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Messages - bonek

Pages: [1]
Feature Suggestions / Re: Custom Filter.
« on: April 12, 2010, 03:52:58 pm »
Thanks for the welcome  :)
Using the loan filter is a marvelous idea!
That's what I've been kind of searching for!
Thank you so much.

Thanks for your thoughtful tips, I really appreciate it. :)

Feature Suggestions / Custom Filter.
« on: April 12, 2010, 03:02:29 am »
Hi, this program is very good, kudos to the programmers.

Please make custom filters available in this program.
So that I can create my own filter.
Sometimes I want to sort out which movies that can be safely watched by teenagers, especially there are PG-13 movies which have sexual contents.

Thank you for the programmers, this is certainly the best movie database software I've ever seen.
Make this software better than ever!  ;)
Thanks for reading.  :)

Pages: [1]