Personal Video Database

English => Support => Topic started by: afrocuban on October 18, 2020, 11:50:38 pm

Title: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on October 18, 2020, 11:50:38 pm
Hello Ivek.

I hope I find you well. I wanted to ask you if you could tell  what IMDB scripts I should use in order to get the largest possible set of data from IMDb for one movie, and which set of scripts for series?

Thank you in advance.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on October 20, 2020, 09:18:51 am
Hello Ivek.

I hope I find you well. I wanted to ask you if you could tell  what IMDB scripts I should use in order to get the largest possible set of data from IMDb for one movie, and which set of scripts for series?

Thank you in advance.

To download info from IMDB for movies, a revised IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (afrocuban) script for the PVD MOD version is recommended. Below is the link where you can find the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (afrocuban) script.,4134.msg21153.html#msg21153

To download info from IMDB for people, the IMDB_People_ [EN] [HTTPS]) script for the PVD MOD version is recommended. Below is the link where you can find the IMDB_People_ [EN] [HTTPS]) script.,4134.msg20903.html#msg20903

A fixed IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (series) (Miguelh1020) script for the PVD MOD version is recommended to download info from IMDB for series. Below is the link where you can find the  IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (series) (Miguelh1020) script.,4150.msg21129.html#msg21129

To download info from IMDB for episodes, the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (episodes) script for the PVD MOD version is recommended. Below is the link where you can find the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (episodes) script.

For Personal Video Database MOD currently does not have any IMDb script to download and edit the episode and probably will not be in the future. There is, however, the possibility that this will work through the Proxomitron program. At the moment, I do not have much time right now, but at least I'll check if it works and let you know if it's possible to help and solve the problem.

IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (series) script and IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (episodes) script are now available, which work in Personal Video Database MOD version. You can find them at the links below.

Details of the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (series) script and the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (episodes) script can be found in the links below.,4134.msg21073.html#msg21073,4134.msg21074.html#msg21074

IMDB Movie (episodelist) (a) script and IMDB Movie (episodelist) script are recommended to download info from IMDB for episode series. More details are here. However, TheTVDB.dll plugin can also be used, which in turn downloads all episode titles for all podf series seasons provided that a particular series is located in their series database.

More info:,4044.msg21078.html#msg21078

IMDB Movie (episodelist) (a) script and IMDB Movie (episodelist) script and TheTVDB.dll plugin work using Proxomitron. Below is the link where you can find the IMDB Movie (episodelist) (a) script and IMDB Movie (episodelist) script and TheTVDB.dll plugin.,4044.msg21078.html#msg21078

Here is the plugin code for the proxomitron default.cfg file for TheTVDB.dll. Copy this code to the proxomitron default.cfg file and the TheTVDB.dll plugin should work.
[HTTP headers]
Out = TRUE
Key = "URL: (Out)"
URL = "((www.|)|"
Match = "http://\1"
Replace = "$RDIR(https://\1)"

Key = "Location: (In)"
URL = "(www.|)"
Match = "https://(|\1/\2"
Replace = "http://\1/\2"

Out = TRUE
Key = "URL: (Out)"
URL = "((www.|)|"
Match = "http://\1"
Replace = "$RDIR(https://\1)"

Key = "Location: (In)"
URL = ""
Match = "https://(|\1/\2"
Replace = "http://\1/\2"

Out = TRUE
Key = "URL: (Out)"
URL = "(|"
Match = "http://\1"
Replace = "$RDIR(https://\1)"

The full proxomitron default.cfg can be found at the link below.,4162.msg21119.html#msg21119
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on October 21, 2020, 08:38:38 pm
Wow! This is so great!

I have to kindly ask you to look at the list of IMDb scripts that I have:


Can you recognize them and can you please tell me which ones is safe to archive because they are outdated/redudant/not needed, etc?

Thank you in advance
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on October 23, 2020, 11:58:46 am
The following scripts should remain;
Other scripts so archive to a new folder in the Scripts folder so you have them right at hand to look in them.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on October 23, 2020, 07:33:16 pm
Thanks it will help me a lot to clean Scripts folder.

What about IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] (afrocuban).psf? It seems it's the only one working for me?

Also, I understand that with (series) we get seasons and episode list, and with (episodes) we get content of each episode.

But, what we get with (episodelist) and "(episodelist) (a)" scripts comparing to (series) and (episodes)?

Also, what's the difference between those two scripts: (episodelist) and "(episodelist) (a)"?

Is it possible to merge all those episode/series scripts into cumulative all-in-one script for series?

And the last question: is it possible to merge IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] and IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Connections) into one script?

In general, is it possible to have only 3 scripts: for movies, series and people?
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on October 25, 2020, 10:08:36 am
What about IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] (afrocuban).psf? It seems it's the only one working for me?

Now here is the new IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] V script, which is exactly the same as the IMDB_ [EN] (afrocuban) script and should work the same as the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (afrocuban) script.

Also, I understand that with (series) we get seasons and episode list, and with (episodes) we get content of each episode.

But, what we get with (episodelist) and "(episodelist) (a)" scripts comparing to (series) and (episodes)?

Here we get a list of seasons and episodes of the season and get information on the number of seasons of one series. You can also use TheTVDB.dll plugin, which has already been mentioned above. Below are more details about TheTVDB.dll plugin.

There is another option, which is mentioned in https script topic. can be found at the link below:,4162.msg21119.html#msg21119

TheTVDB plugin downloads all seasons of the series at once provided that this series exists in their database.

Also, what's the difference between those two scripts: (episodelist) and "(episodelist) (a)"?

The IMDB Movie (episodelist) script and more detailed explanations can be found at the link below.,4044.msg19493.html#msg19493

Is it possible to merge all those episode/series scripts into cumulative all-in-one script for series?

No, because Imdb Movie (episodelist) script or Imdb Movie (episodelist) (a) script has its own way of finding results than IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (series) script and it is not possible to combine it into one cumulative all-in-one script for series.

And the last question: is it possible to merge IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] and IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Connections) into one script?

No, because the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script is as it is now, also final. IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Connections) script is a secondary script for those users who want to have additional invisible movies links in their database. In addition, these additional links in your database further increase the size of the database file and also indirectly slow down the responsiveness and operation of the PVD program.

In general, is it possible to have only 3 scripts: for movies, series and people?

No, the above is the reason this is not possible.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on October 25, 2020, 01:28:54 pm
Thank you so much for your time and patience dear Ivek, and I am terribly sorry for repeating questions, sometimes. I'm just trying to get as largest as possible amount of data from IMDb. That said, it's not a problem for me chaining scripts, when merging is not possible/desirable.

So, please let me know:

1. For series, in what order the chain has to be applied: (series)->(episodeslist)(a)->(episodeslist)->(episodes), or what?
2. For movies, obviously only chain of 2 scripts has to be applied: IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS]->IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Connections), right?
3. For people, only: IMDB_People_ [EN] [HTTPS], right?
4. Is IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Connections) applicable with series, episodes and people too, so I could chain IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Connections) with 1. and 3. as well?

There is no way at the moment to get larger amount of data than using scripts I stated above?

Best regards

EDIT: I just applied only (episodelist) script to a title "The Boys" and I got list of all seasons, list of all episodes, URL series address in the URL normal box of the series and Seasons-Episodes custom field filled up. So I really don't understand the difference between (episodelist) and (episodelist)(a) script, and why we I would use it, sorry...
EDIT2: I got the difference - the only difference is that we get starting year for the series with (episodelist)(a), which we can't get with (episodelist). It's a shame that these 2 scripts can't be merged, at least...
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on October 26, 2020, 08:58:48 am
EDIT: I just applied only (episodelist) script to a title "The Boys" and I got list of all seasons, list of all episodes, URL series address in the URL normal box of the series and Seasons-Episodes custom field filled up. So I really don't understand the difference between (episodelist) and (episodelist)(a) script, and why we I would use it, sorry...
EDIT2: I got the difference - the only difference is that we get starting year for the series with (episodelist)(a), which we can't get with (episodelist). It's a shame that these 2 scripts can't be merged, at least...

To reiterate the difference between the Imdb Movie (episodelist) script and the Imdb Movie (episodelist) (a) script. The Imdb Movie (episodelist) script shows you the search results and then also finds the seasons including the episodes and of course the data in the Seasons-Episodes custom box, which takes quite some time. The Imdb Movie (episodelist) (a) script shows you the search results and then only adds the year of the beginning of the season, the url address and of course the data to the custom Seasons-Episodes field, which takes very little time. The advantage of this is that it will show you series titles in the search results that the IMDB_ [EN] (HTTPS] (series) script may not display. Then the next steps are easier because the other scripts immediately transfer certain information to you without displaying the search results. And this advantage that you can repeat the search for results, if maybe the previous url address was not correct for what you were looking for.

Thank you so much for your time and patience dear Ivek, and I am terribly sorry for repeating questions, sometimes. I'm just trying to get as largest as possible amount of data from IMDb. That said, it's not a problem for me chaining scripts, when merging is not possible/desirable.


1. For series, in what order the chain has to be applied: (series)->(episodeslist)(a)->(episodeslist)->(episodes), or what?

In that order as below.
(episodeslist) (a)->(episodeslist)->(series)->(episodes)

2. For movies, obviously only chain of 2 scripts has to be applied: IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS]->IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Connections), right?

Only IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script, because IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Connections) no longer works and there will be no new update for it in the near future.

3. For people, only: IMDB_People_ [EN] [HTTPS], right?


4. Is IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Connections) applicable with series, episodes and people too, so I could chain IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Connections) with 1. and 3. as well?

No. because IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Connections) is no longer working properly and there will be no new updates for it in the near future. For series maybe, but for people not at all.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on October 26, 2020, 05:34:29 pm
Thank you, Ivek. Finally everything is clear to me! Maybe you should consider to stick this topic for other users (I am comforting myself that I am not the dummiest of them all, hahahah).

1. For series, in what order the chain has to be applied: (series)->(episodeslist)(a)->(episodeslist)->(episodes), or what?

In that order as below.
(episodeslist) (a)->(episodeslist)->(series)->(episodes)

Great. This will make it possible with 2 batch files: first 2 scripts via Proxo, and the latter 2 without Proxo. I'm wondering is it possible with batch file to route to That would make it possible all 4 scripts with one batch file...


Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on October 26, 2020, 06:31:10 pm
Thank you, Ivek. Finally everything is clear to me! Maybe you should consider to stick this topic for other users (I am comforting myself that I am not the dummiest of them all, hahahah).


1. For series, in what order the chain has to be applied: (series)->(episodeslist)(a)->(episodeslist)->(episodes), or what?

In that order as below.
(episodeslist) (a)->(episodeslist)->(series)->(episodes)

Great. This will make it possible with 2 batch files: first 2 scripts via Proxo, and the latter 2 without Proxo.


I'm wondering is it possible with batch file to route to That would make it possible all 4 scripts with one batch file...

Sorry, as far as I know, this will not work, because IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] scripts do not transfer information when you have proxy settings turned on in PVD.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on October 26, 2020, 06:39:39 pm
Thank you!

I thought something like this:

NAME=IMDB(episodelist) (a)+(episodelist)+IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series)+IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes)
DESC= IMDB(episodelist)(a)+(episodelist)+IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series)+IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes)

netsh winhttp set proxy

EXECUTE=Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a).psf|Imdb Movie(episodelist).psf

netsh winhttp reset proxy

Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on October 26, 2020, 06:48:04 pm
Thank you!

I thought something like this:

NAME=IMDB(episodelist) (a)+(episodelist)+IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series)+IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes)
DESC= IMDB(episodelist)(a)+(episodelist)+IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series)+IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes)

netsh winhttp set proxy

EXECUTE=Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a).psf|Imdb Movie(episodelist).psf

netsh winhttp reset proxy


I wish you that this will work for you. Best regards.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Pacifist on October 28, 2020, 10:53:22 am
How can I make sure that the IMDB scripts do not span two posters? Moreover, they are absolutely the same !!! What settings should the scripts have? Script versions have been updated to the latest. Thanks.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on October 29, 2020, 08:33:13 am
How can I make sure that the IMDB scripts do not span two posters? Moreover, they are absolutely the same !!! What settings should the scripts have? Script versions have been updated to the latest. Thanks.

Namely, what you have in the poster box is a bit unusual for the PVD v1.0.2.7 version.
If you are using any PVD v1.0.2.7 version, you may have a maximum of only one poster per movie in the poster field.

You can mark a poster field in PVD settings so that the poster has a dark field (then downloaded the posters if the poster field is empty in the database) or mark the field with a tick (it will overwrite the poster) or without it (there will be no poster transfer).

Do a test to see what will happen, otherwise I will need more information about the Imdb script and the PVD version you are using.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Pacifist on October 29, 2020, 12:44:15 pm
How can I make sure that the IMDB scripts do not span two posters? Moreover, they are absolutely the same !!! What settings should the scripts have? Script versions have been updated to the latest. Thanks.

Namely, what you have in the poster box is a bit unusual for the PVD v1.0.2.7 version.
If you are using any PVD v1.0.2.7 version, you may have a maximum of only one poster per movie in the poster field.

You can mark a poster field in PVD settings so that the poster has a dark field (then downloaded the posters if the poster field is empty in the database) or mark the field with a tick (it will overwrite the poster) or without it (there will be no poster transfer).

Do a test to see what will happen, otherwise I will need more information about the Imdb script and the PVD version you are using.
Excuse me, but what in the settings of the PVD program itself is responsible for importing the poster? I only see the settings for where the posters should be stored. I previously dealt only with the KINOPOISK script, and there it was changed by the TRUE or FALSE parameter in the script itself.
I am using version PVD_1.0.2.7_MOD-V20191020 and IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] V script without any changes.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on October 30, 2020, 06:39:19 pm
How can I make sure that the IMDB scripts do not span two posters? Moreover, they are absolutely the same !!! What settings should the scripts have? Script versions have been updated to the latest. Thanks.

Namely, what you have in the poster box is a bit unusual for the PVD v1.0.2.7 version.
If you are using any PVD v1.0.2.7 version, you may have a maximum of only one poster per movie in the poster field.

You can mark a poster field in PVD settings so that the poster has a dark field (then downloaded the posters if the poster field is empty in the database) or mark the field with a tick (it will overwrite the poster) or without it (there will be no poster transfer).

Do a test to see what will happen, otherwise I will need more information about the Imdb script and the PVD version you are using.
Excuse me, but what in the settings of the PVD program itself is responsible for importing the poster? I only see the settings for where the posters should be stored. I previously dealt only with the KINOPOISK script, and there it was changed by the TRUE or FALSE parameter in the script itself.
I am using version PVD_1.0.2.7_MOD-V20191020 and IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] V script without any changes.

IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] scripts do not yet have such an option in poster settings in scripts as in the KINOPOISK script. This option may be added for future IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script updates. These are the settings for posters in PVD settings (see image) if you do not want to have posters from IMDB web pages.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Pacifist on October 31, 2020, 08:47:15 am
How can I make sure that the IMDB scripts do not span two posters? Moreover, they are absolutely the same !!! What settings should the scripts have? Script versions have been updated to the latest. Thanks.

Namely, what you have in the poster box is a bit unusual for the PVD v1.0.2.7 version.
If you are using any PVD v1.0.2.7 version, you may have a maximum of only one poster per movie in the poster field.

You can mark a poster field in PVD settings so that the poster has a dark field (then downloaded the posters if the poster field is empty in the database) or mark the field with a tick (it will overwrite the poster) or without it (there will be no poster transfer).

Do a test to see what will happen, otherwise I will need more information about the Imdb script and the PVD version you are using.
Excuse me, but what in the settings of the PVD program itself is responsible for importing the poster? I only see the settings for where the posters should be stored. I previously dealt only with the KINOPOISK script, and there it was changed by the TRUE or FALSE parameter in the script itself.
I am using version PVD_1.0.2.7_MOD-V20191020 and IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] V script without any changes.

IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] scripts do not yet have such an option in poster settings in scripts as in the KINOPOISK script. This option may be added for future IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script updates. These are the settings for posters in PVD settings (see image) if you do not want to have posters from IMDB web pages.
I seem to have wondered why two identical posters appear. If the "REWRIT" checkbox is selected in the script settings, the program compresses two posters. If "IF EMPTY" is checked - only one poster. It should not be.  :'( :'( :'( ???
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on November 01, 2020, 10:15:40 am
I seem to have wondered why two identical posters appear. If the "REWRIT" checkbox is selected in the script settings, the program compresses two posters. If "IF EMPTY" is checked - only one poster. It should not be.  :'( :'( :'( ???

Interesting that this is happening to you, because in the transfer i have never had these problems with posters in any PVD v1.0.2.7 version. It is not possible to download more than one poster in any PVD v1.0.2.7 version, because there is an error in the program that does not allow it. However, you can manually add more posters to the poster box.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Pacifist on November 01, 2020, 10:40:31 am
I seem to have wondered why two identical posters appear. If the "REWRIT" checkbox is selected in the script settings, the program compresses two posters. If "IF EMPTY" is checked - only one poster. It should not be.  :'( :'( :'( ???

Interesting that this is happening to you, because in the transfer i have never had these problems with posters in any PVD v1.0.2.7 version. It is not possible to download more than one poster in any PVD v1.0.2.7 version, because there is an error in the program that does not allow it. However, you can manually add more posters to the poster box.
and I have never had this. I've been working with PVD since version 0.9.x and have never seen duplicate posters.  ???
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on November 01, 2020, 05:47:42 pm
I can confiirm that only one poster is imported in my PVD Mod
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Miguelh1020 on November 04, 2020, 01:43:54 am
I have had 2 duplicated posters sometimes.
I think it happened running IMDB[EN][HTTPS] through Proxomitron

I've been trying different approaches with that script, it doesn't download Director, Producer, Writer and Composer.
Maybe I don't have the latest version
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on November 04, 2020, 02:44:50 am
I've been trying different approaches with that script, it doesn't download Director, Producer, Writer and Composer.
Maybe I don't have the latest version,4134.msg21152.html#msg21152,4135.msg21199.html#msg21199
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on November 04, 2020, 10:16:49 am
I've been trying different approaches with that script, it doesn't download Director, Producer, Writer and Composer.
Maybe I don't have the latest version,4134.msg21152.html#msg21152,4135.msg21199.html#msg21199

Thank you for referring him with links to where to look for what he needs.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on November 04, 2020, 06:41:35 pm
You are welcome, Ivek. Thank you for keeping PVD alive. What is going on with Easy, no hear from him?
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Miguelh1020 on November 07, 2020, 02:21:40 am
Thanks guys!
I'll get these versions!
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on December 17, 2020, 08:54:40 pm
IMDb is changing layout again. Smells like new troubles for us...
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on December 18, 2020, 07:05:03 pm
IMDb is changing layout again. Smells like new troubles for us...

Very big changes are expected in the future on IMDb movies main pages. IMDb will run in mobile form in the future, which means there will be a lot of changes and updates to IMDb scripts it will not be in the near future for the time being.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on December 19, 2020, 08:48:32 am
IMDb is changing layout again. Smells like new troubles for us...

Very big changes are expected in the future on IMDb movies main pages. IMDb will run in mobile form in the future, which means there will be a lot of changes and updates to IMDb scripts it will not be in the near future for the time being.

Here is also a picture where the possibility of changing the versions of the IMDB web page is visible.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on December 19, 2020, 02:35:15 pm
10 Things I hate about mobile phone layouts...
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Pacifist on January 17, 2021, 11:16:44 am
Sorry, but please explain briefly again - which script should import information about the series itself and the list of seasons and episodes for it: "IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (episodes).psf" or "IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (series).psf"? I have ONLY old Imdb Movie (episodelist).psf working. And for him you have to turn on the proxomitron...
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on January 17, 2021, 02:53:33 pm
1. Turn on proxomitron and set proxy in PVD for it (  port 80)
2. Import Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a).psf to series title record
3. Import Imdb Movie(episodelist).psf to series title record.
4. Turn off proxy in PVD.
5. Import IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series).psf script to series title record.
5a. Optionally apply IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Connections).psf and then IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Cast&Crew).psf in order to get the largest possible set of data from IMDb for the Series
6. Import IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series).psf script to all episodes, just in case.
7. Import IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes).psf to all episodes.
7a.  Optionally apply IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Connections).psf and then IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Cast&Crew).psf in order to get the largest possible set of data from IMDb for the episodes.

Also you can use these batch files in attachment that I use so to significantly reduce manual work. Extract and put them in "plugins" folder, restart PVD and then:

1. The same as 1. above.
2. Find in import plugins list and import the title IMDB(episodelist) (a)+(episodelist).batch
3. Same as 4. above.
4. Find in import plugins list and import the title  IMDB(series)+(episodes)+Connect+FullCast&Crew.batch to series title record.
5. Find in import plugins list and import the title  IMDB(series)+(episodes)+Connect+FullCast&Crew.batch to all episodes.

Open each .batch file with notepad and there you can find which scripts you need to download from "Script links" section

Others are also welcome to use my batch files as well as to share their batch files.

Best regards
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Pacifist on January 23, 2021, 10:17:00 am
1. Turn on proxomitron and set proxy in PVD for it (  port 80)
2. Import Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a).psf to series title record
3. Import Imdb Movie(episodelist).psf to series title record.
4. Turn off proxy in PVD.
5. ........
It seems they misunderstood me (I use Google Translate to translate from Russian into English). I wanted to finally understand: WHAT script for working with IMDB SHOULD download the list of seasons. I know how to create BAT files for working with PVD. For me it is enough to download "List of seasons" + "General information for the WHOLE series" + "Awards and Links". I don't need detailed information on each episode. None of the new scripts (IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] .psf, IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (episodes) .psf, IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (series) .psf) do this for me. Thank you.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on January 23, 2021, 11:50:47 pm
Why didn't you try from the beginning as written above? Why don't you mention "Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a).psf" and "Imdb Movie(episodelist).psf" scripts? From 1-4 you will get list of episodes with these 2 scripts. No other scripts will get you list of episodes 5-5a will get you series info. 6-7a will get you each episode detailed info if you want that , as it's all written above.

Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Pacifist on January 24, 2021, 09:13:18 am
Why didn't you try from the beginning as written above? Why don't you mention "Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a).psf" and "Imdb Movie(episodelist).psf" scripts? From 1-4 you will get list of episodes with these 2 scripts. No other scripts will get you list of episodes 5-5a will get you series info. 6-7a will get you each episode detailed info if you want that , as it's all written above.
1) "Imdb Movie (episodelist) (a) .psf" doesn't download anything at all. Only "Imdb Movie (episodelist) .psf" works.
2) All this boring conversation I started and continue with only one goal. Here, only you and Ivek understand something about scripting. Is it really impossible to create ONE script to download information about a sitcom? I am satisfied with the amount of information that is obtained using "IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (series)". Can I edit it so that it downloads the "seasons" + "episodes" list as well (as shown in fig. "IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (series) + Imdb Movie (episodelist).jpg")? Do you really like to turn on / off the "" setting? Best regards and thanks for your patience. :-[
P.S. by the way, the scripts "IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS]" and "IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (series)" stopped filling the "CATEGORY" field.   ;)
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Pacifist on January 24, 2021, 12:13:44 pm
how to close the loading of information in the "COMMENTS" field for IMDB scripts??
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on January 24, 2021, 06:11:44 pm
1. I know nothing about scripting, just using common sense. Unfortunately, it is not possible to put all scripts into one script, Ivek already told us that - some because they need proxomitron, some for other (coding, as I understood) reasons. We discussed all that very recently. What is needed is to read, read and read before asking. Then, one can say, I've read a lot on the forum, but couldn't find an answer for...
That is usual behavior on all forums and search engine on the forum can help us a lot while looking for an info.
Nobody likes "thing" but PVD is so powerful comparing to others, that it is less job to use that in PVD, then to achieve the same goal with other catalogers. A lot, lot of options are even not available in other catalogers. Not to speak about customizing...
2. IMDb is again in a transition process, so the scripts will inevitably need updating. It was announced on IMDb recently, we discussed it immediately here, I have wrote about that here, so I've decided to do mass update of all my movies just in case future scripting gets to dead end. again, all of that is written here recently. So, good to know which fields don't work anymore. But, for example, custom movie field "IMDb Category" still works, so you can use that one for movies (I can't check at the moment for the series).
3. If I properly understand you, you can stop importing any info by un-checikng it in its configuration (it's the third small icon beside script name - look your picture above where you rounded batch file with red elipse). To be sure, uncheck desired option both in a script configuration as well as in the batch file configuration where the svript is included.
4. I've asked you if it's true what you said that nostra - the author of PVD is dead and how do you know, but you didn't give me that answer, so I am asking you again, please.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Pacifist on January 25, 2021, 07:57:05 am
1. I know nothing about scripting, just using common sense. Unfortunately, it is not possible to put all scripts into one script, Ivek already told us that - some because they need proxomitron, some for other (coding, as I understood) reasons. We discussed all that very recently. What is needed is to read, read and read before asking. Then, one can say, I've read a lot on the forum, but couldn't find an answer for...
1. Very sorry. As for viewing previous messages, as I already wrote, I have to use a translator, so I can hardly track what is being discussed on the forum. Especially until June 2020. And therefore, my requests may repeat what was discussed in your thread earlier. Excuse me.
2.The "CATEGORY" field is not filled in for films (for example, The Place "", Skyscraper "", Roma "" etc.) nor for serials. Although all items are specially marked in the script properties.
3. There is no item to control the "COMMENTS" field in the script properties. It's somewhere in the script itself. I have to make sure every time that the information I need is not lost when the program is updated.
4. With the message that Nostra is dead, maybe I got excited. Now I looked through the messages from Djek-ural again and did not find any records about it there. But, anyway, after 2015 Nostra completely abandoned the program. And after him the rest of the moderators-programmers left. Only thanks to Djek-ural the program was supported in the Russian thread of the forum.

Thank you.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on January 25, 2021, 09:28:02 am
3. Which script loaded that "- 3D version (14.6GB)..." content into comments field from your picture above? It looks very strange to me. Into comments field should be loaded user comments from IMDb.

Thanks for responses on 1, 2, and 4.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Pacifist on January 26, 2021, 07:28:46 am
3. Which script loaded that "- 3D version (14.6GB)..." content into comments field from your picture above? It looks very strange to me. Into comments field should be loaded user comments from IMDb.

Thanks for responses on 1, 2, and 4.

I fill in the "COMMENTS" field with my own information (for example, if I have several versions of a film: 2D or 3D, Theatrical or Directors cuts, for serials it is the number of seasons that I already have). Therefore, I also need control over the filling of this field.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on January 26, 2021, 03:34:20 pm
Ok, but that is not quite good approach, if you ask me. For such things I have made dozens of custom fields. If you use default skin, then they will be automatically visible once you define such custom fields in Preferences->Custom items (just add "memo" field and name it as you like it)


Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Pacifist on August 07, 2021, 12:27:14 pm
the script "Imdb_Movie (list of episodes).psf" completely stopped importing information about the number of seasons and episodes (!pic1.jpg). Is it possible to fix this and pass this function to some other script, please? For example "IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (episodes) .psf".
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on August 08, 2021, 11:01:44 am
the script "Imdb_Movie (list of episodes).psf" completely stopped importing information about the number of seasons and episodes (!pic1.jpg). Is it possible to fix this and pass this function to some other script, please? For example "IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (episodes) .psf".

I hope that a solution will be found regarding the new layout of the Main IMDb websites, as mentioned below.

P.S. we are waiting for a new version of the script "IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (episodes) .psf" and "IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (series) .psf"  ;)

As for the new script updates for the series and episodes, it will take a little longer due to the new layout of the Main IMDb websites. Now the source code notation has changed a lot, which causes quite a few headaches so that certain information can be found about where it is written. As a result, it also causes problems for the correct way to write code in a script to download certain information.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Pacifist on September 04, 2022, 03:49:14 pm
the script (IMDB Movie Script) does not want to import the list of series. Displays an empty search list and that's it. Although there is already a direct address (pic1).
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Pacifist on September 25, 2022, 01:34:55 pm
Help, the script "Imdb_Movie(episodel).psf" stopped working. There is an address, but a message appears (!pic0.jpg). Or an empty one appears (!pic1.jpg) and does not import the list of series.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on September 26, 2022, 08:17:59 am
the script (IMDB Movie Script) does not want to import the list of series. Displays an empty search list and that's it. Although there is already a direct address (pic1).
Help, the script "Imdb_Movie(episodel).psf" stopped working. There is an address, but a message appears (!pic0.jpg). Or an empty one appears (!pic1.jpg) and does not import the list of series.

Yes, I already know. I am already solving the problem, now I am already testing the new version, which will work in the MOD version.

At the same time, I am also testing the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_1 script, where it was also necessary to correct some errors. I have discovered these now, or they are the result of changes in the source code of pages on the Imdb web pages.

It's going to take a while because the fixes for the Seasons from Episode List information are causing me quite a bit of trouble getting the information for Seasons to download correctly.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Pacifist on September 27, 2022, 11:48:27 am
the script (IMDB Movie Script) does not want to import the list of series. Displays an empty search list and that's it. Although there is already a direct address (pic1).
Help, the script "Imdb_Movie(episodel).psf" stopped working. There is an address, but a message appears (!pic0.jpg). Or an empty one appears (!pic1.jpg) and does not import the list of series.

Yes, I already know. I am already solving the problem, now I am already testing the new version, which will work in the MOD version.

At the same time, I am also testing the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_1 script, where it was also necessary to correct some errors. I have discovered these now, or they are the result of changes in the source code of pages on the Imdb web pages.

It's going to take a while because the fixes for the Seasons from Episode List information are causing me quite a bit of trouble getting the information for Seasons to download correctly.
Thanks a lot. We look forward to a successful solution to the problem!
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on November 23, 2022, 09:06:42 am
I noticed quite a few changes in the download of IMDb movies information, which means there have been changes in the source code for the IMDb movies web pages. This means that the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script does not transfer all the information.

It will be necessary to fix the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script. The same goes for IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_1, which is made for testing users to report possible errors in the transmission of information.

Sorry, but at the moment I have quite a few health problems (including with my eyes), so I can't edit any Imdb scripts at the moment.

Slowly my health is improving, but my mother's health is deteriorating. This means that I don't have much time to fix and edit all the IMDB scripts. We will see when I can add some IMDB script (new version) to the forum.  I hope it will be as soon as possible.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on February 09, 2023, 08:38:27 am
The IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script no longer downloads certain information for movies because there have been major changes in the source code of certain web pages. The script only downloads information from the basic Movies page. It currently also downloads information from the Full Cast & Crew, Awards and Plot Keywords web pages. Here, too, there will be changes in the source code sometime by the end of February. Currently, it still downloads movies information from the Reference View website for movies, but it's only a matter of time how long this will be, because the Reference View website is supposed to be discontinued in the near future, unfortunately for us of course.

There will be many problems for corrections in the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script, it is also possible that certain web pages and the transfer of information will no longer be possible in the future.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on March 22, 2023, 07:44:45 pm
You can find the new IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_1b script at the link below.,4134.msg21732.html#msg21732
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on May 23, 2023, 05:05:06 am
The IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script no longer downloads certain information for movies because there have been major changes in the source code of certain web pages. The script only downloads information from the basic Movies page. It currently also downloads information from the Full Cast & Crew, Awards and Plot Keywords web pages. Here, too, there will be changes in the source code sometime by the end of February. Currently, it still downloads movies information from the Reference View website for movies, but it's only a matter of time how long this will be, because the Reference View website is supposed to be discontinued in the near future, unfortunately for us of course.

There will be many problems for corrections in the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script, it is also possible that certain web pages and the transfer of information will no longer be possible in the future.

Even from the pages listed above [EN][HTTPS] the script practically does not transfer any information anymore, except only downloads information from the basic Movies page. So there won't be any new IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script updates anymore because it is no longer possible to download many full downloads of information. The new Imdb website design does not allow this anymore.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on November 18, 2023, 09:28:15 pm
In the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script, the IMDB search results no longer work due to a change in the source code on these pages.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on December 01, 2023, 11:29:49 am
In the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script, the IMDB search results no longer work due to a change in the source code on these pages.

I managed to find a solution for IMDB search results. I am testing the scripts now to correct any errors, then they will be available on the forum in a few days.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on December 02, 2023, 11:50:13 pm
That is just great! Both working on a script and ability to post again! Thank you Ivek!
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on December 11, 2023, 05:49:47 pm
Hello Ivek. Is there a way to "Set If Empty" custom field, in a way it is possible with the settings of regular fields? Namely, I'd like to set <custom field="IMDb User Comments" collapsedlines="4"/> this way if it's empty.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: leogets on December 12, 2023, 02:29:03 am
IMDB Search still not working you already know.  If I input the URL for each of the movies not found then run/import using IMDB [EN][HTTPS]_TEST_1 All the information is downloaded for each of the movies.   Just the search to find does not work. 
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on December 12, 2023, 08:47:59 am
Yes, I already know and I'm working on getting the results display working again. But in the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script I can't find a solution for finding the results so far. I'm testing the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script, which is only for searching results, but there are still errors that I need to fix. I'm also testing the Imdb Movie Info(title) script, which works with the help of Proxomitron. I am also looking for a solution for[EN][HTTPS]_ b+ script which would work in all PVD versions of the program.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on December 12, 2023, 10:37:38 pm
Thanks Ivek. Any feedback on my question?
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on December 13, 2023, 08:37:53 am
Thanks Ivek. Any feedback on my question?

Code: [Select]
              <column halign="right" valign="top">
                  <!--<border shape="none" /> -->
                  <border shape="none" width="1" />
                      <label width="80" halign="right">
                        <caption>IMDb User Comments</caption>
                          <bold />
                      <spacer width="-5" />
                      <custom field="IMDb User Comments" collapsedlines="4"/>

                      <spacer width="11" />

Yes, maybe this will help you. If any field was left blank as in this example, it will not be visible.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on December 13, 2023, 10:33:45 am
I am also looking for a solution for[EN][HTTPS]_ b+ script which would work in all PVD versions of the program.

Notification.[EN][HTTPS]_ b+ script was not working properly and PVD stopped working. Therefore, the attachment was removed.[EN][HTTPS]_ b+ script is now called[EN][HTTPS]_Search script which would work in all PVD versions of the program. You can also add this long text IUpdated01 custom field to the database[EN][HTTPS]_Search script attached.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on December 14, 2023, 01:49:32 am

Yes, maybe this will help you. If any field was left blank as in this example, it will not be visible.

Thanks, but I wasn't clear. My goal is something else.

As you know(?), at the moment IMDb script doesn't import IMDb reviews/user comments.

Instead, the script fills in the field with:
Code: [Select]
fbml"><head><meta charSet="utf-8"/><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"/><script>if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'LoadTitle', {wb: 1}); }</script><script>window.addEventListen

I want to avoid this and to be able to set importing for this/custom field to be "Do nothing" or "Set if empty", like for the default fields in the screenshot.

Is that possible?
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on December 14, 2023, 02:26:07 am[EN][HTTPS]_Search script attached.

Executing the script causes the error on my side
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on December 14, 2023, 10:14:28 am

Yes, maybe this will help you. If any field was left blank as in this example, it will not be visible.

Thanks, but I wasn't clear. My goal is something else.

As you know(?), at the moment IMDb script doesn't import IMDb reviews/user comments.

Instead, the script fills in the field with:
Code: [Select]
fbml"><head><meta charSet="utf-8"/><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"/><script>if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'LoadTitle', {wb: 1}); }</script><script>window.addEventListen

I want to avoid this and to be able to set importing for this/custom field to be "Do nothing" or "Set if empty", like for the default fields in the screenshot.

Is that possible?

Code: [Select]
    //Get ~User Reviews~
    curPos:=Pos('<h3 class="ipc-title__text">User reviews',HTML);              //WEB_SPECIFIC.
    If 0<curPos then begin
curPos:=PosFrom('</button><div class="ipc-overflowText--children"><div class="ipc-html-content ipc-html-content--base" role="presentation"><div class="ipc-html-content-inner-div">',HTML,curPos)+Length('</button><div class="ipc-overflowText--children"><div class="ipc-html-content ipc-html-content--base" role="presentation"><div class="ipc-html-content-inner-div">');   //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC;
EndPos:=PosFrom('</div></div></div><div class="ipc-list-card__actions"><div data-testid="review-actions" class="',HTML,curPos);   //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemValue:=Copy(HTML,curPos,endPos-curPos);   //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=Pos('<!DOCTYPE html>',ItemValue);
If 0<curPos then ItemValue:=Copy(ItemValue,0,curPos-1);
If 0<curPos then ItemValue:=Copy(ItemValue,0,curPos-1);
curPos:=Pos('Find showtimes, ',ItemValue);
If 0<curPos then ItemValue:=Copy(ItemValue,0,curPos-1);
        AddCustomFieldValueByName('User Reviews',ItemValue);
AddCustomFieldValueByName('User Comments',ItemValue);
        if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage('      Get result User Reviews (CF~User Reviews~): <br>'+ItemValue+'||');
Here is the code for IMDb reviews/user comments. Replace this code in the script, it should fix the problem.

Is that possible?
Not possible.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on December 14, 2023, 10:16:45 am[EN][HTTPS]_Search script attached.

Executing the script causes the error on my side

Here I need the title and url link of the movie so I can check what's wrong.

Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on December 17, 2023, 11:06:41 am
The[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv script is made in the same way as the[EN][HTTPS]_Search script but with the difference that the Advanced search list of search results is displayed.

You can use it if the[EN][HTTPS]_Search script may not show you results or may not add the correct url in case there are multiple movie titles of the same title.

The[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv script also displays more hits in the list of search results.

The exact year of release of the movies is also correctly transferred here. Works in all PVD versions.[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv script attached.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on December 18, 2023, 11:33:28 pm[EN][HTTPS]_Search script attached.

Executing the script causes the error on my side

Here I need the title and url link of the movie so I can check what's wrong.

Hello Ivek. It's the same with any existing entry that doesn't have imdb url (logically, yet to be searched for the title to get it's url).

For example, (

It's the same for_adv.psf script
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on December 18, 2023, 11:35:34 pm

Is that possible?
Not possible.

Thanks! Good to know to avoid banging my head off the wall, hahah.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on December 18, 2023, 11:45:52 pm

Instead, the script fills in the field with:
Code: [Select]
fbml"><head><meta charSet="utf-8"/><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"/><script>if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'LoadTitle', {wb: 1}); }</script><script>window.addEventListen

Code: [Select]
    //Get ~User Reviews~
Here is the code for IMDb reviews/user comments. Replace this code in the script, it should fix the problem.

Wow! Works like a charmmmm! Many, many thanks Ivek!
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on December 19, 2023, 10:50:26 am[EN][HTTPS]_Search script attached.

Executing the script causes the error on my side

Here I need the title and url link of the movie so I can check what's wrong.

Hello Ivek. It's the same with any existing entry that doesn't have imdb url (logically, yet to be searched for the title to get it's url).

For example, (

It's the same for_adv.psf script

With the menu F for Fake movie title both search scripts find this title without problems even with proxy settings on.

I'm guessing that the problem must be on your side, but I don't know what exactly it is.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on December 19, 2023, 08:58:18 pm
Thank you Ivek. It's the same for each movie without IMDb url. I have no idea where to start to track such an issue down
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on December 22, 2023, 08:17:14 pm
I got some diagnose. Please check what is happening if any url is stored in the url field and running IMDb search after that:

Code: [Select]
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Compiling script:[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv.psf
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Script compiled successfully:[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv.psf
[Hint] (501:2): Variable 'CURPOS' never used
[Hint] (501:2): Variable 'ENDPOS' never used
[Hint] (502:2): Variable 'TMP' never used
[Hint] (502:2): Variable 'SEARCHSTR' never used
[Hint] (499:10): Variable 'Result' never used
[Hint] (594:2): Variable 'DEBUG_POS1' never used
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Executing script binary
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Logging in...
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Called GetCodePage
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Called GetCurrentMode
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) GetCurrentMode: Search
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Called GetDownloadURL - Mode: 0
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM)  * DownloadURL: || * Mode: 1
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Called GetBaseURL
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Searching movie information for: Luxembourg, Luxembourg
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Called GetCurrentMode
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) GetCurrentMode: Normal
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Called ParsePage - Normal Mode
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Called ParseMoviePage
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Called GetMovieTitle
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) GetMovieTitle:
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) GetMovieTitle =>
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Called GetMovieYear
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) GetMovieYear =>
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM)  * Provider data info retreived Ok in 2023-12-22 20:19:44| (~Updated~)
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Finish
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on December 23, 2023, 09:28:47 am[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv script or[EN][HTTPS]_Search script cannot find search results if there is already some other url link in the url field. In this case, I recommend using the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -b script for advanced search results. You can use the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -a script to simply search results. Both scripts will work for you even if there is already another url link in the url field.

IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -b script and IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -a script is  attached.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: NetworkShark on December 23, 2023, 09:39:46 am
I got some diagnose. Please check what is happening if any url is stored in the url field and running IMDb search after that:

Code: [Select]
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Compiling script:[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv.psf
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Script compiled successfully:[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv.psf
[Hint] (501:2): Variable 'CURPOS' never used
[Hint] (501:2): Variable 'ENDPOS' never used
[Hint] (502:2): Variable 'TMP' never used
[Hint] (502:2): Variable 'SEARCHSTR' never used
[Hint] (499:10): Variable 'Result' never used
[Hint] (594:2): Variable 'DEBUG_POS1' never used
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Executing script binary
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Logging in...
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Called GetCodePage
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Called GetCurrentMode
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) GetCurrentMode: Search
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Called GetDownloadURL - Mode: 0
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM)  * DownloadURL: || * Mode: 1
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Called GetBaseURL
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Searching movie information for: Luxembourg, Luxembourg
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Called GetCurrentMode
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) GetCurrentMode: Normal
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Called ParsePage - Normal Mode
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Called ParseMoviePage
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Called GetMovieTitle
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) GetMovieTitle:
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) GetMovieTitle =>
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Called GetMovieYear
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) GetMovieYear =>
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM)  * Provider data info retreived Ok in 2023-12-22 20:19:44| (~Updated~)
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Finish

Thanks afrocuban, I made a bugfix to the script released a few posts earlier.
Now only if the urls are from IMDb are used for data retrieval.

Happy Holidays!
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on December 23, 2023, 09:51:09 am
Thanks for help and fix bug.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on December 23, 2023, 01:32:54 pm

Thanks afrocuban, I made a bugfix to the script released a few posts earlier.
Now only if the urls are from IMDb are used for data retrieval.

Happy Holidays!

Thank you, NetworkShark and Ivek! Best wishes!

Just to let know NetworkShark, that his fix now works if there is one non-imdb link in it. But, if there are more than one links there (in my case, that would be AllMovie and FilmAffinity links), then it crashes PVD again.

Ivek's -b search script doesn't offer right result when multiple choices are, while -a search script offers the right movie among others.

Example: (

So, generally it looks -a search script is the best to use in order not to miss the result for the movie we are looking for.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: NetworkShark on December 24, 2023, 09:53:54 am
Thanks for help and fix bug.
I'm here to help! 8)

Thanks afrocuban, I made a bugfix to the script released a few posts earlier.
Now only if the urls are from IMDb are used for data retrieval.

Happy Holidays!

Thank you, NetworkShark and Ivek! Best wishes!

Just to let know NetworkShark, that his fix now works if there is one non-imdb link in it. But, if there are more than one links there (in my case, that would be AllMovie and FilmAffinity links), then it crashes PVD again.

Ivek's -b search script doesn't offer right result when multiple choices are, while -a search script offers the right movie among others.

Example: (

So, generally it looks -a search script is the best to use in order not to miss the result for the movie we are looking for.

Thank you afrocuban, you too!

I can't replicate the error, can you get the log?

Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Pacifist on March 09, 2024, 03:42:09 pm
Is there any way to restore the addition of rewards? It takes a long time to fill it out manually  ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on March 09, 2024, 07:30:51 pm
Is there any way to restore the addition of rewards? It takes a long time to fill it out manually  ??? ??? ???

No, there is currently no way or option to resume adding rewards. Also, if there was a way to restore adding rewards, only 5 items per reward category could be fixed, unfortunately.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Pacifist on July 14, 2024, 10:41:06 am
Is it possible to get rid of artifacts in the "Comments" column? Example "Doctor Who" (TV Series 2023;
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on July 14, 2024, 02:17:23 pm
Is it possible to get rid of artifacts in the "Comments" column? Example "Doctor Who" (TV Series 2023;

Yes, it would probably be possible if I knew which IMDb script you are using and it can handle this problem.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Pacifist on July 14, 2024, 07:54:19 pm
Is it possible to get rid of artifacts in the "Comments" column? Example "Doctor Who" (TV Series 2023;

Yes, it would probably be possible if I knew which IMDb script you are using and it can handle this problem.
EXECUTE=IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series).psf|IMDB_[EN][HTTPS].psf|IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Connections).psf|IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Cast&Crew).psf|IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Plot Keywords).psf|IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes).psf
I’ll be grateful if you can tell me what I can throw out of this?
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on July 15, 2024, 02:10:04 pm
EXECUTE=IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series).psf|IMDB_[EN][HTTPS].psf|IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Connections).psf|IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Cast&Crew).psf|IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Plot Keywords).psf|IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes).psf
I’ll be grateful if you can tell me what I can throw out of this?

|IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Connections).psf|IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Cast&Crew).psf|IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Plot Keywords).psf out of .bat file.

IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Connections).psf no longer works. IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Cast&Crew).ps and |IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Plot Keywords).psf stab secondary scripts, whose codes are also different in IMDB_[EN][HTTPS].psf, in IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series).psf and in IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes).psf

The IMDB_[EN][HTTPS].psf, IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series).psf and IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes).psf scripts will be fixed and the previously mentioned errors in the comment field will be fixed. The User Reviews code will also be fixed where it did not transfer User Reviews information correctly. However, the scripts evaluated above will have the label " _TEST_ ".
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on July 16, 2024, 03:34:13 pm
At the link below you can find the new IMDB_[EN] [HTTPS] _Test_2 version script, IMDB [EN][HTTPS](series) _Test_2 version and IMDB [EN][HTTPS](episodes)_Test_2 version.,4134.msg22095.html#msg22095
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Pacifist on July 21, 2024, 11:06:04 am
At the link below you can find the new IMDB_[EN] [HTTPS] _Test_2 version script, IMDB [EN][HTTPS](series) _Test_2 version and IMDB [EN][HTTPS](episodes)_Test_2 version.,4134.msg22095.html#msg22095

Thank you very much!!!!
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on July 31, 2024, 07:35:03 am
At the link below you can find the new IMDB_[EN] [HTTPS] _Test_2 version script, IMDB [EN][HTTPS](series) _Test_2 version and IMDB [EN][HTTPS](episodes)_Test_2 version.,4134.msg22095.html#msg22095

Thank you very much!!!!

Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: leogets on October 16, 2024, 03:17:29 am
During the search for movies info. has anyone yet found a solution why the IMDB url for movies can't be found.
Every script I've tried so far don't work.  The movie(s) IMDB url can't be found so none of the movie(s) information can be downloaded and applied to the database.  The script I currently use to Import the movie information (IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_1.psf which is also attached) only works Once the IMDB url is entered in the database for the movie(s). It works perfect for downloading all the data I want for the movie(s) but like I said the URL for the movie(s) info. is needed for it to work.

? Naming convention of Movies ?
For a File name;  ':' cannot be used in a file name.  So instead I use ' -' in its place so a movie like 
Hellboy: The Crooked Man would be Hellboy - The Crooked Man instead. 
Do any of the scripts when searching for a movie; movies url make the change when it comes across a movie that has a ' - ' in the title name and change it to ': ' so it can find the movie?   Seems like every movie on imbd with a : in the name can't be found not to mention every movie period as of the last couple of months.

Thanks for any replies.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on October 16, 2024, 06:17:41 pm
During the search for movies info. has anyone yet found a solution why the IMDB url for movies can't be found.
Every script I've tried so far don't work.  The movie(s) IMDB url can't be found so none of the movie(s) information can be downloaded and applied to the database.  The script I currently use to Import the movie information (IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_1.psf which is also attached) only works Once the IMDB url is entered in the database for the movie(s). It works perfect for downloading all the data I want for the movie(s) but like I said the URL for the movie(s) info. is needed for it to work.

? Naming convention of Movies ?
For a File name;  ':' cannot be used in a file name.  So instead I use ' -' in its place so a movie like 
Hellboy: The Crooked Man would be Hellboy - The Crooked Man instead. 
Do any of the scripts when searching for a movie; movies url make the change when it comes across a movie that has a ' - ' in the title name and change it to ': ' so it can find the movie?   Seems like every movie on imbd with a : in the name can't be found not to mention every movie period as of the last couple of months.

Thanks for any replies.

To search for results and then add url addresses to the url field, you will need to use one of the[EN][HTTPS]_Search script versions and also more about why search does not work in[EN][HTTPS] script versions results.

Below are links to explanations and[EN][HTTPS]_Search script versions.,4134.msg21875.html#msg21875,4163.msg21920.html#msg21920,4163.msg21733.html#msg21733,4163.msg21977.html#msg21977,4163.msg21980.html#msg21980,4134.msg21978.html#msg21978

Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on October 27, 2024, 01:24:53 pm
Thanks for help and fix bug.
I'm here to help! 8)

Thanks afrocuban, I made a bugfix to the script released a few posts earlier.
Now only if the urls are from IMDb are used for data retrieval.

Happy Holidays!

Thank you, NetworkShark and Ivek! Best wishes!

Just to let know NetworkShark, that his fix now works if there is one non-imdb link in it. But, if there are more than one links there (in my case, that would be AllMovie and FilmAffinity links), then it crashes PVD again.

Ivek's -b search script doesn't offer right result when multiple choices are, while -a search script offers the right movie among others.

Example: (

So, generally it looks -a search script is the best to use in order not to miss the result for the movie we are looking for.

Thank you afrocuban, you too!

I can't replicate the error, can you get the log?


Yes, _adv search script crashes my PVD. I can't seem to find anything relatable in the log, but here it is logfile for all 3 scripts. First I ran -b script, then -a script, and at the end _adv search script. Sections for each script in the log file are separated with ======== so it could be visually better detectable.

To summarize:
1. -b script doesn't find any results (screenshot 1)
2. -a finds proper result (!!!) but imports only ( to an URL field (screenshot 2) ( ??? )
3. _adv script crashes my PVD, either it's Ivek's or Net's script.

Any help appreciated.

Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on October 27, 2024, 08:23:07 pm
Any help appreciated.

The source code for the url address has been changed a bit, I already know that. It may only be necessary to make a small correction to make IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -b script and IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -a script work again. I will have to wait a few days to fix this, because the days are shorter now and I have other more important things to do. I think that around November 1st it will be fixed and new versions of the script will be added.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: NetworkShark on October 28, 2024, 07:11:27 pm
Any help appreciated.

The source code for the url address has been changed a bit, I already know that. It may only be necessary to make a small correction to make IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -b script and IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -a script work again. I will have to wait a few days to fix this, because the days are shorter now and I have other more important things to do. I think that around November 1st it will be fixed and new versions of the script will be added.

Sorry, if I'm going to jump into this discussion, but how come there are various scripts?
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on October 28, 2024, 09:22:37 pm
Any help appreciated.

The source code for the url address has been changed a bit, I already know that. It may only be necessary to make a small correction to make IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -b script and IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -a script work again. I will have to wait a few days to fix this, because the days are shorter now and I have other more important things to do. I think that around November 1st it will be fixed and new versions of the script will be added.

Sorry, if I'm going to jump into this discussion, but how come there are various scripts?

IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -a script finds results on IMDb if results are searched for in the normal way as in the link below.

IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -b script finds results on IMDb if results are searched in "Advanced Search" mode as in the link below.

Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on October 29, 2024, 05:50:11 pm
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -a script finds results on IMDb if results are searched for in the normal way as in the link below.

The[EN][HTTPS]_Search script and the
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -a script now return to finding results in the normal search results mode.[EN][HTTPS]_Search script and
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -a script is  attached.

IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -b script finds results on IMDb if results are searched in "Advanced Search" mode as in the link below.

The[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv script and the
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -b script now return to finding results in the "Advanced Search" results mode.

By the way:
The[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv script is the same one that NetworkShark fixed last year.[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv script and
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -b script is  attached.
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: NetworkShark on October 29, 2024, 06:26:02 pm
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -a script finds results on IMDb if results are searched for in the normal way as in the link below.

The[EN][HTTPS]_Search script and the
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -a script now return to finding results in the normal search results mode.[EN][HTTPS]_Search script and
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -a script is  attached.

IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -b script finds results on IMDb if results are searched in "Advanced Search" mode as in the link below.

The[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv script and the
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -b script now return to finding results in the "Advanced Search" results mode.

By the way:
The[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv script is the same one that NetworkShark fixed last year.[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv script and
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -b script is  attached.

Great Ivek, I was just now beginning to understand the problem  ;D
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: leogets on March 02, 2025, 01:28:46 pm
PVD mod v1.0.2.7 no longer retrieving data from to update the database even after the url for the movies is set .

Then use the import button with IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_1.psf set to retrieve the data. 
This use to work but now no longer does whats up with this.

Below is the above .pst script that use to work after inputting the found imdb's url for the movie can be download from below:

Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: Ivek23 on March 02, 2025, 03:25:37 pm
The latest IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_2c.psf script works the same way, using the already found url. You can find it at the link below.,4134.msg22253.html#msg22253
Title: Re: IMDb
Post by: afrocuban on March 13, 2025, 09:19:24 am

PVD mod v1.0.2.7 no longer retrieving data from to update the database even after the url for the movies is set .

Then use the import button with IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_1.psf set to retrieve the data. 
This use to work but now no longer does whats up with this.

Below is the above .pst script that use to work after inputting the found imdb's url for the movie can be download from below:

I have finally finished Selenium scripts and will share them on this forum,16.0.html (,16.0.html)