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Messages - idk

Pages: [1]
Oh thank you very much! That was quiet easy. Sorry that I missed these possibilities. And I was "scared" by the warning saying, that this option can not be undone so easily.

Anyway, because I'm just building a database of my countless, self recorded video clips, it is the option that I need.

Thanks for your answer, and providing this great program!!!

Support / Is it possible to generate a "people" list from movie data?
« on: April 15, 2012, 08:28:16 pm »

I'm new to this program and still stunned how good it is. Anyway, I've been trying to set everything up now, tagged my imported movies etc.

Okey, now I added the names of all the people in my videoclips in the cast-form in the movie information.

Is it somehow possible, to generate a people list from these "available" taggs? Now, when I change to the people mode, the list is almost empty. Only the people, on whose name I have clicked in the video-information window... appear.

Okey, maybe that sounds to strange to  understand. One example:

I imported a self recorded movie, and added the names of my two friends Anna and Peter in the "Cast" form.

When I change to the people/actor mode of the program, Anna and Peter aren't in the list. So I go back to the video mode and look at the informations that I entered. Anna and Peter appear as a blue link. When I click on them, Personal Video Database, switches to the people mode again, and Peter is in the list. I go back to the video mode, click on Anna, and now also she is in the list.

Is there somehow a simpler way to do that? I didn't find anything. I imagine it can't be the right way, that I have to click on hundrets of different people taggs, just to add them to the people list.

Thank you in advance for your help. I used the search form, but wasn't really sure for what to search. So please excuse, if the question already exists.

Cheers from Germany :)

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