I want to use the iafd people script, but it's not working as expected for me.
When I am in People view and use the Import feature with iafd_people(full) selected, nothing happens. I briefly see the connection status at the bottom of the PVD window, but none of the fields for that person get updated. I also tried the same thing with the regular iafd_people, no difference. But I can call up the info page for the same person in my web browser and see all the usual bio, photo, filmography, etc.
I'm using PVD 1.0 with the latest versions of the iafd_people scripts from this thread (replies 7 and 8, I think). I checked the Overwrite options for the selected script in the Import tab, and all fields are set to overwrite.
I've also tried adding a few completely new people (chosen at random from the IAFD) and running the scripts against them, with the same results... no data imported.
What am I doing wrong?