Thank you very much but maybe i didn’t understand accurate or write correct, because when I push right button on mouse on fields of Director or Actors there are options / Show movies only with Actors = … or Group movies by Actors /. Fields Director or Actors also have url reference. So I would like if it possible to do with CustomField for example 'Original Work:’
When I add code AddCustomFieldValueByName('Original Work by:', TransName); i create new field 'Original Work by:' but these information already are saved in 'Original Work:’
I tested that CustomField must be only memo because this can hide url reference and after that url working.
This code i use for actors and working.
//Seiyu ~ctActors~
curPos := Pos('<h4>main cast</h4>', HTML);
LogMessage('21 zistujem ci su Actors');
if curPos > 0 then begin
curPos := PosFrom('creatorid=', HTML, curPos);
EndPos := curPos;
curPos1 := PosFrom('">show more</a></td>', HTML, curPos)
LogMessage('21.1 zadávam Actors');
while (curPos < curPos1) do begin
URL := '' + TextBetween(HTML, 'creatorid=', '">', false, curPos);
LogMessage('20.2 zadavam url Actors '+URL);
TransName := TextBetween(HTML, '">', '</a>', false, curPos);
LogMessage('20.3 zadavam meno Actors '+TransName);
curPos := PosFrom('charid=', HTML, curPos);
URLr := '' + TextBetween(HTML, 'charid=', '">', false, curPos);
LogMessage('20.4 zadavam url role '+URLr)
Role := TextBetween(HTML, '">', '</a>', false, curPos);
LogMessage('20.3 zadavam meno role '+Role);
curPos := PosFrom('creatorid=', HTML, curPos);
AddMoviePerson('', TransName, Role, URL, ctActors);