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Messages - layerbreak

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Scripts and Templates / Re: Import from XBMC/MovPicNFO .nfo XML-File
« on: August 21, 2013, 06:45:55 pm »
There are slight differences between XBMC and MovPicNFO. E.g. the genre tag. I will adapt the script to meet your requirements and I am going to post it here as a separate version in case somebody else has the same needs. I will provide a solution for folder.jpg as well.

Just give me a week or two as I am suffering of heavy overdose of business workload at the moment.

I dont know what "MovPicNFO" is, I thought you named your script so.  :-[
After a little gockel-search: Its a plugin of mediaportal. Sorry.

Here you can see the XBMC-Structure:
The nfo-file have all information inside about the movie. Here a example of the xml-stucture.

When you need a set of nfo-file for testing, please send me a PN.

Just give me a week or two as I am suffering of heavy overdose of business workload at the moment.
NOP. You need so long as you need.  ;D


Scripts and Templates / Re: Import from XBMC/MovPicNFO .nfo XML-File
« on: August 14, 2013, 05:25:14 pm »
OK, I have a search here in the forum about to Import a movie poster that is saved local.
It seems that there is no usefull way to import the poster, when it is named "folder.jpg"

Is it possible to insert it in your script when the poster named: e.g.
folder: 72 Stunden - The next three days tt1458175 (2010)
movie: 72 Stunden - The next three days tt1458175 (2010).m2ts
poster: 72 Stunden - The next three days tt1458175 (2010).jpg

Maybe in a second step??

Scripts and Templates / Re: Import from XBMC/MovPicNFO .nfo XML-File
« on: August 14, 2013, 04:07:39 pm »
Servus Nautilus2067,

I have check it out v1.1.2.0111
The script name suggest me that when I select this Script at Import I get the movie picture, that ist named folder.jpg in the movie-folder and the script reads the informations out from the xbmc-nfo-file that located in the movie-folder too.

I get no movie picture in PVD.  :'( Can you insert it or do I need an other Script therefor?

At the actors the script insert the too. Can you exclude the Thumb-Tag?
Code: [Select]
    <name>Sam Riley</name>
    <role>Vince Ferro</role>

The Script only imports the first Genre in the nfo-file and not all others.
Code: [Select]

The script ignore the tag playcount and all new imported movies are select at as seen.
Code: [Select]
<playcount>1</playcount>When the tag playcount isn't in the nfo-file -> the movie is unseen.

Sorry but I can read the script but I understand nothing its like reading chinese for me.  :-[
When you need some nfo-files please let me know.

Can you have a look. Thx.

Scripts and Templates / Re: automatic MovieImport with .nfo-File
« on: August 14, 2013, 02:36:34 pm »
Hi Nautilus2067,

sorry for the late answer.

First I have downloaded the nfo_de.7z and copied the nfo_de.psf in the PVD\Scripts-Folder.
Restart PVD an at automatic Import I select .NFO file [DE] and movies\0-9

I get no movie-picture for all movies and only one movie the script dont import the movie-informations.
There was a little bug also in the script --> the script imports _only_ one genre and not all others.

Lets check your link:
The script for automatic movie import with .nfo file is ready. Look here:,3359

Scripts and Templates / Re: automatic MovieImport with .nfo-File
« on: April 20, 2013, 07:56:32 pm »
Thx for answering.

I insert your regex in FileScanner at first place but my e.g. movie cant match it.

Sorry. I was thinking your "_" delimited the terms. It doesn't, and there's a standard 'find and replace' that changes them to spaces anyway. Try this...I haven't tried that in the program, but the PVD Regex Tester suggests it should work (see attached).

OK, first I have renamed all folders and filenames with this super tool antRenamer by replacing the "underscore" with a "space"
James Bond 007 01 James Bond jagt Dr No tt0055928 (1962).m2ts
because I  cant find the solution to replace it in the PVD program.
Then insert your Regex in FileScanner at first place
(?i)^.+\\(?P<title>[^\\]+)(?P<origtitle>tt\d{7})\ \((?P<year>(19|2\d)\d{2})\)

Now its running perfect and match my movies to 100%.
Thank you very much.

Here I found the Regex Tester for PVD

Scripts and Templates / Re: automatic MovieImport with .nfo-File
« on: April 18, 2013, 07:09:42 pm »
Could that be a solution?? Can PVD match with the IMDB ID the movie to 100%?

Yes. Unfortunately, PVD will not use the IMDb tt number to find the movie. (I'm not sure if even the IMDb web interface will.)

The IMDB webside matche the movie by using the tt number in the search field.

But with an accurate [Title] and [Year] you should get the correct movie about 90% of the time. That's not bad, since it means a Silent Mode import will get 90% in one go. Each of the remaining 10% with then require a few seconds of your time to resolve whatever the ambiguity is. Even if there's a 100 of them, you'll be done faster than anyone can dream up a better solution.

You describe a file-naming scheme in which [Title] and [Year] would always be found in the folder name, consistently delimited by the "_" (or by the "tt000000" separating them). This should do the trick:


The attached screen shot of Expresso's 'regex analyzer' window shows what this expression means/does.

Hello and thx for responding. I had given up to get an answer.  8)

My problem is that I have not ever the accurate [Title]
the origin title is
Dr. No
But in all my movie folder names the IMDB ID matches to 100%

I insert your regex in FileScanner at first place but my e.g. movie cant match it.

Scripts and Templates / Re: automatic MovieImport with .nfo-File
« on: April 08, 2013, 04:19:05 pm »
Pity, nobody can help me.  ???

Maybe a other way who can help me someone.

My Folder-Structure ist:
Video_Title_with_underscore_tt1234567(IMDB id)_(ReleaseYear)
When I insert in the FileScanner the RegEx who filter the IMDB ID can that match?
I am not familiar with RegEx. I need here help too.

Could that be a solution?? Can PVD match with the IMDB ID the movie to 100%?

Scripts and Templates / automatic MovieImport with .nfo-File
« on: April 05, 2013, 08:36:24 pm »
Hello all,
I am using XBMC to view my video collection but I have managed the videos before with PVD. For XBMC I have needed weeks to
My folder/file-structure is:
Folder: "Videoname_ttxxxxxxx(from IMDB)_(YYYY)"
Files:Videoname.ext, Videoname-poster.jpg and Videoname.nfo

The nfo-file have all information inside about the movie. Here a example of the xml-stucture.

Is there a way to scan the folders automatically and import the movie-informations by reading the nfo-File and import the jpg?
Who can help me please?


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