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Messages - Cr4zyc0w

Pages: [1]
Development / Re: Italian translation
« on: July 20, 2009, 09:28:37 am »
Here the notes about the italian translation.

Se qualcuno ha da fare osservazioni riguardo alla traduzione italiana, può postare qui.
Ho dato una mano a Nostradamus con la traduzione, ma non lo faccio di mestiere, quindi segnalate gli strafalcioni   :).

Ciap Emilio, puoi aiutarmi a trasformare in lingua italiana il mio data base creato con Personal Data Video?
Ciao Spioxx il database dei dati sui film non credo sia convertibile in italiano, le informazioni scaricate sui film e sugli attori se prese in inglese sono in inglese, puoi tuttavia riscaricare le informazioni dai siti italiani.
Se invece ti riferisci  alla lingua del programma allora ti basta copiare il file italian.lng che trovi allegato a questo post
rinominarlo in custom.lng e copiarlo nella cartella dove trovi "viddb.exe" (che poi è la cartella di personal video database)
Resto a disposizione per altre domande o nel caso non avessi risposto al tuo quesito.
(bad  ;D)ENGLISH
Hy Spioxx the information database about film i think is not convertable, if you take information from english site you keep this one or re-search from italian site.
If you talk about the program language you can download the file italian.lng from this post
rename it like custom.lng and copy it into the folder where you can find "viddb.exe" (personal video database home folder)
I'm here for answer to any other question or if i don't understand your question.

Development / Re: Italian Translate
« on: July 07, 2009, 02:01:25 pm »
Ok, finish to translate and check two times all word.
I Attach to this post my italian translation  ;)

I hope and think there aren't error and my translation is good.

Ask without problem for any question about translation.

bye bye

P.s. next release contain italian translation? when it's released? for tell to friends and parent to download and use because now have italian localization  ;D

[attachment deleted by admin]

Development / Re: Italian Translate
« on: July 07, 2009, 09:39:32 am »
Ok, after read your answers i translate with something like "new movie wizard".
I'm at line 2500 (i'm work so don't have to many time  ;D)

Another 2 question:

1. the programma accept special key? (like è à é ò ù ì ' )

2. I translate also Genres/Countries/Language (Line 2500/2506/2507) or there are some place for get this value?
Detective in italian can be: "Poliziesco" or "Investigativo"
"Poliziesco" is better, but my question is: this word (Detective) have some association with the site where software take information about movie ?

If don't understand my question i'll try to re-write ^^

Development / Re: Italian Translate
« on: July 03, 2009, 02:41:14 pm »
Ok, i try to translate all traslated (i think play is better untranslated ^^ )

I found an error in english version:
Line 362:
Cu&rrent passowrd

bye bye ^^

Development / Italian Translate
« on: July 03, 2009, 01:45:12 pm »
Hy every,
I found this wonderfull program today and i'm start to translate in italian, because I see in
this topic there aren't italian translation.

One Question, some word (like "Play" or "Movie Master") don't have translation.. or better, there is translation but don't use in italian and don't sounds good..
I think to don't translate this words.. that's ok or is better to translate all?

Bye bye ^^

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