Support / Re: Adding People
« on: March 15, 2010, 06:48:29 pm »
Thank You!
If unerstood right my plugins are Allmovie.com and AMAZON.CO.UK.
What is is URL??? (Im so novice whit this)
I have tried to remove duplcates from Optimize database, but then actors was disappearing from movie database and left at only one movie.
After that i have to import movie infos again from Allmovie to every movie.
If unerstood right my plugins are Allmovie.com and AMAZON.CO.UK.
What is is URL??? (Im so novice whit this)
I have tried to remove duplcates from Optimize database, but then actors was disappearing from movie database and left at only one movie.
After that i have to import movie infos again from Allmovie to every movie.