« on: February 01, 2009, 05:14:02 pm »
be beter if you have all your settings siting in one place top or beneath and your comments above or below them
krozebox propertied should be more like this sothe cmd your talking about would be easier to see and grasp
rather than hiding them in the midedle of your comments and make things less confusing
samp;le idea
StartService = true
httpPort = 9007
ssdpOn = true
httpOn = true
debug = false
ServiceClass = org.gdgsystems.kroozbox.kroozboxservice.SQLService
dbName = C:/Documents and Settings/HP_Administrator/My Documents/Personal Video
dbaseMediaRoot = c:/
HTMLRoot = PVDTemplate-HD/htm
DefaultCategory = NewestList
UUEncodeMediaLink = false
jdbcDriver = org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver
dbURL = jdbc:firebirdsql:embedded
dbAccount = sysdba
dbPassword = masterkey
copyLocal = true will save the co
mediaPathTable = PVDMediaLocation.properties
mediaLinkPathTable = PVDLinkRelocation.properties
explanations and comments here would be easier to find and understand then
Took me hours to find where to change the sample database with my own
not certain I found them all but when I am will change it from a txt.ext to the unknown app you already set it as
that pllus when I try to play a file nothing happens other than a blank page appearing
how do I resolve that
and how is media tank differ from an XBOX or a Dlink Media Server as I don't own aMedia tank but do own a D-Linkk DSM 520 Media Center that transfers from the Hard drive to the TV set
with more media centers out there iwhqat makes Media Tank any different than any other