« on: October 09, 2011, 12:59:02 pm »
It's a bit complicated, but here goes.
I am using the 'Release' field for storing UK Certifications e.g. 'U', 'PG', '12A' etc.
The reason for using the Release field is so that it appears in the List, formatted as '%T (%Y) %R' giving me 'Avatar (2009) 12A'.
I then found that if you sort by the Release field it sorts it into 12, 12A, 15, 18, PG, U which is out of age order.
I now use the 'Barcode' field in addition and enter 10 for U, 20 for PG, 30 for 12A, 40 for 12, 50 for 15 and 60 for 18.
This means that I can now sort the Certification correctly for output to a web page. The problem still remains that the names are out of sequence.
I have tried re-indexing the database but this does not help either.
Take a look at the images; maybe they can explain it better.
I also need to do this with the Year and IMDb Ratings so that my individual lists would appear as follows
Type Sort By List Output
Normal Title Avatar
Cert Barcode 12 Avatar
Rating IMDb 8.1 Avatar
Year Year 2009 Avatar
I have got all of these working, apart from the seemingly random order of the titles except where the title is the sort field.
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