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Admin Comments and Suggestions
This is a list of comments and suggestions pertaining to the administration of this board.

Please add your comments below. New items will be added to the list. Items will be struck as they are dealt with.

  • Links to the board must include sort=subject for the topics to be sorted properly.
  • Change the sequence of the boards as presented on the main Forum page.
  • Get rid of Solved Issues.
  • Add Help to the link bar.
  • Make board visible to all.
  • Problem with "quick reply" posting?
  • Add link back to forum.

rick.ca made the following comment on September 17, 2010, 08:44:03 pm:

2. Presentation in main forum: The sequence of the boards as presented on the main Forum page would be more logical as Help, Support, Feature Suggestions, Development, Talk. For a cleaner look, the boards not mentioned in that list could all be child boards of Development. Except for Solved Issues...

Another exception will be the board for the beta release. As has been the practice in the past (if I recall correctly), that will be first in the list—while active. Once the release is out of beta, it can be moved to Development.

rick.ca made the following comment on September 17, 2010, 08:47:04 pm:

3. Consider getting rid of Solved Issues (except for topics recently moved there, it could be purged). Moving messages there requires moderator effort, and it's not always clear whether something has been "solved." Moving topics there implies they're no longer relevant, which is not always the case. Topics not moved there (usually because they're broader than just something that needs fixing) implies an issue is outstanding. I think it makes more sense to just tag the topics [SOLVED], and let them fade away.

rick.ca made the following comment on September 17, 2010, 08:48:13 pm:

4. Add Help to the link bar—between Screenshots and Forum. This is where new visitors will expect to find it—and many will look for help documentation as a means of assessing whether the application will meet their needs. Most will not understand that such documentation can exist as a board (in other words, even if they see it on the Forum, they may not select it).

rick.ca made the following comment on September 20, 2010, 09:12:27 pm:

2. Presentation in main forum...

Yes, that looks much better. :)

But what happened to the old beta topics? Have they been purged along with Solved Issues?

And shouldn't Changelogs be a child of Development as well?

nostra made the following comment on September 20, 2010, 10:06:26 pm:

But what happened to the old beta topics? Have they been purged along with Solved Issues?

Yes, I found that all the stuff is just much more irritating than helpful to have.

And shouldn't Changelogs be a child of Development as well?

I do nor know, really. The development section is for developers other than me and contains topics to help people write external stuff. Changelogs is static information of what I have changed in the app and it is probably for not so experienced users as well.

rick.ca made the following comment on September 26, 2010, 01:29:52 am:

5. The board is now ready to "launch." Please make it visible to all users and guests.

rick.ca made the following comment on September 26, 2010, 02:09:06 am:

6. Entering a "comment" in the quick reply box and hitting "Post" results in an error...

An Error Has Occurred!
You already submitted this post! You might have accidently double clicked, or tried to refresh.

It seems necessary to "Preview" first—to get to the normal edit window—and then "Post."

rick.ca made the following comment on September 26, 2010, 05:18:33 pm:

7. Please add a link back to the main forum (i.e., http://www.videodb.info/forum_en/index.php?action=forum) to the sidebar menu under "User Manual." Call it "Return to forum."

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