I don't know if anyone other than Ivek can help with this and I don't want to take up his time with this, so I thought I'd ask in general. The adultdvd script has stopped working again. I tried to "fix" it myself, but my coding sucks donkey balls at best.
At first, with the script as it is now, it returns an IO Handler error, but I fixed that by changing the --- BASE_URL = '
https://www.adultdvdempire.com'; --- line from http to https. Now, the snag is that for some reason it adds "http://" in front of the whole URL address when searching (like
http://https://www.adultdvdempire.com/allsearch/search?q=evil%20anal%2017), so the script can't find any address to get results from. I believe that fixing that might fix the whole script.
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but as I said, my coding skills are practically non existing.
Any ideas from anyone are welcome and thanks in advance!