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Messages - dagor

Pages: [1]
Feature Suggestions / Re: Changing the font style and color...
« on: August 20, 2009, 02:21:44 am »
You have url twice. This not recommended as only the last one will be really shown.
My code:
Code: [Select]
   <column width="120" halign="right" valign="top">
    <fieldlabel field="url"/>
<url linkcolor1="$EBE6E8" linkcolor2="$EBE6E8" />


Thanx for hanging tight with me, I can now go on and finish.

Once again thank you for your hard work on this database and sharing!

Best - Stan

Feature Suggestions / Re: Changing the font style and color...
« on: August 20, 2009, 12:49:58 am »
The code works fine for me!

Unfortunately your zip file seems to be corrupt, so I can't check it.

I attached a jpg that shows the code in both xml 'tree' and 'code'. for changeing (URL:) link to white...

could you post your code that worked for you, it might just be a copy paste solution and I could post where I went wrong.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Feature Suggestions / Re: Changing the font style and color...
« on: August 19, 2009, 10:44:07 pm »
the whole thing is case sensitive so, you need to change it like this: <url linkcolor1="$EBE6E8" linkcolor2="$EBE6E8" /> 

Still not quite getting it after cut and pasted your case sensitive code above. I am closing out of pvd and re-opening after saving in XML Notepad and tried pasting it with a standard 'notepad' as well.

Here is one more attachment that shows my XLM tree schematic, source code and screenshot for my quest to turn all links 'white'.

Best - Dagor

[attachment deleted by admin]

Feature Suggestions / Re: Changing the font style and color...
« on: August 19, 2009, 05:30:40 pm »
Fields like genre, url etc need code like this: <genre linkcolor1="$EBE6E8" linkcolor2="$EBE6E8" />

Hi, still going after changing the URL and Tags links to white.

I inserted your code:

   <URL linkcolor1="$EBE6E8" linkcolor2="$EBE6E8" /> 

 I attached the XML tree schematic and source code along w/ a screenshot hoping you could see my mistake after inserting your code.


[attachment deleted by admin]

Feature Suggestions / Re: Changing the font style and color...
« on: August 19, 2009, 01:08:11 am »
These two should be place on top of the file after <pvd_skin_movie> and before the first <section>

Hi, I've got half of the links working, see attachment that shows screenshot and XML code, just need to get the URL and Tags links to do the same, can't quite see what I'm doing wrong.

Best - dagor

[attachment deleted by admin]

Feature Suggestions / Re: Changeing the font style and color...
« on: August 19, 2009, 12:08:47 am »
Welcome, dagor.

See this topic about changing link colors.

I was able to successfully change the link color by using color picker and pasting into the XML source your code from the above link; thanks it now works well for the fields of – director, producer, writer, composer and actors.

I have been trying with no success to now paste:


into the source code for the two remaining link fields of – ‘URL’ and ‘Tags’. I have found the rows for each but after insertion it does not work.

Any thoughts of where this insertion would be??

Best - Stan

Feature Suggestions / Changing the font style and color...
« on: August 18, 2009, 03:06:17 am »
Hi, Great product just what I was looking for!

I downloaded and installed my movies and now starting to customize the screen. I was able to change the color of the skin based on this informative post:

And now the icing on the cake if possible - is there a way to change the font colors including the linked ones and the font style as well?

I changed the skin color using notepad (which I am familiar with) but did download XML Notepad if it would be useful…

Once again thank you for sharing this very cool database!

Pages: [1]