldValueXML('url'),True,False,True);
      LogMessage('      Get result ItemValue (~Comment~):'+ItemValue+'||');   

I also fixed the maximum poster size to 500 due to the smaller size that the database stores. because this also reduces the size of the database size itself. PVD therefore also works better.

Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #321 on: August 08, 2021, 11:45:39 am »
Here is the new final IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] V script version.

In the IMDbMoviesUrl custom box you now also have a link to the OMDb API website

//OBLIGATORY CALLBACK PRINCIPAL FUNCTION=========================================================================BlockOpen
Function ParsePage(HTML:String;URL:AnsiString):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
    Fullinfo,Movie_URL,IMDB_URL: String;
    DateParts: TWideArray;
    LogMessage('Function ParsePage BEGIN======================|');
    LogMessage('Global Var-Mode|'+IntToStr(Mode)+'|');
    LogMessage('Global Var-DownloadURL|'+DownloadURL+'|');
    LogMessage('      Local Var-URL|'+URL+'|');
//Parse return in mode 'Search Movie URL'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    If (Mode=smSearch) Then Begin
        If (Length(titleValue)=0) Then titleValue:=GetFieldValueXML('title');
        If yearValue='0' Then yearValue:=''; // Better no Year (blank) for the searches.
        LogMessage('  ParsePage smSearch|'+IntToStr(Mode)+'|. Searching DownloadURL for MovieTitle |'+ titleValue+'|'+' MovieYear |'+ yearValue+'|');
        //Download Provider search page.
        DownloadURL:=StringReplace(DownloadURL,' ','+',True,True,False);            //Better list of results without spaces.
        LogMessage('      Searching in Provider:|' + DownloadURL + '||');
        HTML:=DownloadPage(DownloadURL);  //True page for parsing the search
        //HTML:=FileToString( GetAppPath + '\Scripts\IMDB_[EN][HTTPS].v.\' + 'V.[Advanced.Search]-Padrino.htm'); //Debug
        If ((Result=prError) and SEARCH_ENGINE) Then Begin  //No results or Redirection -> Search Engine needed
            LogMessage('        Not results or Redirection in Provider search, try with Bing');
            //Download Bing search page.
            DownloadURL:=StringReplace(BASE_URL_SEARCH_ENGI,'%p',BASE_URL_PRE_TRUE,True,True,False);   //WEB_SPECIFIC
            DownloadURL:=StringReplace(DownloadURL,'%s',titleValue,True,True,False);                 //WEB_SPECIFIC
            DownloadURL:=StringReplace(DownloadURL,' ','+',True,True,False);                         //Better list of results without spaces. WEB_SPECIFIC
            DownloadURL:=StringReplace(DownloadURL,'%y',yearValue,True,True,False);                  //WEB_SPECIFIC
            LogMessage('      Searching in Bing:|' + DownloadURL + '||');
            HTML:=DownloadPage(DownloadURL);  //True page for parsing the search
        //Parse the returned result of the search list.
        If Result=prError Then Begin //Not movie found, script finish in error.
            LogMessage('Function ParsePage smSearch-prError END======================|');
        If Result=prList Then Begin //One list of results loaded, needed user choice exit in the script mode (because HTTPS PVD NOT directly will download the user choice).
            LogMessage('Function ParsePage smSearch-prList END======================|');
        If Result=prDownload Then Begin   //One results, exit needed only continue the script.
            LogMessage('Function ParsePage smSearch-prDownload END======================|');
//Parse return of 'SearchList Movie URL'-----------------------------------------------------------------------
    If (Mode=smSearchList) Then Begin       //The user have choose the link.
        LogMessage('  ParsePage mode smSearchList. Getting DownloadURL from the return of smSearchList');
      DownloadURL:=StringReplace(URL,CHEAT_PREFIX_URL,'',True,False,False);   //Eliminate the CHEAT_PREFIX_URL for get the true movie link
        DownloadURL:=StringReplace(DownloadURL,'http:','https:',True,True,False); //The direct url needed (no https redirection)
        LogMessage('     Global Var-DownloadURL|'+DownloadURL+'|');
        Result:=prDownload;  //But not exit needed for download the page because is HTTPS
        LogMessage('     With the good movie URL it demand download the movie page');
//Parse with the Movie URL 'smNormal'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    If (Mode=smNormal) Then Begin
        //Get the script Overwrite Options saved in pvdconf.ini (Remember that PVD only save the options on exit)
        //0=Do nothing,1=Set if Empty,2=Overwrite
            //LogMessage('Stored Script PVDConfigOptions is:'+PVDConfigOptions+'||');
            //LogMessage('The Script option of position '+ IntToStr(opPoster) +' is:'+Copy(PVDConfigOptions,opPoster,1)+'||');
        Result:=prFinished;  //It will change to prError if any big problem with exit; 
        //Information in several page. Needs Provider MovieID
        LogMessage('  ParsePage mode smNormal|'+IntToStr(Mode)+'|. Getting provider data for MovieID|'+ MovieID +'|');
        LogMessage('      Get result IMDbID (CF~IMDbID~):'+MovieID+'||');
        //Get ~url~
        if (0=Pos(BASE_URL_PRE,StoredURL)) then begin   //Write the url if not exists
            LogMessage('      Get result url:'+StringReplace(DownloadURL,BASE_URL_PRE_TRUE,BASE_URL_PRE,True,False,False)+'||');
        //Get ~IMDb Movie Url~       
      AddCustomFieldValueByName('','<link url="'+Movie_URL+'"></link>');
      AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDbMoviesUrl','<link url="'+Movie_URL+'">IMDb MovieUrl</link>  <link url="">OMDb API info</link>  <link url="">OMDb API Key</link>');

      //AddCustomFieldValueByName('OMDbAPIUrl','<link url="'+Movie_URL+'">IMDb MovieUrl</link>  <link url="'+MovieID+'&apikey=[yourkey]&plot=short&tomatoes=true">OMDb API info for IMDb</link>  <link url="'+MovieID+'&apikey=[yourkey]&plot=full&tomatoes=true">OMDb API full info for IMDb</link>  <link url="'+MovieID+'&apikey=[yourkey]&plot=full&r=xml&tomatoes=true">OMDb API full xml info for IMDb</link>  <link url="'+GetFieldValueXML('title')+'&apikey=[yourkey]&plot=short&tomatoes=true">OMDb API Search for IMDb</link>');
        LogMessage('      Get result Movie_url: '+Movie_URL+' ||');
      LogMessage('      Get result OMDb API info_URL:'+#13+'<link url="">OMDb API info</link>  <link url="">OMDb API Key</link>'+'||')
        //Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_UR+'">Maindetails</link>  ';
        Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'">MainPage</link>  ';
        Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'reference">Reference</link>  ';
        Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'fullcredits">Full Cast&Crew</link>  ';
        Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'awards">Awards</link>  ';
        Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'releaseinfo">ReleaseDates</link>  ';
        //Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'technical">TechnicalSpecs</link>  ';
        Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'technical">TechSpecs</link>  ';
        Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'parentalguide">ParentsGuide</link>  ';   
        Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'keywords">PlotKeywords</link>  ';
        Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'plotsummary">PlotSummary</link>  ';
        Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'locations">FilmLocations</link>  ';   
        Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'taglines">Taglines</link>  ';
        Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'companycredits">CompanyCredits</link>  ';
        Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'movieconnections">Connections</link>  ';
        Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'soundtrack">Soundtracks</link>  ';
        //Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'externalsites">Miscellaneous</link>  ';
        Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'externalsites">MiscSites</link>  ';
        Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'externalsites#photos">MiscPhoto</link>  ';
        Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'mediaindex">PhotoGallery</link>  ';
        //Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URLL+'externalsites#misc">MiscSites</link>  ';
        //Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'externalsites#photos">MiscPhoto</link>  ';
        If Fullinfo <> '' then IMDB_URL:=Fullinfo;
        If IMDB_URL <> '' then AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDb Movie Url',IMDB_URL);
        LogMessage('      Get result Fullinfo-IMDB_URL (CF~IMDb Movie Url~ ):'+#13+IMDB_URL+'||')
    //Parse principal provider page = BASE_URL_PRE_TRUE------------------------------------------------------------------

IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script is attached.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2021, 07:43:04 am by Ivek23 »
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline Pacifist

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #322 on: August 08, 2021, 02:37:56 pm »
"The IMDbMoviesUrl custom field now also has a link to the OMDb API website."
Where is this "custom field" located? Can I have a screen, please!  :-[  ??? :-[

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #323 on: August 12, 2021, 07:03:47 am »
"The IMDbMoviesUrl custom field now also has a link to the OMDb API website."
Where is this "custom field" located? Can I have a screen, please!  :-[  ??? :-[

See screenshot for memo IMDb Movies Url custom box.

Screenshots are attached.
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline Pacifist

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #324 on: August 14, 2021, 09:27:23 am »
"The IMDbMoviesUrl custom field now also has a link to the OMDb API website."
Where is this "custom field" located? Can I have a screen, please!  :-[  ??? :-[

See screenshot for memo IMDb Movies Url custom box.

Screenshots are attached.

What is it?  ;)
P.S. What are the other Amadeus subclauses? Wildly curious! ;) How much time do you spend adding information to one movie? (If anything, then this is a rhetorical question.) :-[

« Last Edit: August 14, 2021, 09:46:20 am by Pacifist »

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #325 on: August 14, 2021, 01:10:49 pm »
"The IMDbMoviesUrl custom field now also has a link to the OMDb API website."
Where is this "custom field" located? Can I have a screen, please!  :-[  ??? :-[

See screenshot for memo IMDb Movies Url custom box.

Screenshots are attached.

What is it?  ;)
P.S. What are the other Amadeus subclauses? Wildly curious! ;) How much time do you spend adding information to one movie? (If anything, then this is a rhetorical question.) :-[


Other Amadeus addresses that you mark with an arrow have exactly the same url address, because this is a test PVD MOD and a test database. To add information to a single movie, it depends on what script is used. For example, the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script takes 1 to 2 minutes to download all the information and then add it to the database. Such questions are also welcome and the answers are also useful information for other PVD users.

Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline Pacifist

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #326 on: August 14, 2021, 02:51:53 pm »
Thanks, Ivek!

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #327 on: October 28, 2021, 11:14:27 am »
Changes in the new final IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] V script version.

In addition to all the changes, which are already described in the link below, there are some new features.,4183.msg21468.html#msg21468



Changing part of the code so that now the search for results is corrected.

The yearValue code has also been added
      if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage('      Get result Tv Mode (CF~Tv~):'+ItemValue);
      yearValue:=HTMLValue(HTML,StartPos,0,'</a>','</span></li><li role="presentation" class="ipc-inline-list__item"><a href="/title/');
      AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDB Year',yearValue);

      if yearValue <> '' then LogMessage('      Get result Tv Mode (CF~IMDB_year~)+:'+yearValue);

Now I changed the Bing url address to search for results because the old Bing url address did not want to download the search results, but reported an error that it did not find the search results. This was probably a block for the Banned IP address, because I already have a similar experience with websites, where there is a captcha, which did not allow the transfer of information. Now I've added numbering to search results and make it easier to check the correct url.

Now CHECK_WEBSITE is primarily true for checking urls when searching for results.

  //Retreive Data Config
  USE_SAVED_PVDCONFIG  = True ;  //Use the Overwrite Options of the script saved in pvdconf.ini for avoid download not used pages. Remember PVD only save in exit.
  GET_ORIGINAL_TITLE  = True ;  //Download the alternate title info in your language in your country in of the principal movie page if it exists there for to replace the original title in the Title field. 
//  GET_ORIGINAL_TITLE  = False ;  //Download the alternate title info in your language in your country in of the principal movie page if it exists there for to replace the original title in the Title field.
//  GET_LOCAL_TITLE  = True ;  //Download the alternate title info in your language in your country in of the principal movie page if it exists there.
  GET_LOCAL_TITLE  = False ;  //Download the alternate title info in your language in your country in of the principal movie page if it exists there. 
  GET_FULL_MPAA  = True ;  //Download Certification provider page for retreive the MPAA info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page.
  GET_FULL_AKA  = True ;  //Download 'Also Known As' provider page for retreive the info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page.
  GET_FULL_CREDIT  = True ;  //Download Cast or Credit provider page for retreive the info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page.
  PEOPLE_LIMIT  = 25;    //Limit of number of actors (cast) or of credits (crew) retrieved.
  GET_FULL_AWARDS  = True ;  //Download Awards provider page for retreive the info. Otherwise doesn't do nothingh because no info in the principal movie page.
  EVENTS_LIMIT  = 100;   //Limit of number of events (USA Academy Awards, Golden Globes, etc) to retrive awards.
  GET_FULL_FEATURES  = True ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio, etc).
  //GET_FULL_FEATURES  = False ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio, etc).
  GET_MINI_FEATURES  = True ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio).
  //GET_MINI_FEATURES  = False ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio).
  //GET_FEATURES  = True ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio).
  GET_FEATURES  = False ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio).
  GET_FULL_PLOTKEYWORDS  = True ;  //Download Plot Keywords provider page for retreive the Plot Keywords info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page
  PLOTKEYWORDS_LIMIT  = 100;  //Limit of number of tags retrieved only when download Plot Keywords provider page.
  GET_FULL_PLOTSUMMARY  = True ;  //Download Plot provider page for retreive the Summaries info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page
//  GET_FULL_PLOT_SUMMARY  = True ;  //Set to False to not wanted to Download full synopsis for Plot provider page for retreive the Synopsis info in Comment box. 
  GET_FULL_PLOT_SUMMARY  = False ;  //Set to True if to wanted to Download full synopsis for Plot provider page for retreive the Synopsis info in Comment box.
//  MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH  = 1200; //Heigth limit of the stored posters.   
  MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH  = 500; //Heigth limit of the stored posters.
  //Process Data Config
  PRESERVE_PVD_DESCRIPTION_SETTING  = True ; //Avoid double use of ~description~ and ~comment~ using only the user check fields table selection otherwise try get "plot_summary"
  //Process Behaviour Config
  BYPASS_SILENT  = True ;  //Ensure critical ShowMessage alerts bypassing Silent PVdB preferences
  CHECK_WEBSITE  = True ;  //Add to SearchResult List the true HTTPS links 'Just to check the website' with the browser
  //CHECK_WEBSITE  = False ;  //Add to SearchResult List the true HTTPS links 'Just to check the website' with the browser

  POSTER_IN_SEARCH  = True ;//Download and show movie posters in the list of the SearchResult
« Last Edit: October 29, 2021, 07:51:33 am by Ivek23 »
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #328 on: October 28, 2021, 11:18:19 am »
Here is the new final IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] V script version.

IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script is attached.
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #329 on: October 29, 2021, 07:33:04 am »

Change of the Imdb TechSpecs custom field name

Old name for Imdb TechSpecs custom field

The new name is now Imdb-TechSpecs custom field

The new name will now be in all Imdb HTTPS scripts for movies, series and episodes. 
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #330 on: October 29, 2021, 07:57:53 am »
Changes in the new final IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series) V script version.

In addition to all the changes, which are already described in the link below, there are some new features.,4183.msg21468.html#msg21468,4183.msg21470.html#msg21470


The yearValue code has also been added

    //Go to "Tv Mode"    
   StartPos:=Pos('<h1 textlength="',HTML);
   if StartPos>0 then begin   
      ItemValue:=HTMLValue(HTML,StartPos,0,'<li role="presentation" class="ipc-inline-list__item">','releaseinfo?ref_=tt_ov_rdat');
      if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage('      Get result Tv Mode1:'+ItemValue+'||');
      debug_pos1:=Pos('<a href="',ItemValue);
      if debug_pos1 >0 then ItemValue := Copy(ItemValue,0,debug_pos1-1);
      if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage('      Get result Tv Mode (CF~Tv~):'+ItemValue);
      //ItemValue1:=HTMLValue(HTML,StartPos,0,'<li role="presentation" class="ipc-inline-list__item','</ul>');
      ItemValue1:=HTMLValues(HTML,'<h1 textlength="','</ul>','"ipc-inline-list__item">','</',', ',StartPos);
      //ItemValue1:=HTMLValues2(HTML,'<h1 textlength="','</ul>','<li role="presentation" class="ipc-inline-list__item">','</li>',', ',StartPos);      
      if ItemValue1 <> '' then LogMessage('      Get result Tv Mode01:'+#13+ItemValue1+'||'+#13);      
   end else
      LogMessage('tv-metadata not found');   

   if StartPos>0 then begin
      yearValue:=HTMLValue(HTML,StartPos,0,'</a>','</span></li><li role="presentation" class="ipc-inline-list__item"><a href="/title/');
      //AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDB Year',yearValue);
      if yearValue <> '' then LogMessage('      Get result Tv Mode (CF~IMDB_year~)+:'+yearValue);   
   end else
      LogMessage('tv-metadata-a not found');   

and more info in the link below.,4183.msg21486.html#msg21486

  //Retreive Data Config
  USE_SAVED_PVDCONFIG  = True ;  //Use the Overwrite Options of the script saved in pvdconf.ini for avoid download not used pages. Remember PVD only save in exit.
  GET_ORIGINAL_TITLE  = True ;  //Download the alternate title info in your language in your country in of the principal movie page if it exists there for to replace the original title in the Title field. 
//  GET_ORIGINAL_TITLE  = False ;  //Download the alternate title info in your language in your country in of the principal movie page if it exists there for to replace the original title in the Title field.
//  GET_LOCAL_TITLE  = True ;  //Download the alternate title info in your language in your country in of the principal movie page if it exists there.
  GET_LOCAL_TITLE  = False ;  //Download the alternate title info in your language in your country in of the principal movie page if it exists there. 
  GET_FULL_MPAA  = True ;  //Download Certification provider page for retreive the MPAA info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page.
  GET_FULL_AKA  = True ;  //Download 'Also Known As' provider page for retreive the info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page.
  GET_FULL_CREDIT  = True ;  //Download Cast or Credit provider page for retreive the info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page.
  PEOPLE_LIMIT  = 25;    //Limit of number of actors (cast) or of credits (crew) retrieved.
  GET_FULL_AWARDS  = True ;  //Download Awards provider page for retreive the info. Otherwise doesn't do nothingh because no info in the principal movie page.
  EVENTS_LIMIT  = 100;   //Limit of number of events (USA Academy Awards, Golden Globes, etc) to retrive awards.
  GET_FULL_FEATURES  = True ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio, etc).
  //GET_FULL_FEATURES  = False ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio, etc).
  GET_MINI_FEATURES  = True ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio).
  //GET_MINI_FEATURES  = False ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio).
  //GET_FEATURES  = True ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio).
  GET_FEATURES  = False ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio).
  GET_FULL_PLOTKEYWORDS  = True ;  //Download Plot Keywords provider page for retreive the Plot Keywords info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page
  PLOTKEYWORDS_LIMIT  = 100;  //Limit of number of tags retrieved only when download Plot Keywords provider page.
  GET_FULL_PLOTSUMMARY  = True ;  //Download Plot provider page for retreive the Summaries info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page
//  GET_FULL_PLOT_SUMMARY  = True ;  //Set to False to not wanted to Download full synopsis for Plot provider page for retreive the Synopsis info in Comment box. 
  GET_FULL_PLOT_SUMMARY  = False ;  //Set to True if to wanted to Download full synopsis for Plot provider page for retreive the Synopsis info in Comment box.
//  MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH  = 1200; //Heigth limit of the stored posters.   
  MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH  = 500; //Heigth limit of the stored posters.
  //Process Data Config
  PRESERVE_PVD_DESCRIPTION_SETTING  = True ; //Avoid double use of ~description~ and ~comment~ using only the user check fields table selection otherwise try get "plot_summary"
  //Process Behaviour Config
  BYPASS_SILENT  = True ;  //Ensure critical ShowMessage alerts bypassing Silent PVdB preferences
  CHECK_WEBSITE  = True ;  //Add to SearchResult List the true HTTPS links 'Just to check the website' with the browser
  //CHECK_WEBSITE  = False ;  //Add to SearchResult List the true HTTPS links 'Just to check the website' with the browser

  POSTER_IN_SEARCH  = True ;//Download and show movie posters in the list of the SearchResult
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #331 on: October 31, 2021, 08:31:12 am »
Changes in the new final IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes) V script version.

The changes are the same as for the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (series) script.

In addition to all the changes, which are already described in the link below, there are some new features.,4183.msg21468.html#msg21468,4183.msg21470.html#msg21470


The yearValue code has also been added [/b]

    //Go to "Tv Mode"    
   StartPos:=Pos('<h1 textlength="',HTML);
   if StartPos>0 then begin   
      ItemValue:=HTMLValue(HTML,StartPos,0,'<li role="presentation" class="ipc-inline-list__item">','releaseinfo?ref_=tt_ov_rdat');
      if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage('      Get result Tv Mode1:'+ItemValue+'||');
      debug_pos1:=Pos('<a href="',ItemValue);
      if debug_pos1 >0 then ItemValue := Copy(ItemValue,0,debug_pos1-1);
      if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage('      Get result Tv Mode (CF~Tv~):'+ItemValue);
      //ItemValue1:=HTMLValue(HTML,StartPos,0,'<li role="presentation" class="ipc-inline-list__item','</ul>');
      ItemValue1:=HTMLValues(HTML,'<h1 textlength="','</ul>','"ipc-inline-list__item">','</',', ',StartPos);
      //ItemValue1:=HTMLValues2(HTML,'<h1 textlength="','</ul>','<li role="presentation" class="ipc-inline-list__item">','</li>',', ',StartPos);      
      if ItemValue1 <> '' then LogMessage('      Get result Tv Mode01:'+#13+ItemValue1+'||'+#13);      
   end else
      LogMessage('tv-metadata not found');   

   if StartPos>0 then begin
      yearValue:=HTMLValue(HTML,StartPos,0,'</a>','</span></li><li role="presentation" class="ipc-inline-list__item"><a href="/title/');
      //AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDB Year',yearValue);
      if yearValue <> '' then LogMessage('      Get result Tv Mode (CF~IMDB_year~)+:'+yearValue);   
   end else
      LogMessage('tv-metadata-a not found');   

and more info in the link below.,4183.msg21486.html#msg21486

  //Retreive Data Config
  USE_SAVED_PVDCONFIG  = True ;  //Use the Overwrite Options of the script saved in pvdconf.ini for avoid download not used pages. Remember PVD only save in exit.
  GET_ORIGINAL_TITLE  = True ;  //Download the alternate title info in your language in your country in of the principal movie page if it exists there for to replace the original title in the Title field. 
//  GET_ORIGINAL_TITLE  = False ;  //Download the alternate title info in your language in your country in of the principal movie page if it exists there for to replace the original title in the Title field.
//  GET_LOCAL_TITLE  = True ;  //Download the alternate title info in your language in your country in of the principal movie page if it exists there.
  GET_LOCAL_TITLE  = False ;  //Download the alternate title info in your language in your country in of the principal movie page if it exists there. 
  GET_FULL_MPAA  = True ;  //Download Certification provider page for retreive the MPAA info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page.
  GET_FULL_AKA  = True ;  //Download 'Also Known As' provider page for retreive the info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page.
  GET_FULL_CREDIT  = True ;  //Download Cast or Credit provider page for retreive the info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page.
  PEOPLE_LIMIT  = 25;    //Limit of number of actors (cast) or of credits (crew) retrieved.
  GET_FULL_AWARDS  = True ;  //Download Awards provider page for retreive the info. Otherwise doesn't do nothingh because no info in the principal movie page.
  EVENTS_LIMIT  = 100;   //Limit of number of events (USA Academy Awards, Golden Globes, etc) to retrive awards.
  GET_FULL_FEATURES  = True ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio, etc).
  //GET_FULL_FEATURES  = False ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio, etc).
  GET_MINI_FEATURES  = True ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio).
  //GET_MINI_FEATURES  = False ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio).
  //GET_FEATURES  = True ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio).
  GET_FEATURES  = False ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio).
  GET_FULL_PLOTKEYWORDS  = True ;  //Download Plot Keywords provider page for retreive the Plot Keywords info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page
  PLOTKEYWORDS_LIMIT  = 100;  //Limit of number of tags retrieved only when download Plot Keywords provider page.
  GET_FULL_PLOTSUMMARY  = True ;  //Download Plot provider page for retreive the Summaries info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page
//  GET_FULL_PLOT_SUMMARY  = True ;  //Set to False to not wanted to Download full synopsis for Plot provider page for retreive the Synopsis info in Comment box. 
  GET_FULL_PLOT_SUMMARY  = False ;  //Set to True if to wanted to Download full synopsis for Plot provider page for retreive the Synopsis info in Comment box.
//  MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH  = 1200; //Heigth limit of the stored posters.   
  MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH  = 500; //Heigth limit of the stored posters.
  //Process Data Config
  PRESERVE_PVD_DESCRIPTION_SETTING  = True ; //Avoid double use of ~description~ and ~comment~ using only the user check fields table selection otherwise try get "plot_summary"
  //Process Behaviour Config
  BYPASS_SILENT  = True ;  //Ensure critical ShowMessage alerts bypassing Silent PVdB preferences
  CHECK_WEBSITE  = True ;  //Add to SearchResult List the true HTTPS links 'Just to check the website' with the browser
  //CHECK_WEBSITE  = False ;  //Add to SearchResult List the true HTTPS links 'Just to check the website' with the browser

  POSTER_IN_SEARCH  = True ;//Download and show movie posters in the list of the SearchResult
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #332 on: October 31, 2021, 08:35:03 am »
Here is the new final IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series) V and IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes) V script version.

IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series) and IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes) script is attached.
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #333 on: December 06, 2021, 06:23:57 pm »
In all IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS], IMDB_ [EN] (HTTPS] (series) and IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (episodes) scripts, Runtime information is now incorrectly downloaded. The reason is a change in the source code of the primary Imdb web pages. I have fixed this bug and all Imdb scripts may be added to the forum tonight or tomorrow.
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #334 on: December 07, 2021, 10:40:58 am »
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script

IMDB_ [EN] (HTTPS] (series)  script

IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (episodes) script

In all IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS], IMDB_ [EN] (HTTPS] (series) and IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (episodes) scripts, Runtime information is now incorrectly downloaded. The reason is a change in the source code of the primary Imdb web pages. I have fixed this bug and all Imdb scripts may be added to the forum tonight or tomorrow.

IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS], IMDB_ [EN] (HTTPS] (series) and IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (episodes) scripts  is attached.
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #335 on: February 04, 2022, 12:16:29 pm »

In all IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] where Bing_Search code has been added, this part of the code no longer works and there are no more visible results to search for results for a particular movie title.

Learn more about this issue at the link below.,3099.msg21639.html#msg21639
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #336 on: July 26, 2022, 01:43:32 pm »
In the first half of August, the appearance of the page will be completely changed on the IMDb People web pages.

Changed the basic People web page, the design of which is based on the Movie web pages. But you can already see this look.

In the future, it will be necessary to fix all Imdb People scripts to the new look of the page so that they will work again.
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #337 on: July 29, 2022, 04:43:48 pm »
In the first half of August, the appearance of the page will be completely changed on the IMDb People web pages.

Changed the basic People web page, the design of which is based on the Movie web pages. But you can already see this look.

In the future, it will be necessary to fix all Imdb People scripts to the new look of the page so that they will work again.

Here you have a description in pictures.
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #338 on: November 23, 2022, 09:07:14 am »
I noticed quite a few changes in the download of IMDb movies information, which means there have been changes in the source code for the IMDb movies web pages. This means that the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script does not transfer all the information.

It will be necessary to fix the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script. The same goes for IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_1, which is made for testing users to report possible errors in the transmission of information.

Sorry, but at the moment I have quite a few health problems (including with my eyes), so I can't edit any Imdb scripts at the moment.

Slowly my health is improving, but my mother's health is deteriorating. This means that I don't have much time to fix and edit all the IMDB scripts. We will see when I can add some IMDB script (new version) to the forum.  I hope it will be as soon as possible.
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Offline afrocuban

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #339 on: December 03, 2022, 02:41:21 pm »
Sorry to hear. hopefully everything will go well!