Personal Video Database
English => Support => Topic started by: VVV_Easy_Programing on June 16, 2018, 09:31:27 am
The last oficial version has been the published in the 05 November 2013 by Nostra, the oficial programer and owner of the program.
After this date, the information providers has changed his pages and, the more important, they have passed to a secure protocol HTTPS: PVD is not prepared for this protocol and crashes with a “IO Handler Value is not Valid” error.
Ivek23, the person that have supported the forum and the scripts programs with a important personal effort, thank you very much, has surrounded this problem installing and configuring a proxy, Proxomitron, but this require some computer skills and PVD is no longer portable.
So, we have made a MOD version of PVD with the next characteristics:
- Portable (run with portable.bat) and not others installations needed
- Clean of not working plugings and scripts providers.
- Script over Plugin preference. This allow open source code of scripts.
- Secondary, designed for basic use and in connection with KODI.
To surround the HTTPS problem, it has been necessary to make an intermediate download in the file of the pages. This makes HTTPS scripts slower than with the Proxomitron solution, you must choose which solution to use because they are not compatible (but the working scripts can be easily adapted for exchange).
Until Nostra awakens from his Odinsleep, we pray to God that it will be soon, this is our humble contribution to this superb program, the most flexible and powerful movie data base: (
(The author strongly recommends using the SyMenu ( free launcher to install and keep updated the portable Personal Video Database MOD version. It's easy and completely free without charges, advertisements, etc. (same philosophy as PVD) and perhaps you discover other advantages (for instance the Win10 users don't need use the infamous Windows Tiles))
Note: By Ivek23 request, below is included the adaptation of version It does not have the same guarantees as especially because this version of PVD has a different scripting engine and the People part is less (
Temporal Acumulative Scripts Patch date: Not needed
You can also find more information about Custom Fields in the topic Possibles improving Custom Fields working in MOD version. (,4141.msg20789.html#msg20789)
- Download and unzip the last version file included in the first post.
- Run PVD in portable mode (portable.bat) with internet connection.
- Selecting a movie or a person, launch the first Import script "**** Scripts Configuration ****" in order to adapt the scripts to your own needs (for instance, uncheck "Active" box for no used languages) Example (,4134.msg20723.html#msg20723)
- The rest operations are the same that PVD
Important advice: TheMovieDB is the recommended script, for speed and reliability. Take notice, that your are downloading full pages of internet with images, ad's, etc. For instance if you retrieved all IMDB info, your are downloading 1+5 pages for each movie.
MOD version Update:
If you use MOD version and you wants update to the newer MOD versions by yourself (advanced users) you could do the following steps (let us know your problems to be able to improve the guide):
- Important: Make a secure copy of your actual working PVD installation version
- Unzip the downloaded file new version and change the folders: Scripts and Plugings of your actual working PVD.
- The last MOD version has updated the dll files. You can copy and paste overwriting those files if you wants the dll actualization not really needed.
(Remember: For normal users, the author strongly recommends using the SyMenu ( free launcher to install and keep updated the portable Personal Video Database MOD version)
Moving from original PVD version to MOD version.
Perhaps, there may be many PVD users who have a movie collection in a PVD original installation and don't want to start over. For them, we suggest the following steps.
"Slow Copy-Paste" own PVD installation/collection adaptation for normal users (not work with
- Important: Make a secure copy for your own actual PDV installation.
- Install the last PVD MOD version (with SyMenu or downloading)
- Run your actual original PVD copy
- Run PVD MOD (with SyMenu or with 'portable.bat')
- In your actual collection selects a packet of movies records (try first one by one movie for learning and after increase the number), and Copy with the option in the right mouse button
- Pass to the PVD MOD and Paste with the option in the right mouse button
- Wait more or less two minutes (it depends of PC), go with the next packet and so on just to finish.
"Dirty" own PVD installation/collection adaptation for advanced users:
- Important: Make two copies a secure copy and a test copy of your own actual PDV installation.
- Unzip the downloaded file version and change the folders: Scripts and Plugings of your test copy.
- Run PVD in portable mode (portable.bat)
- In Preferences/Movies/Custom Items add the fields:
Set (Short Text), Updated (Short Text), TOP_250 (Number), IMDB_Votes (Number), TheMoviedb_Votes (Number), FilmAffinity_Votes (Number)
(If you have some equivalent fields and you want to preserve your data, you can do it without data loose in Preferences/Movies/Custom Ítems, selecting the field, pushing the “Rename” button and writing the new standard MOD name)
The last MOD version has updated the dll files. You can copy and paste this files if you wants the dll actualization not really needed.
Controling the retreived information in PVD MOD:
There are two way to control the saved of information in the PVD database.
a) The PVD standard with the 'Set Overwrite Options for the selected plugin' (the "Calendar" button, at right of the script 'Import name').
b) The custom fields and others options aren't included in this menu so the scripts have hardcode parameters to managed it.
Now in PVD MOD can be easily changed launching the first script '**** Scripts Configuration ****'. These are its powerful capabilities and how use it:
•) Launch the PVD MOD Configuration Script (you must have selected one movie or one person):
•) Then the PDV MOD Script Configuration windows opens:
1) Choose the script configuration sheet (Orange arrow)
2) You can activate or deactivate a script checking the Active box (Blue oval). The activate scripts are showed in PVD.
3) Check or un-check the desired option (Green oval). In the example you can avoid download all the IMDB information pages so the script will go faster. This is interesting when you are updating only some particular info, for instance the IMDBRating, than you don't need the actors.
4) There is other numeric parameters that you can change, for instance, the number of actors saved in PVD.
5) Finaly you must saved it (vertical Red arrow). PVD MOD restarts in the same position because it needs compile the scripts with the new parameters.
The author recomends you strongly use **** Scripts Configuration ****. You can gain a lot of time.
- MOD V.2019.10.20; Ivek23, VVV: Debuged new versions of IMDB and Filmaffinity.
- MOD V.2019.03.08; Ivek23, VVV: A lot of corrections and improvements (read PVD forum). Update "mandatory" ;D
- MOD V.2018.11.01; Ivek23, VVV: Important corrections and improvements (read PVD forum).
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]+IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS] New parameter USE-SAVED-PVDCONFIG for avoid download page if
the Overwrite Options of the Script in the pvdconf.ini are 'Do Nothing'. Remember that PDV only save the pvdconf.ini in exit.
For recover Toolbar new 'pvdconf.ini' file and Tabs folder.
- MOD V.2018.09.22; Ivek23, VVV: A lot of corrections and improvements (read PVD forum). Update "mandatory" ;D
- MOD V.2018.08.08; VVV, Ivek23: Proxy support (if configured in PVD).
IMDB Movie now retrieve Movie Technical Specs page (Ivek23) and use EventYear in awards.
IMDB People now retrieve full biography page (Ivek23), use EventYear in awards and image bug with full awards solved.
FilmAffinity change the ~poster~ begin string because API change.
- MOD V.2018.08.01; VVV: DLL renovation (Firebird and SQLite).
Change values of CHEAT-PREFIX-URL (better server the ancient sometimes fails in Win10) and DUMMY-HTML-FILE (always Portable.bat).
IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS] Awards retrieve developed.
Other little improvements.
- MOD V.2018.06.16; VVV, Ivek23: First public working release.
Last version always in the first post
Other solutions and scripts will be ready for the near future, according to the users' wishes. You can also visit the VVV_Easy Blog web site of our VVV_Easy_Programing user at the link below.
In the field NEWS I gave this record to all users of our forum as a notice.
Personal Video Database MOD is now public available:
No more.
thank you :)
I will try it out as soon as possible
thanks my friends, i´m impressed, in a moment i install it
This is a very good job, but I have a simple question. How could I made a simple search using a word to know if there is or not in the database (titles) ? I couldn't find this option.
This is a very good job, but I have a simple question. How could I made a simple search using a word to know if there is or not in the database (titles) ? I couldn't find this option.
Search tab, then proceed as shown in the picture [Title and to write the title of the movie you want to check in the empty box (see sshot-52)] for an example of a Robin Hood title search. This should give you a result if a particular address is already in your database.
Thanks and sorry. It was my mistake. Some how I downloaded and install PVD_0.9.9.21_MOD-V.2018.06.16
When opening the database i had used till the mod in it gave the error that is found in atachement..
I just replaced fbembed.dll with the one from the default install that is version 2.51.26351 and it open the database without problems.
I don't remember if I updated the file manually or was updated when i installed firebird server or when i tested 1.0.27 version.
So in case someone has a similar problem this can help.
its there a way to rename the IMDB_Votes custom field to IMDB Votes that i had from the original script?
its there a way to rename the IMDB_Votes custom field to IMDB Votes that i had from the original script?
Yes, of course, open the script, find the '' // Get ~ imdbrating ~, ~ IMDB_Votes ~ '' code section, and add or change [(depending on you) - see the added quote code section]. You can then use the original IMDB Votes custom box.
Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
// Result:=prFinished; Script has finished gathering data
// Result:=prError; If not results
//Retrieve: ~title~, ~year~, ~origtitle~, ~poster~ / ~imdbrating~, ~IMDB_Votes~ (Custom Field) / ~TOP_250~(Custom Field) /
// If Not(GET_FULL_CREDIT): ~crew~ctDirectors,ctWriters,ctComposers,ctProducers(Not in base page), ctActors
// ~description~ / ~category~ "keywords" / ~tagline~ / ~genre~
// If Not(GET_FULL_MPAA) ~mpaa~
// ~country~ / ~rdate~ in contry provider local IP geolocation
// If Not(GET_FULL_AKA) ~aka~.
// ~budget~ / ~money~ / ~studio~ "Production Co"
// If GET_FEATURES ~features~
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE BEGIN======================|');
//Because the script don't retreives the data in the page order a token search for the first curPos position or block select is mandatory
//Get ~title~, ~year~, ~origtitle~, ~poster~
//Get all "raw" title summary (in raw because we need the hidden links, we avoid "complete" token in strings which opens/closes)
ItemList:=TextBetWeenFirst(HTML,'<div class="title_wrapper"','div class="plot_summary_wrapper">'); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If (Length(ItemList)>0) Then Begin
titleValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'<h1 itemprop="name" class="">','<'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Get result title:'+titleValue+'||');
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'(',')'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Get result year:'+ItemValue+'||');
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'<div class="originalTitle">','<'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If (Length(ItemValue)=0) Then ItemValue:=titleValue; //Provider hides the original title if same that title. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Get result origtitle:'+ItemValue+'||');
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,BASE_URL_IMAGE_PRE_TRUE,'.'); //Get poster code. Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If (Length(ItemValue)>0) then begin
ItemValue:=BASE_URL_IMAGE_PRE_TRUE + ItemValue; //Base poster URL without '.jpg'. WEB_SPECIFIC
// Avoid HTTPS redirection: Download https image to file OutPutFile=
If (1=DownloadImage(ItemValue + '._V1_UY' + IntToStr(MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH) + '_.jpg',ImageFile)) then begin //Dowload in the selected user max size. WEB_SPECIFIC
AddImageURL(itPoster,ImageFile); //Get the photo from a file even if the next line we log the true URL.
LogMessage(' Get result poster:'+ItemValue + '._V1_UY' + IntToStr(MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH) + '_.jpg'+'||');
end else if (1=DownloadImage(ItemValue +'.jpg',ImageFile)) then begin //Dowload in the web base size. WEB_SPECIFIC
AddImageURL(itPoster,ImageFile); //Get the photo from a file even if the next line we log the true URL.
LogMessage(' Get result poster:' + ItemValue + '.jpg'+'||');
//Get ~imdbrating~, ~IMDB_Votes~
curPos:=Pos('<span itemprop="ratingValue">',HTML); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If 0<curPos Then Begin
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<span itemprop="ratingValue">','<',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,',','.',True,True,False); //Decimal comma spanish separator to point english separator.
LogMessage(' Get result imdbrating:'+ItemValue+'||');
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<span class="small" itemprop="ratingCount">','</span>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'.','',True,True,False); //Remove thousand point spanish separator.
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,',','',True,True,False); //Remove thousand comma english separator.
AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDB Votes',ItemValue);
LogMessage(' Get result IMDB_Votes:'+ItemValue+'||');
Thank you Ivek23. Modified and works well.
Found a minor bug:
Movie: Ratatouille (2007)
MPAA retrieved: Rated PG for mild action Edit
It adds the "Edit" at the end of the MPAA rating retrived. Other movies works well. Will continue testing.
Found a minor bug:
Movie: Ratatouille (2007)
MPAA retrieved: Rated PG for mild action
A minor bug will be corrected at the next update of the script.
Thank you Ivek23. Modified and works well.
Found a minor bug:
Movie: Ratatouille (2007)
MPAA retrieved: Rated PG for mild action Edit
It adds the "Edit" at the end of the MPAA rating retrived. Other movies works well. Will continue testing.
When you post this bug I read the IMDB page and I saw that there was a commentary in the Parents Guide that said "Proposed MPAA: Rated PG for mild action". I think that this caused the confusion of the script. Today this comment has disappeared and I am not able to reproduce the error for correct it.
Thank you very much for your alert.
When opening the database i had used till the mod in it gave the error that is found in atachement..
I just replaced fbembed.dll with the one from the default install that is version 2.51.26351 and it open the database without problems.
I don't remember if I updated the file manually or was updated when i installed firebird server or when i tested 1.0.27 version.
So in case someone has a similar problem this can help.
its there a way to rename the IMDB_Votes custom field to IMDB Votes that i had from the original script?
You give me a idea: In the next MOD version I'll tried to update all possible dll. Please alert me if with this change appears news bugs.
BTW, I advise you to keep the names of the fields instead of changing the scripts: It’s to work once but it remains forever.
If you want to preserve your DB, you can do it without data loose in Preferences / Movies / Custom Items, select the field, push the “Rename” button and write the new standard MOD name.
The use of spaces in the name of fields is not a very good idea. I changed it many years ago, I think because it gave me problems with the Export Templates.
- MOD V.2018.08.01; VVV: DLL renovation (Firebird and SQLite).
Change values of CHEAT-PREFIX-URL (better server the ancient sometimes fails in Win10) and DUMMY-HTML-FILE (always Portable.bat).
IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS] Awards retrieve developed.
Other little improvements.
Last version always in the first post
- MOD V.2018.08.01; VVV: DLL renovation (Firebird and SQLite).
Change values of CHEAT-PREFIX-URL (better server the ancient sometimes fails in Win10) and DUMMY-HTML-FILE (always Portable.bat).
IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS] Awards retrieve developed.
Other little improvements.
Last version always in the first post
An error in IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] for the transfer of awards where the year of the prize is missing.
BeforeAddAward(EventName, AwardName, AwardCategory, AwardRecipient, EventYear, AwardWon);
NowAddAward(EventName, AwardName, AwardCategory, AwardRecipient, '', AwardWon);
Really this is a correction of a first version error. The Script Manual says:
procedure AddAward(Event, Award, Category, Recipient, Year : String; const Won : Boolean);
Adds an award to a record. Parameters:
Event = name of the event
Award = award name
Category = award category
Recipient = for movie records this variable should contain the name of a specific person who won the award and
for people records the variable should contain the title of a movie for which the person won the award
Year = release year of a movie (only applicable when adding award to a person record)
Won = set to true if the recipient won the award and to false otherwise
In the first version the movie script added the "EventYear" (normally is the next year of the movie). But now we can add awards with the people script and then the year must be the movie year so we could have the same award with different years. So, in order to respect the Script Manual, the movie scripts doesn't write the year and is the people scripts who writes the year.
BTW, I have hesitated to write the year of the movie instead of leaving it blank but I do not know the consistency of the data. What do you think?
Really this is a correction of a first version error. The Script Manual says:
procedure AddAward(Event, Award, Category, Recipient, Year : String; const Won : Boolean);
Adds an award to a record. Parameters:
Event = name of the event
Award = award name
Category = award category
Recipient = for movie records this variable should contain the name of a specific person who won the award and
for people records the variable should contain the title of a movie for which the person won the award
Year = release year of a movie (only applicable when adding award to a person record)
Won = set to true if the recipient won the award and to false otherwise
This needs to be read on several occasions, but it is not yet certain that it will be clarified correctly as it was in your case.
procedure AddAward(Event, Award, Category, Recipient, Year : String; const Won : Boolean);
Adds an award to a record. Parameters:
Recipient = for movie records this variable should contain the name of a specific person who won the award and
for people records the variable should contain the title of a movie for which the person won the award
Year = release year of a movie (only applicable when adding award to a person record)
He also writes that movie awards have a year of prize and the name of the actor he has received.
He also writes for people awards, where the actor won the prize for a movie without recording for release year.
In the first version the movie script added the "EventYear" (normally is the next year of the movie). But now we can add awards with the people script and then the year must be the movie year so we could have the same award with different years. So, in order to respect the Script Manual, the movie scripts doesn't write the year and is the people scripts who writes the year.
In the first version, the movie script was all prailono for aswards as it should be.
BTW, I have hesitated to write the year of the movie instead of leaving it blank but I do not know the consistency of the data. What do you think?
The correct thing is that movie awards code is the same as it was in the first version of the movie script.
It is right for people awards to record movie names not to include a record for release year. I know from my own experience in testing my people awards script, where my record looks like this [Casablanca (1942)]. The correct record is only Casablanca.
In the first version the movie script added the "EventYear" (normally is the next year of the movie).
This is not always true. A good example is Casablanca (1942) ( and the Academy Awards, USA ( , where awards were only awarded in 1944.
Well, I don't understand all of your arguments but I "buy" : Return to the first solution for the movie
AddAward(EventName, AwardName, AwardCategory, AwardRecipient, EventYear, AwardWon);
and the same use EventYear for the People script in order to warrant the same data (I have done the test with Casablanca and Michael Curtiz).
Ivek, thank you very much for your explanation (I attach the scripts and the screenshots).
BTW, I want to publish a new release the next Wednesday, 8/8/2018 (nice date, isn't it?) with those scripts, proxy support and other bugs corrected.
Dear users, please, tell me all you bug discovers in order to correct it fast for this next version (and the 9/8/2018 we'll can go in holidays ;D )
Now that awards have been added, IMDB_People_ [EN] [HTTPS] script does not download (adds to the database) more photos of the players. It was not previously (it was a download) until the award code was added to the script. Obviously, I tested a script with a award code (photos did not add in the database) and script, when I removed the award code (photos added to the database), that the award code prevents the addition of photos to the database.
Is the famous problem with downloading images in the people PVD part. I have forgotten to keep the rondabout result througth the awards part. It will be solved easily.
- MOD V.2018.08.08; VVV, Ivek23: Proxy support (if configured in PVD).
IMDB Movie now retrieve Movie Technical Specs page (Ivek23) and use EventYear in awards.
IMDB People now retrieve full biography page (Ivek23), use EventYear in awards and image bug with full awards solved.
FilmAffinity change the ~poster~ begin string because API change.
Last version always in the first post
Script Movie Configuration bug for
I think that what is the problem: can you edit the PVdBScriptConfig.ini with notepad and change GET_FUL_FEATURES by GET_FULL_FEATURES with two L and try again ?
Thank you for your help.
Yes, with that modification it worked.
Thank you.
:) The problem of the hurry. It will be corrected in the next version. Thank you.
An many errors in IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script.
Errors are in Rating, Top 250 IMDB Votes, Studio and Full Actors in the Full Cast and Crew section. This happened because of the change of source code on IMDB Movies web pages. I've already tested the code corrections and code corrections will be published in a few days. I beg you for patience, because I'm a little more close to my free time.
Yes, you've been working here so hard.
Yvek, you deserve it. :)
Other solutions and scripts will be ready for the near future, according to the users' wishes.
I'd like to request that the AdultDVDEmpire script be adapted for this mod. I've been sort of maintaining the ADE script in the past, but I can lo longer get PVD and Proxomitron to play nice together. From what I can glean from looking at the mod's scripting, the mod uses an external program to download all https:// web pages, then parses them locally. This is beyond my capabilities to adapt.
Yes, you've been working here so hard.
Yvek, you deserve it. :)
Thanks, I'm doing my best.
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script
In the tests I found several errors that I corrected and added some of the code parts for better information transfer. Added some new code sections for downloading additional information.
An many errors in IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script.
Errors are in Rating, Top 250 IMDB Votes, Studio and Full Actors in the Full Cast and Crew section. This happened because of the change of source code on IMDB Movies web pages. I've already tested the code corrections and code corrections will be published in a few days. I beg you for patience, because I'm a little more close to my free time.
First of all, what I've corrected for changing the source code on IMDB pages.
Full Cast and Crew section
I've repaired pieces of code for transmitting actors information.
Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieCREDIT(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
// Result:=prFinished; Script has finished gathering data
// Result:=prError; If żany big problem? with exit;
//Retrieve: ~crew~ctDirectors,ctWriters,ctComposers,ctProducers
// ~actors~ ctActors
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieCREDIT BEGIN=====================||');
Result:=prFinished; //It will change to prError if any big problem with exit;
//Get ~crew~ctDirectors,ctWriters,ctComposers,ctProducers
//Get to "Cast" ~actors~ ctActors
//Go Cast list
curPos:=Pos('<table class="cast_list">',HTML); //Strings start which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=curPos+Length('<table class="cast_list">'); //Strings end which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//Get all "raw" crew summary (in raw because we need the hidden person links) May one person or severals in the ~crew~
endPos:=PosFrom('</div>',HTML,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//LogMessage(' Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos)+','+IntToStr(endPos)+') complex ItemList:'+ItemList+'||');
curPos:=Pos('<td class="primary_photo">',ItemList) //String which opens the subList data. WEB_SPECIFIC
While curPos>0 Do Begin
If (index>PEOPLE_LIMIT) Then break; //Limited depassed (Remember index begin in 0).
//Get PersonURL (Always must it has)
PersonURL:=BASE_URL_PERSON_PRE + TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<a href="/name/','/',false,curPos) + BASE_URL_SUF; //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results PersonURL:'+PersonURL+'||');
//Get Name (Always must it has)
//Name:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'itemprop="name">','<',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
Name:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'> ','</a>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Name:'+Name+'||');
//Get Role
//Role:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<td class="character">','</a>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
Role:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<td class="character">','</td>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Role:'+Role+'||');
Role:=StringReplace(Role,' (',' (',True,False,True);
Role:=StringReplace(Role,'(uncredited) ','(uncredited) • ',True,False,True);
Role:=StringReplace(Role,') ',') ',True,False,True);
Role:=StringReplace(Role,' / ',' - ',True,False,True);
Role:=StringReplace(Role,' / ... ',' • ',True,False,True);
Role:=StringReplace(Role,' ',' • ',True,False,True);
Role:=StringReplace(Role,' (uncredited)',' (uncredited)',True,False,True);
LogMessage(' Parse Results Role_1:'+Role+'||');
LogMessage(' Get results cast:#'+IntToStr(index)+'|'+Name+'|'+Role+'|'+PersonURL+'||ctActors');
curPos:=PosFrom('<td class="primary_photo">',ItemList,curPos); //String which opens the Web Result item List data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieCREDIT END=====================||');
End; //BlockClose
At Actors is also part of the role code for the actors series informations.
I corrected the pieces of code for transmitting information to the director, writer, producer and music, because in certain cases it transmitted wrong information with Full Cast and Crew pages. This happened when there was no information for actors, writer, producer or music .
For example, the same name was added to the database for the director and producer, even though the producer on the Full Cast and Crew site was not mentioned. Director, writer, producer and music do not have role information in dastabase. For the correct transfer of information in the database, I added all the roles to everyone. Role and LogMessage are also for the debug log file. The role is not visible in the database information unless the transfer was in the custom field.
Part 1:
//Get ~crew~ctDirectors,ctWriters,ctComposers,ctProducers
//Go to "Directed by" ~crew~ctDirectors
//curPos:=Pos('Directed by',HTML); //Strings start which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="dataHeaderWithBorder">Directed by',HTML); //Strings start which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=PosFrom('</h4>',HTML,curPos); //Strings end which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=curPos+Length('</h4>'); //Strings end which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//Get all "raw" crew summary (in raw because we need the hidden person links) May one person or severals in the ~crew~ n the ~crew~
endPos:=PosFrom('</table>',HTML,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//LogMessage(' Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos)+','+IntToStr(endPos)+') complex ItemList:'+ItemList+'||');
curPos:=Pos('<td class="name">',ItemList) //String which opens the subList data. WEB_SPECIFIC
While curPos>0 Do Begin
If (index>PEOPLE_LIMIT) Then break; //Limited depassed (Remember index begin in 0).
//Get PersonURL (Always must it has)
PersonURL:=BASE_URL_PERSON_PRE + TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<a href="/name/','/',false,curPos) + BASE_URL_SUF; //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results PersonURL:'+PersonURL+'||');
//Get Name (Always must it has)
//Name:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'>','</a>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
Name:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'> ','</a>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Name:'+Name+'||');
//Get Role NO: PVD don't save Role in crew people
//Get Role
Role:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<td class="credit">','</td>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Role:'+Role+'||');
LogMessage(' Get results Director:#'+IntToStr(index)+'|'+Name+'|'+PersonURL+'||ctDirectors');
curPos:=PosFrom('<td class="name">',ItemList,curPos) //String which opens the subList data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//Go to "Writer:" or "Writers:" ~crew~ctWriters
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="dataHeaderWithBorder">Writing Credits',HTML);
If 0<curPos Then Begin
//curPos:=Pos('Writing',HTML); //Strings start which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="dataHeaderWithBorder">Writing Credits',HTML); //Strings start which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=PosFrom('</h4>',HTML,curPos); //Strings end which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=curPos+Length('</h4>'); //Strings end which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//Get all "raw" crew summary (in raw because we need the hidden person links) May one person or severals in the ~crew~
endPos:=PosFrom('</table>',HTML,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//LogMessage(' Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos)+','+IntToStr(endPos)+') complex ItemList:'+ItemList+'||');
curPos:=Pos('<td class="name">',ItemList) //String which opens the subList data. WEB_SPECIFIC
While curPos>0 Do Begin
If (index>PEOPLE_LIMIT) Then break; //Limited depassed (Remember index begin in 0).
//Get PersonURL (Always must it has)
PersonURL:=BASE_URL_PERSON_PRE + TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<a href="/name/','/',false,curPos) + BASE_URL_SUF; //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results PersonURL:'+PersonURL+'||');
//Get Name (Always must it has)
//Name:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'>','</a>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
Name:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'> ','</a>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Name:'+Name+'||');
//Get Role NO: PVD don't save Role in crew people
//Get Role
Role:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<td class="credit">','</td>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Role:'+Role+'||');
LogMessage(' Get results Writer:#'+IntToStr(index)+'|'+Name+'|'+PersonURL+'||ctWriters');
curPos:=PosFrom('<td class="name">',ItemList,curPos) //String which opens the subList data. WEB_SPECIFIC
Part 2:
//Go to "Producers" ~crew~ctProducers
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="dataHeaderWithBorder">Produced by',HTML);
If 0<curPos Then Begin
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="dataHeaderWithBorder">Produced by',HTML); //Strings start which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//curPos:=Pos('Produced',HTML); //Strings start which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=PosFrom('</h4>',HTML,curPos); //Strings end which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=curPos+Length('</h4>'); //Strings end which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//Get all "raw" crew summary (in raw because we need the hidden person links) May one person or severals in the ~crew~
endPos:=PosFrom('</table>',HTML,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//LogMessage(' Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos)+','+IntToStr(endPos)+') complex ItemList:'+ItemList+'||');;
curPos:=Pos('<td class="name">',ItemList) //String which opens the subList data. WEB_SPECIFIC
While curPos>0 Do Begin
If (index>PEOPLE_LIMIT) Then break; //Limited depassed (Remember index begin in 0).
//Get PersonURL (Always must it has)
PersonURL:=BASE_URL_PERSON_PRE + TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<a href="/name/','/',false,curPos) + BASE_URL_SUF; //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results PersonURL:'+PersonURL+'||');
//Get Name (Always must it has)
//Name:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'>','</a>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
Name:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'> ','</a>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Name:'+Name+'||');
//Get Role NO: PVD don't save Role in crew people
//Get Role
Role:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<td class="credit">','</td>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Role:'+Role+'||');
LogMessage(' Get results Producers:#'+IntToStr(index)+'|'+Name+'|'+PersonURL+'||ctProducers');
curPos:=PosFrom('<td class="name">',ItemList,curPos) //String which opens the subList data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//Go to "Music" ~crew~ctComposers
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="dataHeaderWithBorder">Music by',HTML);
If 0<curPos Then Begin
//curPos:=Pos('Music',HTML); //Strings start which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="dataHeaderWithBorder">Music by',HTML); //Strings start which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=PosFrom('</h4>',HTML,curPos); //Strings end which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=curPos+Length('</h4>'); //Strings end which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//Get all "raw" crew summary (in raw because we need the hidden person links) May one person or severals in the ~crew~
endPos:=PosFrom('</table>',HTML,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//LogMessage(' Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos)+','+IntToStr(endPos)+') complex ItemList:'+ItemList+'||');List+'||');
curPos:=Pos('<td class="name">',ItemList) //String which opens the subList data. WEB_SPECIFIC
While curPos>0 Do Begin
If (index>PEOPLE_LIMIT) Then break; //Limited depassed (Remember index begin in 0).
//Get PersonURL (Always must it has)
PersonURL:=BASE_URL_PERSON_PRE + TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<a href="/name/','/',false,curPos) + BASE_URL_SUF; //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results PersonURL:'+PersonURL+'||');
//Get Name (Always must it has)
//Name:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'>','</a>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
Name:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'> ','</a>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Name:'+Name+'||');
//Get Role NO: PVD don't save Role in crew people
//Get Role
Role:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<td class="credit">','</td>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Role:'+Role+'||');
LogMessage(' Get results Composers:#'+IntToStr(index)+'|'+Name+'|'+PersonURL+'||ctComposers');
curPos:=PosFrom('<td class="name">',ItemList,curPos) //String which opens the subList data. WEB_SPECIFIC
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script
I corrected the pieces of code of search results for movies, where there are now missing posters.
Example for this link:,&view=simple
Poster link:
Function ParsePage_IMDBSearchTitle(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
// Result:=prDownload; (Global var DownloadURL=IMDB page) if there is one results.
// Result:=prList; if there are several results. (Don't work with Preferences/Plugings/Silent Mode).
// Result:=prError; If not results
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBSearchTitle BEGIN======================|');
LogMessage('Global Var-Mode|'+IntToStr(Mode)+'|');
LogMessage('Global Var-DownloadURL|'+DownloadURL+'|');
If (Pos('No results',HTML)<>0) Then Begin //WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' No Movies results');
End Else Begin
LogMessage(' Parsing search Movies results');
curPos:=Pos('<div class="lister-list">',HTML); //String which opens the Web Search List data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//Get first item
curPos:=PosFrom('<div class="lister-item mode-simple">',HTML,curPos); //String which opens the Web Result List data. WEB_SPECIFIC
While curPos>0 Do Begin
LogMessage(' Parsing search movie results in '+IntToStr(curPos)+' ...');
curPos:=PosFrom('<div class="lister-item-image">',HTML,curPos); //String which opens the Web URL+Title+URL+PreviewURL data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//Get PreviewURL
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'loadlate="','"',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If (Pos('',ItemValue)>0) Then Begin
PreviewURL:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemValue,'','.'); //Get poster code. Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If (Length(PreviewURL)>0) then begin
PreviewURL:='' + PreviewURL //Base poster URL without '.jpg'. WEB_SPECIFIC
// Avoid HTTPS redirection: Download https image to file OutPutFile=
If (1=DownloadImage(PreviewURL + '._V1_UY' + IntToStr(MAX_SEARCHLIST_HEIGTH) + '_.jpg',ImageFile)) then begin //Dowload in the selected user max size. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results PreviewURL:'+PreviewURL + '._V1_UY' + IntToStr(MAX_SEARCHLIST_HEIGTH) + '_.jpg'+'||');
PreviewURL:=ImageFile; //Pass the downloaded file to PVD
end else if (1=DownloadImage(PreviewURL +'.jpg',ImageFile)) then begin //Dowload in the web base size. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results PreviewURL:' + PreviewURL + '.jpg'+'||');
PreviewURL:=ImageFile; //Pass the downloaded file to PVD
//Get PreviewURL
//If POSTER_IN_SEARCH Then begin
//ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'loadlate="','"',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If (Pos(BASE_URL_IMAGE_PRE_TRUE,ItemValue)>0) Then Begin
PreviewURL:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemValue,BASE_URL_IMAGE_PRE_TRUE,'.'); //Get poster code. Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If (Length(PreviewURL)>0) then begin
PreviewURL:=BASE_URL_IMAGE_PRE_TRUE + PreviewURL //Base poster URL without '.jpg'. WEB_SPECIFIC
// Avoid HTTPS redirection: Download https image to file OutPutFile=
If (1=DownloadImage(PreviewURL + '._V1_UY' + IntToStr(MAX_SEARCHLIST_HEIGTH) + '_.jpg',ImageFile)) then begin //Dowload in the selected user max size. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results PreviewURL:'+PreviewURL + '._V1_UY' + IntToStr(MAX_SEARCHLIST_HEIGTH) + '_.jpg'+'||');
PreviewURL:=ImageFile; //Pass the downloaded file to PVD
end else if (1=DownloadImage(PreviewURL +'.jpg',ImageFile)) then begin //Dowload in the web base size. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results PreviewURL:' + PreviewURL + '.jpg'+'||');
PreviewURL:=ImageFile; //Pass the downloaded file to PVD
//Get MovieURL (Always must it has)
MovieURL:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<a href="/title/','/',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results URL:'+MovieURL+'||');
//If true HTPPS link PVdB gives "Socket Error # 11001"
//If ancient http, get redirected and give "IOHandler value is not valid
//If invalid url, "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request"
MovieURL:=CHEAT_PREFIX_URL+MovieURL; //'Cheat' URL for avoid HTTPS issue in GET return.
LogMessage(' Parse Results CHEAT URL:'+MovieURL+'||');
//Get Title (Always must it has)
Title:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'>','<',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Title:'+Title+'||');
//Get Year
Year:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'(',')',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
Year:=StringReplace(Year,'typeof uet == '+Chr(39)+'function'+Chr(39),'',True,False,False); //Eliminate the CHEAT_PREFIX_URL for get the true movie link
LogMessage(' Parse Results in Year:'+Year+'||');
//Just to check the website (Only to check the web page) not PVdB valid result.
if CHECK_WEBSITE then AddSearchResult(' '+#8729+' Just to check the website: '+StringReplace(MovieURL,CHEAT_PREFIX_URL,'',True,False,False),'','',StringReplace(MovieURL,CHEAT_PREFIX_URL,'',True,False,False),'');
curPos:=PosFrom('<div class="lister-item mode-simple">',HTML,curPos) //String which opens the Web Result item List data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If ResultsNumber=1 Then Begin
DownloadURL:=StringReplace(MovieURL,CHEAT_PREFIX_URL,'',True,False,False); //Eliminate the CHEAT_PREFIX_URL for get the true movie link
DownloadURL:=StringReplace(DownloadURL,'http:','https:',True,True,False); //The direct url needed (no https redirection)
Result:=prDownload; //One result in the DownloadURL.
LogMessage(' After parsing search Movies,only one result detected');
End Else Begin
Result:=prList; //Don't work with Preferences/Plugings/Silent Mode.
LogMessage(' After parsing search Movies go to choose List Results');
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBSearchTitle END=====================||');
End; //BlockClose
I corrected parts of the code for ParsePage_IMDBMovieMPAA.
Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieMPAA(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
// Result:=prFinished; Script has finished gathering data
// Result:=prError; If żany big problem? with exit
//Retrieve: ~MPAA~
LogMessage(' MPAA.USA.Corrected:'+mpaaValue+'||');
mpaaValue:=StringReplace(mpaaValue,'update: ','',False,False,True); //WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' MPAA rating: '+mpaaValue+' ||');
//Not or bad MPAA USA then get Spain certification (if exist) and convert in USA-KODI values
LogMessage(' Get result MPAA='+mpaaValue+'||');
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieMPAA END=====================||');
End; //BlockClose
Function ParsePage
I added part of the code for Function ParsePage.
//USER FUNCTIONS AND PROCEDURES==================================================================================BlockClose
//OBLIGATORY CALLBACK PRINCIPAL FUNCTION=========================================================================BlockOpen
Function ParsePage(HTML:String;URL:AnsiString):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
DateParts: TWideArray;
LogMessage('Function ParsePage BEGIN======================|');
LogMessage('Global Var-Mode|'+IntToStr(Mode)+'|');
LogMessage('Global Var-DownloadURL|'+DownloadURL+'|');
LogMessage('Local Var-URL|'+URL+'|');
//Parse return in mode 'Search Movie URL'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//Parse with the Movie URL 'smNormal'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If (Mode=smNormal) Then Begin
Result:=prFinished; //It will change to prError if any big problem with exit;
//Information in several page. Needs Provider MovieID
LogMessage(' ParsePage mode smNormal|'+IntToStr(Mode)+'|. Getting provider data for MovieID|'+ MovieID +'|');
LogMessage(' Get result IMDbID:'+MovieID+'||');
//Get ~url~
LogMessage(' Get result url:'+StringReplace(DownloadURL,BASE_URL_PRE_TRUE,BASE_URL_PRE,True,False,False)+'||');
//Parse principal provider page = BASE_URL_PRE_TRUE------------------------------------------------------------------
//Date ~Updated~ (choose simple or verbose version)
if Date <> '' then
Date:=DateParts[2]+'.'+ DateParts[1]+'.'+DateParts[0];
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Updated',Date+' at '+TimeToStr(CurrentDateTime)+' • '+SCRIPT_NAME+' '+SCRIPT_VERSION); // Annoying
LogMessage(' Provider data info retreived Ok in '+DateToStr(CurrentDateTime)+' '+TimeToStr(CurrentDateTime)+'|');
LogMessage('Function ParsePage NORMAL END======================|');
//Parse with unknow mode-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
End; //BlockClose
//OBLIGATORY CALLBACK PRINCIPAL FUNCTION=========================================================================BlockClose
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script
I added and Corrected part of the code for Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE to now work properly.
Part 1:
//SCRIPT INFO================================================================================================== BlockClose
//SCRIPT CONSTANTS============================================================================================= BlockOpen
//Script types-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
stMovies = 0;
stPeople = 1;
stPoster = 2;
stScreenShots = 3;
stCover = 4;
//Script Obligatory Infos----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SCRIPT_NAME = 'IMDB [EN][HTTPS]_1'; //The most complete information provider
SCRIPT_DESC = 'IMDB download Movie info [EN]_1';
SCRIPT_TYPE = stMovies;
SCRIPT_LANG = $09; //English //$0a es-Spanish $0c fr-French $09 en-English
RATING_NAME = 'IMDB'; //PVD has ~imdbrating~ for this value
CODE_PAGE = 65001; //28591=ISO 8859-1 Latin 1; Western European (ISO). Use: 65001=Unicode (UTF-8) | 0=for Autodetect Autodetect
//Script Options-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//Retreive Data Config
GET_MAINPAGE_ACTORS_CREDIT = True ; //Set to True to ensure MAINPAGE_ACTORS_CREDIT info is added. Otherwise: Set to False to ensure MAINPAGE_ACTORS_CREDIT info is not added. MAINPAGE_ACTORS_CREDIT info is in to the principal movie page.
GET_FULL_ACTORS_CREDIT = True ; //Set to True to ensure FULL_ACTORS_CREDIT info is for Full Cast & Crew provider page. Otherwise: Set to False to ensure FULL_ACTORS_CREDIT info is not added.
GET_FULL_MPAA = True ; //Download Certification provider page for retreive the MPAA info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page.
GET_FULL_AKA = True ; //Download 'Also Known As' provider page for retreive the info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page.
GET_FULL_CREDIT = True ; //Download Cast or Credit provider page for retreive the info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page.
PEOPLE_LIMIT = 25; //Limit of number of actors (cast) or of credits (crew) retrieved.
GET_FULL_AWARDS = True ; //Download Awards provider page for retreive the info. Otherwise doesn't do nothingh because no info in the principal movie page.
EVENTS_LIMIT = 100; //Limit of number of events (USA Academy Awards, Golden Globes, etc) to retrive awards.
GET_FEATURES = True ; //Retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio).
GET_FULL_FEATURES = True ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio, etc).
MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH = 1200; //Heigth limit of the stored posters.
//Process Data Config
//Download methods-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
dmGET = 0;
dmPOST = 1;
//Movie fields----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
mfURL = 0;
mfTitle = 1;
mfOrigTitle = 2;
mfAka = 3;
mfYear = 4;
mfGenre = 5;
mfCategory = 6;
mfCountry = 7;
mfStudio = 8;
mfMPAA = 9;
mfRating = 10; //This is 'Additional rating', not 'Rating'
mfTags = 11;
mfTagline = 12;
mfDescription = 13;
mfDuration = 14;
mfFeatures = 15;
//Credits types----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE
Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
// Result:=prFinished; Script has finished gathering data
// Result:=prError; If żany big problem? with exit;
//Retrieve: ~title~, ~year~, ~origtitle~, ~poster~ / ~imdbrating~, ~IMDB_Votes~ (Custom Field) / ~TOP_250~(Custom Field) /
// If Not(GET_FULL_CREDIT): ~crew~ctDirectors,ctWriters,ctComposers,ctProducers(Not in base page), ctActors
// ~description~ / ~category~ "keywords" / ~tagline~ / ~genre~
// If Not(GET_FULL_MPAA) ~mpaa~
// ~country~ / ~rdate~ in contry provider local IP geolocation
// If Not(GET_FULL_AKA) ~aka~.
// ~budget~ / ~money~ / ~studio~ "Production Co"
// If GET_FEATURES ~features~
// //If Not(GET_FULL_FEATURES) ~features~
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE BEGIN======================|');
Result:=prFinished; //It will change to prError if any big problem with exit;
//Because the script don't retreives the data in the page order a token search for the first curPos position or block select is mandatory
//Get ~title~, ~year~, ~origtitle~, ~poster~
//Get all "raw" title summary (in raw because we need the hidden links, we avoid "complete" token in strings which opens/closes)
//ItemList:=TextBetWeenFirst(HTML,'<div class="title_wrapper"','div class="plot_summary_wrapper">'); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
ItemList:=TextBetWeenFirst(HTML,'<div class="title_block"','div class="plot_summary_wrapper">'); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If (Length(ItemList)>0) Then Begin
//titleValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'<h1 itemprop="name" class="">','<'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
titleValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'<h1 class="">','<'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Get result title:'+titleValue+'||');
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'(','–'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Get result year_00:'+TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'(','–')+'||');
LogMessage(' Get result year_0:'+ItemValue+'||');
//ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'(',')'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'<span id="titleYear">(',')</span> </h1>'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Get result year:'+ItemValue+'||');
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'<div class="originalTitle">','<'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If (Length(ItemValue)=0) Then ItemValue:=titleValue; //Provider hides the original title if same that title. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Get result origtitle:'+ItemValue+'||');
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,BASE_URL_IMAGE_PRE_TRUE,'.'); //Get poster code. Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If (Length(ItemValue)>0) then begin
ItemValue:=BASE_URL_IMAGE_PRE_TRUE + ItemValue; //Base poster URL without '.jpg'. WEB_SPECIFIC
// Avoid HTTPS redirection: Download https image to file OutPutFile=
If (1=DownloadImage(ItemValue + '._V1_UY' + IntToStr(MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH) + '_.jpg',ImageFile)) then begin //Dowload in the selected user max size. WEB_SPECIFIC
AddImageURL(itPoster,ImageFile); //Get the photo from a file even if the next line we log the true URL.
LogMessage(' Get result poster:'+ItemValue + '._V1_UY' + IntToStr(MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH) + '_.jpg'+'||');
end else if (1=DownloadImage(ItemValue +'.jpg',ImageFile)) then begin //Dowload in the web base size. WEB_SPECIFIC
AddImageURL(itPoster,ImageFile); //Get the photo from a file even if the next line we log the true URL.
LogMessage(' Get result poster:' + ItemValue + '.jpg'+'||');
//Get ~imdbrating~, ~IMDB_Votes~
//curPos:=Pos('<span itemprop="ratingValue">',HTML); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
curPos:=Pos('<div class="ratingValue">',HTML); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If 0<curPos Then Begin
//ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<span itemprop="ratingValue">','<',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<span>','<',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,',','.',True,True,False); //Decimal comma spanish separator to point english separator.
LogMessage(' Get result imdbrating:'+ItemValue+'||');
//ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<span class="small" itemprop="ratingCount">','</span>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<span class="small">','</span>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'.','',True,True,False); //Remove thousand point spanish separator.
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,',','',True,True,False); //Remove thousand comma english separator.
LogMessage(' Get result IMDB_Votes:'+ItemValue+'||');
//Get ~TOP_250~
curPos:=Pos('Top Rated Movies #',HTML); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If 0<curPos Then Begin
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'Top Rated Movies #','<',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Get result TOP_250:'+ItemValue+'||');
//Get ~Bottom 100~
curPos:=Pos('Bottom Rated Movies #',HTML); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If 0<curPos Then Begin
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'Bottom Rated Movies #','<',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Bottom 100',ItemValue);
LogMessage(' Get result Bottom_100:'+ItemValue+'||');
curPos := PosFrom('> <div class="metacriticScore score_favorable titleReviewBarSubItem">',HTML,EndPos);
if curPos>0 then begin
curPos:=curPos+Length('> <div class="metacriticScore score_favorable titleReviewBarSubItem">');
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Metascore',FloatToStr((StrToFloat(ItemValue) * 1)));
curPos:=PosFrom('> <div class="metacriticScore score_unfavorable titleReviewBarSubItem">',HTML,EndPos);
if curPos>0 then begin
curPos:=curPos+Length('> <div class="metacriticScore score_unfavorable titleReviewBarSubItem">');
ItemValue:=RemoveTags(Copy(HTML, curPos,endPos-curPos+2),false);
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Metascore',FloatToStr((StrToFloat(ItemValue) * 1)));
//Get Cast. GET_FULL_CREDIT = False only the info of the principal movie page.
//Get ~plot_summary~
If Pos('<div class="plot_summary',HTML)>0 then begin
EndPos:=Pos('<div class="plot_summary',HTML);
curPos:=Pos('<div class="summary_text">',HTML); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If 0<curPos Then Begin
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<div class="summary_text">','</div>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,', ',', ',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,' ',' ',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,' ',' ',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'Add a Plot »','',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'See full summary »','',True,False,True);
curPos:=Pos('var ue_t0=ue_t0||+new Date();var ',ItemValue);
If 0<curPos then ItemValue:=Copy(ItemValue,0,curPos-1);
LogMessage(' Get result plot_summary description:'+ItemValue+'||');
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script
Part 2:
Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE
//Get ~plot_summary~
If Pos('<div class="plot_summary',HTML)>0 then begin
EndPos:=Pos('<div class="plot_summary',HTML);
curPos:=Pos('<div class="summary_text">',HTML); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If 0<curPos Then Begin
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<div class="summary_text">','</div>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,', ',', ',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,' ',' ',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,' ',' ',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'Add a Plot »','',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'See full summary »','',True,False,True);
curPos:=Pos('var ue_t0=ue_t0||+new Date();var ',ItemValue);
If 0<curPos then ItemValue:=Copy(ItemValue,0,curPos-1);
LogMessage(' Get result plot_summary description:'+ItemValue+'||');
//Get ~category~ "keywords" (field with several values in a comma separated list)
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="inline">Plot Keywords:</h4>',HTML); //WEB_SPECIFIC.IC.
If 0<curPos Then Begin
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<h4 class="inline">Plot Keywords:</h4>','<a href="/title/',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'|',',',True,True,False); //Change the separator to comma
LogMessage(' Get results Category:'+ItemValue+'||');
//Get ~mpaa~. GET_FULL_MPAA = False only the info of the principal movie page.
If Not(GET_FULL_MPAA) Then Begin
//The text can be "Certificate:" or "Motion Picture Rating" but alway after genres.
If 0<curPos Then Begin
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<span itemprop="contentRating">','</span>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Get result mpaa:'+ItemValue+'||');
//Get ~origlang~ (several values in a comma separated list)
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="inline">Language:</h4>',HTML); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
if 0<curPos then begin
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<h4 class="inline">Language:</h4>','</div>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=Pos(' |',ItemValue);
If 0<curPos then ItemValue:=Copy(ItemValue,0,curPos-1);
LogMessage(' Get results Language:'+ItemValue+'||');
//Get ~country~ (several values in a comma separated list)
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="inline">Country:</h4>',HTML); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If 0<curPos Then Begin
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<h4 class="inline">Country:</h4>','</div>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'|',',',True,True,False); //Change the separator to comma
LogMessage(' Get results Country:'+ItemValue+'||');
//Get ~rdate~ in contry provider local IP geolocation. See:
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="inline">Release Date:</h4>',HTML); //WEB_SPECIFIC
If 0<curPos Then Begin
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<h4 class="inline">Release Date:</h4>','(',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'January','1',true,true,true); //Format web corrections. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,' October ',' 10 ',true,true,true);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,' November ',' 11 ',true,true,true);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,' December ',' 12 ',true,true,true);
//ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,' ','.',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,' ',#46,True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'December.','12.',True,True,True); //Format web corrections. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Get results Release Date:'+ItemValue+'||');
//Get ~aka~. GET_FULL_AKA = False only the info of the principal movie page.
If Not(GET_FULL_AKA) Then Begin
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="inline">Also Known As:</h4>',HTML); //WEB_SPECIFIC
If 0<curPos Then Begin
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<h4 class="inline">Also Known As:</h4>','<',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Get result aka:'+ItemValue+'||');
//Get ~budget~
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="inline">Budget:</h4>',HTML); //WEB_SPECIFIC
If 0<curPos Then Begin
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<h4 class="inline">Budget:</h4>','<',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,#36,'',True,True,False); //Eliminate '$' if exists
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'€','',True,True,False); //Eliminate '€' if exists
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,',','',True,True,False); //Eliminate ',' if exists
LogMessage(' Get results Budget:'+ItemValue+'||');
//Get ~money~ Box Office worldwide
//Get ~studio~ "Production Co" (several values in a comma separated list)
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="inline">Production Co:</h4>',HTML); //WEB_SPECIFIC.IC.
If 0<curPos Then Begin
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<h4 class="inline">Production Co:</h4>','</span>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'See more »','',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'See more','',True,True,False); //Eliminate 'See more' if exists
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,', The','',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'The, ','',True,False,True);
//ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'The ','',True,False,True);
LogMessage(' Get results Studio/Production Co:'+ItemValue+'||');
//Get ~features~ (multiline) GET_FULL_FEATURES = False only the info of the principal movie page.
//If Not(GET_FULL_FEATURES) Then Begin
//Get "Runtime" (in minutes)
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="inline">Runtime:</h4>',HTML); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If 0<curPos Then Begin
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'M">',' min</time>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemList:=ItemList+'Original Runtime: '+ItemValue+' min.<br>';
LogMessage(' Get result Original Runtime:'+ItemValue+'||');
LogMessage(' Get result lenght:'+ItemValue+'||');
if (Length(ItemList)>0) then begin
LogMessage(' Get result Movie Features:'+ItemList+'||');
//Get ~User Reviews~
If Pos('<h2>User Reviews</h2>',HTML)>0 then begin
EndPos:=Pos('<h2>User Reviews</h2>',HTML);
curPos:=Pos('<h2>User Reviews</h2>',HTML); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If 0<curPos Then Begin
ItemValue:=Copy(HTML,curPos,endPos-curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=Pos('Find showtimes, ',ItemValue);
If 0<curPos then ItemValue:=Copy(ItemValue,0,curPos-1);
AddCustomFieldValueByName('User Comments',ItemValue);
AddCustomFieldValueByName('User Reviews',ItemValue);
LogMessage(' Get result User Reviews: <br>'+ItemValue+'||');
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE END=====================||');
End; //BlockClose
//Get ~category~ "keywords"
//Get ~category~ "keywords" (field with several values in a comma separated list)
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="inline">Plot Keywords:</h4>',HTML); //WEB_SPECIFIC.IC.
If 0<curPos Then Begin
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<h4 class="inline">Plot Keywords:</h4>','<a href="/title/',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'|',',',True,True,False); //Change the separator to comma
LogMessage(' Get results Category:'+ItemValue+'||');
As for ~ category ~ "keywords" IMDB has never, explicitly repeat I never knew the ~ category ~ "keywords" as they say, have the AllMovie site. This has always been taken as ~ tags ~ "keywords" and information has always been transferred to the Tags field in dababase.
For example for 21 movie:
IMDB "keywords"
Plot Keywords: based on true story | card counting | blackjack | massachusetts institute of technology | gambling | See All (109) »
AllMovie "keywords"
betrayal, blackjack [card game], casino, college-student
AllMovie "category"
Gambling | Schemes and Ruses | Teachers and Students | Betrayal | Crime Gone Awry | Dishonor Among Thieves | Perfect Crime
It has been used since the creation of the PVD program, or it has been almost ten years since, for this I know that it was added to the database
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script
//Get ~features~ (multiline)
//Get ~features~ (multiline) GET_FULL_FEATURES = False only the info of the principal movie page.
//If Not(GET_FULL_FEATURES) Then Begin
//Get "Runtime" (in minutes)
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="inline">Runtime:</h4>',HTML); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If 0<curPos Then Begin
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'M">',' min</time>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemList:=ItemList+'Original Runtime: '+ItemValue+' min.<br>';
LogMessage(' Get result Original Runtime:'+ItemValue+'||');
LogMessage(' Get result lenght:'+ItemValue+'||');
if (Length(ItemList)>0) then begin
LogMessage(' Get result Movie Features:'+ItemList+'||');
Here is a change because this is a bit different information than in the Technical Specifications section.
Get ~features~
I've repaired parts of the Information Transfer Code for the Technical Specifications section.
Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieTECHNICAL(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
// Result:=prFinished; Script has finished gathering data
// Result:=prError; If żany big problem? with exit
//Retrieve: ~features~
//Get "Runtime" info
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,' ','<br>',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,' ','<br>',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,' ','',True,False,True);
LogMessage(' Get result Runtime:'+ItemValue+'||');
if ItemValue <> '' then ItemList:=ItemList+'Runtime'+'<br>'+ItemValue+'<br><br>';
curPos:=Pos('<td class="label"> Runtime </td>',HTML); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If 0<curPos Then Begin
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,' (',' min)',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Get result Original Runtime_1:'+ItemValue+'||');
//Get "Color" info
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,' | ',' • ',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,' | ',' • ',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,' ',' ',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,' • ',' • ',True,False,True);
LogMessage(' Get result Color:'+ItemValue+'||');
if ItemValue <> '' then ItemList:=ItemList+'Color'+'<br>'+ItemValue+'<br><br>';
if (Length(ItemList)>0) then begin
//AddFieldValueXML('features',ItemList); //Ivek23 CustomField ~ImdbTechSpecs~
LogMessage(' Get result Movie Features:'+ItemList+'||');
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieTECHNICAL END=====================||');
End; //BlockClose
The Technical Specifications section information is recommended to be transferred to the ~ ImdbTechSpecs ~ custom field.
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] _1 script is attached.
Is it normal that importing from IMDb is very slow and screen is flickering from quickly disappearing black windows... also importing does hang when I run it from C:\Program Files\... instead of a temporary directory?
Is it normal that importing from IMDb is very slow and screen is flickering from quickly disappearing black windows... also importing does hang when I run it from C:\Program Files\... instead of a temporary directory?
Yes, because the external program must first download all the information from a webpage to a temp file so that it can then be added to the database for a particular movie. Because more than information for a particular movie on web pages and is written there, it takes longer for the external program to passes it, as previously mentioned.
Is it possible to hide the flickering windows or run them minimized? Very annoying when you want wo work with another window/software while importing. Even when I switch to a full screen game, it jumps back to the desktop ;)
Also the PVD window gets bigger and overlaying the taskbar while importing.
Is it possible to hide the flickering windows or run them minimized?
unfortunately not because the PVD makes the launch. The MOD tries to hide it and recover the focus of windows PVD, but it can not be done more.
Is it normal that importing from IMDb is very slow ...
As Ivek23 responded, the IMDB script can arrive to download to 6 pages per movie. In addition, IMDB increase the response time when it detects multiple queries of an IP user.
Have you tried the TheMovieDB script? This free provider is specially designed for this type of programs: download only the precise information in text mode, so it works very fast.
Ivek23 you had done an extraordinary work. It will take me some weeks to put in in a new MOD version.
I have one question in order to set un standart for ~genre~ / ~category~ / ~tags~. I try to summary:
~genre~ = Present as "genre" in IMDB, TheMovieDB, FilmAffinity,AllMovie
~tags~ = Present as "keywords" in IMDB, AllMovie, TheMovieDB
~category~ = Not present in IMDB neither TheMovieDB but
FilmAffinity have the information "Genre1.Genre2 | Category1.Category2"
AllMovie have the information Theme1 | Theme2 | Theme3 | Theme4 |
Are you agree?
I have other questions over the custom fields but I must study one by one.
Ivek23 you had done an extraordinary work. It will take me some weeks to put in in a new MOD version.
I have one question in order to set un standart for ~genre~ / ~category~ / ~tags~. I try to summary:
~genre~ = Present as "genre" in IMDB, TheMovieDB, FilmAffinity,AllMovie
~tags~ = Present as "keywords" in IMDB, AllMovie, TheMovieDB
Yes, correct reasoning.
~category~ = Not present in IMDB neither TheMovieDB but
The same for this.
FilmAffinity have the information "Genre1.Genre2 | Category1.Category2"
For this, I can not say anything because I do not use it.
AllMovie have the information Theme1 | Theme2 | Theme3 | Theme4 |
Yes, but there are several of these categories under different names. It will be necessary to list the names of these, so that I can answer this in more detail.
I have other questions over the custom fields but I must study one by one.
With questions on this problem, when you need it.
Attached the files and scripts with the next changelog:
V (11/09/2018) VVV: PVdBScriptConfig.ini -> Bug corrected "GET_FULL_FEATURES"
Ivek23: ParsePage_IMDBMovieCREDIT (Full Cast and Crew section) = Repaired pieces of code for transmitting actors information
Ivek23: ParsePage_IMDBSearchTitle = Corrected missing posters in search movies results.
Ivek23: ParsePage_IMDBMovieMPAA = Corrected parts of the code.
Ivek23: ParsePage = Added compatibility with CustomFields ~IMDbID~, ~Updated~ (last needed because is not possible save in ~moddate~).
Ivek23,VVV: ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE = Corrected to the API evolution. Now get "keywords" in ~tags~ (not in ~category~). Get ~origlang~.
Added compatibility with CustomFields ~Bottom 100~, ~Metascore~, ~User Reviews~
New script parameter PRESERVE-PVD-DESCRIPTION-SETTING = Avoid double use of ~description~ and ~comment~ using only the user check fields table selection otherwise try get "Storyline" and "plot_Summary".
Ivek23,VVV: New script parameter PRESERVE-USER-MOVIE-CHARS = Preserve the user movie copy characteristics (length and languages channels) instead of the original runtime and languages.
Ivek23,VVV: ParsePage_IMDBMovieTECHNICAL = Added compatibility with CustomFields ~ImdbTechSpecs~ (original PVD ~features~ can be disabled in the program check fields table)
V (11/09/2018) VVV: TheMovieDB "keywords" info goes to ~tags~ PVD field (Ivek23 suggestion). Added ~Updated~ field.
V (11/09/2018) VVV: Added ~Updated~ field
Some commentaries:
It will be added the custom field ~Updated~(Short text) to the standard database because the PVD give problems with the ~moddate~ but the other custom fields, even if the scripts write the information, will not be added because are provider oriented.
There are two database uses:
1) the use at the same time of ~description~ and ~comments~
2) set the original lengh movie and lenguage that over the user file movie copy
that are not standart. Now there is two script parameters to allow the user this behavior.
Ivek23, may you test the script in order to verify if it work as you expect even with your custom fields?
When all work I' ll publish a new MOD version. Please, as me if you have any doubt. ;D
Ivek23, may you test the script in order to verify if it work as you expect even with your custom fields?
I will test, it will take a few days or a week or two, all depends on my free time, which unfortunately I do not have much at the moment. It can also be anything sooner, we will see, because I have found some more errors that I have repaired and checked if they work properly.
Today the scripts configuration parameters are hardcode in the script. This is not a good practice (and BTW is the reason why PVD must restart after use **** Scripts Configuration ****).
In the pluging system there are two funtions (CanConfig, Configure) in order to activate and use de 'Configure Selected pluging' buttom (the "Tool" buttom, at right of the 'Import name', between 'Launch Import' buttom and 'Set Overview Options') (see Programming own plugins (,764.0.html)).
Somebody know how do that for the Scripts?
Is it possible to hide the flickering windows or run them minimized?
unfortunately not because the PVD makes the launch. The MOD tries to hide it and recover the focus of windows PVD, but it can not be done more.
What about (maybe optionally) not recovering the focus of the PVD window, maybe one can work with another software without the flickering and even not jumping out of a full screen game. ;)
Have you tried the TheMovieDB script? This free provider is specially designed for this type of programs: download only the precise information in text mode, so it works very fast.
Ok, this seems to be an nice alternative.
It imports a screenshot of the movie, how to disable this?
Please add a german version of the script - I copied the english one and modified it, works :)
Please add a german version of the script - I copied the english one and modified it, works :)
Great new to have a German user.
It's true that TMDB have a german version but I don't know german. But don't worry I'd prepared the scripts for easy translation: I use a txt file with the first line in english and the second in the 'foreign' language.
I'd done the draft of german translation with Google attached. May you correct those files in order to incorporate to the MOD version?
BTW, if there is other 'foreign' person with other language need all help are welcome.
It imports a screenshot of the movie, how to disable this?
There are two way to control the saved of information in the PVD database.
1) The PVD standard with the 'Set Overwrite Options for the selected plugin' (the "Calendar" button, at right of the script 'Import name').
2) The custom fields and others aren't included in this option so the scripts have hardcode parameters that now are easily changed launching the first script '**** Scripts Configuration ****' (you must have selected one movie or one person).
This is the way to disable the screenshot save:
a) Launch the PVD MOD Configuration Script:
b) With this the PDV MOD Script Configuration windows opens. In the wanted script sheet, Enable or disable your preference (Screenshot with a horizontal blue arrow)
c) Saved it (vertical blue arrow)
BTW you can activate or deactivate a script checking the Active box (green circle)
What about (maybe optionally) not recovering the focus of the PVD window, ...
This isn't easy because PVD interacts with the focus but I have understood your request: To work with PVD in second plane completely.
With this information I'll try to do something if possible.
That’s very cool to interact with the programmer to help improving the software. :)
Great new to have a German user.
Yes, in fact Swiss user but no matter ;)
I corrected the german translation, it is a bit difficult because I think the English is not perfect, too ;) ;)
There are two way to control the saved of information in the PVD database.
Thank you very much, now I got it how to configure the script.
The launch of the configuration script does not work if PVD is stored in a path containing spaces (for example "D:\Personal Video Database") see attached error. (how to embed the screenshot?)
On "Save Config" PVD restarts with the sample movie database instead of the last I had open.
BTW, the duration of the movie is imported to 'Features' instead of 'Duration'.
This isn't easy because PVD interacts with the focus but I have understood your request: To work with PVD in second plane completely.
With this information I'll try to do something if possible.
That would be awesome, because I still prefer iMDb (a little bit) :)
BTW, the duration of the movie is imported to 'Features' instead of 'Duration'.
Yes, this is a mistake that will be corrected in the next IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script version. Within a few days, the patches will be posted from my site (I need to do some tests because I've fixed the errors) in this topic and then the new IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script version will be published.
Yes, this is a mistake that will be corrected in the next IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script version.
Thanks guys, I really appreciate your work for keeping this software alive. :)
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script
//Download methods-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
dmGET = 0;
dmPOST = 1;
//Movie fields----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
mfURL = 0;
mfTitle = 1;
mfOrigTitle = 2;
mfAka = 3;
mfYear = 4;
mfGenre = 5;
mfCategory = 6;
mfCountry = 7;
mfStudio = 8;
mfMPAA = 9;
mfRating = 10; //This is 'Additional rating', not 'Rating'
mfTags = 11;
mfTagline = 12;
mfDescription = 13;
mfDuration = 14;
mfFeatures = 15;
//Credits types----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This part of the code is required because otherwise the movie duration will not be added to the database. This part of the code is needed because of these two parts of the code in the script.
The first is for the following part:
//Get the original "Runtime" (in minutes) as ~length~ instead of the duration of the user movie copy
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="inline">Runtime:</h4>',HTML); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If 0<curPos Then Begin
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'M">',' min</time>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//ItemList:=ItemList+'Original Runtime: '+ItemValue+' min.<br>';
//LogMessage(' Get result Original Runtime_1:'+ItemValue+'||');
LogMessage(' Get result lenght:'+ItemValue+'||');
The second is for Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieTECHNICAL:
Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieTECHNICAL(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
// Result:=prFinished; Script has finished gathering data
// Result:=prError; If żany big problem? with exit
//Retrieve: ~features~
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieTECHNICAL BEGIN=====================||');
Result:=prFinished; //It will change to prError if any big problem with exit;
//Get "Technical Specifications" info
curPos:=Pos('<h1 class="header">Technical Specifications</h1>',HTML);
if (curPos=0) then Exit;
//Get "Runtime" info
curPos:=Pos('<td class="label"> Runtime </td>',HTML); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If 0<curPos Then Begin
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,' (',' min)',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Get result lenght from Runtime:'+ItemValue+'||');
If ItemValue <> '' then begin
//Get the original "Runtime" (in minutes) as ~length~ instead of the duration of the user movie copy
LogMessage(' Get result lenght from Original Runtime:'+ItemValue+'||');
//Get "Runtime" info
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,' ','<br>',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,' ','<br>',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,' ','',True,False,True);
If ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result Runtime:'+ItemValue+'||');
if ItemValue <> '' then ItemList:=ItemList+'Runtime'+'<br>'+ItemValue+'<br><br>';
//Get "Sound Mix" info
Here it is necessary to add a part of the code for // Get "Runtime" info as I added it here because otherwise it will not correctly transfer the information for "Runtime".
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script
A minor correction for ParsePage_IMDBSearchTitle code, where repeatedly did not show all hits when searching for results or did not show the year when movie release.
Function ParsePage_IMDBSearchTitle(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
// Result:=prDownload; (Global var DownloadURL=IMDB page) if there is one results.
// Result:=prList; if there are several results. (Don't work with Preferences/Plugings/Silent Mode).
// Result:=prError; If not results
//Get MovieURL (Always must it has)
MovieURL:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<a href="/title/','/',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results URL:'+MovieURL+'||');
//If true HTPPS link PVdB gives "Socket Error # 11001"
//If ancient http, get redirected and give "IOHandler value is not valid
//If invalid url, "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request"
MovieURL:=CHEAT_PREFIX_URL+MovieURL; //'Cheat' URL for avoid HTTPS issue in GET return.
LogMessage(' Parse Results CHEAT URL:'+MovieURL+'||');
//Get Title (Always must it has)
Title:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'>','<',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Title:'+Title+'||');
//Get Year
//Year:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'(',')',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results in Year:'+Year+'||');
//Just to check the website (Only to check the web page) not PVdB valid result.
if CHECK_WEBSITE then AddSearchResult(' '+#8729+' Just to check the website: '+StringReplace(MovieURL,CHEAT_PREFIX_URL,'',True,False,False),'','',StringReplace(MovieURL,CHEAT_PREFIX_URL,'',True,False,False),'');
curPos:=PosFrom('<div class="lister-item mode-simple">',HTML,curPos) //String which opens the Web Result item List data. WEB_SPECIFIC
For ~ Metascore: ~ information must be all part of the code because the web pages share different parts of the source code for Metascore data.
curPos := PosFrom('> <div class="metacriticScore score_favorable titleReviewBarSubItem">',HTML,EndPos);
if curPos>0 then begin
curPos:=curPos+Length('> <div class="metacriticScore score_favorable titleReviewBarSubItem">');
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Metascore',FloatToStr((StrToFloat(ItemValue) * 1)));
LogMessage(' Get result custom field Metascore_0:'+ItemValue+'||');
//Get ~Metascore~
curPos:=PosFrom('> <div class="metacriticScore score_unfavorable titleReviewBarSubItem">',HTML,EndPos);
if curPos>0 then begin
curPos:=curPos+Length('> <div class="metacriticScore score_unfavorable titleReviewBarSubItem">');
ItemValue:=RemoveTags(Copy(HTML, curPos,endPos-curPos+2),false);
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Metascore',FloatToStr((StrToFloat(ItemValue) * 1)));
LogMessage(' Get result custom field Metascore:'+ItemValue+'||');
curPos := PosFrom('> <div class="metacriticScore score_mixed titleReviewBarSubItem">',HTML,EndPos);
if curPos>0 then begin
curPos:=curPos+Length('> <div class="metacriticScore score_mixed titleReviewBarSubItem">');
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Metascore',FloatToStr((StrToFloat(ItemValue) * 1)));
LogMessage(' Get result custom field Metascore_1:'+ItemValue+'||');
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script
Full Cast and Crew section
For directors, you also need to add a snippet of code in order for the data to be downloaded correctly.
//Go to "Directed by" ~crew~ctDirectors
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="dataHeaderWithBorder">Directed by',HTML); //Strings start which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If 0<curPos Then Begin
curPos:=PosFrom('</h4>',HTML,curPos); //Strings end which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=curPos+Length('</h4>'); //Strings end which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//Get all "raw" crew summary (in raw because we need the hidden person links) May one person or severals in the ~crew~ n the ~crew~
endPos:=PosFrom('</table>',HTML,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//LogMessage(' Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos)+','+IntToStr(endPos)+') complex ItemList:'+ItemList+'||');
curPos:=Pos('<td class="name">',ItemList) //String which opens the subList data. WEB_SPECIFIC
While curPos>0 Do Begin
If (index>PEOPLE_LIMIT) Then break; //Limited depassed (Remember index begin in 0).
//Get PersonURL (Always must it has)
PersonURL:=BASE_URL_PERSON_PRE + TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<a href="/name/','/',false,curPos) + BASE_URL_SUF; //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results PersonURL:'+PersonURL+'||');
//Get Name (Always must it has)
Name:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'> ','</a>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Name:'+Name+'||');
//Get Role: PVD don't save Role in crew people but is added for Ivek23 as LogMessage compatibility
Role:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<td class="credit">','</td>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Role:'+Role+'||');
LogMessage(' Get results Director:#'+IntToStr(index)+'|'+Name+'|'+PersonURL+'||ctDirectors');
curPos:=PosFrom('<td class="name">',ItemList,curPos) //String which opens the subList data. WEB_SPECIFIC
For Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieMPAA is also a small correction.
Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieMPAA(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
// Result:=prFinished; Script has finished gathering data
// Result:=prError; If any big problem? with exit
//Retrieve: ~MPAA~
mpaaValue:=StringReplace(mpaaValue,'update: ','',False,False,True); //Cleanig value. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=Pos('Edit',mpaaValue); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If 0<curPos then mpaaValue:=Copy(mpaaValue,0,curPos-1);
If (mpaaValue='Approved') Then mpaaValue:='Rated G';
LogMessage(' Get result MPAA='+mpaaValue+'||');
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieMPAA END=====================||');
End; //BlockClose
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] _00 script is attached.
Yes, this is a mistake that will be corrected in the next IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script version.
Thanks guys, I really appreciate your work for keeping this software alive. :)
I tried and posted corrections. If I find anything else, I'll post it later.
Script Movie Configuration bug for
The launch of the configuration script does not work if PVD is stored in a path containing spaces (for example "D:\Personal Video Database") see attached error.
Thanks both. I have not understood the first time. Corrected in the attached patch that oame with the TheMovie [DE] scripts too.
NOT YET the Ivek23 alerts corrected in this patch.
Two questions to Ivek23 about duration info.
1) What is the diference between "AddFieldValueXML('length',ItemValue);" and "AddFieldValue(mfDuration,ItemValue); " with "mfDuration = 14;"
2) PVD have a command "Re-read file information" in order to fill the next fields:
Is this Duration yours field? In your PVD version is not it ~length~?
a) If yes, I have added a new script parameter in order to preserve it for the user with a movie file copy
PRESERVE_USER_MOVIE_CHARS = True ; //Preserve the user movie copy characteristics (length and languages channels) instead of the original runtime and languages.
b) If not What PVD field is? I don't be able to find it in my PVD database or in the forum documentation and it overwrites the .
Two questions to Ivek23 about duration info.
1) What is the diference between "AddFieldValueXML('length',ItemValue);" and "AddFieldValue(mfDuration,ItemValue); " with "mfDuration = 14;"
Otherwise, this means the same and the same normal field in the PVD database, but in IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script example "AddFieldValueXML (" length ", ItemValue);" does not transfer any length or duration of a movie. It's completely different with "AddFieldValue (mfDuration, ItemValue);" which transfers the length or duration of a movie website, so it's necessary "mfDuration = 14;" he also needs it.
If already IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script is being edited to work, it is also right that this part of the code is also edited in order to work properly. This is about certain PVD users, who use multiple databases in order to choose the information they want.
My example of how I use the length or duration of a movie in the database:
I am using one database with information about a specific movie such as length and
similar to the movies folder stored in the archive on external disks. In the rest of the database, for example, I have, for example, saved only the length of the movie, which information is downloaded from the web site using plug-ins or scripts.
2) PVD have a command "Re-read file information" in order to fill the next fields:
Is this Duration yours field? In your PVD version is not it ~length~?
a) If yes, I have added a new script parameter in order to preserve it for the user with a movie file copy
PRESERVE_USER_MOVIE_CHARS = True ; //Preserve the user movie copy characteristics (length and languages channels) instead of the original runtime and languages.
I've already answered partially. Of course, all this is stated in my database and is true, but not for everyone.
PRESERVE_USER_MOVIE_CHARS = True; keeps the length of the film.
PRESERVE_USER_MOVIE_CHARS = True; however, it is not true for the original language because this is a particularly normal field in the database. The Original Language field always downloaded the information for the original language from the website (with IMDB only the first written language, which is very much often English language). There is only a language box, but it does not have a direct link to the original language field.
b) If not What PVD field is? I don't be able to find it in my PVD database or in the forum documentation and it overwrites the .
"length" is the XML mark for the duration field and is in the skins (find it there), the Duration record is for a length - "length" field and it is visible in the PVD database.
This option PRESERVE_USER_MOVIE_CHARS = True; it would be necessary to define for the time and separately for the language, so that each user can decide on his own data for which information he will keep and what information he will replace with other data.
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script
// Get ~ imdbrating ~, ~ IMDB_Votes ~ code has been changed again and now the code again works as it worked on 2018.08.08, when the last PVD_1.0.2.7_MOD-V.2018.08.08 was created.
//Get ~imdbrating~, ~IMDB_Votes~
curPos:=Pos('<span itemprop="ratingValue">',HTML); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If 0<curPos Then Begin
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<span itemprop="ratingValue">','<',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,',','.',True,True,False); //Decimal comma spanish separator to point english separator.
LogMessage(' Get result imdbrating:'+ItemValue+'||');
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<span class="small" itemprop="ratingCount">','</span>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'.','',True,True,False); //Remove thousand point spanish separator.
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,',','',True,True,False); //Remove thousand comma english separator.
LogMessage(' Get result IMDB_Votes:'+ItemValue+'||');
Fixed IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] _00 script is attached.
Attached the Acumulative Scripts Patch date:2018.09.19 (to copy in PVD folder for overwriting the existing script files).
All Ivek23 alerts just to this messages included but:
Please, Ivek test the ~length~ question.
With ~length~ it works for me in the two PVD versions but if you don't have movie file you must edit the movie panel in order to see it (add a field by number is [deprecated] in PVD manual).
Note: I have removed the PRESERVE_USER_MOVIE_CHARS parameter because this can be done with the 'Set Overwrite Options for the selected plugin' (the "Calendar" button, at right of the script 'Import name' in the version and in 'Preferences/Plugin Preferences' in the
I'd like to request that the AdultDVDEmpire script be adapted for this mod. I've been sort of maintaining the ADE script in the past, but I can lo longer get PVD and Proxomitron to play nice together. From what I can glean from looking at the mod's scripting, the mod uses an external program to download all https:// web pages, then parses them locally. This is beyond my capabilities to adapt.
The script development has changed a little but is not far from the traditional aproach and all funtional code can be re-used ... and I can help you.
For test if your ancient script work you can follow those steps:
1) In Explorer/Firefox browse the page of one movie in your provider and "Save as" / "Web page, only HTML" it in a text file "Example_movie.htm" in your Scripts folder
2) In your script:
a) In the function GetDownloadURL, code the result as "Result:='';" (this avoid the HTTPS PVD problem)
b) In the funtion ParsePage, recover the dowloaded provider page with "HTML:=FileToString(GetAppPath+'Scripts\'+'Example_movie.htm');"
3) After this instruction you can process the page with the script in order to get all the information.
4) When you arrive a good result for this unique movie, publish the script in the forum that I pass the code to the new download script process and then you can try it with multiple and real pages and finish the script.
Note: For process the results of the search page you can use the same method.
Let's go, you can do it! ;) ... and all people are invited too! ;D
Please, Ivek test the ~length~ question.
~ length ~ works but this part of the code AddFieldValueXML ('length', ItemValue); it prints Lenght number 00:01:37, which is wrong.
This part of the AddFieldValue code (14, ItemValue); // Filed number 14 = Duration. it prints Lenght number 01:37:00, which is absolutely correct.
With ~length~ it works for me in the two PVD versions but if you don't have movie file you must edit the movie panel in order to see it (add a field by number is [deprecated] in PVD manual).
I kept the second option in the enclosed IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script where I also corrected the entire Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieTECHNICAL and the beauty of // Go to "Directed by" ~ crew ~ ctDirectors in Full Cast and Crew section.
Script is attached.
Hi guys! Thanks for keeping the dream alive!
I noticed a difference with my olf file made with the old PVD:
The list of TAGS now appears as CATEGORY, and they are included in different lists.
Also I can't seem to update the "awards" section on the people database.
Also also, I used to add manually the "Duration" of the film, now it loads automatically, but it's in the "Features" section.
These are all minor details. The software is functional now :) :) :)
Oh I noticed something else, It would seem like TheMovieDB doesn't upload the "complete" cast. Just the main characters
Hi guys! Thanks for keeping the dream alive!
I noticed a difference with my olf file made with the old PVD:
The list of TAGS now appears as CATEGORY, and they are included in different lists.
Also I can't seem to update the "awards" section on the people database.
Also also, I used to add manually the "Duration" of the film, now it loads automatically, but it's in the "Features" section.
These are all minor details. The software is functional now :) :) :)
Now it should be (at least I hope it will be) again as it was several months ago or years ago, at least some of the things we did to make some corrections in this direction.
Attached the Acumulative Scripts Patch date:2018.09.20 (to copy in PVD folder for overwriting the existing script files).
All alerts just to this message applied.
~ length ~ works but this part of the code AddFieldValueXML ('length', ItemValue); it prints Lenght number 00:01:37, which is wrong.
This part of the AddFieldValue code (14, ItemValue); // Filed number 14 = Duration. it prints Lenght number 01:37:00, which is absolutely correct.
Wonderfull, Ivek23, you have discover the bug in PVD= Field number 14 works in minutes and ~length~ field works in seconds but two are Duration. Easy to solve multiplying by 60.
I noticed a difference with my olf file made with the old PVD
Thank you for your alert, Miguelh1020, try to apply this acumulative Patch over "PVD MOD 2018.08.08" Scripts folder.
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script is currently working properly. I'm testing and I'm looking for possible errors, if they still exist.
hello, have been a long time user of this wonderful program , but i am completely lost as to how to use this mod. is there a clear , step by step explanation of how to install this mod over the old one. i have tried to do it with the instructions in the early part of this discussion but it did not work. i am not a programmer so a lot of what you say is very easily misunderstood . i really hope some one can help.
would love to get this program working the way it used to.
many thanks
hello, have been a long time user of this wonderful program , but i am completely lost as to how to use this mod. is there a clear , step by step explanation of how to install this mod over the old one. i have tried to do it with the instructions in the early part of this discussion but it did not work. i am not a programmer so a lot of what you say is very easily misunderstood . i really hope some one can help.
would love to get this program working the way it used to.
many thanks
Welcome to the forum, bobwal.
Leave the old PVD version as it is, do not need to overwrite it.
Download PVD_1.0.2.7_MOD-V.2018.08.08 on the link below.
Download PVD_1.0.2.7_MOD-V.2018.09.22 on the link below.
Since PVD_1.0.2.7_MOD-V.2018.08.08 is modified in a portable version, you unpack it. Previously, create a folder named Portables (Portable) in the C: \ Users \ Public or other partition folder with that name. Then copy the unpacked folder named PersonalVideoDB into the previously created Portables (Portable) folder. In the Portables (Portable) folder you also copy your movie PVD database, as this will preserve the originasl database. This mode will change this database and if you accidentally use the old version, then you will no longer be able to use this modified database with this old version.
You can also copy your skins to the Skins folder for Movies in the Movies folder and People in the People folder.
Now, run the portable.bat file in the PersonalVideoDB folder and it will have to work. But if it does not work yet, let us know and we will try to help you otherwise. Starting a portable.bat file will not lose any old data, because all the settings will be stored in the pvdconf.bak file that is in this folder, or it will be created when you run the portable.bat file.
I hope this will be written to you for good help and it will work as you wish.
hello, have been a long time user of this wonderful program , but i am completely lost as to how to use this mod. is there a clear , step by step explanation of how to install this mod over the old one. i have tried to do it with the instructions in the early part of this discussion but it did not work. i am not a programmer so a lot of what you say is very easily misunderstood . i really hope some one can help.
would love to get this program working the way it used to.
many thanks
I have rewritten the post 'Passing from original PVD version' (,4134.msg20627.html#msg20627) in order to help to this situation.
I understand that you have installed the MOD version and you have problems to recover your movie database over the MOD version.
If you are a ancient PVD user, the easiest way to change to the MOD version is Copy and Paste the movies.
If you are a ancient PVD user, follow the Ivek23 post steps. Or, other way longer, pass first to the original and then Copy and Paste the collection.
Note: If you are a normal user, I strongly recommends use the SyMenu ( free launcher to install and keep updated the portable Personal Video Database MOD version (after pass your ancient collection). It's easy and completely free without charges, advertisements, etc. (same philosophy as PVD) and perhaps you discover other advantages (for instance the Win10 users don't need use the infamous Windows Tiles).
thank you for your replies .
my version that i am using is (old one)
i tried what you said to do but it did not work . i tried to copy over files from my old version to the portable version but it kept telling me i have duplicate files , so i cleared and deleted the files in the portable version but to no avail. i dont know what i did wrong.
i set up a folder called portables in public as told and then put the latest version of mod into portables folder and extracted , i then ran the bat file and the portable version started up . so now i have 2 versions running and started to copy/paste my files and then the problems started with duplicates in the portable mod version
did i do the right thing?
again thanks for the help
Run first version in the PersonalVideoDB folder. Run the second version in the renamed PersonalVideoDB1 folder. Now I hope that there should be no problems.
and started to copy/paste my files and then the problems started with duplicates in the portable mod version
So I think that you have choose the way 'Copy & Paste' movies in PVD, isn't it?
When you say 'my files' what do you want to say? Because in this way you must copy and paste de PVD records, the 'movie lines': Amadeus, Casablanca, etc from the database of the old version in the MOD PVD.
Have you tried first one by one movie in order to learn?
Can you attach one error window screenshot?
Dear VVV and Ivek,
Thank you so much for your hard work and for your devotion to PVD.
I do thoroughly test PVD-MOD and I have found it almost perfect.
Nevertheless, I do have a problem while importing online data from IMDb. The problem can be seen in the screenshot.
It happens only during update of some movies, not for all. It doesn't happen when enter new records/movies.
Any help is more than welcome!
Nice to know about you, afrocubam :D
You have got a hard error, it seems that PVD tries to dulicate some record with a SQL instruction.
Some information in in this link: Why am i getting a primary/unique key violation/ (
Some test in order to detects/reproduce the problem:
- Have you more Customs Fields that the MOD estandar (,4134.msg20627.html#msg20627)? (In the last version I have include 'Updated').
- The error cames in the same movies? If yes, can tell us.
- The error cames with other scripts/provider? If yes, can tell us.
- Can you try disabling IMDB pages donwloading with the ***Script M. Configuration***? First try only dowloading the base page, after adding the Certification page, after adding the "Also Know as' page,... I suspect of the retreive of people because it is the part less depurated in PVD and the one that handles more links.
Really is a strange error, ???
Nice to know about you, afrocuban :D
Thank you! I really enjoy it!
You have got a hard error, it seems that PVD tries to dulicate some record with a SQL instruction.
Some information in in this link: Why am i getting a primary/unique key violation/ (
Thank you, dear VVV. I read and I think it's exactly the problem I experienced. Unfortunately, I do not programming, so it wasn't too much helpful for me, but I understand what it says.
Some test in order to detects/reproduce the problem:
- Have you more Customs Fields that the MOD estandar (,4134.msg20627.html#msg20627)? (In the last version I have include 'Updated').
Yes, I do. A lot more.
- The error cames in the same movies? If yes, can tell us.
- The error cames with other scripts/provider? If yes, can tell us.
No. Checked with FA and TMDb.
- Can you try disabling IMDB pages donwloading with the ***Script M. Configuration***? First try only dowloading the base page, after adding the Certification page, after adding the "Also Know as' page,... I suspect of the retreive of people because it is the part less depurated in PVD and the one that handles more links.
I must admit I don't know how to use ***Script M. Configuration***. When I call it, only dialog box with options for all scripts pops up, and when i save configuration, PVD restarts.
I try only to update Title, Top_250 and IMDb_Votes (Yes, you made a problem for me, hahaha. My custom fields were "Top 250:" and "IMDB Votes:", so now because you gave them different names, I have to update 7000 movies, and I ran into this problem when updating, hahah").
But, I did what you suggest - I disabled updating fields in IMDb script and I discovered that if I disable updating some or all fields, everything works, for now!? Not all of these fields cause problems for movies. For some movie only one field causes problem, for other movie other two fields, and for some movies all these fields. Sometimes, If I repeat import, it succeeds??? Strange thing is that I discovered also that for some movies I cannot manually delete Title when edit movie. If I delete it, when I press to exit edit mode, deleted Title comes back? Also the same for Description for some some movies - I delete it and it comes back when I exit edit mode?!
Really is a strange error, ???
Conclusion: It has problems with overwriting existing fields, that cannot be deleted even manually
At the end: a great respect and thank you for "Metascore" field!
Kind regards
Have you more Customs Fields that the MOD estandar? ... A lot more.
The PVD is very stable but it have some inner problems: Be careful with spaces in the Custom Fields.
The error cames in the same movies? ... YES!
If you tell us the movie title perhaps Ivek32 or myself can reproduce the problem.
The error cames with other scripts/provider? ... No. Checked with FA and TMDb.
So the problem is with the IMDB scritp. This is a very complicated script. In the default version it dowloads 6 web pages, everyone with his own routine. So is very important to know what page 'fails'. BTW, if you are updating only some fields you are downloading a lot of not needed pages.
I must admit I don't know how to use ***Script M. Configuration***.
I must rebuke you ;D.
You are losting a lot of time. I rewrite the ***Script M. Configuration*** help in this post Controling the retreived information in PVD MOD (,4134.msg20627.html#msg20627)
If you are trying only to update Title, Top_250 and IMDb_Votes You only need the principal page so you must uncheck the other 5 pages! (7000 movies x 5 pages = 35.000 downloads saved) Please, make a little efort ;)
My custom fields were "Top 250:" and "IMDB Votes:", so now because you gave them different names, I have to update 7000 movies,
You don't need create a new fields, you can rename its. See this post (,4134.msg20672.html#msg20672)
I disabled updating fields in IMDb script and I discovered that if I disable updating some or all fields, everything works, for now!? Not all of these fields cause problems for movies. For some movie only one field causes problem, for other movie other two fields, and for some movies all these fields.
Please, tell us those fields and movies! As I wrote in the forum, there is some uses of the database for the script not very safe (use Description and Comments, fields that are used for movie information and user file information, etc). The PVD database standar is not completely finished.
One more example of this, if you wants to update the Comments or the user Rating (not the IMDBrating) with a script you must clear it before (normaly with the Mass Editor)
If I delete it, when I press to exit edit mode, deleted Title comes back? Also the same for Description for some some movies - I delete it and it comes back when I exit edit mode?!
Perhaps you have people information (awards, featured, etc) with the same movie that you have.
PVD have information of the movie by two way: By Movie list and by People info (for this I not download the People's awards, it brings to PVD a lot of unknowed movies).
Dear VVV,
Thank you so much for your feedback!
I'll try to be brief as possible in my response.
1. I have never had any problems with spaces, although aware of possible problems. I tested them before start to use them almost 9 years ago.
2. To reproduce the problem, maybe better idea is to make a new database that consists only a few problematic movies and then send it to you (with my pvdconf.ini and my skin)? Anyway, some movies are:
3. Probably the problem is with IMDb script. But, not only movie, but now I suspect that people are problem too, even before I started to use PVD MOD. I mean, and I'm not sure at all, when we started to use IMDb scripts I noticed that I have duplicate entries for people. It's like some people were imported by nostra's imdb.dll and their duplicates with scripts. So now, for example I have two (sometimes, even more) actors with the same name in database and their filmography is split (to movies imported by imdb.dll and other part with script). If I update both, I get full filmography in both, but links to movies are still split. If I delete any name, I loose them in movies linked to that name. That is why I suggested to send you a small database. Is it even possible to overcome this?
4. I know you won't believe me, but renaming custom fields never worked for me. Of course I tried it once again before started to update database this time, but it just didn't showed up after renaming. My PVD is heavily customized, and I use my own skin (please check the screenshot enclosed), so I'm pretty aware of all aspects of renaming/updating fields. I tried also with IMDb User Reviews/Comments (my custom field name is different), but again to no avail. Simply said - total mystery to me.
5. Fields that I wanted to update/overwrite were: Description, IMDb User Reviews/Comments, Title (not origtitle), Top 250, IMDb Votes, Box Office, Actors, Director.
Kind regards and thank you for your time!
Casablanca (1942)
Christiane F. - Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo (1981)
Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid (1973)
Brutti, sporchi e cattivi (1976)
I mean, and I'm not sure at all, when we started to use IMDb scripts I noticed that I have duplicate entries for people. It's like some people were imported by nostra's imdb.dll and their duplicates with scripts. So now, for example I have two (sometimes, even more) actors with the same name in database and their filmography is split (to movies imported by imdb.dll and other part with script).
There is a possibility that duplicates are people for certain reasons, such as different url addresses (or they are not at all) for people. I have already noticed this in my IMDB records for people. For the IMDB plugin was the download URL of the Imdb reference pages without " www " in the url address. IMDB script has downloaded a full url with Main (overview) Imdb pages.
Finally, I had a similar problem with the TheMovieDB [API] script, where there was a problem with url titles for the Director because the script code was incorrectly written in the script and there were duplicate names for the director because of this, but not for all, only in certain cases.
I have found different url formats versions in my PVD too?
Can we write a fast url standards?
My proposal is (remember that we cann't use httpS):
IMDB Movie (finish with '/'=Slash):
- Movie=
- Person=
TMDB (NO finish with '/'=Slash):
- Movie=
- Person=
FilmAffinity (finish with '.html', maybe spanish (several countries) or english):
- Movie Spanish=
- Movie English=
BTW, in the last times of imdb.dll pluging it retrived bad movie and people url (for instance for directors with URL+'?ref_=tt_ov_dr' and writers URL+'?ref_=tt_ov_wr'). In that moment I wrote a little SQL script (you can use it in debug PVD mode in one hidden option of Help menu) in order to correct the database:
update PEOPLE set "url"=replace("url",'?ref_=tt_ov_dr', '/');
update PEOPLE set "url"=replace("url",'?ref_=tt_ov_wr', '/');
perhaps it may help to correct something.
I just wanted to ask if it's possible FA to have it's own rating custom field?
In the next MOD version I will include the solution that Ivek was advancing
because it doesn't nothing bad for the "normal" users but you need add by yourself this Custom field.
BTW, I have included several 'hidden' Custom Fields of Ivek23 in the scripts.
Ivek23, perhaps can be useful for other users open a new Thread with the information "Possibles improving Custom Fields" working in MOD version, how is the information and how add in the PVD database.
Thank you for your feedback, guys. Good to know that I'm not the one who messed up database, since you two have also people duplicates. Thanks for FA rating and all "hidden" custom fields.
I tried your SQL script in debug mode, cause I also notice mistakes in imported urls. Thank you for that. It didn't want to run with "As script" unchecked (some dynamic error...) so I ran it "As script", and although my database is which is over 15GB, with posters it finished in 3-4 minutes claiming "Script successfully executed"
After that I tried to update movies I stated above, but no luck. But, for example, I just repeated update for "All About Eve" which didn't succeed at first, and now it succeeded?! It never happened in original PVD, and the only conclusion I can make is that if some field isn't rewritable (for God knows what reason) the record cannot be updated.
I'd appreciate any further help on this and am more than grateful for your tremendous work and efforts to make PVD alive!
My best regards to you two.
Have you used the Tools/Optimize database ... ?
Perhaps it solved your "write protected" records but I warm you that it spend a lot, a lot of time.
With a 7.000 movies you must have more of 200.000 persons!
Perhaps you will spent one or two days with PVD working and the PC un-responding.
Thanks for your idea, VVV. I remember I used that option at the very beginning, and that then as I can remember it deleted some records I didn't want to. Do you by any chance know what exactly optimizing will do to my database? I hae never ever had some problem with PVD database speed, but whatever - I'll do it if my records will not be deleted or database corrupted.
Kind regards
Dear VVV and Ivek,
Meanwhile, I have experienced another strange issue. While updating some movies, it asks me to confirm the movie, although IMDb urls are already in database, and for for twice!. You can check comparing offered url on the first screenshot (question marks), with the url already in database in the second screenshot (red arrow) - they are the same.
Also, for some movies I get infobox "Movie not found :)" although IMDb url exists - please see third screenshot?!
It didn't happen earlier.
It's like script doesn't use existing urls. Why is that?
Any idea? Thank you in advance.
This is easy: in both "13" and "After life" imdb url's lacks "www" remeber the standar url (,4134.msg20759.html#msg20759) is:
Perhaps you can use the SQL script:
update MOVIES set "url"=replace("url",'http://imdb', '');
BTW, one tools that can help you is pass the db to Excel with the export template "CSVDB" and search with the excel filters some bizarre things.
Do you by any chance know what exactly optimizing will do to my database?
It will do as you select: delete duplicates entries, delete orphan persons (persons not related with your movies). You can select if it will do with all movies/people or only qith the visible (so you can protect movies with a filter and hidde it's)
Thanks VVV. It's clear now.
Is it possible then, considering your statement:
I have found different url formats versions in my PVD too?
Can we write a fast url standards?
My proposal is (remember that we cann't use httpS):
IMDB Movie (finish with '/'=Slash):
- Movie=
- Person=
TMDB (NO finish with '/'=Slash):
- Movie=
- Person=
FilmAffinity (finish with '.html', maybe spanish (several countries) or english):
- Movie Spanish=
- Movie English=
... to standardize urls in form:
Dear VVV and Ivek,
Meanwhile, I have experienced another strange issue. While updating some movies, it asks me to confirm the movie, although IMDb urls are already in database, and for for twice!. You can check comparing offered url on the first screenshot (question marks), with the url already in database in the second screenshot (red arrow) - they are the same.
Also, for some movies I get infobox "Movie not found :)" although IMDb url exists - please see third screenshot?!
It didn't happen earlier.
It's like script doesn't use existing urls. Why is that?
Any idea? Thank you in advance.
I myself have written here (,4134.msg20758.html#msg20758) why this happens, and who is responsible for problems with IMDB url addresses. This is the IMDB plugin, which caused problems to the afrocuban and also to me, but I edited it manually by adding " www " letters in the IMDB url.
There is a possibility that duplicates are people for certain reasons, such as different url addresses (or they are not at all) for people. I have already noticed this in my IMDB records for people. For the IMDB plugin was the download URL of the Imdb reference pages without " www " in the url address. IMDB script has downloaded a full url with Main (overview) Imdb pages.
Finally, I had a similar problem with the TheMovieDB [API] script, where there was a problem with url titles for the Director because the script code was incorrectly written in the script and there were duplicate names for the director because of this, but not for all, only in certain cases.
Is it possible then, considering your statement:
... to standardize urls in form:
I think to do that this is dificult because the script use the parameter
to make the url and for search if exist the url.
And this is risky because if the original PVD came to live again it use the same behavior with the Function GetBaseURL for locate the url.
But Ivek23 and you don't need add 'www' manual the SQL script (remeber, in debug mode Help/SQL, As script checked)
update MOVIES set "url"=replace("url",'http://imdb', '');
works fine: I test it.
Hello VVV,
Thank you for another SQL tip. I applied it immediately upon you first right about it, and it worked like a charm! I just thought if it's possible to generalize the term as much as possible, because we don't know what will happen with IMDb code in the future and with maintain of PVD and IMDb script, but hey - we will survive. I have my database for 20 years, from the first days of "WhereIsIt?" program, til final solution - PVD.
About optimizing database, thank you for explanation, but I think I mustn't use it because it looks it will do exactly what I don't want at any cost - it'll delete duplicate people, so I would loose them in movies, so I would again have to update 7000 movies to get people back, again most probably to get duplicates. The only solution to duplicates that I see is to delete all people, then to update all movies with people records (director, actor, producer, writer, composer, etc...).
Maybe I'd do that, but only when I'm sure that I will be able to update movies without breaks that I have now.
To add to this, I hve experienced one more IMDb script issue:
- If URL doesn't have slash - "/" at the and, we get "404" error message, like URL doesn't exist on, while actually url is valid. Please see first screenshot attached.
- After pressing OK (1-5 times, depending on how many pages are imported), script adds ghost link: - "http:/"? Please check second screenshot.
Anything we can do about this?
Best regards
Now I've tried to update The Villain movie title, where there is already information and has such an url address.
The interesting thing is that I did not have any problems in updating the information.
BTW, I have included several 'hidden' Custom Fields of Ivek23 in the scripts.
Ivek23, perhaps can be useful for other users open a new Thread with the information "Possibles improving Custom Fields" working in MOD version, how is the information and how add in the PVD database.
To that, when I do some more tests, because I discovered some more errors and I still test some more improvements to the code sections for IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script.
The interesting thing is that I did not have any problems in updating the information.
Is sure that the script don't find the IMDB url. Maybe that the script are always searching the movie URL's in IMDB page but it find at first and don't ask nothing. You can see that with the Log tool. In this movies, after pass the script, don't you have two IMDB url's stored?
To add to this, I hve experienced one more IMDb script issue:
- If URL doesn't have slash - "/" at the and, we get "404" error message, like URL doesn't exist on, while actually url is valid. Please see first screenshot attached.
- After pressing OK (1-5 times, depending on how many pages are imported), script adds ghost link: - "http:/"? Please check second screenshot.
This is not easy to solve with a SQL script so I code a not critical MOD patch for you. In the next post.
Attached non critical Acumulative Scripts Patch date:2018.10.07 (to copy in PVD folder for overwriting the existing script files).
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS].psf and IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS].psf:
V (07/10/2018) Managed IMDB url's not finish in BASE-URL-SUF='/' and principal page download errors.
The interesting thing is that I did not have any problems in updating the information.
Is sure that the script don't find the IMDB url. Maybe that the script are always searching the movie URL's in IMDB page but it find at first and don't ask nothing. You can see that with the Log tool. In this movies, after pass the script, don't you have two IMDB url's stored?
I'm sure and I stand for it, because the next url did not cause any problems when I updated the information. I checked this several times already due to the afrocuban major problems described in this regard.
There Was A Crooked Man...
No, I do not have any duplicate URLs.
I'm agree with you that the script doesn't give you any problems.
I want to say that perhaps this is because the script don't use the stored URL and it search the title in IMDB and continues scrapping.
You may see the script behaviour with the log window tool.
Thank you so much for your help guys! I will try cumulative script patch after finish updating.
Regardless of Ivek's and mine issue regarding "www", it is obviously solvable, one way or another. Still, the original, first issue is mystery and I connected it with the issue that I cannot overwrite some fields (mostly "Title", but some other as well), manually or automatically. Do you have any idea why some field could not be editied, manually, or automatically???
Thanks in advance!
I have found the cause of the error from this message:,4134.msg20748.html#msg20748
... and the workaround for it.
The problem is IMDb url that is stored in the "URL" field! Although it is perfectly valid (I copy it from the URL field then paste it in browser and it goes to the proper movie), it will not work if you try to update movie in PVD, or to manually edit any other field imported by IMDb script or plugin!
So, I went to Grid View, and for some movies I tried to delete Title and Origititle and, bam - I got the same error message as the one while importing with script.
Finally, in Grid view I deleted stored IDMb url (which is perfectly valid), and then let the script imports data and, another BAM - everything worked great!
Meaning, when I delete stored IMDb url (it is sometimes possible in Tree View, but it is always possible in Grid View), I am able to edit any other field, hence to update movie!
Why is this happening and why to only certain movies/records it's the mystery probably no one will solve.
If someone can explain this I'd be more than grateful. Luckily, I had only 105 movies of 7000 movies with this issue, so I will manually edit each one url and update it, but that will not resolve possible future issues. Workaround is not a solution, that is why it is called only - workaround.
Best regards
Good news even if it must expend "some" manual editing time! It's true that the Grid View edition is a little bit forgotten.
Perhaps you have some especial chars in the URL's fields that the browser is capable to manage and PVD crash (for instance, the URL's must be separated by spaces not by Return, char#13).
Regardless of Ivek's and mine issue regarding "www", it is obviously solvable, one way or another.
I strongly recommend you use the standar url (,4134.msg20759.html#msg20759) formats because there is other script (TheMovieDB) that use the IMDB link and is the normal way of PVD to detect the provider url (remember when PVD directly download the page when it detects the BASE_URL in the URL field, this is the reason that in the HTTPS scripts the function GetBaseURL returns BASE_URL_ROUNDABOUT in order to cheat GET PVdB funtion and rondabout the "https" fail).
And if all records are with those formats are easy to change with a SQL script because the URL field is a little bit especial, for instance, I haven't found the manner to protect it from script write or to delete all with the mass editor.
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script
A beauty correction for a piece of code for Date ~ Updated ~ (choose simple or verbose version) .
//Date ~Updated~ (choose simple or verbose version)
//AddFieldValueXML('viewdate',Date); //Only date, don't admit time-. Set Seen value at the same time.
//AddFieldValueXML('moddate',Date+' '+TimeToStr(CurrentDateTime)); //Block the dB saving
Date:=DateParts[2]+'.'+ DateParts[1]+'.'+DateParts[0];
//AddCustomFieldValueByName('Updated',Date); // Simple
//AddCustomFieldValueByName('Updated',Date+' at '+TimeToStr(CurrentDateTime)); // Verbose
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Updated',Date+' at '+TimeToStr(CurrentDateTime)+' • '+SCRIPT_NAME+' '+SCRIPT_VERSION); // Annoying
For Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieMPAA is also a small correction again.
Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieMPAA(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
// Result:=prFinished; Script has finished gathering data
// Result:=prError; If any big problem? with exit
//Retrieve: ~MPAA~
mpaaValue:=StringReplace(mpaaValue,'Suggested Rating','. Suggested Rating',False,False,False); //Avoid union in films with 'Suggested Rating'
mpaaValue:=StringReplace(mpaaValue,'update: ','',False,False,True); //Cleanig value. //WEB_SPECIFIC
mpaaValue:=StringReplace(mpaaValue,': ','',False,False,True); //Cleanig value. //WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=Pos('Edit',mpaaValue); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If 0<curPos then mpaaValue:=Copy(mpaaValue,0,curPos-1);
If (mpaaValue='Approved') Then mpaaValue:='Rated G';
LogMessage(' Get result MPAA='+mpaaValue+'||');
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieMPAA END=====================||');
End; //BlockClose
Full Cast and Crew section
For directors is also a small correction again.
//Go to "Directed by" ~crew~ctDirectors
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="dataHeaderWithBorder">Directed by',HTML); //Strings start which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If 0<curPos Then Begin
curPos:=PosFrom('</h4>',HTML,curPos); //Strings end which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=curPos+Length('</h4>'); //Strings end which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//Get all "raw" crew summary (in raw because we need the hidden person links) May one person or severals in the ~crew~ n the ~crew~
endPos:=PosFrom('</table>',HTML,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//LogMessage(' Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos)+','+IntToStr(endPos)+') complex ItemList:'+ItemList+'||');
curPos:=Pos('<td class="name">',ItemList) //String which opens the subList data. WEB_SPECIFIC
While curPos>0 Do Begin
If (index>PEOPLE_LIMIT) Then break; //Limited depassed (Remember index begin in 0).
//Get PersonURL (Always must it has)
PersonURL:=BASE_URL_PERSON_PRE + TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<a href="/name/','/',false,curPos) + BASE_URL_SUF; //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results PersonURL:'+PersonURL+'||');
//Get Name (Always must it has)
Name:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'> ','</a>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Name:'+Name+'||');
//Get Role: PVD don't save Role in crew people but is added for Ivek23 as LogMessage compatibility
//Role:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<td class="credit">','</td>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
Role:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<td ','</td>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Role:'+Role+'||');
LogMessage(' Get results Director:#'+IntToStr(index)+'|'+Name+'|'+PersonURL+'||ctDirectors');
curPos:=PosFrom('<td class="name">',ItemList,curPos) //String which opens the subList data. WEB_SPECIFIC
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script
Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE
Some corrections and new code sections for Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE
Get ~studio~ "Production Co" (several values in a comma separated list)
//Get ~studio~ "Production Co" (several values in a comma separated list)
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="inline">Production Co:</h4>',HTML); //WEB_SPECIFIC.IC.
If 0<curPos Then Begin
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<h4 class="inline">Production Co:</h4>','</span>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'See more »','',True,False,True); //Cleanning values
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'See more','',True,True,False);
//ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,', The','',True,False,True);
//ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'The, ','',True,False,True);
//ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'The ','',True,False,True);
LogMessage(' Get results Studio/Production Co:'+ItemValue+'||');
Get ~mpaa~. GET_FULL_MPAA = False only the info of the principal movie page.
//Get ~mpaa~. GET_FULL_MPAA = False only the info of the principal movie page.
//If Not(GET_FULL_MPAA) Then Begin
//The text can be "Certificate:" or "Motion Picture Rating" but alway after genres.
// If 0<curPos Then Begin
// ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<span itemprop="contentRating">','</span>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
// AddFieldValueXML('mpaa',ItemValue);
// LogMessage(' Get result mpaa:'+ItemValue+'||');
// End;
//Get ~mpaa~. GET_FULL_MPAA = False only the info of the principal movie page.
If Not(GET_FULL_MPAA) Then Begin
//The text can be "Certificate:" or "Motion Picture Rating" but alway after genres.
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="inline">Certificate:</h4>',HTML);
If 0<curPos Then Begin
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<h4 class="inline">Certificate:</h4>','<span class="see-more inline">',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'See all certifications »','',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,' |','',True,False,True);
AddFieldValueXML('mpaa',ItemValue); //AddFieldValue(mfMPAA,ItemValue);
If ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get results MPAA Certificate: '+ItemValue+' ||');
//Get ~mpaa~. GET_FULL_MPAA = False only the info of the principal movie page.
If Not(GET_FULL_MPAA) Then Begin
//The text can be "Certificate:" or "Motion Picture Rating" but alway after genres.
curPos:=Pos('<h4>Motion Picture Rating',HTML);
If 0<curPos Then Begin
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<span>','</span>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Get results MPAA: '+ItemValue+' ||');
The first part of the Get ~ mpaa ~ code. (GET_FULL_MPAA = False only the info on the main movie page.) does not work, so I added working parts of the code.
Get ~script info~
Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
// Result:=prFinished; Script has finished gathering data
// Result:=prError; If żany big problem? with exit;
//Retrieve: ~title~, ~year~, ~origtitle~, ~poster~ / ~imdbrating~, ~IMDB_Votes~ (Custom Field) / ~TOP_250~(Custom Field) /
// If Not(GET_FULL_CREDIT): ~crew~ctDirectors,ctWriters,ctComposers,ctProducers(Not in base page), ctActors
// ~description~ / ~category~ "keywords" / ~tagline~ / ~genre~
// If Not(GET_FULL_MPAA) ~mpaa~
// ~country~ / ~rdate~ in contry provider local IP geolocation
// If Not(GET_FULL_AKA) ~aka~.
// ~budget~ / ~money~ / ~studio~ "Production Co"
// If Not(GET_FULL_FEATURES) ~features~
ReleaseDateParts: TWideArray;
//Get ~script info~
curPos:=PosFrom('<script type="application/ld+json">{',HTML,curPos);
//curPos:=curPos+Length('<script type="application/ld+json">{');
//ItemList1:=RemoveTags(ItemList1, False);
//LogMessage(' Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos)+','+IntToStr(endPos)+') complex ItemList1 script info:'+ItemList1+'||');
ItemList:=TextBetWeenFirst(HTML,'<script type="application/ld+json"','}</script>'); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If (Length(ItemList)>0) Then Begin
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'"@type": "','",'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'TVSeries','TV Series',True,False,True);
if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result @type: '+ItemValue+' ||');
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'"contentRating": "','",'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result contentRating: '+ItemValue+' ||');
ReleaseDate:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'"datePublished": "','",'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//if ReleaseDate <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result Release_Date_Published: '+ReleaseDate+' ||');
if ReleaseDate <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result ReleaseDatePublished: '+ReleaseDate+' ||');
if ReleaseDate <> '' then begin
ReleaseDate:=ReleaseDateParts[2]+'.'+ ReleaseDateParts[1]+'.'+ReleaseDateParts[0];
AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDB Release Date',ReleaseDate);
if ReleaseDate <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result datePublished: '+ReleaseDate+' ||');
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'"ratingCount": ',','); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDB Votes',ItemValue);
//AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDB Votes:',ItemValue);
if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result ratingCount: '+ItemValue+' ||');
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'"ratingValue": "','"'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDB Rating',ItemValue);
if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result ratingValue: '+ItemValue+' ||');
I added a Get ~ script info ~ code, where imdbrating and IMDB_Votes, which should also work if there is a change to the code for Get ~ imdbrating ~, ~ IMDB_Votes ~ .
I also added the ReleaseDate code, which can add a missing release date or a more correct release date. In the settings you can adjust to add this information to you only when it is missing or overwritten. I did this because several times this was not the correct original release date,
which I would like to have in my database. Many times I get the release date record when this release date was published in my country.
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] _000 script is attached.
Dear VVV,
Some of my URL fields probably had some special characters in IMDb addreses, because now after I manually deleted url, than import data from imdb, I got new imdb url in url field. To test this newly imported imdb url, I applied update again with "overwrite" option on and everything went well, so obviously you were right.
Thanks Ivek for the update.
I have discovered one more issue with both IMDB_[EN][HTTPS].psf and IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] _000.psf
I can update Series record (for example But I can't update it's episodes. Updating just crashes PVD.
Here's part of the debug code
allocated memory : 99,05 MB
command line : viddb.exe -portable -debug
executable : viddb.exe
exec. date/time : 2018-08-08 10:01
version :
compiled with : Delphi 2010
madExcept version : 3.0l
callstack crc : $0811da24, $53dbdf84, $4ecf9cfa
exception number : 7
exception class : Unknown
exception message : Unknown.
main thread ($9a4):
0811da24 +000 ???
008d0d77 +a27 viddb.exe MainU 8520 +148 TPVDMain.ExecWebImport
008c5470 +3c8 viddb.exe MainU 5445 +60 TPVDMain.DoPluginExecute
008cc7cf +057 viddb.exe MainU 7482 +10 TPVDMain.ExecImpBtnClick
00551163 +06f viddb.exe Controls TControl.Click
005dc454 +000 viddb.exe Buttons TSpeedButton.Click
005dc43e +0ea viddb.exe Buttons TSpeedButton.MouseUp
00551598 +038 viddb.exe Controls TControl.DoMouseUp
00551614 +070 viddb.exe Controls TControl.WMLButtonUp
0055151e +07e viddb.exe Controls TControl.WMMouseMove
00550bf8 +2d4 viddb.exe Controls TControl.WndProc
0055081c +024 viddb.exe Controls TControl.Perform
00554de8 +0ac viddb.exe Controls TWinControl.IsControlMouseMsg
00555338 +3e4 viddb.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc
00554b5c +02c viddb.exe Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
004a9b5c +014 viddb.exe Classes StdWndProc
755f7885 +00a USER32.dll DispatchMessageW
005812c9 +11d viddb.exe Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage
0058130e +00a viddb.exe Forms TApplication.HandleMessage
00581639 +0c9 viddb.exe Forms TApplication.Run
009af241 +b69 viddb.exe viddb 257 +120 initialization
75e03368 +010 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
thread $1828 (TWorkerThread):
77ccf8da +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
775015c8 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75e0118f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75e01143 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
005a2651 +19 viddb.exe VirtualTrees 6002 +3 TWorkerThread.Execute
00467507 +2b viddb.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
004a703a +42 viddb.exe Classes ThreadProc
00406c38 +28 viddb.exe System 985 +0 ThreadWrapper
004673e9 +0d viddb.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
00467453 +37 viddb.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
75e03368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($9a4) at:
005a2596 +16 viddb.exe VirtualTrees 5965 +1 TWorkerThread.Create
thread $1e90:
77cd0166 +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects
75e03368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
thread $1d80:
77ccf8da +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
775015c8 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75e0118f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75e01143 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
6a1a29b8 +38 MSVCR80.dll _endthreadex
75e03368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
thread $1590: <priority:2>
77ccf8da +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
775015c8 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75e0118f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75e01143 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
6a1a29b8 +38 MSVCR80.dll _endthreadex
75e03368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
thread $15ec:
77cd1f4f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
75e03368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
008d0d67 mov eax, [$9cb0b8]
008d0d6c mov eax, [eax]
008d0d6e mov eax, [eax+$30]
008d0d71 call -$4c988e ($4074e8) ; System.@LStrToPChar
008d0d76 push eax
008d0d77 > call dword ptr [ebp-$18]
008d0d7a movsx esi, ax
008d0d7d 8521 sub esi, 1
008d0d80 jb loc_8d17aa
008d0d86 jz loc_8d0d9d
008d0d88 dec esi
I suspect it has something to do with double quotes - ". When " is in title (for the episode, importing is tried from the page which title is series name under the double qoutes, then episode name, then PVD crashes.
For example, for the ,
script tries to import data from imdb page which title is (can be seen on browser tab) "Flight of the Conchords": Sally, or something similar, but it definitely has double quotes,
Hopefully I can get some advise.
BTW, I have included several 'hidden' Custom Fields of Ivek23 in the scripts.
Ivek23, perhaps can be useful for other users open a new Thread with the information "Possibles improving Custom Fields" working in MOD version, how is the information and how add in the PVD database.
To that, when I do some more tests, because I discovered some more errors and I still test some more improvements to the code sections for IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script.
You can also find more information about Custom Fields in the topic Possibles improving Custom Fields working in MOD version. (,4141.msg20789.html#msg20789)
In the event that other interesting movie titles appear in the search for a particular movie, and you also want to have this information, the URL field will be downloaded for the requested address as url address for the first marked movie title.
For the following tagged titles titles titles are recorded in the url field such: url title for other movie titles.
That's why I am now using this SQL script
Perhaps you can use the SQL script:
update MOVIES set "url"=replace("url",'http://imdb', '');
has been repaired and is now:
update MOVIES set "url"=replace(("url",'', '');
Now, such a SQL script successfully addresses these URLs and are now corrected to such a format:
I hope that users will fix certain URLs if they have anywhere in the url field.
Thanks Ivek for the update.
Dear VVV,
Some of my URL fields probably had some special characters in IMDb addreses, because now after I manually deleted url, than import data from imdb, I got new imdb url in url field. To test this newly imported imdb url, I applied update again with "overwrite" option on and everything went well, so obviously you were right.
Thanks Ivek for the update.
I have discovered one more issue with both IMDB_[EN][HTTPS].psf and IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] _000.psf
I can update Series record (for example But I can't update it's episodes. Updating just crashes PVD.
Here's part of the debug code
allocated memory : 99,05 MB
command line : viddb.exe -portable -debug
executable : viddb.exe
exec. date/time : 2018-08-08 10:01
version :
compiled with : Delphi 2010
madExcept version : 3.0l
callstack crc : $0811da24, $53dbdf84, $4ecf9cfa
exception number : 7
exception class : Unknown
exception message : Unknown.
main thread ($9a4):
0811da24 +000 ???
008d0d77 +a27 viddb.exe MainU 8520 +148 TPVDMain.ExecWebImport
008c5470 +3c8 viddb.exe MainU 5445 +60 TPVDMain.DoPluginExecute
008cc7cf +057 viddb.exe MainU 7482 +10 TPVDMain.ExecImpBtnClick
00551163 +06f viddb.exe Controls TControl.Click
005dc454 +000 viddb.exe Buttons TSpeedButton.Click
005dc43e +0ea viddb.exe Buttons TSpeedButton.MouseUp
00551598 +038 viddb.exe Controls TControl.DoMouseUp
00551614 +070 viddb.exe Controls TControl.WMLButtonUp
0055151e +07e viddb.exe Controls TControl.WMMouseMove
00550bf8 +2d4 viddb.exe Controls TControl.WndProc
0055081c +024 viddb.exe Controls TControl.Perform
00554de8 +0ac viddb.exe Controls TWinControl.IsControlMouseMsg
00555338 +3e4 viddb.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc
00554b5c +02c viddb.exe Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
004a9b5c +014 viddb.exe Classes StdWndProc
755f7885 +00a USER32.dll DispatchMessageW
005812c9 +11d viddb.exe Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage
0058130e +00a viddb.exe Forms TApplication.HandleMessage
00581639 +0c9 viddb.exe Forms TApplication.Run
009af241 +b69 viddb.exe viddb 257 +120 initialization
75e03368 +010 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
thread $1828 (TWorkerThread):
77ccf8da +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
775015c8 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75e0118f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75e01143 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
005a2651 +19 viddb.exe VirtualTrees 6002 +3 TWorkerThread.Execute
00467507 +2b viddb.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
004a703a +42 viddb.exe Classes ThreadProc
00406c38 +28 viddb.exe System 985 +0 ThreadWrapper
004673e9 +0d viddb.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
00467453 +37 viddb.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
75e03368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($9a4) at:
005a2596 +16 viddb.exe VirtualTrees 5965 +1 TWorkerThread.Create
thread $1e90:
77cd0166 +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects
75e03368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
thread $1d80:
77ccf8da +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
775015c8 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75e0118f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75e01143 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
6a1a29b8 +38 MSVCR80.dll _endthreadex
75e03368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
thread $1590: <priority:2>
77ccf8da +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
775015c8 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75e0118f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75e01143 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
6a1a29b8 +38 MSVCR80.dll _endthreadex
75e03368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
thread $15ec:
77cd1f4f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
75e03368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
008d0d67 mov eax, [$9cb0b8]
008d0d6c mov eax, [eax]
008d0d6e mov eax, [eax+$30]
008d0d71 call -$4c988e ($4074e8) ; System.@LStrToPChar
008d0d76 push eax
008d0d77 > call dword ptr [ebp-$18]
008d0d7a movsx esi, ax
008d0d7d 8521 sub esi, 1
008d0d80 jb loc_8d17aa
008d0d86 jz loc_8d0d9d
008d0d88 dec esi
I suspect it has something to do with double quotes - ". When " is in title (for the episode, importing is tried from the page which title is series name under the double qoutes, then episode name, then PVD crashes.
For example, for the ,
script tries to import data from imdb page which title is (can be seen on browser tab) "Flight of the Conchords": Sally, or something similar, but it definitely has double quotes,
Hopefully I can get some advise.
As far as I can quickly figure out what causes crashes of PVD. This is the complete code for Also Known As (AKA). I attach IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (episodes) script, which should fix this problem because I blocked " GET_FULL_AKA = False; ".
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (episodes) script has been added.
Yes! It seems that so far works great, dear Ivek (I'm still updating episodes)!!! Thank you so much.
So, of all of my 7000 movies, it left only one movie-mystery that I cannot update: Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (
Whether IMDb url field is empty, or I manually put IMDb url in the field, all 3 scripts give the same error 404 - please check screenshot attached. I also tried and emptied all IMDb fields except Title, but no luck to import
Can anyone of you import data for this movie?
Yes! It seems that so far works great, dear Ivek (I'm still updating episodes)!!! Thank you so much.
So, of all of my 7000 movies, it left only one movie-mystery that I cannot update: Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (
Whether IMDb url field is empty, or I manually put IMDb url in the field, all 3 scripts give the same error 404 - please check screenshot attached. I also tried and emptied all IMDb fields except Title, but no luck to import
Can anyone of you import data for this movie?
I checked with IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script, which was updated after August 20, it is not working, and the PVD or script reports an error saying that this url address does not exist. IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script, which was in MOD V.2018.08.08, but limitedly transfers information. I found the error cause and this is located in the part of the script from Function GetDownloadURL to Function ParsePage_BingSearch. I replaced this code section in IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script with a code section from IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script, which was in MOD V.2018.08.08. This updated IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script was easy and correctly downloaded all the information for this problematic movie title.
Updated IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] _000a script is attached.
VVV_Easy_Programing, please check out the difference between IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] _000 script and IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] _000a script in the part of the script code from Function GetDownloadURL to Function ParsePage_BingSearch.
Thanks for the fast response dear Ivek. I have one question. Can your IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] _000a.psf script substitute all other IMDb scripts, except IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes).psf of course?
Thank you for an answer in advance.
Thanks for the fast response dear Ivek. I have one question. Can your IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] _000a.psf script substitute all other IMDb scripts, except IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes).psf of course?
Thank you for an answer in advance.
Yes, you can, as mentioned above. Also, keep IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] _000.psf script if there is any problem with IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] _000a.psf script, just in case, that you can also use it.
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much!
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script
It is necessary to check " // Get Cast." GET_FULL_CREDIT = False only the info of the main movie page. " code in Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE section, if it still works (as far as I know, does not work) and is needed in the script. If it does not work, this part of the code should be removed, except for actors, because it only burdens the work and the size of the script, but there is no transfer of information. It should be removed and replaced only with the actors code, which would be arranged so that the user would be able to download full information for actors from the Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieCREDIT section, or only information for actors from the Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE section. This would be the same as for the IMDB plugin, where you can determine the transfer of information for actors from the main movie page or from the Full Cast & Crew site.
This is the corrected code for actors from the main movie page. //Retreive Data Config
GET_MAINPAGE_ACTORS_CREDIT = True ; //Set to True to ensure MAINPAGE_ACTORS_CREDIT info is added. Otherwise: Set to False to ensure MAINPAGE_ACTORS_CREDIT info is not added. MAINPAGE_ACTORS_CREDIT info is in to the principal movie page.
GET_FULL_ACTORS_CREDIT = True ; //Set to True to ensure FULL_ACTORS_CREDIT info is for Full Cast & Crew provider page. Otherwise: Set to False to ensure FULL_ACTORS_CREDIT info is not added.
GET_FULL_MPAA = True ; //Download Certification provider page for retreive the MPAA info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page.
//Get to "Cast" ~actors~ ctActors
//Go Cast list
curPos:=Pos('<table class="cast_list">',HTML); //Strings start which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=curPos+Length('<table class="cast_list">'); //Strings end which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//Get all "raw" crew summary (in raw because we need the hidden person links) May one person or severals in the ~crew~
endPos:=PosFrom('</div>',HTML,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//LogMessage(' Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos)+','+IntToStr(endPos)+') complex ItemList:'+ItemList+'||');List+'||');
curPos:=Pos('<td class="primary_photo">',ItemList) //String which opens the subList data. WEB_SPECIFIC
While curPos>0 Do Begin
If (index>PEOPLE_LIMIT) Then break; //Limited depassed (Remember index begin in 0).
//Get PersonURL (Always must it has)
PersonURL:=BASE_URL_PERSON_PRE + TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<a href="/name/','/',false,curPos) + BASE_URL_SUF; //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results PersonURL:'+PersonURL+'||');
//Get Name (Always must it has)
Name:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<td>','</td>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Name:'+Name+'||');
//Get Role NO: PVD don't save Role in crew people
//Get Role
Role:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<td class="character">','</td>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Role:'+Role+'||');
Role:=StringReplace(Role,' (',' (',True,False,True);
Role:=StringReplace(Role,'(uncredited) ','(uncredited) • ',True,False,True);
Role:=StringReplace(Role,') ',') ',True,False,True);
Role:=StringReplace(Role,' / ',' - ',True,False,True);
Role:=StringReplace(Role,' / ... ',' • ',True,False,True);
Role:=StringReplace(Role,' ',' • ',True,False,True);
Role:=StringReplace(Role,' (uncredited)',' (uncredited)',True,False,True);
LogMessage(' Parse Results Role_1:'+Role+'||');
LogMessage(' Get results cast:#'+IntToStr(index)+'|'+Name+'|'+Role+'|'+PersonURL+'||ctActors');
curPos:=PosFrom('<td class="primary_photo">',ItemList,curPos); //String which opens the Web Result item List data. WEB_SPECIFIC
Full Cast and Crew section
//Get to "Cast" ~actors~ ctActors
//Go Cast list
curPos:=Pos('<table class="cast_list">',HTML); //Strings start which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=curPos+Length('<table class="cast_list">'); //Strings end which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//Get all "raw" crew summary (in raw because we need the hidden person links) May one person or severals in the ~crew~
endPos:=PosFrom('</div>',HTML,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//LogMessage(' Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos)+','+IntToStr(endPos)+') complex ItemList:'+ItemList+'||');
curPos:=Pos('<td class="primary_photo">',ItemList) //String which opens the subList data. WEB_SPECIFIC
While curPos>0 Do Begin
If (index>PEOPLE_LIMIT) Then break; //Limited depassed (Remember index begin in 0).
//Get PersonURL (Always must it has)
PersonURL:=BASE_URL_PERSON_PRE + TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<a href="/name/','/',false,curPos) + BASE_URL_SUF; //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results PersonURL:'+PersonURL+'||');
//Get Name (Always must it has)
Name:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'> ','</a>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Name:'+Name+'||');
//Get Role
Role:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<td class="character">','</td>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Role:'+Role+'||');
Role:=StringReplace(Role,' (',' (',True,False,True);
Role:=StringReplace(Role,'(uncredited) ','(uncredited) • ',True,False,True);
Role:=StringReplace(Role,') ',') ',True,False,True);
Role:=StringReplace(Role,' / ',' - ',True,False,True);
Role:=StringReplace(Role,' / ... ',' • ',True,False,True);
Role:=StringReplace(Role,' ',' • ',True,False,True);
Role:=StringReplace(Role,' (uncredited)',' (uncredited)',True,False,True);
LogMessage(' Parse Results Role_1:'+Role+'||');
LogMessage(' Get results cast:#'+IntToStr(index)+'|'+Name+'|'+Role+'|'+PersonURL+'||ctActors');
curPos:=PosFrom('<td class="primary_photo">',ItemList,curPos); //String which opens the Web Result item List data. WEB_SPECIFIC
End; End;
Attached temporal Acumulative Scripts Patch date:2018.10.20 (to copy in PVD folder for overwriting the existing script files).
Changelog: (All posted alerts treated but the last GET_FULL_CREDIT=False)
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS].psf and IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS].psf:
V (20/10/2018) Improvement of search stored URL. Better script flow control. Only get FULL_AKA in MediaType='Movie'. More Ivek23 corrections.
V (20/10/2018) VVV: Improvement of search stored URL. Added the custom field FilmAffinity_Rating. Better script flow control.
It is necessary to check " // Get Cast." GET_FULL_CREDIT = False only the info of the main movie page. " code in Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE section
I agree but there is enougth info of the directors, authors, composers, etc in the principal page for the normal user (for instance for me ;D )...
but now I have a very little amont of free time. Can anybody help with the script? :)
The same acumulative patch but with LogMessages improvements (only for the scripts developers: better tabulation, texts with the Custom Field name, etc)
//Date ~Updated~ (choose simple or verbose version)
//AddFieldValueXML('viewdate',Date); //Only date, don't admit time-. Set Seen value at the same time.
//AddFieldValueXML('moddate',Date+' '+TimeToStr(CurrentDateTime)); //Block the dB saving
Date:=DateParts[2]+'.'+ DateParts[1]+'.'+DateParts[0];
//AddCustomFieldValueByName('Updated',Date); // Simple
//AddCustomFieldValueByName('Updated',Date+' at '+TimeToStr(CurrentDateTime)); // Verbose
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Updated',Date+' at '+TimeToStr(CurrentDateTime)+' • '+SCRIPT_NAME+' '+SCRIPT_VERSION); // Annoying
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script
A small error in a piece of code for Date ~ Updated ~ (choose simple or verbose version) .
//Date ~Updated~ (choose simple or verbose version)
//AddFieldValueXML('viewdate',Date); //Only date, don't admit time-. Set Seen value at the same time.
//AddFieldValueXML('moddate',Date+' '+TimeToStr(CurrentDateTime)); //Block the dB saving
Date:=DateParts[2]+'.'+ DateParts[1]+'.'+DateParts[0];
//AddCustomFieldValueByName('Updated',Date); // Simple
//AddCustomFieldValueByName('Updated',Date+' at '+TimeToStr(CurrentDateTime)); // Verbose
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Updated',Date+' at '+TimeToStr(CurrentDateTime)+' • '+SCRIPT_NAME+' '+SCRIPT_VERSION); // Annoying
Missing this in a piece of code for Date ~ Updated ~ (choose simple or verbose version) .
any chance of getting this working with Firebird database that is hosted on a remote server? My PVD is running as such but tested this mod version and it could not load the database using "Connect to server...".
Thanks for the mod effort! Appreciate it.
working with Firebird database
I think that in the MOD version there are only two modification that may to influence this functionality: it runs in portable mode and there is a dll update.
I can propose you some test (important, first make a backup of your actual instalation):
1) Replace the Scripts and Plugings folders of your current installation with the MOD folder but run it in normal mode (NOT with Portable.bat)
With this you have a MOD working copy over your standart installation.
2) If it works, copy the MOD dll's to the current installation. If it works, I suspect that the portable mode does not allow the connection with the Firefox server, if it does not work I suspect that the problem is the new dll.
Let us know your results.
(see "Dirty" own PVD installation/collection adaptation for advanced users" (,4134.msg20627.html#msg20627) for more information)
are the movie connections parsed by the MOD version ?
are parsed by the MOD version ?
In the primary IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script definitely will not be added more new information, including not the movie connections or any other possible information.
Notice of such a decision:
This is what can now be downloaded with the script, of course, it is also the most information that the script can download. This is appropriate but not in too long, and it is safe, that this information can still be downloaded by this script. Already now it's time to download information pretty much long, everything depends on how much information is written on web pages, which the script must then download. Thus, the transmission time of the information is still fast and expansive in the transmission of information, thus preventing the possibility of the PVD program being accidentally frozen when transferring information.
There is, however, the next option to be in the secondary IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script adds more new information related to other information, including the movie connections.
Attached temporal Acumulative Scripts Patch date:2018.10.26 (to copy in PVD folder for overwriting the existing files).
ATTENTION: For recover Toolbar it overwrite the 'pvdconf.ini' file and Tabs folder.
Corrected "Date:=StringReplace(Date,'01.','1.',True,True,False);"
Now retrive directors, authors, composers, etc from the principal page
Recover the Toolbar with the indispensable buttons (Delete posters, clear data,etc)
Note: This is a release candidate.
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] (Connections) script
are parsed by the MOD version ?
In the primary IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script definitely will not be added more new information, including not the movie connections or any other possible information.
Notice of such a decision:
This is what can now be downloaded with the script, of course, it is also the most information that the script can download. This is appropriate but not in too long, and it is safe, that this information can still be downloaded by this script. Already now it's time to download information pretty much long, everything depends on how much information is written on web pages, which the script must then download. Thus, the transmission time of the information is still fast and expansive in the transmission of information, thus preventing the possibility of the PVD program being accidentally frozen when transferring information.
There is, however, the next option to be in the secondary IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script adds more new information related to other information, including the movie connections.
I've edited the MOD version of IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script, which is now called IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Connections) script to transfer the Movie Connections information to the Normal Connections PVD field.
An additional code has also been added to transfer the category, which is allowed to record
url titles in the Connections custom box for links to the Connections website. In the Connections custom field, your data record will look like this,Followed by (2) Version of (58) Spin-off (1) References (6) Referenced in (27) Features (1) Featured in (1) Spoofs (1) Spoofed in (2)
it will also have a visible option in the record, clicking on it, in order to open the Internet window of this record in the web browser.
In case of only such a record,Spin-off (1)
there will be no url link to the Connections website.
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Connections) script is attached.
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Connections) script
There is, however, an option, that the script will be transmitting information for a long time due to the large number of Movie Title. This is the case of Casablanca movie (http://),
with more than 1500 records.
If anyone has a suggestion for which category of records should be the transfer of information, he will be welcome.
The list is as follows:
- follows
- followed_by
- version_of
- remake_of
- remade_as
- edited_from
- edited_into
- spin_off_from
- spin_off
- references
- referenced_in
- features
- featured_in
- spoofs
- spoofed_in
And get only Movies not TV Episodes? Is it possible?
And get only Movies not TV Episodes? Is it possible?
I will see what to do with this case. I do not know the result at the moment, because when I created the Imdb Movie (connections) script, nobody not mentioned this problem already at that time. At that time, I did not tested it, and then repaired it or already found a way, how to find the option to download all records or records without TV Episodes.
Attached temporal Acumulative Scripts Patch date:2018.10.29 (to copy in PVD folder for overwriting the existing files).
ATTENTION: For recover Toolbar it overwrite the 'pvdconf.ini' file and Tabs folder.
V (28/10/2018) New parameter USE-SAVED-PVDCONFIG for avoid download page if the Overwrite Options of the Script in
the pvdconf.ini are 'Do Nothing'. Remember that PDV only save the pvdconf.ini in exit.
Note: This is a release candidate.
And get only Movies not TV Episodes? Is it possible?
I will see what to do with this case. I do not know the result at the moment, because when I created the Imdb Movie (connections) script, nobody not mentioned this problem already at that time. At that time, I did not tested it, and then repaired it or already found a way, how to find the option to download all records or records without TV Episodes.
It is not possible to transfer data without TV Episodes records, because the problem is in the URLs that are written for TV Episodes records.
There is a possibility that certain categories, for example version_of and similar categories, which contain TV Episodes records, are completely blocked for the transmission of information.
- MOD V.2018.11.01; Ivek23, VVV: Important corrections and improvements (read PVD forum).
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]+IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS] New parameter USE-SAVED-PVDCONFIG for avoid download page if
the Overwrite Options of the Script in the pvdconf.ini are 'Do Nothing'. Remember that PDV only save the pvdconf.ini in exit.
For recover Toolbar new 'pvdconf.ini' file and Tabs folder.
Last version always in the first post
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script
Quickly found in Script version, a small beauty error in version number where one zero is missing.
BeforeSCRIPT_VERSION = '1.3.0.';
Hey guys. Thanks for everything. There are a couple of things I couldn't work out.
I can't get all the tags from a movie. The IMDB[EN] script only downloads 4-5 ( PVD calls them Tags but IMDB calls them Plot Keywords).
The other problem is with Series. How do I do make series appear as seasons and episodes? When I use IMDB[EN] I only get a main page and not the episodes and I don't know how to add any.
Also it seems it doesn't import Directors, producers, writers or composers.
Thanks for all your work!
Hey guys. Thanks for everything.
Thanks for all your work!
Welcome and thanks.
I can't get all the tags from a movie. The IMDB[EN] script only downloads 4-5 ( PVD calls them Tags but IMDB calls them Plot Keywords).
Tags are in fact really Plot Keywords. Tags is a PVD field for downloading Plot Keywords information. For Plot Keywords it will be possible to create a standalone IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Plot Keywords) script. In the basic IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script, Plot Keywords is only downloaded from the primary IMDB site, but there are only as many tags as you have already mentioned.
The other problem is with Series. How do I do make series appear as seasons and episodes? When I use IMDB[EN] I only get a main page and not the episodes and I don't know how to add any.
As for the series and the episode, it is necessary to create a brand new IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script, which would only transmit information for the series. Here, then, there is a problem, because a lot of code changes are required in the script, among which the beginnings of the series are already recorded in the beginning of the series as in movies, and it is likely that something would be found that would cause problems with the good functioning of the script.
Perhaps a script will be made in the future, but not currently, because the basic IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script needs to be stored to the details for complete and correct operation. The same goes for the PVD MOD program.
Also it seems it doesn't import Directors, producers, writers or composers.
As far as this is concerned, it does not transfer with the basic IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script, because it is completely different source code of the page for the series for the previously mentioned categories of persons.
Found a bug in the last version in the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script in both and
The error comes if the Script configuration box is ticked: Download "Also know as' provider page for retrieve the info...
If the box is not checked the script works and saves the info.
I atached the bug report.
I got the error while i tryed to update the following movies:
Calendar Girl (2011)
The Brazen Bull (2010)
The script worked till 16.11.2018, probably something changed to imdb site
Found a bug in the last version in the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script in both and
The error comes if the Script configuration box is ticked: Download "Also know as' provider page for retrieve the info...
If the box is not checked the script works and saves the info.
I atached the bug report.
I got the error while i tryed to update the following movies:
Calendar Girl (2011)
The Brazen Bull (2010)
The script worked till 16.11.2018, probably something changed to imdb site
Yes, a small change in the source code of the page.
This is to fix it and it's working again.
Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieAKA(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
// Result:=prFinished; Script has finished gathering data
// Result:=prError; If żany big problem? with exit;
//Retrieve: ~aka~ "Also Known As"
ItemArray: TWideArray;
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieAKA BEGIN=====================||');
Result:=prFinished; //It will change to prError if any big problem with exit;
//Get ~aka~ (several values in a line break separated list) Be careful don't repeat
if (Pos('It looks like we don'+Chr(39)+'t have any AKAs for this title yet.',HTML)>0) then Exit;
//Go to "Also Known As"
//curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="li_group">Also Known As (AKA)',HTML);
curPos:=Pos('class="ipl-list-title">Also Known As (AKA)',HTML); //Strings start which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
Thank you.
The fix worked for the titles i linked. But it seems not all titles are made the same :-\
Dai juk hei kek (2012) has a crash also.
Maybe is from the chirilic alphabet on the AKA page?
Thank you.
The fix worked for the titles i linked. But it seems not all titles are made the same :-\
Dai juk hei kek (2012) has a crash also.
Maybe is from the chirilic alphabet on the AKA page?
No, it was not what you thought, but was missing the name for the country. This should now solve the problem, at least it worked for me.
Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieAKA(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
// Result:=prFinished; Script has finished gathering data
// Result:=prError;
//Retrieve: ~aka~ "Also Known As"
ItemArray: TWideArray;
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieAKA BEGIN=====================||');
//Get ~aka~ (several values in a line break separated list) Be careful don't repeat
if (Pos('It looks like we don'+Chr(39)+'t have any AKAs for this title yet.',HTML)>0) then Exit;
//Go to "Also Known As"
//curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="li_group">Also Known As (AKA)',HTML);
curPos:=Pos('class="ipl-list-title">Also Known As (AKA)',HTML); //Strings start which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=PosFrom('</h4>',HTML,curPos); //Strings end which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=curPos+Length('</h4>'); //Strings end which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//Get all "raw" list aka for create good values separators
endPos:=PosFrom('</table>',HTML,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemList:=StringReplace(ItemList,'<td class="aka-item__name--empty"></td>','(Empty)|',True,True,False); //Fill the empty values (in countries) con in order to asure that ExplodeString get a value. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemList:=StringReplace(ItemList,'<td></td>','(Empty)|',True,True,False); //Fill the empty values (in countries) con in order to asure that ExplodeString get a value. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemList:=StringReplace(ItemList,'</td>','|',True,True,False); //WEB_SPECIFIC
//Get all aka list (NOT necesary in raw because: Several couple of valors (Country/title) but the first is the original title
ItemList:=RemoveTags(ItemList, False);
And get only Movies not TV Episodes? Is it possible?
I will see what to do with this case. I do not know the result at the moment, because when I created the Imdb Movie (connections) script, nobody not mentioned this problem already at that time. At that time, I did not tested it, and then repaired it or already found a way, how to find the option to download all records or records without TV Episodes.
Yes, I found a way to remove the episode from the records. Here is a filter that removes everything except movies records.
Example code:
Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieCONNECTIONS(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
// Result:=prFinished; Script has finished gathering data
// Result:=prError; If żany big problem? with exit
//Retrieve: ~links~
//Movie Connections Category for the Connections Title of Category
//Get "Connections" info
curPos:=Pos('<h1 class="header">Connections</h1>',HTML);
if (curPos=0) then Exit;
//Title of Movies for the Connections Category into the PVD database
//Get "follows" info
curPos:=PosFrom('<a id="follows" name="follows"></a>',HTML,EndPos);
If 0<curPos Then Begin
curPos:=PosFrom('<h4 class="li_group">',HTML,curPos);
endPos :=PosFrom('</h4>',HTML,curPos);
Category:=TextBetween(HTML,'<h4 class="li_group">','</h4>',false,curPos);
If Category <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result Category:'+Category+'||');
curPos:=PosFrom('" ><a href="/title/',HTML,curPos);
while (curPos > 0) AND (curPos < PosFrom('<h',HTML,endPos)) do begin
URL:='' + TextBetween(HTML,'" ><a href="/title/','">',false,curPos)+'/';
If URL <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result URL:'+URL+'||');
If Title <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result Title:'+Title+'||');
Year :=TextBetween(HTML,'(',')',false,curPos);
If Year <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result Year:'+Year+'||');
LogMessage(' Get result OrigTitle1:'+OrigTitle+'||');
OrigTitle:=StringReplace(OrigTitle,')(',') (',True,False,True);
debug_pos1:=Pos(' ',OrigTitle);
If debug_pos1 > 0 then OrigTitle:=Copy(OrigTitle,0,debug_pos1-1);
OrigTitle:=StringReplace(OrigTitle,' (TV Movie)','',True,False,True);
If OrigTitle <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result OrigTitle:'+OrigTitle+'||');
//If Pos(': ',Title) < 1 then
If Pos('(TV Episode)',OrigTitle) OR Pos('(TV Series)',OrigTitle) OR Pos('(TV Mini-Series)',OrigTitle) OR Pos('(Short)',OrigTitle) OR Pos('(TV Short)',OrigTitle) OR Pos('(TV Special)',OrigTitle) OR Pos('(Video Game)',OrigTitle) OR Pos('(Video)',OrigTitle) < 1 then
AddConnection(Title,Title+' '+OrigTitle,Category,URL,Year);
LogMessage(' Get results follows:#'+IntToStr(index)+'|'+Title+'|'+Year+'|'+Category+'||');
curPos := PosFrom('" ><a href="/title/',HTML,curPos);
End Else
I added the OrigTitle code, which is essential for filtering records at all and does not change. In the Connection field, the notes will also have a year (for example, For Your Eyes Only (1981)), which is written only in the Original Title field, but not in the Titile field in the PVD database. This option is added so that you often see multiple identical titles of the title of a movie, but the years of the movie outcome are different. This is removed at that time (movie year) when you update the movie record and the Original Title checkbox is confirmed.
I'm currently testing Imdb Movie (connections) script and I'm also looking for options for any additional filters for filtering records.
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Plot Keywords) script
I can't get all the tags from a movie. The IMDB[EN] script only downloads 4-5 ( PVD calls them Tags but IMDB calls them Plot Keywords).
Tags are in fact really Plot Keywords. Tags is a PVD field for downloading Plot Keywords information. For Plot Keywords it will be possible to create a standalone IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Plot Keywords) script. In the basic IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script, Plot Keywords is only downloaded from the primary IMDB site, but there are only as many tags as you have already mentioned.
An IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Plot Keywords) script for full download of Plot Keywords information was made.
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Plot Keywords) script is attached.
Attached temporal Acumulative Scripts Patch date: 2018.11.23 (to copy in PVD folder for overwriting the existing files).
V (22/11/2018) Ivek23: ParsePage_IMDBMovieAKA small change in the source code and was missing the name for the country.
Attached temporal Acumulative Scripts Patch date: 2018.11.23 (to copy in PVD folder for overwriting the existing files).
V (22/11/2018) Ivek23: ParsePage_IMDBMovieAKA small change in the source code and was missing the name for the country.
A minor error in the code ParsePage_IMDBMovieAKA code where the letter "c" is missing
urPos:=Pos('class="ipl-list-title">Also Known As (AKA)',HTML); //Strings start which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
It is correct:
curPos:=Pos('class="ipl-list-title">Also Known As (AKA)',HTML); //Strings start which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
Damn! I had corrected that error that also prevents the compilation ... but I had to upload the bad file :-[ . Thanks Ivek23.
Now I think it's fine.
Attached temporal Acumulative Scripts Patch date: 2018.11.25 (to copy in PVD folder for overwriting the existing files).
V (22/11/2018) Ivek23: ParsePage_IMDBMovieAKA small change in the source code and was missing the name for the country.
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script
This need to be fixed. Now records in ShowMessage are not in English.
Function DownloadPage(URL:AnsiString):String; //BlockOpen
//Returns the URL page text. If error returns empty string
//if 2=MessageBox('Demasiados intentos fallidos de conexión a internet.'+Chr(13)+ 'Reintentar o //if 2=MessageBox('Demasiados intentos fallidos de conexión a internet.'+Chr(13)+ 'Reintentar o Cancelar?',SCRIPT_NAME,5) then begin
if 2=MessageBox('Too many faulty attempts to internet connection.'+Chr(13)+ 'Retry or Cancel?',SCRIPT_NAME,5) then begin
LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+'Function DownloadPage END with NOT INTERNET connection ===============|');
if (Pos('405 Method not allowed',Result)>0) then begin //Banned IP. WEB_SPECIFIC.
//If BYPASS_SILENT Then ShowMessage('La URL tiene problemas de HTTP metodo (405 Method not allowed).'+Chr(13)+'Ir a la página del proveedor para'+Chr(13)+'encontrar la página buena',SCRIPT_NAME);
If BYPASS_SILENT Then ShowMessage('The URL has HTTP method problems (405 Method not allowed).'+Chr(13)+'Go to the provider web in order to in order to'+Chr(13)+'find the good page',SCRIPT_NAME);
LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+' 405 Method not allowed|');
Result:=''; //Fatal error
if (Pos('Too many request',Result)>0) then begin //Banned IP. WEB_SPECIFIC.
//If BYPASS_SILENT Then ShowMessage('El proveedor ha prohibido su IP (Demasiadas peticiones).'+Chr(13)+'Ir a la página del proveedor y resolver el captcha para'+Chr(13)+'demostrar que no es un robot',SCRIPT_NAME);
If BYPASS_SILENT Then ShowMessage('The provider has banned your IP (Too many request).'+Chr(13)+'Go to the provider web and resolve the captcha in order to'+Chr(13)+'demostrate you are not a robot',SCRIPT_NAME);
LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+' Banned IP|');
Result:=''; //Fatal error
LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+'Function DownloadPage END======================|');
End; //BlockClose
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Plot Keywords) script
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Plot Keywords) script now has the option to download the full number of Plot Keywords records. Also, the possibility of a limited number of Plot Keywords records is added, because in some cases a very large number of records is also available for a specific movie (the numbers also range over 400 or even 500 or more records). The limit is set to the number of 100 records in the PVD Tags field. IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Plot Keywords) script still transmits the full number of records, after which the filter allows 100 records in the PVD Tags field. Thus, IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Plot Keywords) script in some cases requires a lot of time to add records to the PVD database. I am still looking for a way or solution so that only a limited number of records (100) can be transmitted by IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Plot Keywords) script and written in the PVD Tags field and therefore it would take less time to add records to the PVD database .
GET_FULL_PLOTKEYWORDS = True ; //Download Plot Keywords provider page for retreive the Plot Keywords info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page
GET_PLOTKEYWORDS_LIMIT = True ; //Download Full of number of tags retrieved. Otherwise True for the only the Limit of number of tags retrieved. * Get Limit of number of tags retrieved.
// GET_PLOTKEYWORDS_LIMIT = False ; //Download Full of number of tags retrieved. Otherwise True for the only the Limit of number of tags retrieved. ** Get Full of number of tags retrieved.
PLOTKEYWORDS_LIMIT = 100; //Limit of number of tags retrieved.
In IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Plot Keywords) script, you can manually modify the way you transfer your records by blocking the current open setting and unblocking the currently blocked setting. With this change, the script will download the full number of records.
The new version of IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Plot Keywords) script is attached.
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Plot Keywords) script
Now there is the final version of IMDB [EN] [HTTPS] (Plot Keywords) script for use.
Changes to the final version of IMDB [EN] [HTTPS] (Plot Keywords) script:
GET_FULL_PLOTKEYWORDS = True ; //Download Plot Keywords provider page for retreive the Plot Keywords info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page
GET_PLOTKEYWORDS_LIMIT = True ; //Download Full of number of tags retrieved. Otherwise True for the only the Limit of number of tags retrieved. * Get Limit of number of tags retrieved.
// GET_PLOTKEYWORDS_LIMIT = False ; //Download Full of number of tags retrieved. Otherwise True for the only the Limit of number of tags retrieved. ** Get Full of number of tags retrieved.
PLOTKEYWORDS_LIMIT = 100; //Limit of number of tags retrieved.
The change is now described correctly and now looks like this:
GET_FULL_PLOTKEYWORDS = True ; //Download Plot Keywords provider page for retreive the Plot Keywords info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page
GET_PLOTKEYWORDS_LIMIT = True ; //Download Limit of number of tags retrieved. * Get True for Limit of number of tags retrieved.
// GET_PLOTKEYWORDS_LIMIT = False ; //Download Full of number of tags retrieved. ** Get False for Full of number of tags retrieved.
PLOTKEYWORDS_LIMIT = 100; //Limit of number of tags retrieved.
The download limit is set to 100 tags, but the script transfers 101 tags because the index starts to count at 0 digits.
In IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Plot Keywords) script, you can manually modify the way you transfer your records by blocking the current open setting and unblocking the currently blocked setting. With this change, the script will download the full number of records.
Added Plot Keywords to download info on the main movie page.
Now, the script works to limit the number of records faster, because I found a way that is faster than the previous one and only transfers as many records as the actual number is written in PLOTKEYWORDS_LIMIT options.
Function TextBetWeenFirst(_HTML:string;_ABegin,_AEnd:String):String; //BlockOpen
//Returns the first extract part of a given _HTML between _Abegin and _AEnd and removes all tags from the result substring.
//In order to avoid set the Pos variable in TextBetween
End; //BlockClose
function RemoveTagsEx(AText:String):String; //BlockOpen
B:=PosFrom(' <div class="did-',Result,18);
E:=PosFrom(' </span>',Result,B);
While (B>0) AND (B<E) Do Begin
B:=Pos(' <div class="did-',Result);
E:=Pos(' </span>',Result);
End; //BlockClose
Function ParsePage_BingSearch(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
This part of the code is also needed, otherwise the script does not work.
Also added is the Plot Keywords custom field in which the URL is transferred to the website and how much is the full number of Plot Keywords records for a specific movie title on the Plot Keywords web page. You can Plot Keywords custom field settings found in Possibles improving Custom Fields working in MOD version topic. (,4141.0.html)
The final version of IMDB [EN] [HTTPS] (Plot Keywords) script is attached.
Well done, Ivek32.
You really master the script working flow of the PVD MOD.
I'm going to integrate the retreive of Plotkeywords in the base script of IMDB (although 100 seem to me many) and Connections when you tell me it is ready.
Now I do not have much time, but it is first in my ToDo list.
Note: If Nostra wakes up and simply compiles the actual PVD with the libraries for HTTPS, we would have powerful scripts that could be quickly adapted to the oficial version.
Well done, Ivek32.
You really master the script working flow of the PVD MOD.
I'm going to integrate the retreive of Plotkeywords in the base script of IMDB (although 100 seem to me many) ...
Thank you.
I agree that there are 100 records too, so my suggestion is up to 50 records. I tend to be more inclined to a more appropriate number, that is, only 25 records in the database, what is the best variant that occupies a bit of space, especially when it is important in the record, which has a larger number of words in one record.
Note:Function TextBetWeenFirst(_HTML:string;_ABegin,_AEnd:String):String; //BlockOpen
//Returns the first extract part of a given _HTML between _Abegin and _AEnd and removes all tags from the result substring.
//In order to avoid set the Pos variable in TextBetween
End; //BlockClose
function RemoveTagsEx(AText:String):String; //BlockOpen
B:=PosFrom(' <div class="did-',Result,18);
E:=PosFrom(' </span>',Result,B);
While (B>0) AND (B<E) Do Begin
B:=Pos(' <div class="did-',Result);
E:=Pos(' </span>',Result);
End; //BlockClose
Function ParsePage_BingSearch(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
This part of the code is also needed, otherwise the script does not work.
I'm going to integrate the retreive of Plotkeywords in the base script of IMDB (although 100 seem to me many) and Connections when you tell me it is ready.
Now I do not have much time, but it is first in my ToDo list.
Yes, Plotkeywords in the base script of IMDB and Connections as a secondary script.
As soon as the final version of the Connections script is finished. There are still a few tests to work properly for the final version.
Note: If Nostra wakes up and simply compiles the actual PVD with the libraries for HTTPS, we would have powerful scripts that could be quickly adapted to the oficial version.
It would be great if your wish in the future will also come true, let's wait and we'll see ...
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script
Minor changes to the Title / OrigTitle code because there were minor changes in the source code of the page. The correction will be added to the next version of the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script.
Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
// Result:=prFinished; Script has finished gathering data
// Result:=prError; If żany big problem? with exit;
//Retrieve: ~title~, ~year~, ~origtitle~, ~poster~ / ~imdbrating~, ~IMDB_Votes~ (Custom Field) / ~TOP_250~(Custom Field) /
// If Not(GET_FULL_CREDIT): ~crew~ctDirectors,ctWriters,ctComposers,ctProducers(Not in base page), ctActors
// ~description~ / ~category~ "keywords" / ~tagline~ / ~genre~
// If Not(GET_FULL_MPAA) ~mpaa~
// ~country~ / ~rdate~ in contry provider local IP geolocation
// If Not(GET_FULL_AKA) ~aka~.
// ~budget~ / ~money~ / ~studio~ "Production Co"
// If Not(GET_FULL_FEATURES) ~features~
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE BEGIN======================|');
Result:=prFinished; //It will change to prError if any big problem with exit;
//Because the script don't retreives the data in the page order a token search for the first curPos position or block select is mandatory
//Get ~title~, ~year~, ~origtitle~, ~poster~
//Get all "raw" title summary (in raw because we need the hidden links, we avoid "complete" token in strings which opens/closes)
ItemList:=TextBetWeenFirst(HTML,'<div class="title_block"','div class="plot_summary_wrapper">'); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If (Length(ItemList)>0) Then Begin
//titleValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'<div class="title_wrapper"><h1 class="">','<'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
titleValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'<h1 class="">','<'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If titleValue = '0' then titleValue:='';
If titleValue = '' then titleValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'<h1 class="long">','<'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Get result title:'+titleValue+'||');
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'<span id="titleYear">(',')</span> </h1>'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Get result year:'+ItemValue+'||');
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'<div class="originalTitle">','<'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If (Length(ItemValue)=0) Then ItemValue:=titleValue; //Provider hides the original title if same that title. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Get result origtitle:'+ItemValue+'||');
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,BASE_URL_IMAGE_PRE_TRUE,'.'); //Get poster code. Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If (Length(ItemValue)>0) then begin
ItemValue:=BASE_URL_IMAGE_PRE_TRUE + ItemValue; //Base poster URL without '.jpg'. WEB_SPECIFIC
// Avoid HTTPS redirection: Download https image to file OutPutFile=
If (1=DownloadImage(ItemValue + '._V1_UY' + IntToStr(MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH) + '_.jpg',ImageFile)) then begin //Dowload in the selected user max size. WEB_SPECIFIC
//AddImageURL(itPoster,ImageFile); //Get the photo from a file even if the next line we log the true URL.
LogMessage(' Get result poster:'+ItemValue + '._V1_UY' + IntToStr(MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH) + '_.jpg'+'||');
end else if (1=DownloadImage(ItemValue +'.jpg',ImageFile)) then begin //Dowload in the web base size. WEB_SPECIFIC
//AddImageURL(itPoster,ImageFile); //Get the photo from a file even if the next line we log the true URL.
LogMessage(' Get result poster:' + ItemValue + '.jpg'+'||');
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Connections) script
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] (Connections) script is now renamed to IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Connections) script and now this is the final version of the script.
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] (Connections) script
I've edited the MOD version of IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script, which is now called IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Connections) script to transfer the Movie Connections information to the Normal Connections PVD field.
An additional code has also been added to transfer the category, which is allowed to record
url titles in the Connections custom box for links to the Connections website. In the Connections custom field, your data record will look like this,Followed by (2) Version of (58) Spin-off (1) References (6) Referenced in (27) Features (1) Featured in (1) Spoofs (1) Spoofed in (2)
it will also have a visible option in the record, clicking on it, in order to open the Internet window of this record in the web browser.
In case of only such a record,Spin-off (1)
there will be no url link to the Connections website.
I've done this by fixing a link to a specific IMDb Movie Connections website in the Custom Connections field. Custom Connections field still has links to individual categories and how many records are in each category. Where there is only one category where no link has been made so far, it is now a direct link to a particular IMDb Movie Connections website.
New is now the Connect Custom Box, where you can now set the PVD view so that you can now see the categories and the number of movie titles and which movie addresses are in a particular category [for example, the following number of movie titles are followed: Follows (10) ].
5. Connections field info names:
• Follows
• Followed_by
• Version_of
• Remake_of
• Remade_as
• Edited_from
• Edited_into
• Spin_off_from (Spun_off_from)
• Spin_off
• References
• Referenced_in
• Features
• Featured_in
• Spoofs
• Spoofed_in
These are all categories whose information can be transferred to the PVD database. Missing category " Alternate-language version of ", because I have noticed this category so far or found it with only one movie title.
GET_FULL_CONNECTIONS = True ; //Download Connections provider page for retreive the MovieConnections info. Otherwise no info of the Connections provider page.
If you change this function, there is no transfer of any information.
GET_FULL_CONNECT = False ; //Download Connections provider page for retreive the Follows, Followed_by, Version_of, Remake_of, Remade_as, Edited_from, Edited_into, Spin_off_from(Spun_off_from) and Spin_off info. Otherwise set to True to only the Follows and Followed by info of the Connections provider page.
If you change this function, the transfer of information will only be for the Follows and Followed by the info of the Connections provider page. You must also use the lower function you can not change, otherwise some other categories will be downloaded.
GET_FULL_CONNECTION = True ; //Download Connections provider page for retreive the Follows, Followed_by, Version_of, Remake_of, Remade_as, Edited_from, Edited_into, Spin_off_from(Spun_off_from) and Spin_off info of the Connections provider page. Otherwise set to False to the full MovieConnections info.
If you change this feature, you will be transferring all the information on the Connections provider page.Notice:
This function is basic set flagged-blocked with a " True " word.
You can change the functions according to your preferences, of course.
CONNECT_LIMIT = 100; //Limit of number of connections retrieved.
The limit is basic set to the 100 records, because there may be several records in the same category as the limit is set. This number allows the script to run faster, although records may also be several times higher.
Also, filtering records with this part of the code is added, which allows the database to be visible only for movies and movies with the TV Movie tag in the normal OrigTitle PVD field. If Pos('(Empty)',Title) OR Pos('(TV Episode)',OrigTitle) OR Pos('(TV Series)',OrigTitle) OR Pos('(TV Mini-Series)',OrigTitle) OR Pos('(Short)',OrigTitle) OR Pos('(TV Short)',OrigTitle) OR Pos('(TV Special)',OrigTitle) OR Pos('(Video Game)',OrigTitle) OR Pos('(Video)',OrigTitle) < 1 then
The following categories have such a filter: • Remake_of
• Remade_as
• Edited_into
• Spin_off_from (Spun_off_from)
• References
• Referenced_in
• Features
• Featured_in
• Spoofs
• Spoofed_in
The following categories have in the database in addition to already visible records for movies and movies with the TV Movie tag as well as the TV Series tag in the normal OrigTitle PVD field.
• Version_of
• Edited_from
The following categories have in the database in addition to already visible records for movies and movies with the TV Movie tag as well as the TV Series and Video tag in the normal OrigTitle PVD field.
• Follows
• Followed_by
• Spin_off
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS]_(Connections) script is attached.
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS]_(Connections) script
I added the OrigTitle code, which is essential for filtering records at all and does not change. In the Connection field, the notes will also have a year (for example, For Your Eyes Only (1981)), which is written only in the Original Title field, but not in the Titile field in the PVD database. This option is added so that you often see multiple identical titles of the title of a movie, but the years of the movie outcome are different. This is removed at that time (movie year) when you update the movie record and the Original Title checkbox is confirmed.
The complete code in IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] _ (Connections) script for downloading Connections information should not be added to the original IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script, because it will greatly slow down the performance of the script. IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] _ (Connections) script should remain as user only an additional script that will be used only by those users who will, at their option, want to download Connections information in their PVD Movies database.
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] (Connections) script
I'm going to integrate the retreive of Plotkeywords in the base script of IMDB (although 100 seem to me many) and Connections when you tell me it is ready.
Now I do not have much time, but it is first in my ToDo list.
Yes, Plotkeywords in the base script of IMDB and Connections as a secondary script.
I mentioned this because, for example, The Spy Who Loved Me ( movie title had a problem and IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Connections) script did not find a Connections website, but it always reported that the page or url of the address could not be found. The Connections web page url, however, was passed through a specific part of the code to the custom field, which proved that the page actually exists. Then I found a part of the codeFunction DownloadPage(URL:AnsiString):String; //BlockOpen
//Returns the URL page text. If error returns empty string
if (Pos('404 Error - IMDb',Result)>0) then begin //Banned IP. WEB_SPECIFIC.
If BYPASS_SILENT Then ShowMessage('The URL is not in use (404 Error - IMDb).'+Chr(13)+'Go to the provider web in order to in order to'+Chr(13)+'find the good page',SCRIPT_NAME);
LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+' 404 Error - IMDb|');
Result:=''; //Fatal error
//if (Pos('Page not found',Result)>0) then begin //Banned IP. WEB_SPECIFIC.
// If BYPASS_SILENT Then ShowMessage('The URL is not in use (Page not found).'+Chr(13)+'Go to the provider web in order to in order to'+Chr(13)+'find the good page',SCRIPT_NAME);
// LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+' Page not found|');
// Result:=''; //Fatal error
if (Pos('405 Method not allowed',Result)>0) then begin //Banned IP. WEB_SPECIFIC.
If BYPASS_SILENT Then ShowMessage('The URL has HTTP method problems (405 Method not allowed).'+Chr(13)+'Go to the provider web in order to in order to'+Chr(13)+'find the good page',SCRIPT_NAME);
LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+' 405 Method not allowed|');
Result:=''; //Fatal error
LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+'Function DownloadPage END======================|');
End; //BlockClose
that prevented the detection of the website and I blocked it. The result of blocking this part of the code was that the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Connections) script worked properly and correctly downloaded the data for this movie from the Connections website.
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script
Minor changes to the code.
Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
// Result:=prFinished; Script has finished gathering data
// Result:=prError; If żany big problem? with exit;
//Retrieve: ~title~, ~year~, ~origtitle~, ~poster~ / ~imdbrating~, ~IMDB_Votes~ (Custom Field) / ~TOP_250~(Custom Field) /
// If Not(GET_FULL_CREDIT): ~crew~ctDirectors,ctWriters,ctComposers,ctProducers(Not in base page), ctActors
// ~description~ / ~category~ "keywords" / ~tagline~ / ~genre~
// If Not(GET_FULL_MPAA) ~mpaa~
// ~country~ / ~rdate~ in contry provider local IP geolocation
// If Not(GET_FULL_AKA) ~aka~.
// ~budget~ / ~money~ / ~studio~ "Production Co"
// If Not(GET_FULL_FEATURES) ~features~
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE BEGIN======================|');
Result:=prFinished; //It will change to prError if any big problem with exit;
//Because the script don't retreives the data in the page order a token search for the first curPos position or block select is mandatory
//Get ~title~, ~year~, ~origtitle~, ~poster~
//Get all "raw" title summary (in raw because we need the hidden links, we avoid "complete" token in strings which opens/closes)
ItemList:=TextBetWeenFirst(HTML,'<div class="title_block"','div class="plot_summary_wrapper">'); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If (Length(ItemList)>0) Then Begin
titleValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'<h1 class="">','<'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If titleValue = '0' then titleValue:='';
If titleValue = '' then titleValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'<h1 class="long">','<'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Get result title:'+titleValue+'||');
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'<span id="titleYear">(',')</span> </h1>'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Get result year:'+ItemValue+'||');
endPos:=PosFrom('title="See more release dates" >',ItemList,curPos);
curPos:=PosFrom('title="See more release dates" >',ItemList,endPos);
endPos:=PosFrom('</a> </div>',ItemList,curPos);
LogMessage(' Get result year00:'+ItemValue1+'||');
ItemValue1:=StringReplace(ItemValue1,'/a> ','',True,False,True);
if ItemValue1 <> '' then AddFieldValueXML('year',ItemValue1);
if ItemValue1 <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result year0:'+ItemValue1+'||');
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'<div class="originalTitle">','<'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If (Length(ItemValue)=0) Then ItemValue:=titleValue; //Provider hides the original title if same that title. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Get result origtitle:'+ItemValue+'||');
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,BASE_URL_IMAGE_PRE_TRUE,'.'); //Get poster code. Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If (Length(ItemValue)>0) then begin
ItemValue:=BASE_URL_IMAGE_PRE_TRUE + ItemValue; //Base poster URL without '.jpg'. WEB_SPECIFIC
// Avoid HTTPS redirection: Download https image to file OutPutFile=
If (1=DownloadImage(ItemValue + '._V1_UY' + IntToStr(MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH) + '_.jpg',ImageFile)) then begin //Dowload in the selected user max size. WEB_SPECIFIC
//AddImageURL(itPoster,ImageFile); //Get the photo from a file even if the next line we log the true URL.
LogMessage(' Get result poster:'+ItemValue + '._V1_UY' + IntToStr(MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH) + '_.jpg'+'||');
end else if (1=DownloadImage(ItemValue +'.jpg',ImageFile)) then begin //Dowload in the web base size. WEB_SPECIFIC
//AddImageURL(itPoster,ImageFile); //Get the photo from a file even if the next line we log the true URL.
LogMessage(' Get result poster:' + ItemValue + '.jpg'+'||');
//Get ~script info~
//Get ~rdate~ in contry provider local IP geolocation. See:
//Get ~imdbrating~, ~IMDB_Votes~ (Two tries)
ItemList:=TextBetWeenFirst(HTML,'<script type="application/ld+json"','}</script>'); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If (Length(ItemList)>0) Then Begin
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'"@type": "','",'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'TVSeries','TV Series',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'TVEpisode','TV Episode',True,False,True);
//LogMessage(' Get result MediaType (CF~IMDBMovietype~):'+ItemValue+'||');
MediaType:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'TVSeries','TV Series',True,False,True);
MediaType:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'TVEpisode','TV Episode',True,False,True);
LogMessage(' Get result MediaType (CF~IMDB_Movietype~):'+MediaType+'||');
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'"contentRating": "','",'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result ContentRating (CF~IMDB_MPAA~):'+ItemValue+'||');
ImageFile:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'"image": "','._V1_.jpg",')+'._V1_UY'+IntToStr(MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH)+'_.jpg';
LogMessage(' Get result poster:' + ImageFile +'||');
ItemValue1:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'"datePublished": "','-');
LogMessage(' Get result year01:'+ItemValue1+'||');
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'"datePublished": "','",'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result ReleaseDatePublished: '+ItemValue+' ||');
if ItemValue <> '' then begin
ItemValue:=ItemArray[2]+'.'+ ItemArray[1]+'.'+ItemArray[0];
AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDB Release Date',ItemValue);
if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result DatePublished ~rdate~ (CF~IMDB Release Date~):'+ItemValue+'||');
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'"ratingCount": ',','); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result ratingCount (~IMDB_Votes~): '+ItemValue+' ||');
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'"ratingValue": "','"'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDB Rating',ItemValue);
if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result ratingValue ~imdbrating~ (CF~IMDB Rating~~IMDBRating~): '+ItemValue+' ||');
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script
Minor changes to the code.
//Get "plot_summary" as ~comment~ (In the PVD check fields table selection only ~description~ can be checked for overwrite but the user can change the config and
// write ~description~ in ~comment~ so with the script parameter we Avoid double use of ~description~ and ~comment~.
curPos:=Pos('<div class="plot_summary',HTML); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If 0<curPos then begin
curPos:=Pos('<div class="summary_text">',HTML); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If 0<curPos Then Begin
//ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<div class="summary_text">','</div>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<div class="summary_text','</div>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=Pos(' <a href="',ItemValue);
If 0<curPos then ItemValue:=Copy(ItemValue,0,curPos-1);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,', ',', ',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,' ',' ',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,' ',' ',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'Add a Plot »','',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'See full summary »','',True,False,True);
curPos:=Pos('var ue_t0=ue_t0||+new Date();var ',ItemValue);
If 0<curPos then ItemValue:=Copy(ItemValue,0,curPos-1);
LogMessage(' Get result "Plot_summary" as ~comment~:'+ItemValue+'||');
New part of the added code.
//USER FUNCTIONS AND PROCEDURES==================================================================================BlockClose
//OBLIGATORY CALLBACK PRINCIPAL FUNCTION=========================================================================BlockOpen
Function ParsePage(HTML:String;URL:AnsiString):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
Fullinfo,Movie_URL,IMDB_URL: String;
DateParts: TWideArray;
//Parse with the Movie URL 'smNormal'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If (Mode=smNormal) Then Begin
//Get the script Overwrite Options saved in pvdconf.ini (Remember that PVD only save the options on exit)
//0=Do nothing,1=Set if Empty,2=Overwrite
//LogMessage('Stored Script PVDConfigOptions is:'+PVDConfigOptions+'||');
//LogMessage('The Script option of position '+ IntToStr(opPoster) +' is:'+Copy(PVDConfigOptions,opPoster,1)+'||');
Result:=prFinished; //It will change to prError if any big problem with exit;
//Information in several page. Needs Provider MovieID
LogMessage(' ParsePage mode smNormal|'+IntToStr(Mode)+'|. Getting provider data for MovieID|'+ MovieID +'|');
LogMessage(' Get result IMDbID (CF~IMDbID~):'+MovieID+'||');
//Get ~url~
if (0=Pos(BASE_URL_PRE,StoredURL)) then begin //Write the url if not exists
LogMessage(' Get result url:'+StringReplace(DownloadURL,BASE_URL_PRE_TRUE,BASE_URL_PRE,True,False,False)+'||');
//Get ~IMDb Movie Url~
LogMessage(' Get result Movie_url: '+Movie_URL+' ||');
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'">Maindetails</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'reference">Reference</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'fullcredits">Full Cast&Crew</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'awards">Awards</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'releaseinfo">ReleaseDates</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'technical">TechnicalSpecs</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'parentalguide">ParentsGuide</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'keywords">PlotKeywords</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'plotsummary">PlotSummary</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'locations">FilmLocations</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'taglines">Taglines</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'companycredits">CompanyCredits</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'movieconnections">Connections</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'soundtrack">Soundtracks</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'externalsites">Miscellaneous</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'mediaindex">PhotoGallery</link>';
If Fullinfo <> '' then IMDB_URL:=Fullinfo;
If IMDB_URL <> '' then AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDb Movie Url',IMDB_URL);
LogMessage(' Get result Fullinfo-IMDB_URL (CF~IMDb Movie Url~ ):'+#13+IMDB_URL+'||');
//Parse principal provider page = BASE_URL_PRE_TRUE------------------------------------------------------------------
Attached temporal Acumulative Scripts Patch date: 2019.01.05 (to copy in PVD folder for overwriting the existing files).
V (05/01/2019) Ivek23: Added ParsePage_PLOTKEYWORDS. Ivek23 corrections since last version (see forum).
Notes for Ivek23:
- Not included the parameter GET_PLOTKEYWORDS_LIMIT=False because is redundant with PLOTKEYWORDS_LIMIT set in a big number
- Not included the script part "Connections" as suggested (but we can include it with parameter GET_CONNECTIONS=False)
- Corrected: "curPos:=curPos+43;" by "curPos:=curPos+45;" in order to get the good year (at least in Amadeus movie)
- Not included the code part of Post (,4134.msg20865.html#msg20865):
ImageFile:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'"image": "','._V1_.jpg",')+'._V1_UY'+IntToStr(MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH)+'_.jpg';
LogMessage(' Get result poster:' + ImageFile +'||');
ItemValue1:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'"datePublished": "','-');
LogMessage(' Get result year01:'+ItemValue1+'||');
because is not needed for download the poster and the AddFieldValueXML is after // (commentary) and ItemValue1 is not more used
Tell me if I was wrong in something.
I have been a long time user of this excellent program, but I am with a problem about the filmography of actors in this new version.
After I used the IMDB People [EN] [HTTPS] plugin for an specific actor, it isn't showing his full filmography. Look the exemple attached.
Please, could you help me in this case?
Thanks for your alert, you are right: nowadays the "IMDB People [EN] [HTTPS]" don't retrieve the full actor filmography from IMDB and only shows the fimography of the movies stored in the PVD.
There are several reasons for it:
- The full person filmography can be in five pages. For instance F. Murray Abraham can be: Actor | Soundtrack | Thanks | Self | Archive footage
- When you add filmography, PVD create a record for the movie even if it isn't in your collection. For instance, F. Murray Abraham has 188 credits!
- Finaly, the lack of time for this feature not very much demanded. But it is a good opportunity for you to try to make this script. We will help you with it!
Thanks for your alert, you are right: nowadays the "IMDB People [EN] [HTTPS]" don't retrieve the full actor filmography from IMDB and only shows the fimography of the movies stored in the PVD.
There are several reasons for it:
- The full person filmography can be in five pages. For instance F. Murray Abraham can be: Actor | Soundtrack | Thanks | Self | Archive footage
- When you add filmography, PVD create a record for the movie even if it isn't in your collection. For instance, F. Murray Abraham has 188 credits!
- Finaly, the lack of time for this feature not very much demanded. But it is a good opportunity for you to try to make this script. We will help you with it!
I agree with VVV_Easy. I have been waiting for some time for someone to ask a question about the transfer of filmography information to the IMDb people script. I have also been thinking of inserting code into IMDb people script for downloading filmography in the database. I'll see what to help.
Temporary help if you want to have a filmography can also be an IMDb People plugin that still works with Proxomitron (,4083.0.html)if you know it or have already used it. This is a temporary solution until it is ready code for filmography transfer.
OK. Thanks for while.
I am going to wait by the definitive solution. For while, i keep using The Proxomitron.
See you.
I have been a long time user of this excellent program, but I am with a problem about the filmography of actors in this new version.
After I used the IMDB People [EN] [HTTPS] plugin for an specific actor, it isn't showing his full filmography. Look the exemple attached.
Please, could you help me in this case?
OK. Thanks for while.
I am going to wait by the definitive solution. For while, i keep using The Proxomitron.
See you.
The solution is already, but it still needs some tests before the release, which you can expect in a day or two.
Tell me if I was wrong in something.
I have not yet been able to verify everything if something is missing or it may not be necessary to change anything at the moment.
The solution is already, but it still needs some tests before the release, which you can expect in a day or two.
IMDB_People_ [EN] [HTTPS]+ script now has an added filmography code for transmitting information as well as for Altenative names.
IMDB_People_ [EN] [HTTPS]+ script is attached.
IMDB_People_ [EN] [HTTPS]+ script
Function ParsePage_IMDBPeopleAWARDS(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
// Result:=prFinished; Script has finished gathering data
// Result:=prError; If żany big problem? with exit
//Retrieve: AddAward(Event, Award, Category, Recipient, Year, Won)
ItemArray: TWideArray;
AwardWon: Boolean;
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBPeopleAWARDS BEGIN=====================||');
Result:=prFinished; //It will change to prError if any big problem with exit
//Recipient Level
curPos2:=Pos('<td class="award_description">',AwardBlock); //String which opens the AwardCategory and AwardRecipient list data. WEB_SPECIFIC
While curPos2>0 Do Begin
//Get all "raw" list data for create good values separators (not use TextBetWeen)
endPos2:=PosFrom('</td>',AwardBlock,curPos2)+Length('</td>'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//LogMessage(' Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos2)+','+IntToStr(curPos2)+') complex ItemList:'+ItemList+'||');
//The Receipt awards ItemList may have: 1) empty description or not have name (not interesting) and break ItemArray[]. 2) Several titles with year 3) Detail o full Notes
//So is better search sequentily by token in a block than with ItemArray
endPosAux:=PosFrom(#13,ItemList,2); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos3:=PosFrom('title',ItemList,2); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If (endPosAux<curPos3) Or (curPos3=0) Then Begin //There is Awardcategory because #13 is befor name or there isn't name. WEB_SPECIFIC
AwardCategory:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<td class="award_description">',#13,false,curPos4); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results in AwardCategory:'+AwardCategory+'||');
curPos4:=Pos('Shared with:',AwardCategory); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If 0<curPos4 then AwardCategory:=Copy(AwardCategory,0,curPos4-1);
LogMessage(' Parse Results in AwardCategory0:'+AwardCategory+'||');
End Else Begin
If curPos3=0 Then Begin //Award without Recipient
AddAward(EventName, AwardName, AwardCategory, '', EventYear, AwardWon);
LogMessage(' Get results Awards:#'+IntToStr(index)+'|'+EventName+'|'+AwardName+'|'+AwardCategory+'|'+''+'|'+EventYear+'|'); //+BoolToStr(AwardWon)+'||');
While curPos3>0 Do Begin
MovieURL:=''+TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<a href="/title','?ref_=nmawd_awd_',true,curPos4)+'/'; //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' ** Parse Results in MovieURL: '+MovieURL);
AwardRecipient:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'>','<',false,curPos3); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results in AwardRecipient:'+AwardRecipient+'||');
MovieYear:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'(',')',false,curPos3); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' ** Parse Results in MovieYear:'+MovieYear);
AddAward(EventName, AwardName, AwardCategory, AwardRecipient, EventYear, AwardWon);
LogMessage(' Get results Awards:#'+IntToStr(index)+'|'+EventName+'|'+AwardName+'|'+AwardCategory+'|'+AwardRecipient+'|'+EventYear+'|'); //+BoolToStr(AwardWon)+'||');
//endPosAux:=PosFrom('note',ItemList,curPos3); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
endPosAux:=PosFrom('truncated-note',ItemList,curPos3); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos3:=PosFrom('title',ItemList,curPos3); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//curPos3:=PosFrom('name',ItemList,curPos3); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If curPos3>endPosAux Then curPos3:=0 //Avoid Names in notes. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos2:=PosFrom('<td class="award_description">',AwardBlock,endPos2); //String which opens the AwardCategory and AwardRecipient list data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos1:=PosFrom('<td class="award_outcome"',YearBlock,endPos1); //String which opens the AwardName and Won list data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos0:=PosFrom('<td class="award_year"',EventBlock,endPos0); //String which opens the AwardYearlist data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=PosFrom('<table class="awards"',HTML,endPos); //String which detectecs the Event. Search directly '<h3>' is very inconsistent. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieAWARDS END=====================||');
End; //BlockClose
In ParsePage_IMDBPeopleAWARDS, a few months ago, beauty errors were discovered or found, which had just been corrected or removed. IMDB_People_ [EN] [HTTPS]+ script now correctly transfers the Awards informations.
The revised IMDB_People_ [EN] [HTTPS]+ script is attached.
Tell me if I was wrong in something.
I have not yet been able to verify everything if something is missing or it may not be necessary to change anything at the moment.
In the near future, I will post corrections in the existing IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script, which will be called IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] + script (in a few days, hopefully it will be), as well as some new scripts such as Plot Summary, Soundtracks and other information. It will also be published separately IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script for Cast & Crew extra informations.
Notes for Ivek23:
- Not included the parameter GET_PLOTKEYWORDS_LIMIT=False because is redundant with PLOTKEYWORDS_LIMIT set in a big number
- Not included the script part "Connections" as suggested (but we can include it with parameter GET_CONNECTIONS=False)
That's OK.
Notes for Ivek23:
- Corrected: "curPos:=curPos+43;" by "curPos:=curPos+45;" in order to get the good year (at least in Amadeus movie)
- Not included the code part of Post (,4134.msg20865.html#msg20865):
I will explain this below.
Notes for Ivek23:
- Not included the code part of Post (,4134.msg20865.html#msg20865):
ImageFile:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'"image": "','._V1_.jpg",')+'._V1_UY'+IntToStr(MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH)+'_.jpg';
LogMessage(' Get result poster:' + ImageFile +'||');
ItemValue1:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'"datePublished": "','-');
LogMessage(' Get result year01:'+ItemValue1+'||');
because is not needed for download the poster and the AddFieldValueXML is after // (commentary) and ItemValue1 is not more used
It can be added there, it works. I added it for updating another IMDb script, where I used it and works the same way as here. But it does not need to be updated every time, when the next time they will encounter new changes to the source code for the IMDb website.
New added:
5. Cast & Crew field info names:
• Directed by
• Writing Credits // NO (WGA)
• Cast (in credits order) // Only data info in normal Actors field
• Produced by
• Music by
• Cinematography by // NO
• Film Editing by // NO
• Casting By // NO
• Production Design by // NO
• Art Direction by // NO
• Set Decoration by // NO
• Costume Design by // NO
• Production Management // NO
• Second Unit Director or Assistant Director // NO
• Special Effects by // NO
• Visual Effects by // NO
• Casting Department // NO
• Location Management // NO
• Music Department // NO
• Thanks
GET_CREW_CREDIT = False ; //Download Cast and Credit provider page for retreive the some credits (crew) info. Otherwise set to False to only the Directors, Writers, Composers, Producers, Cinematography and Thanks info of the Cast and Credit provider page.
//GET_CREW_CREDIT = True ; //Download Cast and Credit provider page for retreive the some credits (crew) info. Otherwise set to False to only the Directors, Writers, Composers, Producers, Cinematography and Thanks info of the Cast and Credit provider page.
Works in IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] _ (Cast & Crew) script.
GET_FULL_PLOTSUMMARY = True ; //Download Plot provider page for retreive the Summaries info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page
Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE
Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
// Result:=prFinished; Script has finished gathering data
// Result:=prError; If żany big problem? with exit;
//Retrieve: ~title~, ~year~, ~origtitle~, ~poster~ / ~imdbrating~, ~IMDB_Votes~ (Custom Field) / ~TOP_250~(Custom Field) /
// If Not(GET_FULL_CREDIT): ~crew~ctDirectors,ctWriters,ctComposers,ctProducers(Not in base page), ctActors
// ~description~ / ~category~ "keywords" / ~tagline~ / ~genre~
// If Not(GET_FULL_MPAA) ~mpaa~
// ~country~ / ~rdate~ in contry provider local IP geolocation
// If Not(GET_FULL_AKA) ~aka~.
// ~budget~ / ~money~ / ~studio~ "Production Co"
// If Not(GET_FULL_FEATURES) ~features~
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE BEGIN======================|');
Result:=prFinished; //It will change to prError if any big problem with exit; //**// (* *)
//Because the script don't retreives the data in the page order a token search for the first curPos position or block select is mandatory
//Get ~title~, ~year~, ~origtitle~, ~poster~
//Get all "raw" title summary (in raw because we need the hidden links, we avoid "complete" token in strings which opens/closes)
ItemList:=TextBetWeenFirst(HTML,'<div class="title_block"','div class="plot_summary_wrapper">'); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
//LogMessage(' Get result ItemList:'+#13+ItemList+'||');
If (Length(ItemList)>0) Then Begin
//Get ~title~
titleValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'<h1 class="">','<'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If titleValue = '0' then titleValue:='';
If titleValue = '' then titleValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'<h1 class="long">','<'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Get result title:'+titleValue+'||');
//First normal kind get of ~year~
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'<span id="titleYear">(',')</span> </h1>'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Get result normal year:'+ItemValue+'||');
//Second kind of get of ~year~
endPos:=PosFrom('title="See more release dates" >',ItemList,curPos);
curPos:=PosFrom('title="See more release dates" >',ItemList,endPos);
endPos:=PosFrom(' (',ItemList,curPos);
if (EndPos < 1) OR (EndPos > PosFrom('</a> </div>',ItemList,curPos)) then
EndPos := PosFrom('</a> </div>',ItemList,curPos);
LogMessage(' Get result second kind of year 0:'+ItemValue0+'||');
if ItemValue0 <> '' then AddFieldValueXML('year',ItemValue0);
if ItemValue0 <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result second kind of year:'+ItemValue0+'||');
//Second kind of get of ~year~ or for series
endPos:=PosFrom('title="See more release dates" >',ItemList,curPos);
curPos:=PosFrom('title="See more release dates" >',ItemList,endPos);
endPos:=PosFrom('</a> </div>',ItemList,curPos);
LogMessage(' Get series result for series year:'+ItemValue1+'||');
//ItemValue1:=StringReplace(ItemValue1,'/a> ','',True,False,True);
if ItemValue1 <> '' then AddFieldValueXML('year',ItemValue1);
if ItemValue1 <> '' then LogMessage(' Get series result for series year2:'+ItemValue1+'||');
//Get ~origtitle~
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'<div class="originalTitle">','<'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If (Length(ItemValue)=0) Then ItemValue:=titleValue; //Provider hides the original title if same that title. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Get result origtitle:'+ItemValue+'||');
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,BASE_URL_IMAGE_PRE_TRUE,'.'); //Get poster code. Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If ((Length(ItemValue)>0) and Not(USE_SAVED_PVDCONFIG and (Copy(PVDConfigOptions,opPoster,1)='0'))) then begin //The Poster will be saved in PVDthen begin
ItemValue:=BASE_URL_IMAGE_PRE_TRUE + ItemValue; //Base poster URL without '.jpg'. WEB_SPECIFIC
// Avoid HTTPS redirection: Download https image to file OutPutFile=
If (1=DownloadImage(ItemValue + '._V1_UY' + IntToStr(MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH) + '_.jpg',ImageFile)) then begin //Dowload in the selected user max size. WEB_SPECIFIC
AddImageURL(itPoster,ImageFile); //Get the photo from a file even if the next line we log the true URL.
LogMessage(' Get result poster:'+ItemValue + '._V1_UY' + IntToStr(MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH) + '_.jpg'+'||');
end else if (1=DownloadImage(ItemValue +'.jpg',ImageFile)) then begin //Dowload in the web base size. WEB_SPECIFIC
AddImageURL(itPoster,ImageFile); //Get the photo from a file even if the next line we log the true URL.
LogMessage(' Get result poster:' + ItemValue + '.jpg'+'||');
Now I've updated the year code. For users who want to update information for series, adds the year correctly to the database.
//Get ~script info~
//Get ~rdate~ in contry provider local IP geolocation. See:
//Get ~imdbrating~, ~IMDB_Votes~ (Two tries)
ItemList:=TextBetWeenFirst(HTML,'<script type="application/ld+json"','}</script>'); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If (Length(ItemList)>0) Then Begin
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'"@type": "','",'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'TVSeries','TV Series',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'TVEpisode','TV Episode',True,False,True);
//LogMessage(' Get result MediaType (CF~IMDBMovietype~):'+ItemValue+'||');
MediaType:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'TVSeries','TV Series',True,False,True);
MediaType:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'TVEpisode','TV Episode',True,False,True);
LogMessage(' Get result MediaType (CF~IMDB_Movietype~):'+MediaType+'||');
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'"contentRating": "','",'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result ContentRating (CF~IMDB_MPAA~):'+ItemValue+'||');
ImageFile:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'"image": "','._V1_.jpg",')+'._V1_UY'+IntToStr(MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH)+'_.jpg';
LogMessage(' Get result poster:' + ImageFile +'||');
ItemValue1:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'"datePublished": "','-');
LogMessage(' Get result year01:'+ItemValue1+'||');
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'"datePublished": "','",'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result ReleaseDatePublished: '+ItemValue+' ||');
if ItemValue <> '' then begin
ItemValue:=ItemArray[2]+'.'+ ItemArray[1]+'.'+ItemArray[0];
AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDB Release Date',ItemValue);
if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result DatePublished ~rdate~ (CF~IMDB Release Date~):'+ItemValue+'||');
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'"ratingCount": ',','); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result ratingCount (~IMDB_Votes~): '+ItemValue+' ||');
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'"ratingValue": "','"'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDB Rating',ItemValue);
if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result ratingValue ~imdbrating~ (CF~IMDB Rating~~IMDBRating~): '+ItemValue+' ||');
Notes for Ivek23:
- Not included the code part of Post (,4134.msg20865.html#msg20865):
ImageFile:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'"image": "','._V1_.jpg",')+'._V1_UY'+IntToStr(MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH)+'_.jpg';
LogMessage(' Get result poster:' + ImageFile +'||');
ItemValue1:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'"datePublished": "','-');
LogMessage(' Get result year01:'+ItemValue1+'||');
because is not needed for download the poster and the AddFieldValueXML is after // (commentary) and ItemValue1 is not more used
It can be added there, it works. I added it for updating another IMDb script, where I used it and works the same way as here. But it does not need to be updated every time, when the next time they will encounter new changes to the source code for the IMDb website.
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script
//Get "plot_summary" as ~comment~ (In the PVD check fields table selection only ~description~ can be checked for overwrite but the user can change the config and
// write ~description~ in ~comment~ so with the script parameter we Avoid double use of ~description~ and ~comment~.
curPos:=Pos('<div class="plot_summary',HTML); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If 0<curPos then begin
curPos:=Pos('<div class="summary_text">',HTML); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If 0<curPos Then Begin
ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<div class="summary_text','</div>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=Pos(' <a href="',ItemValue);
If 0<curPos then ItemValue:=Copy(ItemValue,0,curPos-1);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,', ',', ',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,' ',' ',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,' ',' ',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'Add a Plot »','',True,False,True);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'See full summary »','',True,False,True);
curPos:=Pos('var ue_t0=ue_t0||+new Date();var ',ItemValue);
If 0<curPos then ItemValue:=Copy(ItemValue,0,curPos-1);
LogMessage(' Get result "Plot_summary" as ~comment~:'+ItemValue+'||');
Now the plot_summary info on the primary IMDb page will no longer be written to the comment field, although you will make changes to the PVD settings.
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script
New added and modified:
Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieCREDIT(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
// Result:=prFinished; Script has finished gathering data
// Result:=prError; If żany big problem? with exit;
//Retrieve: ~crew~ctDirectors,ctWriters,ctComposers,ctProducers
// ~actors~ ctActors
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieCREDIT BEGIN=====================||');
Result:=prFinished; //It will change to prError if any big problem with exit;
//Get Full Cast & Crew
curPos:=Pos('<h1 class="header">Full Cast & Crew</h1>',HTML);
If 0<curPos Then Begin
ItemValue:=HTMLValues2(HTML,'<h1 class="header">Full Cast & Crew</h1>','<h2>See also</h2>','<h4 ','</h4>','<br> • ',EndPos); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If ItemValue <> '' then ItemValue:='<link url="'+GetFieldValueXML('url')+'fullcredits">Full Cast&Crew info names</link><br> • '+ItemValue;
LogMessage(' Get result Movie Full Cast & Crew Credits:'+ItemValue+'||');
//Get ~crew~ctDirectors,ctWriters,ctComposers,ctProducers
//Go to "Directed by" ~crew~ctDirectors
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="dataHeaderWithBorder">Directed by',HTML); //Strings start which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If 0<curPos Then Begin
curPos:=PosFrom('</h4>',HTML,curPos); //Strings end which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=curPos+Length('</h4>'); //Strings end which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//Get all "raw" crew summary (in raw because we need the hidden person links) May one person or severals in the ~crew~ n the ~crew~
endPos:=PosFrom('</table>',HTML,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//LogMessage(' Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos)+','+IntToStr(endPos)+') complex ItemList:'+ItemList+'||');
curPos:=Pos('<td class="name">',ItemList) //String which opens the subList data. WEB_SPECIFIC
While curPos>0 Do Begin
If (index>PEOPLE_LIMIT) Then break; //Limited depassed.
//Get PersonURL (Always must it has)
PersonURL:=BASE_URL_PERSON_PRE + TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<a href="/name/','/',false,curPos) + BASE_URL_SUF; //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results PersonURL:'+PersonURL+'||');
//Get Name (Always must it has)
Name:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'> ','</a>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Name:'+Name+'||');
//Get Role: PVD don't save Role in crew people but is added for Ivek23 as LogMessage compatibility
Role:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<td ','</td>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Role1:'+Role+'||');
Role:=StringReplace(Role,' (uncredited)','(uncredited)',True,False,True);
LogMessage(' Parse Results Role:'+Role+'||');
//LogMessage(' Get results Director:#'+IntToStr(index)+'|'+Name+'|'+PersonURL+'||ctDirectors');
if Directors <> '' then Directors:=Directors+#13;
if PersonURL <> '' then Directors:=Directors+'<link url="'+PersonURL+'">'+Name+'</link>'+' ';
if Role <> '' then Directors:=Directors+Role;
LogMessage(' Get results Directors:#'+IntToStr(index)+'|'+Name+'|'+Role+'|'+PersonURL+'||ctDirectors');
curPos:=PosFrom('<td class="name">',ItemList,curPos) //String which opens the subList data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If Directors <> '' then fullinfo:=fullinfo+'Directed:'+'<br>'+Directors+'<br><br>';
//Go to "Writer:" or "Writers:" ~crew~ctWriters
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="dataHeaderWithBorder">Writing Credits',HTML);
If 0<curPos Then Begin
curPos:=PosFrom('</h4>',HTML,curPos); //Strings end which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=curPos+Length('</h4>'); //Strings end which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//Get all "raw" crew summary (in raw because we need the hidden person links) May one person or severals in the ~crew~
endPos:=PosFrom('</table>',HTML,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//LogMessage(' Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos)+','+IntToStr(endPos)+') complex ItemList:'+ItemList+'||');
curPos:=Pos('<td class="name">',ItemList) //String which opens the subList data. WEB_SPECIFIC
While curPos>0 Do Begin
If (index>PEOPLE_LIMIT) Then break; //Limited depassed.
//Get PersonURL (Always must it has)
PersonURL:=BASE_URL_PERSON_PRE + TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<a href="/name/','/',false,curPos) + BASE_URL_SUF; //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results PersonURL:'+PersonURL+'||');
//Get Name (Always must it has)
Name:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'> ','</a>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Name:'+Name+'||');
//Get Role: PVD don't save Role in crew people but is added for Ivek23 as LogMessage compatibility
Role:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<td class="credit">','</td>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
Role := StringReplace(Role,') and',') ',True,False,True);
Role := StringReplace(Role,') &',') ',True,False,True);
Role := StringReplace(Role,'novel &','novel ',True,False,True);
Role := StringReplace(Role,'screenplay &','screenplay ',True,False,True);
Role := StringReplace(Role,'script &','script ',True,False,True);
//Role := StringReplace(Role,'story &','story ',True,False,True);
//Role := StringReplace(Role,'&',' ',True,False,True);
if Pos('and',Role) = 1 then Delete(Role, 1, 3);
if Pos('&',Role) = 1 then Delete(Role, 1, 2);
if Pos('story and',Role) = 1 then Delete(Role, 7, 3);
//Role:=StringReplace(Role,' ',' ',True,False,True);
LogMessage(' Parse Results Role:'+Role+'||');
//LogMessage(' Get results Writer:#'+IntToStr(index)+'|'+Name+'|'+PersonURL+'||ctWriters');
if Writers <> '' then Writers:=Writers+#13;
if PersonURL <> '' then Writers:=Writers+'<link url="'+PersonURL+'">'+Name+'</link>'+' ';
if Role <> '' then Writers:=Writers+Role;
LogMessage(' Get results Writers:#'+IntToStr(index)+'|'+Name+'|'+Role+'|'+PersonURL+'||ctWriters');
curPos:=PosFrom('<td class="name">',ItemList,curPos) //String which opens the subList data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If Writers <> '' then fullinfo:=fullinfo +'Writing Credits:'+'<br>'+Writers+'<br><br>';
//Go to "Producers" ~crew~ctProducers
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="dataHeaderWithBorder">Produced by',HTML);
If 0<curPos Then Begin
curPos:=PosFrom('</h4>',HTML,curPos); //Strings end which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=curPos+Length('</h4>'); //Strings end which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//Get all "raw" crew summary (in raw because we need the hidden person links) May one person or severals in the ~crew~
endPos:=PosFrom('</table>',HTML,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//LogMessage(' Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos)+','+IntToStr(endPos)+') complex ItemList:'+ItemList+'||');;
curPos:=Pos('<td class="name">',ItemList) //String which opens the subList data. WEB_SPECIFIC
While curPos>0 Do Begin
If (index>PEOPLE_LIMIT) Then break; //Limited depassed.
//Get PersonURL (Always must it has)
PersonURL:=BASE_URL_PERSON_PRE + TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<a href="/name/','/',false,curPos) + BASE_URL_SUF; //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results PersonURL:'+PersonURL+'||');
//Get Name (Always must it has)
Name:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'> ','</a>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Name:'+Name+'||');
//Get Role: PVD don't save Role in crew people but is added for Ivek23 as LogMessage compatibility
Role:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<td class="credit">','</td>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Role:'+Role+'||');
//LogMessage(' Get results Producers:#'+IntToStr(index)+'|'+Name+'|'+PersonURL+'||ctProducers');
if Producers <> '' then Producers:=Producers+#13;
if PersonURL <> '' then Producers:=Producers+'<link url="'+PersonURL+'">'+Name+'</link>'+' ';
if Role <> '' then Producers:=Producers+Role;
LogMessage(' Get results Producers:#'+IntToStr(index)+'|'+Name+'|'+Role+'|'+PersonURL+'||ctProducers');
curPos:=PosFrom('<td class="name">',ItemList,curPos) //String which opens the subList data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If Producers <> '' then fullinfo:=fullinfo +'Produced:'+'<br>'+Producers+'<br><br>';
//Go to "Music" ~crew~ctComposers
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="dataHeaderWithBorder">Music by',HTML);
If 0<curPos Then Begin
curPos:=PosFrom('</h4>',HTML,curPos); //Strings end which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=curPos+Length('</h4>'); //Strings end which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//Get all "raw" crew summary (in raw because we need the hidden person links) May one person or severals in the ~crew~
endPos:=PosFrom('</table>',HTML,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//LogMessage(' Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos)+','+IntToStr(endPos)+') complex ItemList:'+ItemList+'||');List+'||');
curPos:=Pos('<td class="name">',ItemList) //String which opens the subList data. WEB_SPECIFIC
While curPos>0 Do Begin
If (index>PEOPLE_LIMIT) Then break; //Limited depassed.
//Get PersonURL (Always must it has)
PersonURL:=BASE_URL_PERSON_PRE + TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<a href="/name/','/',false,curPos) + BASE_URL_SUF; //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results PersonURL:'+PersonURL+'||');
//Get Name (Always must it has)
Name:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'> ','</a>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Name:'+Name+'||');
//Get Role: PVD don't save Role in crew people but is added for Ivek23 as LogMessage compatibility
Role:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<td class="credit">','</td>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Role:'+Role+'||');
//LogMessage(' Get results Composers:#'+IntToStr(index)+'|'+Name+'|'+PersonURL+'||ctComposers');
if Composers <> '' then Composers:=Composers+#13;
if PersonURL <> '' then Composers:=Composers+'<link url="'+PersonURL+'">'+Name+'</link>'+' ';
if Role <> '' then Composers:=Composers+Role;
LogMessage(' Get results Composers:#'+IntToStr(index)+'|'+Name+'|'+Role+'|'+PersonURL+'||ctComposers');
curPos:=PosFrom('<td class="name">',ItemList,curPos) //String which opens the subList data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If Composers <> '' then fullinfo:=fullinfo +'Music:'+'<br>'+Composers+'<br><br>';
//Get to "Cast" ~actors~ ctActors
//Go Cast list
curPos:=Pos('<table class="cast_list">',HTML); //Strings start which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
curPos:=curPos+Length('<table class="cast_list">'); //Strings end which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//Get all "raw" crew summary (in raw because we need the hidden person links) May one person or severals in the ~crew~
endPos:=PosFrom('</div>',HTML,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//LogMessage(' Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos)+','+IntToStr(endPos)+') complex ItemList:'+ItemList+'||');
curPos:=Pos('<td class="primary_photo">',ItemList) //String which opens the subList data. WEB_SPECIFIC
While curPos>0 Do Begin
If (index>PEOPLE_LIMIT) Then break; //Limited depassed.
//Get PersonURL (Always must it has)
PersonURL:=BASE_URL_PERSON_PRE + TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<a href="/name/','/',false,curPos) + BASE_URL_SUF; //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results PersonURL:'+PersonURL+'||');
//Get Name (Always must it has)
Name:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'> ','</a>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Name:'+Name+'||');
//Get Role
Role:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<td class="character">','</td>',false,curPos); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Parse Results Role:'+Role+'||');
Role:=StringReplace(Role,' (',' (',True,False,True);
Role:=StringReplace(Role,'(uncredited) ','(uncredited) • ',True,False,True);
Role:=StringReplace(Role,') ',') ',True,False,True);
Role:=StringReplace(Role,' / ',' - ',True,False,True);
Role:=StringReplace(Role,' / ... ',' • ',True,False,True);
Role:=StringReplace(Role,' ',' • ',True,False,True);
Role:=StringReplace(Role,' (uncredited)',' (uncredited)',True,False,True);
LogMessage(' Parse Results Role_1:'+Role+'||');
LogMessage(' Get results cast:#'+IntToStr(index)+'|'+Name+'|'+Role+'|'+PersonURL+'||ctActors');
curPos:=PosFrom('<td class="primary_photo">',ItemList,curPos); //String which opens the Web Result item List data. WEB_SPECIFIC
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script
Part 2:
New added and modified:
Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieCREDIT(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
// Result:=prFinished; Script has finished gathering data
// Result:=prError; If żany big problem? with exit;
//Retrieve: ~crew~ctDirectors,ctWriters,ctComposers,ctProducers
// ~actors~ ctActors
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieCREDIT BEGIN=====================||');
Result:=prFinished; //It will change to prError if any big problem with exit;
//Get to "Others Crew"
//Go Others Crew list
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="dataHeaderWithBorder">Cinematography by',HTML);
If 0<curPos Then Begin
//LogMessage(' Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos)+','+IntToStr(endPos)+') complex ItemList:'+ItemList+'||');
curPos:=Pos('<td class="name">',ItemList);
While curPos>0 Do Begin
PersonURL:=BASE_URL_PERSON_PRE + TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<a href="/name/','/',false,curPos) + BASE_URL_SUF;
//LogMessage(' Parse Results PersonURL:'+PersonURL+'||');
Name:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'> ','</a>',false,curPos);
//LogMessage(' Parse Results Name:'+Name+'||');
Role:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<td class="credit">','</td>',false,curPos);
//LogMessage(' Parse Results Role:'+Role+'||');
if ItemValue <> '' then ItemValue:=ItemValue+#13;
if PersonURL <> '' then ItemValue:=ItemValue+'<link url="'+PersonURL+'">'+Name+'</link>'+' ';
if Role <> '' then ItemValue:=ItemValue+Role;
//if ItemValue <> '' then Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'Cinematography:<br>'+ItemValue+'<br><br>';
LogMessage(' Get results Cinematography by:#'+IntToStr(index)+'|'+Name+'|'+Role+'|'+PersonURL+'||');
curPos:=PosFrom('<td class="name">',ItemList,curPos);
If ItemValue <> '' then Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'Cinematography:<br>'+ItemValue+'<br><br>';
curPos:=Pos('<h4 class="dataHeaderWithBorder">Thanks',HTML);
If 0<curPos Then Begin
//LogMessage(' Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos)+','+IntToStr(endPos)+') complex ItemList:'+ItemList+'||');
curPos:=Pos('<td class="name">',ItemList);
While curPos>0 Do Begin
PersonURL:=BASE_URL_PERSON_PRE + TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<a href="/name/','/',false,curPos) + BASE_URL_SUF;
//LogMessage(' Parse Results PersonURL:'+PersonURL+'||');
Name:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'> ','</a>',false,curPos);
//LogMessage(' Parse Results Name:'+Name+'||');
Role:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<td class="credit">','</td>',false,curPos);
//LogMessage(' Parse Results Role:'+Role+'||');
//if ItemValue14 <> '' then ItemValue14:=ItemValue14+#13;
if ItemValue14 <> '' then ItemValue14:=ItemValue14+#32#32;
If Pos('the producers wish to thank',Role) OR Pos('special thanks',Role) OR Pos('thanks',Role) < 1 then
if PersonURL <> '' then ItemValue14:=ItemValue14+'<link url="'+PersonURL+'">'+Name+'</link>'+' ';
debug_pos1:=Pos('the producers wish to thank',Role);
If debug_pos1 >0 then Role:=Copy(Role,0,debug_pos1-1);
debug_pos1:=Pos('very special thanks',Role);
If debug_pos1 >0 then Role:=Copy(Role,0,debug_pos1-1);
debug_pos1:=Pos('special thanks',Role);
If debug_pos1 >0 then Role:=Copy(Role,0,debug_pos1-1);
If debug_pos1 >0 then Role:=Copy(Role,0,debug_pos1-1);
if Role <> '' then ItemValue14:=ItemValue14+Role;
ItemValue14:=StringReplace(ItemValue14,' <link url="',#13+'<link url="',True,False,True);
LogMessage(' Get results Thanks:#'+IntToStr(index)+'|'+Name+'|'+Role+'|'+PersonURL+'||');
curPos:=PosFrom('<td class="name">',ItemList,curPos);
If ItemValue14 <> '' then Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'Thanks:<br>'+ItemValue14;
if (Length(Fullinfo)>0) then begin
LogMessage(' Get result Movie Others Crew:'+Fullinfo+'||');
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieCREDIT END=====================||');
End; //BlockClose
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script
New added:
Function ParsePage_IMDBMoviePLOTSUMMARY(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
// Result:=prFinished; Script has finished gathering data
// Result:=prError; If żany big problem? with exit
//Retrieve: PLOTSUMMARY~
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMoviePLOTSUMMARY BEGIN=====================||');
Result:=prFinished; //It will change to prError if any big problem with exit;
// ~Plot~ info
curPos:=Pos('<h1 class="header">Plot</h1>',HTML);
if (curPos=0) then Exit;
//Get "Plot" info
//If Pos('<h1 class="header">Plot</h1>',HTML)>0 Then Begin
curPos:=Pos('<h1 class="header">Plot</h1>',HTML);
If 0<curPos Then Begin
Category:=TextBetween(HTML,'<h1 class="header">','</h1>',True,curPos);
LogMessage(' Get result Category:'+Category+'||');
Name:=TextBetween(HTML,'<div class="ipl-itemcount-header">','</ul>',True,curPos);
LogMessage(' Get result Name:'+Name+'||');
Name:=StringReplace(Name,' Jump to: ',#13#160#160#160#160#9679#160#160,True,False,True);
//if Name <> '' then Name:=#160#160#160#9679#160#160#160+Name;
if Name <> '' then Name:=#160#160#160#160+Name;
LogMessage(' Get result Name1:'+Name+'||');
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Plot Summary','<link url="'+GetFieldValueXML('url')+'plotsummary">'+Category+' Summary</link>'+Name);
// ~Plot Summary~
If (Pos('It looks like we don'+Chr(39)+'t have any Summaries for this title yet.',HTML)>0) then Exit;
//Get "Summaries" info (~Comment~)
If Pos('<h1 class="header">Plot</h1>',HTML)>0 Then Begin
curPos:=Pos('<h1 class="header">Plot</h1>',HTML);
ItemValue:=HTMLValues2(HTML,'Plot','See also','<li class="ipl-zebra-list__item" id="summary','</p>','<br><br>-------<br><br>',EndPos);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'<a href='+Chr(39),'<link url="'+GetFieldValueXML('url'),True,False,True);
LogMessage(' Get result ItemValue (~Comment~):'+ItemValue+'||');
// ~Plot~ info ~Plot Summary~
curPos:=Pos('<div id="pagecontent" class="pagecontent">',HTML);
curPos:=PosFrom('<section class="article listo">',HTML,curPos);
curPos:=curPos+Length('<div id="content-2-wide" class="redesign">');
//LogMessage(' Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos)+','+IntToStr(endPos)+') complex ItemList:'+ItemList+'||');
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMoviePLOTSUMMARY END=====================||');
End; //BlockClose
//USER FUNCTIONS AND PROCEDURES==================================================================================BlockClose
//OBLIGATORY CALLBACK PRINCIPAL FUNCTION=========================================================================BlockOpen
Function ParsePage(HTML:String;URL:AnsiString):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
Fullinfo,Movie_URL,IMDB_URL: String;
DateParts: TWideArray;
LogMessage('Function ParsePage BEGIN======================|');
LogMessage('Global Var-Mode|'+IntToStr(Mode)+'|');
LogMessage('Global Var-DownloadURL|'+DownloadURL+'|');
LogMessage(' Local Var-URL|'+URL+'|');
//Parse Plot Keywords provider page = BASE_URL_PLOTKEYWORDS---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HTML:=DownloadPage(DownloadURL); //True page for parsing
//AddCustomFieldValueByName('Download_URL','<link url="'+DownloadURL+'">IMDB PLOTKEYWORDS</link> ');
If Not(ResultTmp=prFinished) then Result:=ResultTmp;
//Parse Plotsummary provider page = BASE_URL_PLOTSUMMARY---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HTML:=DownloadPage(DownloadURL); //True page for parsing
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Plotsummary_URL','<link url="'+DownloadURL+'">IMDB_PLOTSUMMARY</link>');
If Not(ResultTmp=prFinished) then Result:=ResultTmp;
//Date ~Updated~ (choose simple or verbose version)
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script
//USER FUNCTIONS AND PROCEDURES==================================================================================BlockClose
//OBLIGATORY CALLBACK PRINCIPAL FUNCTION=========================================================================BlockOpen
Function ParsePage(HTML:String;URL:AnsiString):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
Fullinfo,Movie_URL,IMDB_URL: String;
DateParts: TWideArray;
//Parse with the Movie URL 'smNormal'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If (Mode=smNormal) Then Begin
//Get the script Overwrite Options saved in pvdconf.ini (Remember that PVD only save the options on exit)
//0=Do nothing,1=Set if Empty,2=Overwrite
//LogMessage('Stored Script PVDConfigOptions is:'+PVDConfigOptions+'||');
//LogMessage('The Script option of position '+ IntToStr(opPoster) +' is:'+Copy(PVDConfigOptions,opPoster,1)+'||');
Result:=prFinished; //It will change to prError if any big problem with exit;
//Information in several page. Needs Provider MovieID
LogMessage(' ParsePage mode smNormal|'+IntToStr(Mode)+'|. Getting provider data for MovieID|'+ MovieID +'|');
LogMessage(' Get result IMDbID (CF~IMDbID~):'+MovieID+'||');
//Get ~url~
if (0=Pos(BASE_URL_PRE,StoredURL)) then begin //Write the url if not exists
LogMessage(' Get result url:'+StringReplace(DownloadURL,BASE_URL_PRE_TRUE,BASE_URL_PRE,True,False,False)+'||');
//Get ~IMDb Movie Url~
LogMessage(' Get result Movie_url: '+Movie_URL+' ||');
//Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_UR+'">Maindetails</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'">MainPage</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'reference">Reference</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'fullcredits">Full Cast&Crew</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'awards">Awards</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'releaseinfo">ReleaseDates</link> ';
//Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'technical">TechnicalSpecs</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'technical">TechSpecs</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'parentalguide">ParentsGuide</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'keywords">PlotKeywords</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'plotsummary">PlotSummary</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'locations">FilmLocations</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'taglines">Taglines</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'companycredits">CompanyCredits</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'movieconnections">Connections</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'soundtrack">Soundtracks</link> ';
//Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'externalsites">Miscellaneous</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'externalsites">MiscSites</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'externalsites#photos">MiscPhoto</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'mediaindex">PhotoGallery</link> ';
//Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URLL+'externalsites#misc">MiscSites</link> ';
//Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'externalsites#photos">MiscPhoto</link> ';
If Fullinfo <> '' then IMDB_URL:=Fullinfo;
If IMDB_URL <> '' then AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDb Movie Url',IMDB_URL);
LogMessage(' Get result Fullinfo-IMDB_URL (CF~IMDb Movie Url~ ):'+#13+IMDB_URL+'||');
//Parse principal provider page = BASE_URL_PRE_TRUE------------------------------------------------------------------
All these changes are included in IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] + script, which is attached.
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] (Plotsummary) script
An IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Plotsummary) script for full download of Plotsummary information was made.
Plotsummary information is transferred to the comment field.
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Plotsummary) script is attached.
You can also find more information about Custom Fields in the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Plotsummary) script Possibles improving Custom Fields working in MOD version. (,4141.msg20789.html#msg20789)
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Cast&Crew) script
Something has already been described for Cast & Crew downloading information on this link.,4134.msg20881.html#msg20881,4134.msg20883.html#msg20883
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS]+ script has the default downloading the following information.
• Directed by
• Writing Credits // NO (WGA)
• Cast (in credits order) // Only data info in normal Actors field
• Produced by
• Music by
• Cinematography by
• Thanks
Here are some more details, which are only possible with IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] _ (Cast & Crew) script.
5. Cast & Crew field info names:
• Directed by
• Writing Credits // NO (WGA)
• Cast (in credits order) // Only data info in normal Actors field
• Produced by
• Music by
• Cinematography by
• Film Editing by
• Casting By
• Production Design by
• Art Direction by
• Set Decoration by
• Costume Design by
• Production Management
• Second Unit Director or Assistant Director
• Special Effects by
• Visual Effects by
• Casting Department
• Location Management
• Music Department
• Thanks
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Cast&Crew) script has the default settings for downloading the following information.
Default settings
//GET_CREW_CREDIT = False ; //Download Cast and Credit provider page for retreive the some credits (crew) info. Otherwise set to False to only the Directors, Writers, Composers, Producers, Cinematography and Thanks info of the Cast and Credit provider page.
GET_CREW_CREDIT = True ; //Download Cast and Credit provider page for retreive the some credits (crew) info. Otherwise set to False to only the Directors, Writers, Composers, Producers, Cinematography and Thanks info of the Cast and Credit provider page.
GET_FULL_CREW_CREDIT = False ; //Download Cast and Credit provider page for retreive the more some credits (crew) info. Otherwise set to False to only the Directors, Writers, Composers, Producers and Cinematography + (GET_CREW_CREDIT = True) info of the Cast and Credit provider page.
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS]+ script downloading the following information.
• Directed by
• Writing Credits // NO (WGA)
• Cast (in credits order) // Only data info in normal Actors field
• Produced by
• Music by
• Cinematography by
• Thanks
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] _ (Cast & Crew) script also has the default downloading the following information.
• Film Editing by
• Casting By
• Production Design by
• Art Direction by
• Set Decoration by
• Costume Design by
• Production Management
• Second Unit Director or Assistant Director
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] _ (Cast & Crew) script has default blocked settings for downloading the following information.
• Special Effects by
• Visual Effects by
• Casting Department
• Location Management
• Music Department
To have unblocked settings for downloading the following information, change the blocked settings in IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] _ (Cast & Crew) script as shown below.
Default settings
//GET_CREW_CREDIT = False ; //Download Cast and Credit provider page for retreive the some credits (crew) info. Otherwise set to False to only the Directors, Writers, Composers, Producers, Cinematography and Thanks info of the Cast and Credit provider page.
GET_CREW_CREDIT = True ; //Download Cast and Credit provider page for retreive the some credits (crew) info. Otherwise set to False to only the Directors, Writers, Composers, Producers, Cinematography and Thanks info of the Cast and Credit provider page.
GET_FULL_CREW_CREDIT = True ; //Download Cast and Credit provider page for retreive the more some credits (crew) info. Otherwise set to False to only the Directors, Writers, Composers, Producers and Cinematography + (GET_CREW_CREDIT = True) info of the Cast and Credit provider page.
Then, IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] _ (Cast & Crew) script will download all of the possible information described.
• Directed by
• Writing Credits // NO (WGA)
• Cast (in credits order) // Only data info in normal Actors field
• Produced by
• Music by
• Cinematography by
• Film Editing by
• Casting By
• Production Design by
• Art Direction by
• Set Decoration by
• Costume Design by
• Production Management
• Second Unit Director or Assistant Director
• Special Effects by
• Visual Effects by
• Casting Department
• Location Management
• Music Department
• Thanks
Custom fields are Cinema and Cinema1.
]IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Cast&Crew) script is attached.
You can also find more information about Custom Fields in the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] _ (Cast & Crew) script in Possibles improving Custom Fields working in MOD version. (,4141.msg20789.html#msg20789)
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] _ (Cast & Crew) script should only be a secondary script for those users whose interest in this information is.
Attached temporal Acumulative Scripts Patch date: 2019.02.10 (to copy in PVD folder for overwriting the existing files).
V (10/02/2019) Ivek23: Added ParsePage_PLOTSUMMARY.Ivek23 corrections and improvements since last version (see forum)
V (10/02/2019) Ivek23: Ivek23 corrections and improvements since last version (see forum)
Notes for Ivek23:
I have tried to include all the fixes and improvements in this patch except the alternative scripts, for example IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Cast&Crew) script.
I think that you are better positioned to decide the evolution of the script because I only use TheMovieDb and FilmAffinity, then in the future, please, change the versions of the main IMDB scripts (IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] and IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS]) and I will include its in the MOD version same as you publish it.
The alternative scripts can be left in the forum only for interested people.
Tell me if you are agreee and if something is wrong in the patch. Thank you for your hard and good work.
Why is not an added code for alternative names for people?
Why is not an added code for filmography for people?
If the code for both of them is added, IMDB_People_ [EN] [HTTPS] script will download all the information and will be the right and complete replacement for the IMDB People plugin.
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script
The alternative scripts can be left in the forum only for interested people.
I agree with this proposal.
Alternatives IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] scripts for interested people will be available in the future in a new topic, where they will be all descriptions for them. In this topic, however, any errors and descriptions of possible corrections for them will still be reported.
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script
Tell me if you are agreee and if something is wrong in the patch. Thank you for your hard and good work.
As soon as I've done some tests quickly, IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script works fine and can be added to the new MOD version.
Notes for Ivek23:
I have tried to include all the fixes and improvements in this patch except the alternative scripts, for example IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Cast&Crew) script.
I think that you are better positioned to decide the evolution of the script because I only use TheMovieDb and FilmAffinity, then in the future, please, change the versions of the main IMDB scripts (IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] and IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS]) and I will include its in the MOD version same as you publish it.
I agree. Once the code changes and it will be necessary to fix it in the scripts, I will do it and post it on the forum. If there is a need to change something in scripts for better optimization of the scripts, you will also be welcome with your help.
Tell me if you are agreee and if something is wrong in the patch. Thank you for your hard and good work.
Thank you. I will continue to work as much as I can and it will be in my power.
Why is not an added code for alternative names for people?
Why is not an added code for filmography for people?
If the code for both of them is added, IMDB_People_ [EN] [HTTPS] script will download all the information and will be the right and complete replacement for the IMDB People plugin.
I don't know …. I probably got lost among the different post of modifications. Sorry.
Can you help me by indicating the code to add or pointing to the posts where they are?
Or if the people script with the "+" of the post:,4134.msg20878.html#msg20878 (,4134.msg20878.html#msg20878)
is the last and good versión I can publish in the MOD version adding one GET_FULL_FILMOGRAPHY parameter for the people that doesn't want download this information.
IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS] script
Or if the people script with the "+" of the post:,4134.msg20878.html#msg20878 (,4134.msg20878.html#msg20878)
is the last and good versión I can publish in the MOD version adding one GET_FULL_FILMOGRAPHY parameter for the people that doesn't want download this information.
Yes, this is the latest good version, which works. You can add a GET_FULL_FILMOGRAPHY parameter. It starts at the end of the photo code and the beginning of the Award code.
Does not add with this part of the code:
//~Filmography Composer - Soundtrack~
If Pos('<h2>Filmography</h2>', HTML) > 0 Then Begin
If curPos>0 Then Begin
curPos:=Pos('<h2>Filmography</h2>', HTML);
curPos:=PosFrom('<a name="soundtrack">Soundtrack</a> ',HTML,curPos);
curPos:=curPos+Length('<a name="soundtrack">Soundtrack</a> ');
endPos:=PosFrom('<div id="filmo-head',HTML,curPos);
if (EndPos < 1) OR (EndPos > PosFrom('</div> <script>',HTML,curPos)) then
endPos:=PosFrom('</div> <script>',HTML,curPos);
//LogMessage(' Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos)+','+IntToStr(endPos)+') complex ItemList:'+ItemList+'||');
curPos:=Pos('" id="soundtrack-tt',ItemList);
Year:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<span class="year_column">','</span>',false,curPos);
LogMessage(' Parse Results Year:'+Year+'||');
If curPos>0 Then Begin
curPos:=Pos('<b><a href="/title/',ItemList);
While curPos>0 Do Begin
//MovieURL:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<b><a href="/title/','?ref_=nm_flmg_act',false,curPos);
MovieURL:=''+TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<b><a href="/title/','?ref_=_',false,curPos);
LogMessage(' Parse Results MovieURL:'+MovieURL+'||');
LogMessage(' Parse Results Title:'+Title+'||');
LogMessage(' Get results Composers:#'+IntToStr(index)+'|'+Title+'|'+MovieURL+'||ctComposers');
Year:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<span class="year_column">','</span>',false,curPos);
LogMessage(' Parse Results Year:'+Year+'||');
curPos:=PosFrom('<b><a href="/title/',ItemList,curPos);
curPos:=Pos('" id="soundtrack-tt',ItemList);
End; *)
Attached temporal Acumulative Scripts Patch date: 2019.02.17 (to copy in PVD folder for overwriting the existing files).
V (17/02/2019) Ivek23: Added saving more infos: Filmography, Alternate Names, etc. Set by default PHOTO-URL-IN-TRANSNAME=False
Notes for Ivek23:
GET_FULL_FILMOGRAPHY parameter is not needed because PVD has it in the 'Set Overwrite Options for the selected plugin'.
I'd tried Alternate Name with Charles Chaplin ( and the script doesn't got it (even looking in the Log window).
If you find the good code, please upload it with next version number
Notes for Ivek23:
GET_FULL_FILMOGRAPHY parameter is not needed because PVD has it in the 'Set Overwrite Options for the selected plugin'.
Exactly, it's true.
Notes for Ivek23:
I'd tried Alternate Name with Charles Chaplin ( and the script doesn't got it (even looking in the Log window).
It worked without a problem with me. I added another part of the new code, which also works properly.
The old part of the code that works with me //~Alternate Names~
curPos:=Pos('<div id="details-akas" class="see-more inline canwrap">',HTML);
If curPos>0 Then Begin
ItemValue1:=HTMLValues2(HTML,'<h4 class="inline">Alternate Names:','</div>','</h4>','</div>','<br>',EndPos);
//ItemValue1:=HTMLValues(HTML,'Alternate Names:','</div>','</h4>','</div>','<br>',EndPos); //
//ItemValue1:=TextBetween(HTML,'<h4 class="inline">Alternate Names:</h4>','</div>',True,curPos);
LogMessage(' * Parse Results AltNames01:'+ItemValue1+'||');
ItemValue1:=StringReplace(ItemValue1,' | ','<br>',True,False,True);
//ItemValue1:=StringReplace(ItemValue1,' | ',#13,True,False,True);
//if Pos(', ', ItemValue1) = 1 then Delete(ItemValue1,1,2);
If ItemValue1 <> '' then AddFieldValueXML('AltNames',ItemValue1);
LogMessage(' Parse Results AltNames02:'+ItemValue1+'||');
The new part of the code, which also works with me //~Alternate Names~
EndPos:=PosFrom('<div id="details-akas" class="see-more inline canwrap">',HTML,EndPos);
curPos:=PosFrom('<h4 class="inline">Alternate Names:</h4>',HTML,EndPos);
ItemValue:=TextBetween(HTML,'<h4 class="inline">Alternate Names:</h4>','</div>',True,curPos);
LogMessage(' * Parse Results AltNames0:'+ItemValue+'||');
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,' | ','<br>',True,False,True);
//ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,' | ',', ',True,False,True);
//If Pos(', ',ItemValue) = 1 then Delete(ItemValue,1,2);
If ItemValue <> '' then AddFieldValueXML('AltNames',ItemValue);
LogMessage(' Parse Results AltNames:'+ItemValue+'||');
Notes for Ivek23:
If you find the good code, please upload it with next version number
A new version of IMDB_People_ [EN] [HTTPS] script will be uploaded in a few days, at least I hope it will. I do not have much time to test IMDB_People_ [EN] [HTTPS] script, if everything works fine because I found some code errors for filmography of people.
Thank you, Ivek23.
I stay tuned in order to update with it the MOD version.
IMDB_People_ [EN] [HTTPS] script
V (01/03/2019)
Some code corrections:
Function DownloadPage(URL:AnsiString):String; //BlockOpen
//Returns the URL page text. If error returns empty string
if 2=MessageBox('Too many faulty attempts to internet connection.'+Chr(13)+ 'Retry or Cancel?',SCRIPT_NAME,5) then begin
LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+'Function DownloadPage END with NOT INTERNET connection ===============|');
if (Pos('405 Method not allowed',Result)>0) then begin //Banned IP. WEB_SPECIFIC.
If BYPASS_SILENT Then ShowMessage('The URL has HTTP method problems (405 Method not allowed).'+Chr(13)+'Go to the provider web in order to in order to'+Chr(13)+'find the good page',SCRIPT_NAME);
LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+' 405 Method not allowed|');
Result:=''; //Fatal error
if (Pos('Too many request',Result)>0) then begin //Banned IP. WEB_SPECIFIC.
If BYPASS_SILENT Then ShowMessage('The provider has banned your IP (Too many request).'+Chr(13)+'Go to the provider web and resolve the captcha in order to'+Chr(13)+'demostrate you are not a robot',SCRIPT_NAME);
LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+' Banned IP|');
Result:=''; //Fatal error
LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+'Function DownloadPage END======================|');
End; //BlockClose
Function DownloadImage
Lots of fixes of Filmography code and added code for Genres links in the Comment box.
//Get ~Genre index URL~
EndPos:=Pos('class="link" ><span class="ghost">by</span> Genre</a>',HTML);
If endPos>0 Then Begin
ItemValue0:='<link url="'+PersonID+'&ref_=nm_ql_flmg_5">Genres</link>';
If ItemValue0 <> '' then ItemList:=ItemList+#13+ItemValue0;
LogMessage(' Parse Results Genre URL:'+ItemValue0+'||');
A new code has also been added to download information for genres in the Genres field.
//Retreive Data Config
USE_SAVED_PVDCONFIG = True ; //Use the Overwrite Options of the script saved in pvdconf.ini for avoid download not used pages. Remember PVD only save in exit.
GET_FULL_BIO = True ; //Download Biography provider page for retreive the info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page.
GET_FULL_GENRES = True ; //Download Genres provider page for retreive the info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page.
Function ParsePage_IMDBPeopleGENRES(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
// Result:=prFinished; Script has finished gathering data
// Result:=prError; If żany big problem? with exit;
//Retrieve: ~genres~ Genres from "Genres" IMDB section
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBPeopleGENRES BEGIN=====================||');
Result:=prFinished; //It will change to prError if any big problem with exit;
//Get ~Genres~
If Pos('<strong>Genres</strong>',HTML)>0 Then Begin
ItemValue:=HTMLValues2(HTML,'<fieldset data-join="and" name="genres">','</fieldset>','<span class="faceter-facet-text">','</span>',', ',EndPos);
LogMessage(' Get result Genres (from People Genres):'+ItemValue+'||');
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieGENRES END=====================||');
End; //BlockClose
Minor correction also Bio Codes.
IMDB_People_ [EN] [HTTPS] script is attached.
first of all, thanks for this grat job
i discovered it only now
i used pdv in the past, but were passed to "Ant Movie Catalog" when pvd stopped to work corrrectly
i would like to make you 2 question:
1) is there a localized version of PVD in Italian ? if not, is there a way to contribute to create it ?
2) i would like to have the search script work for italian movie (so to add also [IT] language to script, but i don't know what to do.
can you kindly help me ?
first of all, thanks for this grat job
i discovered it only now
Thanks for the name of the program's author and others, who help the program continue to work in some way.
1) is there a localized version of PVD in Italian ? if not, is there a way to contribute to create it ?
If you use version, it already has an Italian translation. V1.0.2.7 does not have an Italian translation. However, there is a possibility to translate the english.rc file into the Italian language and rename it to custom.lng and copy it to the program folder. Now PVD will be in your language.
More info:,3186.msg15802.html#msg15802
The english.rc file is attached.
2) i would like to have the search script work for italian movie (so to add also [IT] language to script, but i don't know what to do.
In the script, add the following as shown below
SCRIPT_LANG = $09; //English //$0a es-Spanish $0c fr-French $09 en-English $10 it-Italian
of course, if the website supports or is in the Italian language. A good example of this is TMDB web page (
There is currently no operating script for the PVD MOD version in the Italian language.
Perhaps what works in v0. and v1.0.2.7 with the help of Proxomitron program (,4083.0.html), where it is necessary to add certain web pages in default.cfg, so that everything works together.
Write the addresses and links for which web pages you need, then we will then see what can be edited and helped.
i'm translating language file
as soon as i will end it, i will give it to you, so that you can include it also in the installation files
I copied the [EN] file and renamed it TheMovieDB_[IT][API].psf
Than I modified the file as you told me ( SCRIPT_LANG = $10; //$07=DE-German, $09=EN-English, $0a=ES-Spanish, $0c=FR-French, $10 it-Italian )
but i noted that the description still remained in english
i found that after modifying (in the same file) also the 128 line
LANG_API_STR = '&language=it'; //'&language=en', '&language=de', '&language=en', '&language=es', '&language=fr' //WEB_SPECIFIC
the description of the movie is now written in italian
just another thing
i read in the script that:
"TheMovieDB "keywords" info goes to ~tags~ PVD field"
but i can see that all the tags (TheMovieDB Keywords) are still in english (see image attached)
can you suggest to me how to solve it ?
Nice work and congratulations that something has just succeeded.
i'm translating language file
as soon as i will end it, i will give it to you, so that you can include it also in the installation files.
You do not send it to me, because I can not add it to the installation files. Attach it (in 7z or zip formats) to a forum in this topic for other users, which is then added as custom.lng to its PVD program folder.
just another thing
i read in the script that:
"TheMovieDB "keywords" info goes to ~tags~ PVD field"
but i can see that all the tags (TheMovieDB Keywords) are still in english (see image attached)
can you suggest to me how to solve it ?
It will probably be everywhere because it is not translated into the Italian language. Unfortunately, this can not be corrected. There is, however, the possibility that it will be OK when the website is also translated into the Italian language.
Hello, and thank you, thank you, thank you for your great work, guys!
I wanted to ask you if it's possible to include custom fields "", "", "" and "" in the scripts?
Thank you in advance!
Hello, and thank you, thank you, thank you for your great work, guys!
I wanted to ask you if it's possible to include custom fields "", "", "" and "" in the scripts?
Thank you in advance!
Of course, it depends on why you will need them, or for what purpose is the transfer of information that you need (what you will download to these custom fields).
Attach it (in 7z or zip formats) to a forum in this topic for other users, which is then added as custom.lng to its PVD program folder.
This is a good idea: If people attach here his Custom.lng files I'll include its in the MOD version (even perhaps I can do a little batch program in order to ask to user and tralate PVD auto).
I copied the [EN] file and renamed it TheMovieDB_[IT][API].psf
Than I modified the file as you told me ( SCRIPT_LANG = $10; //$07=DE-German, $09=EN-English, $0a=ES-Spanish, $0c=FR-French, $10 it-Italian )
but i noted that the description still remained in english
i found that after modifying (in the same file) also the 128 line
LANG_API_STR = '&language=it'; //'&language=en', '&language=de', '&language=en', '&language=es', '&language=fr' //WEB_SPECIFIC
the description of the movie is now written in italian
Well done! You have found the good solution.
And perhpas more ... the diferent language versions of the TheMovieDB scripts are automatic translations using the attached files. If you give me the italian file I'll traslate it and include in the version MOD
i read in the script that:
"TheMovieDB "keywords" info goes to ~tags~ PVD field"
but i can see that all the tags (TheMovieDB Keywords) are still in english (see image attached)
Ivek23 has reason: This information is in english in the TheMovieDB website for the films in all languages. In the other hand the Genre are normaly translated.
- MOD V.2019.03.08; Ivek23, VVV: A lot of corrections and improvements (read PVD forum). Update "mandatory" ;D
Last version always in the first post
Attach it (in 7z or zip formats) to a forum in this topic for other users, which is then added as custom.lng to its PVD program folder.
This is a good idea: If people attach here his Custom.lng files I'll include its in the MOD version (even perhaps I can do a little batch program in order to ask to user and tralate PVD auto).
Slovenian.lng file for PVD and PVD MOD version you will find on this link:,1752.msg20918.html#msg20918
Hello, and thank you, thank you, thank you for your great work, guys!
I wanted to ask you if it's possible to include custom fields "", "", "" and "" in the scripts?
Thank you in advance!
Of course, it depends on why you will need them, or for what purpose is the transfer of information that you need (what you will download to these custom fields).
Thank you in advance.
I use them, for example:
//Get ~mfURL~ or ~IMDb Url~
endPos := Pos('/ "><meta property="og:url"', HTML);
if endPos > 0 then begin
curPos := PrevPos('"canonical" href="', HTML, endPos);
AddFieldValue(mfURL, Copy(HTML, curPos + 18, endPos - curPos - 18));
end else
AddFieldValue(mfURL, MovieURL);
AddCustomFieldValueByName('', '<link url="' + MovieURL + '"></link>');
TmpStr := StringRepl
Just to get URL in a form:
<link url=""></link>
But, this code above only works in some old IMDb script and Allmovie_new_HTTPS.psf with Proxomitron, and Rottentomatoes HTTPS script without Proxomitron, but I always have to edit them after their update/upgrade to insert those custom fields...
Thank you in advance
We will add and edit this in the following updates.
We will add and edit this in the following updates.
Will this be arranged with the next update, but it will be necessary to make for each script its own custom field to save the url of the address. Each update in this field changes the record and needs to be corrected. Also, in the scripts, it will be necessary to add this part of the code to the custom field.
I'm having this since two weeks ago.
I'm scanning with IMDB.
I'm having this since two weeks ago.
I'm scanning with IMDB.
Which IMDB version of the script, or which IMDB script you are using. Which film title is problematic for this error. We need the name and url of the movie title to help solve the problem.
I'm having this since two weeks ago.
I'm scanning with IMDB.
Same error:
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS].psf V (10/02/2019)
For now 2 movies triggered the error: Flying Lessons (2010) Ghoul (2012)
Seems the movies with this error have no Plot Keywords
I'm having this since two weeks ago.
I'm scanning with IMDB.
Same error:
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS].psf V (10/02/2019)
For now 2 movies triggered the error: Flying Lessons (2010) Ghoul (2012)
Seems the movies with this error have no Plot Keywords
Thanks for the error message. It's true, what you have already mentioned, that your movie titles have no Plot Keywords. I corrected this error.
V (20/06/2019) Ivek23: ParsePage_PLOTKEYWORDS small corrections and fix in the parts of the code 18-19/6/2019 forum alerts.
Function ParsePage_IMDBMoviePLOTKEYWORDS(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
// Result:=prFinished; Script has finished gathering data
// Result:=prError; If ¿any big problem? with exit
//Retrieve: ~Tags~
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMoviePLOTKEYWORDS BEGIN======================|');
Result:=prFinished; //It will change to prError if any big problem with exit;
//Get "Plot Keywords" info
curPos:=Pos('<h1 class="header">Plot Keywords</h1>',HTML);
if (curPos=0) then Exit;
//Get "Plot Keywords" info
//If Pos('<h1 class="header">Plot Keywords</h1>',HTML)>0 Then Begin
curPos:=Pos('<h1 class="header">Plot Keywords</h1>',HTML);
If 0<curPos Then Begin
Category:=TextBetween(HTML,'<h1 class="header">','</h1>',True,curPos);
LogMessage(' Get result Category:'+Category+'||');
Name:=TextBetween(HTML,'<div class="header"><div class="nav"><div class="desc">','</div></div></div>',True,curPos);
LogMessage(' Get result Name:'+Name+'||');
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Plot Keywords','<link url="'+GetFieldValueXML('url')+'keywords">'+Category+'</link>'+' '+Name);
//Get "Plot Keywords" info
If (Pos('It looks like we don'+Chr(39)+'t have any Plot Keywords for this title yet.',HTML)>0) then Exit;
curPos:=Pos('<h1 class="header">Plot Keywords</h1>',HTML);
If 0<curPos Then Begin
//Go Tags list
curPos:=Pos('<table class="dataTable evenWidthTable2Col"><tbody>',HTML);
curPos:=curPos+Length('<table class="dataTable evenWidthTable2Col"><tbody>');
If 0<curPos then ItemList:=Copy(ItemList,0,curPos-1);
ItemList:=StringReplace(ItemList,' </div>','|',True,True,False);
ItemList:=RemoveTags(ItemList, False);
//LogMessage(' Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos)+','+IntToStr(endPos)+') complex ItemList:'+ItemList+'||'+#13);
//LogMessage(' Parse results ItemList:'+#13+ItemList+' ||');
//LogMessage(' Parse results ItemList: '+ItemList+' ||');
For index:=Low(ItemArray) To High(ItemArray) Do Begin //Remember index begin in 0
If (index=PLOTKEYWORDS_LIMIT) Then break; //Limited depassed. Compares with = (not with >) because index begin in 0
ItemValue:=ItemValue+ItemArray[index]+', ';
LogMessage(' Get result Keyword: #'+IntToStr(index+1)+' | '+ItemArray[index]+', '+'||');
If ItemValue <> '' then AddFieldValueXML('tags',ItemValue);
LogMessage(' Get result Plot Keywords: '+ItemValue+'||');
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMoviePLOTKEYWORDS END=====================||');
End; //BlockClose
It's attached IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] V script.
Thank you.
I'm having this since two weeks ago.
I'm scanning with IMDB.
Same error:
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS].psf V (10/02/2019)
For now 2 movies triggered the error: Flying Lessons (2010) Ghoul (2012)
Seems the movies with this error have no Plot Keywords
Thanks for the error message. It's true, what you have already mentioned, that your movie titles have no Plot Keywords. I corrected this error.
V (20/06/2019) Ivek23: ParsePage_PLOTKEYWORDS small corrections and fix in the parts of the code 18-19/6/2019 forum alerts.
Function ParsePage_IMDBMoviePLOTKEYWORDS(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
// Result:=prFinished; Script has finished gathering data
// Result:=prError; If ¿any big problem? with exit
//Retrieve: ~Tags~
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMoviePLOTKEYWORDS BEGIN======================|');
Result:=prFinished; //It will change to prError if any big problem with exit;
//Get "Plot Keywords" info
curPos:=Pos('<h1 class="header">Plot Keywords</h1>',HTML);
if (curPos=0) then Exit;
//Get "Plot Keywords" info
//If Pos('<h1 class="header">Plot Keywords</h1>',HTML)>0 Then Begin
curPos:=Pos('<h1 class="header">Plot Keywords</h1>',HTML);
If 0<curPos Then Begin
Category:=TextBetween(HTML,'<h1 class="header">','</h1>',True,curPos);
LogMessage(' Get result Category:'+Category+'||');
Name:=TextBetween(HTML,'<div class="header"><div class="nav"><div class="desc">','</div></div></div>',True,curPos);
LogMessage(' Get result Name:'+Name+'||');
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Plot Keywords','<link url="'+GetFieldValueXML('url')+'keywords">'+Category+'</link>'+' '+Name);
//Get "Plot Keywords" info
If (Pos('It looks like we don'+Chr(39)+'t have any Plot Keywords for this title yet.',HTML)>0) then Exit;
curPos:=Pos('<h1 class="header">Plot Keywords</h1>',HTML);
If 0<curPos Then Begin
//Go Tags list
curPos:=Pos('<table class="dataTable evenWidthTable2Col"><tbody>',HTML);
curPos:=curPos+Length('<table class="dataTable evenWidthTable2Col"><tbody>');
If 0<curPos then ItemList:=Copy(ItemList,0,curPos-1);
ItemList:=StringReplace(ItemList,' </div>','|',True,True,False);
ItemList:=RemoveTags(ItemList, False);
//LogMessage(' Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos)+','+IntToStr(endPos)+') complex ItemList:'+ItemList+'||'+#13);
//LogMessage(' Parse results ItemList:'+#13+ItemList+' ||');
//LogMessage(' Parse results ItemList: '+ItemList+' ||');
For index:=Low(ItemArray) To High(ItemArray) Do Begin //Remember index begin in 0
If (index=PLOTKEYWORDS_LIMIT) Then break; //Limited depassed. Compares with = (not with >) because index begin in 0
ItemValue:=ItemValue+ItemArray[index]+', ';
LogMessage(' Get result Keyword: #'+IntToStr(index+1)+' | '+ItemArray[index]+', '+'||');
If ItemValue <> '' then AddFieldValueXML('tags',ItemValue);
LogMessage(' Get result Plot Keywords: '+ItemValue+'||');
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMoviePLOTKEYWORDS END=====================||');
End; //BlockClose
It's attached IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] V script.
The IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script is also available via the program's auto-update system.
I am having these imports with filmaffinity.
I am having these imports with filmaffinity.
I think it is a problem related with the filmaffinity headers.
Debuged Filmaffinity Scripts:
V (20/10/2019) VVV: Fixed bug of search URL with new API (jippo alert).
- MOD V.2019.10.20; Ivek23, VVV: Debuged new versions of IMDB and Filmaffinity.
Last version always in the first post
Just my 2 cents. If for someone is more convenient, I made PVDportable.exe of portable.bat with simple bat2exe converter. Just unpack it and run it instead portable.bat.
Just my 2 cents. If for someone is more convenient, I made PVDportable.exe of portable.bat with simple bat2exe converter. Just unpack it and run it instead portable.bat.
Thanks for this, but it doesn't work on my 32 bit Windows. It requires checking what version of OS you have. It may also be possible to make a 32 bit OS version.
You're welcome. Here is 32-bit version.
You're welcome. Here is 32-bit version.
Thanks a lot.
Anyone could do that, no big deal.
Best regards
Hey, guys. I just downloaded the MOD and moved my collection file over, but when I opened it up, I have a list of 53,931 movies instead of the 9,000 or so that I actually own. In the list, my owned movies are highlighted in blue while the rest are in gray. What's the easiest way to get rid of all those that shouldn't be there?
Hey, guys. I just downloaded the MOD and moved my collection file over, but when I opened it up, I have a list of 53,931 movies instead of the 9,000 or so that I actually own. In the list, my owned movies are highlighted in blue while the rest are in gray. What's the easiest way to get rid of all those that shouldn't be there?
It's simple. Do as described below and should be as before updating to MOD version.
You now have the filter set to make all movies visible, and now in the Filters tab, switch to Visible and only see blue-highlighted movies.
You now have the filter set to make all movies visible, and now in the Filters tab, switch to Visible and only see blue-highlighted movies.
Thanks! Never would have found that otherwise. :-)
I'm also getting the following error message when I try to import using the IMDB plugin:
"This script needs the external file for work. PVdbDownPage.exe Read script text for further information."
Where can I find this file?
I'm also getting the following error message when I try to import using the IMDB plugin:
"This script needs the external file for work. PVdbDownPage.exe Read script text for further information."
Where can I find this file?
They are found in the Scripts folder, which is a PVD program folder. If it's not there, use the link found here
and download PVD MOD again. Then unzip it and find the Script folder and then copy PVdbDownPage.exe to your PVD Script folder.
My anti-virus program kept quarantining that file for some reason, but once I made it an exception it seems to be working. Thanks, Ivek!
My anti-virus program kept quarantining that file for some reason, but once I made it an exception it seems to be working. Thanks, Ivek!
I am glad that the problem has been solved and that everything is working properly now.
Only for afrocuban: ;) FilmAffinity_[EN][HTTPS]-afrocuban
V (08/01/2020) VVV: Added support for custom field named ''.
The difference is only in the name and version and line 777 has been added:
If you add the attached file in yours script folder and you have the custom field '' in your movie data base it must work ... but I can't try it because my movie database hasn't this custom field.
If you want a live or working link you only must change that line adding the html code (in bold), then:
AddCustomFieldValueByName('', '<link url="'+ StringReplace(DownloadURL,BASE_URL_PRE_TRUE,BASE_URL_PRE,True,False,False)+ '"></link>');
Thank you so much Easy! God bless you! :)
It just looks that custom field piece of code has to come at the beginning of ~url section:
//Get ~url~
AddCustomFieldValueByName('', '<link url="'+ StringReplace(DownloadURL,BASE_URL_PRE_TRUE,BASE_URL_PRE,True,False,False)+ '"></link>');
if (0=Pos(BASE_URL,StoredURL)) then begin //Write the url if not exists (Spanish or english)
LogMessage(' Get result url:'+StringReplace(DownloadURL,BASE_URL_PRE_TRUE,BASE_URL_PRE,True,False,False)+'||');
This is how it works flawlessly. Thanks again!
Oh, and one more question: when future FA script update happens, I guess I'd have to manually make a copy of it and add piece of code above?
Best regards
This is how it works flawlessly. Thanks again!
It sure happens because you have the url in the normal field, this is the meaning of code:
if (0=Pos(BASE_URL,StoredURL)) then begin //Write the url if not exists (Spanish or english)
With the code at the beginning of ~url section you you assure that the url is always written in the custom field, I don't see anything against.
Oh, and one more question: when future FA script update happens, I guess I'd have to manually make a copy of it and add piece of code above?
Well, if I do the update I will try to include this code even if I don't add the custom field (I think there would be no risks).
In that case I would alert you.
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] V script
V (10/01/2020) Ivek23: Added "" url links for afrocuban request per forum post:,4154.msg21035.html#msg21035.
//Parse with the Movie URL 'smNormal'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If (Mode=smNormal) Then Begin
//Get the script Overwrite Options saved in pvdconf.ini (Remember that PVD only save the options on exit)
//0=Do nothing,1=Set if Empty,2=Overwrite
//LogMessage('Stored Script PVDConfigOptions is:'+PVDConfigOptions+'||');
//LogMessage('The Script option of position '+ IntToStr(opPoster) +' is:'+Copy(PVDConfigOptions,opPoster,1)+'||');
Result:=prFinished; //It will change to prError if any big problem with exit;
//Information in several page. Needs Provider MovieID
LogMessage(' ParsePage mode smNormal|'+IntToStr(Mode)+'|. Getting provider data for MovieID|'+ MovieID +'|');
LogMessage(' Get result IMDbID (CF~IMDbID~):'+MovieID+'||');
//Get ~url~
if (0=Pos(BASE_URL_PRE,StoredURL)) then begin //Write the url if not exists
LogMessage(' Get result url:'+StringReplace(DownloadURL,BASE_URL_PRE_TRUE,BASE_URL_PRE,True,False,False)+'||');
//Get ~IMDb Movie Url~
AddCustomFieldValueByName('','<link url="'+Movie_URL+'"></link>');
AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDbMoviesUrl','<link url="'+Movie_URL+'">IMDb MovieUrl</link>');
LogMessage(' Get result Movie_url: '+Movie_URL+' ||');
//Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_UR+'">Maindetails</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'">MainPage</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'reference">Reference</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'fullcredits">Full Cast&Crew</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'awards">Awards</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'releaseinfo">ReleaseDates</link> ';
//Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'technical">TechnicalSpecs</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'technical">TechSpecs</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'parentalguide">ParentsGuide</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'keywords">PlotKeywords</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'plotsummary">PlotSummary</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'locations">FilmLocations</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'taglines">Taglines</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'companycredits">CompanyCredits</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'movieconnections">Connections</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'soundtrack">Soundtracks</link> ';
//Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'externalsites">Miscellaneous</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'externalsites">MiscSites</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'externalsites#photos">MiscPhoto</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'mediaindex">PhotoGallery</link> ';
//Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URLL+'externalsites#misc">MiscSites</link> ';
//Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'externalsites#photos">MiscPhoto</link> ';
If Fullinfo <> '' then IMDB_URL:=Fullinfo;
If IMDB_URL <> '' then AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDb Movie Url',IMDB_URL);
LogMessage(' Get result Fullinfo-IMDB_URL (CF~IMDb Movie Url~ ):'+#13+IMDB_URL+'||')
//Parse principal provider page = BASE_URL_PRE_TRUE------------------------------------------------------------------
It's attached IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] V script.
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] V script
Made many minor fixes in several pieces of code.
V (01/05/2020) Ivek23: Added some new custom fields. Made many minor fixes in several pieces of code.
See the forum post:,4141.0.html
Added some new custom fields.
Custom Fields:
Hidden Custom Fields in IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script
- Sound Mix:
- Color:
- User Comments
PVD custom field for Type/Comments in Preferences/Movies/Custom Items:
- Sound Mix: (Multiselect list)
- Color: (Multiselect list)
- User Comments (Memo)
It's attached IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] V script.
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series) V script
I adapted the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script to transfer information for series.
The IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (series) script is based on the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] V script and works the same as the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script. In IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (series) script search and download all (same as IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] V script) information for series that are present on IMDB series pages.
Only added IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series) script and IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes) script
(Hidden) Custom Fields in IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series) script and IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes) script
Custom fields:
PVD custom field for Type/Comments in Preferences/Movies/Custom Items:
- IMDB_Series-year (Long Text)
Other custom fields are same are also in IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script.
custom field.
It's attached IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series) V script.
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes) V script
I adapted the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script to transfer information for episodes.
The IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (episodes) script is based on the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] V script and works the same as the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script. In IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (episodes) script (search for series or maybe Bing search for episodes, if an episode title already exists) download all (same as IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] V script) information for episodes that are present on IMDB episodes pages.
Only added IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series) script and IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes) script
(Hidden) Custom Fields in IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series) script and IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes) script
Custom fields:
PVD custom field for Type/Comments in Preferences/Movies/Custom Items:
- IMDB_Series-year (Long Text)
Other custom fields are same are also in IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script.
custom field.
It's attached IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes) V script.
Hello Ivek.
Thanks for the update.
What I don't understand is, IMDb series script doesn't import seasons anymore, like it used to, right? Please refer to screenshots how it was 9-10 years ago with old series script, and how it is now. Or is it something bad in my configuration?
Thank you in advance.
Hello Ivek.
Thanks for the update.
What I don't understand is, IMDb series script doesn't import seasons anymore, like it used to, right? Please refer to screenshots how it was 9-10 years ago with old series script, and how it is now. Or is it something bad in my configuration?
Thank you in advance.
Hey, great!
This was solution for an issue I referred to HERE (,4134.msg21077.html#msg21077).
The answer is HERE (,4044.msg21082.html#msg21082).
Here's to help, unless otherwise found in IMDb scripts, also Imdb_simple_Bing_Search, which works both in Personal Video Database MOD and with Proxomitron, or without Proxomitron. It finds the specific address you are looking for and then passes it the url. Once you have the url, the information is passed to you by IMDb scripts in Personal Video Database MOD.
It's attached Imdb_simple_Bing_Search script.
A question for Easy.
Is it possible to include something like
#NoTrayIcon ; To prevent momentary icon pop-up
run whatever.bat arg1 arg2,,hide
into PVdBDownPage.exe script?
I am asking because PVdBDownPage.exe isn't compiled as invisible, and cmd window flashes every time is contacted which loses focus on other windows we use while downloading imdb info. Thanks in advance!
I remember that I did a lot of tests to avoid this problem. I also tried to get PVdB running and download in background, but without success.
Well, now I have repeated the test with NoTrayIcon and it does not solve it.
My conclusion is that the problem is in PDV: The script procedure "FileExecute" always change focus visibly when calling external program.
I don't know if anyone will have any ideas.
Note: The added executable programs are written in AutoHotKey and the source codes are open and available in the folder .\PersonalVideoDB\Scripts\_Source_Code. Freedom to improve them.
Thank you for your reply Easy!
This is what I get whent trying to open script (I am not at all familiar with AHK and scripting in general, but trying to use common sense). Any idea?
Also, could this link ( be of some help? Sorry if I am too ignorant and you already checked options like this.
Best regards
Is it only me, or (nor any other IMDb script) doesn't import director(s) anymore?
Best regards
Is it only me, or (nor any other IMDb script) doesn't import director(s) anymore?
Best regards
In general, except for the Cast section, there have been some changes to the source code on the Full Cast & Crew websites. Try IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (afrocuban) script if everything works properly.
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (afrocuban) script is attached.
Thank you so much for again prompt response and solution! Is it safe now to forget and delete IMDB_[EN][HTTPS].psf v1.4.1.3? I have tons of scripts and I would like to archive all that are: not-applicable/not-usable/redudant/with-a-minor-set-of-data-comparing-to-this-one.
Best regards,
EDIT: I forgot how to get all the directors for the series' "Director" field (not episode's "Director" field). This script doesn't retrieve that names.
Thank you so much for again prompt response and solution! Is it safe now to forget and delete IMDB_[EN][HTTPS].psf v1.4.1.3? I have tons of scripts and I would like to archive all that are: not-applicable/not-usable/redudant/with-a-minor-set-of-data-comparing-to-this-one.
First, I'm wondering if the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (afrocuban) script is working properly.
Then a new IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script version will follow, only then archive IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] .psf v1.4.1.3.
EDIT: I forgot how to get all the directors for the series' "Director" field (not episode's "Director" field). This script doesn't retrieve that names.
I need a little more information on what you had in mind because I don’t have an answer for this at the moment.
This is the screenshot of Modern Family series (not episode(s)). We see directors of all episodes there. I can't remember how to get that. Thank you in advance.
First, I'm wondering if the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (afrocuban) script is working properly.
It works great for the movies and episodes. It doesn't import directors for the series, though.
Best regards
and it still doesn't import non-Latin (titles in cyrillic, in my case)...
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] V script
I fixed some bugs in the code section for ParsePage_IMDBMovieCREDIT (Full cast and crew section except Cast section).
V (19/10/2020) Ivek23: ParsePage_IMDBMovieCREDIT (Full Cast and Crew section) = Corrected parts of the code.
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] V script is attached.
First, I'm wondering if the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (afrocuban) script is working properly.
It works great for the movies and episodes. It doesn't import directors for the series, though.
The IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script only downloads the Cast section for the series, so the IMDB_ [EN] (HTTPS] (series) or IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (series) (Miguelh1020) script (,4150.msg21129.html#msg21129)must be used.
This is the screenshot of Modern Family series (not episode(s)). We see directors of all episodes there. I can't remember how to get that. Thank you in advance.
Now this should be done using scripts for the series.
and it still doesn't import non-Latin (titles in cyrillic, in my case)...
CODE_PAGE =65001 ; //28591=ISO 8859-1 Latin 1; Western European (ISO). Use: 65001=Unicode (UTF-8) | 0=for Autodetect Autodetect
Function DownloadPage(URL:AnsiString):String; //BlockOpen
//Returns the URL page text. If error returns empty string
LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+'Function DownloadPage BEGIN======================|');
LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+'Global Var-DownloadURL|'+DownloadURL+'|');
LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+' Local Var-URL|'+URL+'|');
//LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+' Local Var-ScriptPath|'+ScriptPath+'|');
//Delete the ancient dowloaded page file. Needed for wait to curl download included in PowerShell command.
While FileExists(ScriptPath+BASE_DOWNLOAD_FILE_NO_BOM) Do Begin
FileExecute('cmd.exe', '/C del "'+ScriptPath+BASE_DOWNLOAD_FILE_NO_BOM+'"');
LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+' Waiting 1s for delete:'+ScriptPath+BASE_DOWNLOAD_FILE_NO_BOM);
wait (1000);
//Download the URL page.
LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+' Download with PVdBDownPage in file:|'+ScriptPath+BASE_DOWNLOAD_FILE_NO_BOM+' the information of:|'+URL+'||');
FileExecute(ScriptPath+'PVdBDownPage.exe', '"'+URL+'" "'+ScriptPath+BASE_DOWNLOAD_FILE_NO_BOM+'"');
//Wait download finish and exist the downloaded page.
While Not(FileExists(ScriptPath+BASE_DOWNLOAD_FILE_NO_BOM)) Do Begin
LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+' Waiting 2s for exists of:'+ScriptPath+BASE_DOWNLOAD_FILE_NO_BOM);
wait (2000);
if 2=MessageBox('Too many faulty attempts to internet connection.'+Chr(13)+ 'Retry or Cancel?',SCRIPT_NAME,5) then begin
LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+'Function DownloadPage END with NOT INTERNET connection ===============|');
LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+' Now present complete page file: '+ScriptPath+BASE_DOWNLOAD_FILE_NO_BOM);
WebText:=ConvertEncoding(WebText, ); //65001 utf-8 Unicode (UTF-8) --->
//LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+' Local Var-WebText|'+WebText+'|'); //Debug statement
In the script, set from
CODE_PAGE =65001 ;
CODE_PAGE =28595 ;
It might work. You also have a link to the code page below.
Thanks Ivek. I will try changing code page, and wil let you know
The IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script only downloads the Cast section for the series, so the IMDB_ [EN] (HTTPS] (series) or IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (series) (Miguelh1020) script (,4150.msg21129.html#msg21129)must be used.
Now this should be done using scripts for the series.
Unfortunately, not a single IMDb script import directors of the series for me. I tried them all. Does it import directors for you?
28595 works for me to import cyrillic, but then it doesn't work to import Latin. I am absolutely positive that 65001 worked for me in the past. What could went wrong in the meantime, do you have any idea?
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series) V script
Same problem with series as it was with movies. I fixed some bugs in the code section for ParsePage_IMDBMovieCREDIT (Full cast and crew section except Cast section).
V (19/10/2020) Ivek23: ParsePage_IMDBMovieCREDIT (Full Cast and Crew section) = Corrected parts of the code.
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series) V script is attached.
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes) V script
Same problem with series-episodes as it was with movies. I fixed some bugs in the code section for ParsePage_IMDBMovieCREDIT (Full cast and crew section except Cast section).
V (19/10/2020) Ivek23: ParsePage_IMDBMovieCREDIT (Full Cast and Crew section) = Corrected parts of the code.
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes) V script is attached.
Unfortunately, not a single IMDb script import directors of the series for me. I tried them all. Does it import directors for you?
Works with the new IMDB_ [EN] (HTTPS] (series) V script and IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (episodes) V script.
28595 works for me to import cyrillic, but then it doesn't work to import Latin. I am absolutely positive that 65001 worked for me in the past. What could went wrong in the meantime, do you have any idea?
What about that, maybe it'll be okay now.
CODE_PAGE =0 ; // 0=for Autodetect Autodetect
or maybe
CODE_PAGE =1252 ;
1250 windows-1250 ANSI Central European; Central European (Windows)
1251 windows-1251 ANSI Cyrillic; Cyrillic (Windows)
1252 windows-1252 ANSI Latin 1; Western European (Windows)
This is what I get in Cinema1:
<link url="">Full Cast&Crew info names</link>
• Directed by
• Writing Credits
• Cast (in credits order)
• Produced by
• Music by
• Cinematography by
• Film Editing by
• Casting By
• Production Design by
• Art Direction by
• Set Decoration by
• Costume Design by
• Makeup Department
• Production Management
• Second Unit Director or Assistant Director
• Art Department
• Sound Department
• Special Effects by
• Visual Effects by
• Stunts
• Camera and Electrical Department
• Casting Department
• Costume and Wardrobe Department
• Editorial Department
• Location Management
• Music Department
• Script and Continuity Department
• Transportation Department
• Additional Crew
• Thanks
Is this working correctly?
This is what I get in Cinema1:
<link url="">Full Cast&Crew info names</link>
Thanks for reporting error. No, this is my mistake because I only tested with Imdb url addresses.
This error is present in all IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] scripts for movies, series and episodes. The errors will be corrected tomorrow
This is what I get in Cinema1:
• Directed by
• Writing Credits
• Cast (in credits order)
• Produced by
• Music by
• Cinematography by
• Film Editing by
• Casting By
• Production Design by
• Art Direction by
• Set Decoration by
• Costume Design by
• Makeup Department
• Production Management
• Second Unit Director or Assistant Director
• Art Department
• Sound Department
• Special Effects by
• Visual Effects by
• Stunts
• Camera and Electrical Department
• Casting Department
• Costume and Wardrobe Department
• Editorial Department
• Location Management
• Music Department
• Script and Continuity Department
• Transportation Department
• Additional Crew
• Thanks
Is this working correctly?
The rest is fine.
You are welcome and thank you for correcting it. I guess in Cinema1 we will get all the names from fullcredits page? I couldn't find description for what this field is. At the moment only occupations are imported without any name.
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]V script
I fixed some bugs in the code section for ParsePage_IMDBMovieCREDIT (Full cast and crew section except Cast section).
V (27/10/2020) Ivek23: ParsePage_IMDBMovieCREDIT (Full Cast and Crew section) = Corrected parts of the code. See the forum post:,4134.msg21196.html#msg21196
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] V script is attached.
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series) V script
Same problem with series as it was with movies. I fixed some bugs in the code section for ParsePage_IMDBMovieCREDIT (Full cast and crew section except Cast section).
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series) V script is attached.
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes) V script
Same problem with series as it was with movies. I fixed some bugs in the code section for ParsePage_IMDBMovieCREDIT (Full cast and crew section except Cast section).
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes) V script is attached.
Thanks Ivek.
So is this how it is supposed Cinema1 to contain only occupations, and not names? What would be the purpose of this field then, except for the link to full credits? Can you please upload a screenshot of this field from your database? I'd just like to compare yours and mine...
Thanks Ivek.
So is this how it is supposed Cinema1 to contain only occupations, and not names? What would be the purpose of this field then, except for the link to full credits? Can you please upload a screenshot of this field from your database? I'd just like to compare yours and mine...
The Cinema1 custom box now has the correct information and is exactly the same as my Cinema1 custom box, so there's no reason to take a screenshot of my Cinema1 custom box. in the attachment, there is a Cinema custom field, which contains information for the credits listed below, which have names and a url link to the website.
• Directed by
• Writing Credits
• Produced by
• Music by
• Cinematography by
• Thanks
• Cast (in credits order) is in the normal field for players.
A screenshot has been added for 10 Things I Hate About You movie.
Thanks Ivek! My Cinema field looks the same, as well. Still, I don't get it what's the purpose of Cinema1 field? Can you please explain it, or put a link where it is explained? Thanks in advance!
Thanks Ivek! My Cinema field looks the same, as well. Still, I don't get it what's the purpose of Cinema1 field? Can you please explain it, or put a link where it is explained? Thanks in advance!
More info at the link below.,4134.msg20890.html#msg20890
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Cast&Crew) V script
I fixed some bugs in the code section for ParsePage_IMDBMovieCREDIT (Full cast and crew section except Cast section).
Thanks Ivek! My Cinema field looks the same, as well. Still, I don't get it what's the purpose of Cinema1 field? Can you please explain it, or put a link where it is explained? Thanks in advance!
More info at the link below.,4134.msg20890.html#msg20890
In the Cinema1 custom box, there are only a list of records of the areas, what all was involved in the exact specific movie, series and so on. Here, this list is just for the purpose of what the areas are, but there are no names or links here like in the Custom Cinema box.
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Cast&Crew) script is attached.
Thank you Ivek. You posted corrected script just before I clicked submit my post on old script importing results. I have now used corrected IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Cast&Crew).psf and change the code as follows:
//GET_CREW_CREDIT = True ; //Download Cast and Credit provider page for retreive the some credits (crew) info. Otherwise set to False to only the Directors, Writers, Composers, Producers, Cinematography and Thanks info of the Cast and Credit provider page.
GET_CREW_CREDIT = True ; //Download Cast and Credit provider page for retreive the some credits (crew) info. Otherwise set to False to only the Directors, Writers, Composers, Producers, Cinematography and Thanks info of the Cast and Credit provider page.
GET_FULL_CREW_CREDIT = True ; //Download Cast and Credit provider page for retreive the more some credits (crew) info. Otherwise set to False to only the Directors, Writers, Composers, Producers and Cinematography + (GET_CREW_CREDIT = True) info of the Cast and Credit provider page.
Now I get it that actually this field isn't for full credits as seen on original IMDb page. Names are imported in Cinema field, and Cinema1 shows all possible fields which can be imported to Cinema, as I understand.
Still, while tested for these names are missing from Cinema field, and occupations are stated in Cinema1 field, or it is somehow limited
Camera and Electrical Department
Philippe Brun ... cameraman: second unit
René Chabal ... assistant cameraman (as Rene Chabal)
Gilbert Chain ... cameraman
Roger Corbeau ... stillsman
Max Lechevallier ... assistant cameraman
Raymond Picon-Borel ... cameraman: second unit
Costume and Wardrobe Department
Theoni V. Aldredge ... costumes (as Denny Vachlioti)
Editorial Department
Patrick Clement-Bayard ... editor assistant
Johnny Dwyre ... editor assistant
Daniele Grimberg ... editor assistant (as Danielle Grimberg)
Additional Crew
Jean Fouchet ... main title
Lucie Lichtig ... script
//GET_CREW_CREDIT = False ; //Download Cast and Credit provider page for retreive the some credits (crew) info. Otherwise set to False to only the Directors, Writers, Composers, Producers, Cinematography and Thanks info of the Cast and Credit provider page.
GET_CREW_CREDIT = True ; //Download Cast and Credit provider page for retreive the some credits (crew) info. Otherwise set to False to only the Directors, Writers, Composers, Producers, Cinematography and Thanks info of the Cast and Credit provider page.
GET_FULL_CREW_CREDIT = True ; //Download Cast and Credit provider page for retreive the more some credits (crew) info. Otherwise set to False to only the Directors, Writers, Composers, Producers and Cinematography + (GET_CREW_CREDIT = True) info of the Cast and Credit provider page.
Leave it as it is here. Twice you have the GET_CREW_CREDIT option to make it easier to select the option you just need or want to use (once False, which is blocked, and True, which is not already blocked).
Now I get it that actually this field isn't for full credits as seen on original IMDb page. Names are imported in Cinema field, and Cinema1 shows all possible fields which can be imported to Cinema, as I understand.
Hold this and you are also thinking in the right direction.
Camera and Electrical Department
Philippe Brun ... cameraman: second unit
René Chabal ... assistant cameraman (as Rene Chabal)
Gilbert Chain ... cameraman
Roger Corbeau ... stillsman
Max Lechevallier ... assistant cameraman
Raymond Picon-Borel ... cameraman: second unit
Costume and Wardrobe Department
Theoni V. Aldredge ... costumes (as Denny Vachlioti)
Editorial Department
Patrick Clement-Bayard ... editor assistant
Johnny Dwyre ... editor assistant
Daniele Grimberg ... editor assistant (as Danielle Grimberg)
Additional Crew
Jean Fouchet ... main title
Lucie Lichtig ... script
There really isn't that, because there is no code in the script at all. It kind of made sense to me to just add this below.
5. Cast & Crew field info names:
• Directed by
• Writing Credits // NO (WGA)
• Cast (in credits order) // Only data info in normal Actors field
• Produced by
• Music by
• Cinematography by
• Film Editing by
• Casting By
• Production Design by
• Art Direction by
• Set Decoration by
• Costume Design by
• Production Management
• Second Unit Director or Assistant Director
• Special Effects by
• Visual Effects by
• Casting Department
• Location Management
• Music Department
• Thanks
There really isn't that, because there is no code in the script at all. It kind of made sense to me to just add this below. The rest of what is seen in the Cinema1 custom field would put too much strain on the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] _ (Cast & Crew) script when transferring information, as well as the entire PVD database.
Thanks for adds up, Ivek! I absolutely understand your reasons, I just needed to clear how things are working.
So, basically, at the moment the largest possible set of IMDb data for movies would be regular IMDb + Cast&Crew + Connection (when fixed) with all custom fields defined in PVD preferences, right?
So, basically, at the moment the largest possible set of IMDb data for movies would be regular IMDb + Cast&Crew + Connection (when fixed) with all custom fields defined in PVD preferences, right?
Yes, it's right.
Thank you! Now, when "Connection" script is over, a huge update of my movies on the schedule, hahaha!
SOS. All scripts related to the PVdBDownPage module stopped working for me. You can see that it starts up (! Pic1). And nothing more. After half a minute, a message appears about a large number of invalid Internet connections (! Pic2). I absolutely do not understand what this is connected with. Neither in the Windows settings nor in the modem settings changed anything !!! Guard!!! Note, I have not seen any problems with the Internet connection yet. A week ago, everything was normal. It seems to me that the module is blocked by something, but I have no idea how. :'( :'( :'(
SOS. All scripts related to the PVdBDownPage module stopped working for me. You can see that it starts up (! Pic1). And nothing more. After half a minute, a message appears about a large number of invalid Internet connections (! Pic2). I absolutely do not understand what this is connected with. Neither in the Windows settings nor in the modem settings changed anything !!! Guard!!! Note, I have not seen any problems with the Internet connection yet. A week ago, everything was normal. It seems to me that the module is blocked by something, but I have no idea how. :'( :'( :'(
P.S. Understood. I don't know why, but I had to change the value "localhost" in the settings of the PVD program to the numbers "" ???
Good you resolved it, and good tip for others that might have similar issue. Numerous times in numerous apps I have had the same problems: localhost is not recognized, but
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Connections) V script
V (08/11/2020) Ivek23: Added some new custom fields.
The following custom fields can be added to the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script.
Origtitle, Title and Localized title custom box.
Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE BEGIN======================|');
Result:=prFinished; //It will change to prError if any big problem with exit;
//Because the script don't retreives the data in the page order a token search for the first curPos position or block select is mandatory
//Get ~title~, ~year~, ~origtitle~, ~poster~
//Get all "raw" title summary (in raw because we need the hidden links, we avoid "complete" token in strings which opens/closes)
ItemList:=TextBetWeenFirst(HTML,'<div class="title_block"','div class="plot_summary_wrapper">'); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If (Length(ItemList)>0) Then Begin
//Get ~title~
titleValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'<h1 class="">','<'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If titleValue = '0' then titleValue:='';
If titleValue = '' then titleValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'<h1 class="long">','<'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Localized title',titleValue);
LogMessage(' Get result title:'+titleValue+'||');
//First normal kind get of ~year~
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'<span id="titleYear">(',')</span> </h1>'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
//Get ~origtitle~
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'<div class="originalTitle">','<'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If (Length(ItemValue)=0) Then ItemValue:=titleValue; //Provider hides the original title if same that title. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Get result origtitle:'+ItemValue+'||');
I updated the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] _ (Connections) script to work again. More information is available at this link.,4134.msg20857.html#msg20857
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] _ (Connections) script is attached.
I would like, for example, Title1 to be shown in the left pane/tree view. Is that possible?
As far as I know, unfortunately this option does not exist. But I may be wrong about that.
There is, however, this option and of course, if it is to your liking, then set this option in this menu " View ---> Sort by ---> Original Title "
Thanks, I was suspected that it is impossible. It is not important for me to sort movies, it's just that I'd like to have in tree view English titles (that is Title1 in my case), when there is one, and in movie pane to have original and localized as surplus.
Except ex-yu movies, all other movies I know mostly by their English title, not their Serbian translation, or by original title. So when listing/scrolling, it's not quite helpful to read Titles, because they are localized, so I have to click every movie whose Title I don't recognize.
That's the reason I was asking the question. Thanks for your response!
Is it possible to create an on/off button for the "localhost" function and display it on the PVD panel?
I agree it would be extremely helpful, but PVD is abandoned software and no one has access to its code, so it's impossible to add/change options...
I would like, for example, Title1 to be shown in the left pane/tree view. Is that possible?
I don't know if it what you asking but you can add Orginal title in the left list:
you put something lie this:
%N. %O
This is for but i suspect the 1.0.27 is the same.
Hope this helps.
Thanks jondak. I can confirm it works with mod as well. Only origtitle can be added (,2116.html) and not custom title, but that is better than with title only, in my case and for my needs.
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]V script
Due to the new layout of the Main IMDb websites, it was necessary to fix the entire Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE to now re-download the information from the Main IMDb websites. Certain information is no longer available in the new layout of the Main IMDb websites, such as Bottom 100, or has been modified or hidden, such as IMDB Votes. A hidden mid box and a visible numid box are now added to the script. These are now the custom number fields listed below. //Get ~MID ID:~ and ~NUM ID::~
AddCustomFieldValueByName('MID ID:',GetFieldValueXML('mid'));
LogMessage(' ** Movie MID ID: '+GetFieldValueXML('mid')+' **');
if GetFieldValueXML('num') <> '0' then AddCustomFieldValueByName('NUM ID:',GetFieldValueXML('num'));
if GetFieldValueXML('num') <> '0' then LogMessage(' * Movie NUM ID: '+GetFieldValueXML('num')+' ||');
The new origgitle and alternatetitle information have now also been added. //Get ~origtitle~
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'","name":"','","'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If (Length(ItemValue)=0) Then ItemValue:=titleValue; //Provider hides the original title if same that title. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Get result origtitle:'+ItemValue+'||');
//Get ~alternatetitle~
ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'","alternateName":"','","'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Localized title',ItemValue);
if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result alternatetitle:'+ItemValue+'||');
A custom Certification field is now added to the ParsePage_IMDBMovieMPAA Function to download the MPAA Certification List by country. //Get "Certification" info
curPos:=Pos('<td class="ipl-zebra-list__label">Certification</td>',HTML);
if (curPos=0) then Exit;
//Get "Certification" info
curPos:=Pos('<td class="ipl-zebra-list__label">Certification</td>',HTML);
If 0<curPos Then Begin
ItemValue1:=HTMLValues2(HTML,'<td class="ipl-zebra-list__label">Certification</td>','</section>','<li class="ipl-inline-list__item">','</li>','<br> • ',EndPos); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
ItemValue1:=StringReplace(ItemValue1,':',': ',True,False,True);
ItemValue1:=StringReplace(ItemValue1,' (',' (',True,False,True);
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Certification','Certification<br> • '+ItemValue1);
LogMessage(' Certification:<br>'+ItemValue1+'||');
In the Function ParsePage_IMDBMoviePLOTSUMMARY, a custom IMDB Synopsis memo field is added because a function is added that is set to False by default to not transfer full IMDB Synopsis information to the comment field. //Script Options-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//Retreive Data Config
// GET_FULL_PLOT_SUMMARY = True ; //Set to False to not wanted to Download full synopsis for Plot provider page for retreive the Synopsis info in Comment box.
GET_FULL_PLOT_SUMMARY = False ; //Set to True if to wanted to Download full synopsis for Plot provider page for retreive the Synopsis info in Comment box.
// MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH = 1200; //Heigth limit of the stored posters.
MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH = 500; //Heigth limit of the stored posters.
//Process Data Config
// ~Plot Summary~
If (Pos('It looks like we don'+Chr(39)+'t have any Summaries for this title yet.',HTML)>0) then Exit;
//Get "Summaries" info (~Comment~)
If Pos('<h1 class="header">Plot</h1>',HTML)>0 Then Begin
curPos:=Pos('<h1 class="header">Plot</h1>',HTML);
ItemValue:=HTMLValues2(HTML,'Plot','See also','<li class="ipl-zebra-list__item" id="summary','</p>','<br><br>-------<br><br>',EndPos);
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'<a href='+Chr(39),'<link url="'+GetFieldValueXML('url'),True,False,True);
LogMessage(' Get result ItemValue (~Comment~):'+ItemValue+'||');
I also fixed the maximum poster size to 500 due to the smaller size that the database stores. because this also reduces the size of the database size itself. PVD therefore also works better.
Here is the new final IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] V script version.
In the IMDbMoviesUrl custom box you now also have a link to the OMDb API (
//OBLIGATORY CALLBACK PRINCIPAL FUNCTION=========================================================================BlockOpen
Function ParsePage(HTML:String;URL:AnsiString):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
Fullinfo,Movie_URL,IMDB_URL: String;
DateParts: TWideArray;
LogMessage('Function ParsePage BEGIN======================|');
LogMessage('Global Var-Mode|'+IntToStr(Mode)+'|');
LogMessage('Global Var-DownloadURL|'+DownloadURL+'|');
LogMessage(' Local Var-URL|'+URL+'|');
//Parse return in mode 'Search Movie URL'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If (Mode=smSearch) Then Begin
If (Length(titleValue)=0) Then titleValue:=GetFieldValueXML('title');
If yearValue='0' Then yearValue:=''; // Better no Year (blank) for the searches.
LogMessage(' ParsePage smSearch|'+IntToStr(Mode)+'|. Searching DownloadURL for MovieTitle |'+ titleValue+'|'+' MovieYear |'+ yearValue+'|');
//Download Provider search page.
DownloadURL:=StringReplace(DownloadURL,' ','+',True,True,False); //Better list of results without spaces.
LogMessage(' Searching in Provider:|' + DownloadURL + '||');
HTML:=DownloadPage(DownloadURL); //True page for parsing the search
//HTML:=FileToString( GetAppPath + '\Scripts\IMDB_[EN][HTTPS].v.\' + 'V.[Advanced.Search]-Padrino.htm'); //Debug
If ((Result=prError) and SEARCH_ENGINE) Then Begin //No results or Redirection -> Search Engine needed
LogMessage(' Not results or Redirection in Provider search, try with Bing');
//Download Bing search page.
DownloadURL:=StringReplace(BASE_URL_SEARCH_ENGI,'%p',BASE_URL_PRE_TRUE,True,True,False); //WEB_SPECIFIC
DownloadURL:=StringReplace(DownloadURL,'%s',titleValue,True,True,False); //WEB_SPECIFIC
DownloadURL:=StringReplace(DownloadURL,' ','+',True,True,False); //Better list of results without spaces. WEB_SPECIFIC
DownloadURL:=StringReplace(DownloadURL,'%y',yearValue,True,True,False); //WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage(' Searching in Bing:|' + DownloadURL + '||');
HTML:=DownloadPage(DownloadURL); //True page for parsing the search
//Parse the returned result of the search list.
If Result=prError Then Begin //Not movie found, script finish in error.
LogMessage('Function ParsePage smSearch-prError END======================|');
If Result=prList Then Begin //One list of results loaded, needed user choice exit in the script mode (because HTTPS PVD NOT directly will download the user choice).
LogMessage('Function ParsePage smSearch-prList END======================|');
If Result=prDownload Then Begin //One results, exit needed only continue the script.
LogMessage('Function ParsePage smSearch-prDownload END======================|');
//Parse return of 'SearchList Movie URL'-----------------------------------------------------------------------
If (Mode=smSearchList) Then Begin //The user have choose the link.
LogMessage(' ParsePage mode smSearchList. Getting DownloadURL from the return of smSearchList');
DownloadURL:=StringReplace(URL,CHEAT_PREFIX_URL,'',True,False,False); //Eliminate the CHEAT_PREFIX_URL for get the true movie link
DownloadURL:=StringReplace(DownloadURL,'http:','https:',True,True,False); //The direct url needed (no https redirection)
LogMessage(' Global Var-DownloadURL|'+DownloadURL+'|');
Result:=prDownload; //But not exit needed for download the page because is HTTPS
LogMessage(' With the good movie URL it demand download the movie page');
//Parse with the Movie URL 'smNormal'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If (Mode=smNormal) Then Begin
//Get the script Overwrite Options saved in pvdconf.ini (Remember that PVD only save the options on exit)
//0=Do nothing,1=Set if Empty,2=Overwrite
//LogMessage('Stored Script PVDConfigOptions is:'+PVDConfigOptions+'||');
//LogMessage('The Script option of position '+ IntToStr(opPoster) +' is:'+Copy(PVDConfigOptions,opPoster,1)+'||');
Result:=prFinished; //It will change to prError if any big problem with exit;
//Information in several page. Needs Provider MovieID
LogMessage(' ParsePage mode smNormal|'+IntToStr(Mode)+'|. Getting provider data for MovieID|'+ MovieID +'|');
LogMessage(' Get result IMDbID (CF~IMDbID~):'+MovieID+'||');
//Get ~url~
if (0=Pos(BASE_URL_PRE,StoredURL)) then begin //Write the url if not exists
LogMessage(' Get result url:'+StringReplace(DownloadURL,BASE_URL_PRE_TRUE,BASE_URL_PRE,True,False,False)+'||');
//Get ~IMDb Movie Url~
AddCustomFieldValueByName('','<link url="'+Movie_URL+'"></link>');
AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDbMoviesUrl','<link url="'+Movie_URL+'">IMDb MovieUrl</link> <link url="">OMDb API info</link> <link url="">OMDb API Key</link>');
//AddCustomFieldValueByName('OMDbAPIUrl','<link url="'+Movie_URL+'">IMDb MovieUrl</link> <link url="'+MovieID+'&apikey=[yourkey]&plot=short&tomatoes=true">OMDb API info for IMDb</link> <link url="'+MovieID+'&apikey=[yourkey]&plot=full&tomatoes=true">OMDb API full info for IMDb</link> <link url="'+MovieID+'&apikey=[yourkey]&plot=full&r=xml&tomatoes=true">OMDb API full xml info for IMDb</link> <link url="'+GetFieldValueXML('title')+'&apikey=[yourkey]&plot=short&tomatoes=true">OMDb API Search for IMDb</link>');
LogMessage(' Get result Movie_url: '+Movie_URL+' ||');
LogMessage(' Get result OMDb API info_URL:'+#13+'<link url="">OMDb API info</link> <link url="">OMDb API Key</link>'+'||')
//Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_UR+'">Maindetails</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'">MainPage</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'reference">Reference</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'fullcredits">Full Cast&Crew</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'awards">Awards</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'releaseinfo">ReleaseDates</link> ';
//Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'technical">TechnicalSpecs</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'technical">TechSpecs</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'parentalguide">ParentsGuide</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'keywords">PlotKeywords</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'plotsummary">PlotSummary</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'locations">FilmLocations</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'taglines">Taglines</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'companycredits">CompanyCredits</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'movieconnections">Connections</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'soundtrack">Soundtracks</link> ';
//Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'externalsites">Miscellaneous</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'externalsites">MiscSites</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'externalsites#photos">MiscPhoto</link> ';
Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'mediaindex">PhotoGallery</link> ';
//Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URLL+'externalsites#misc">MiscSites</link> ';
//Fullinfo:=Fullinfo+'<link url="'+Movie_URL+'externalsites#photos">MiscPhoto</link> ';
If Fullinfo <> '' then IMDB_URL:=Fullinfo;
If IMDB_URL <> '' then AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDb Movie Url',IMDB_URL);
LogMessage(' Get result Fullinfo-IMDB_URL (CF~IMDb Movie Url~ ):'+#13+IMDB_URL+'||')
//Parse principal provider page = BASE_URL_PRE_TRUE------------------------------------------------------------------
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script is attached.
"The IMDbMoviesUrl custom field now also has a link to the OMDb API website."
Where is this "custom field" located? Can I have a screen, please! :-[ ??? :-[
"The IMDbMoviesUrl custom field now also has a link to the OMDb API website."
Where is this "custom field" located? Can I have a screen, please! :-[ ??? :-[
See screenshot for memo IMDb Movies Url custom box.
Screenshots are attached.
"The IMDbMoviesUrl custom field now also has a link to the OMDb API website."
Where is this "custom field" located? Can I have a screen, please! :-[ ??? :-[
See screenshot for memo IMDb Movies Url custom box.
Screenshots are attached.
What is it? ;)
P.S. What are the other Amadeus subclauses? Wildly curious! ;) How much time do you spend adding information to one movie? (If anything, then this is a rhetorical question.) :-[
"The IMDbMoviesUrl custom field now also has a link to the OMDb API website."
Where is this "custom field" located? Can I have a screen, please! :-[ ??? :-[
See screenshot for memo IMDb Movies Url custom box.
Screenshots are attached.
What is it? ;)
P.S. What are the other Amadeus subclauses? Wildly curious! ;) How much time do you spend adding information to one movie? (If anything, then this is a rhetorical question.) :-[
Other Amadeus addresses that you mark with an arrow have exactly the same url address, because this is a test PVD MOD and a test database. To add information to a single movie, it depends on what script is used. For example, the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script takes 1 to 2 minutes to download all the information and then add it to the database. Such questions are also welcome and the answers are also useful information for other PVD users.
Thanks, Ivek!
Changes in the new final IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] V script version.
In addition to all the changes, which are already described in the link below, there are some new features.,4183.msg21468.html#msg21468
Changing part of the code so that now the search for results is corrected.
The yearValue code has also been added
if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result Tv Mode (CF~Tv~):'+ItemValue);
yearValue:=HTMLValue(HTML,StartPos,0,'</a>','</span></li><li role="presentation" class="ipc-inline-list__item"><a href="/title/');
AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDB Year',yearValue);
if yearValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result Tv Mode (CF~IMDB_year~)+:'+yearValue);
Now I changed the Bing url address to search for results because the old Bing url address did not want to download the search results, but reported an error that it did not find the search results. This was probably a block for the Banned IP address, because I already have a similar experience with websites, where there is a captcha, which did not allow the transfer of information. Now I've added numbering to search results and make it easier to check the correct url.
Now CHECK_WEBSITE is primarily true for checking urls when searching for results.
//Retreive Data Config
USE_SAVED_PVDCONFIG = True ; //Use the Overwrite Options of the script saved in pvdconf.ini for avoid download not used pages. Remember PVD only save in exit.
GET_ORIGINAL_TITLE = True ; //Download the alternate title info in your language in your country in of the principal movie page if it exists there for to replace the original title in the Title field.
// GET_ORIGINAL_TITLE = False ; //Download the alternate title info in your language in your country in of the principal movie page if it exists there for to replace the original title in the Title field.
// GET_LOCAL_TITLE = True ; //Download the alternate title info in your language in your country in of the principal movie page if it exists there.
GET_LOCAL_TITLE = False ; //Download the alternate title info in your language in your country in of the principal movie page if it exists there.
GET_FULL_MPAA = True ; //Download Certification provider page for retreive the MPAA info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page.
GET_FULL_AKA = True ; //Download 'Also Known As' provider page for retreive the info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page.
GET_FULL_CREDIT = True ; //Download Cast or Credit provider page for retreive the info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page.
PEOPLE_LIMIT = 25; //Limit of number of actors (cast) or of credits (crew) retrieved.
GET_FULL_AWARDS = True ; //Download Awards provider page for retreive the info. Otherwise doesn't do nothingh because no info in the principal movie page.
EVENTS_LIMIT = 100; //Limit of number of events (USA Academy Awards, Golden Globes, etc) to retrive awards.
GET_FULL_FEATURES = True ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio, etc).
//GET_FULL_FEATURES = False ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio, etc).
GET_MINI_FEATURES = True ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio).
//GET_MINI_FEATURES = False ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio).
//GET_FEATURES = True ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio).
GET_FEATURES = False ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio).
GET_FULL_PLOTKEYWORDS = True ; //Download Plot Keywords provider page for retreive the Plot Keywords info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page
PLOTKEYWORDS_LIMIT = 100; //Limit of number of tags retrieved only when download Plot Keywords provider page.
GET_FULL_PLOTSUMMARY = True ; //Download Plot provider page for retreive the Summaries info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page
// GET_FULL_PLOT_SUMMARY = True ; //Set to False to not wanted to Download full synopsis for Plot provider page for retreive the Synopsis info in Comment box.
GET_FULL_PLOT_SUMMARY = False ; //Set to True if to wanted to Download full synopsis for Plot provider page for retreive the Synopsis info in Comment box.
// MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH = 1200; //Heigth limit of the stored posters.
MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH = 500; //Heigth limit of the stored posters.
//Process Data Config
PRESERVE_PVD_DESCRIPTION_SETTING = True ; //Avoid double use of ~description~ and ~comment~ using only the user check fields table selection otherwise try get "plot_summary"
//Process Behaviour Config
BYPASS_SILENT = True ; //Ensure critical ShowMessage alerts bypassing Silent PVdB preferences
CHECK_WEBSITE = True ; //Add to SearchResult List the true HTTPS links 'Just to check the website' with the browser
//CHECK_WEBSITE = False ; //Add to SearchResult List the true HTTPS links 'Just to check the website' with the browser
POSTER_IN_SEARCH = True ;//Download and show movie posters in the list of the SearchResult
Here is the new final IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] V script version.
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script is attached.
Change of the Imdb TechSpecs custom field name
Old name for Imdb TechSpecs custom field
The new name is now Imdb-TechSpecs custom field
The new name will now be in all Imdb HTTPS scripts for movies, series and episodes.
Changes in the new final IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series) V script version.
In addition to all the changes, which are already described in the link below, there are some new features.,4183.msg21468.html#msg21468,4183.msg21470.html#msg21470
The yearValue code has also been added
//Go to "Tv Mode"
StartPos:=Pos('<h1 textlength="',HTML);
if StartPos>0 then begin
ItemValue:=HTMLValue(HTML,StartPos,0,'<li role="presentation" class="ipc-inline-list__item">','releaseinfo?ref_=tt_ov_rdat');
if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result Tv Mode1:'+ItemValue+'||');
debug_pos1:=Pos('<a href="',ItemValue);
if debug_pos1 >0 then ItemValue := Copy(ItemValue,0,debug_pos1-1);
if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result Tv Mode (CF~Tv~):'+ItemValue);
//ItemValue1:=HTMLValue(HTML,StartPos,0,'<li role="presentation" class="ipc-inline-list__item','</ul>');
ItemValue1:=HTMLValues(HTML,'<h1 textlength="','</ul>','"ipc-inline-list__item">','</',', ',StartPos);
//ItemValue1:=HTMLValues2(HTML,'<h1 textlength="','</ul>','<li role="presentation" class="ipc-inline-list__item">','</li>',', ',StartPos);
if ItemValue1 <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result Tv Mode01:'+#13+ItemValue1+'||'+#13);
end else
LogMessage('tv-metadata not found');
if StartPos>0 then begin
yearValue:=HTMLValue(HTML,StartPos,0,'</a>','</span></li><li role="presentation" class="ipc-inline-list__item"><a href="/title/');
//AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDB Year',yearValue);
if yearValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result Tv Mode (CF~IMDB_year~)+:'+yearValue);
end else
LogMessage('tv-metadata-a not found');
and more info in the link below.,4183.msg21486.html#msg21486
//Retreive Data Config
USE_SAVED_PVDCONFIG = True ; //Use the Overwrite Options of the script saved in pvdconf.ini for avoid download not used pages. Remember PVD only save in exit.
GET_ORIGINAL_TITLE = True ; //Download the alternate title info in your language in your country in of the principal movie page if it exists there for to replace the original title in the Title field.
// GET_ORIGINAL_TITLE = False ; //Download the alternate title info in your language in your country in of the principal movie page if it exists there for to replace the original title in the Title field.
// GET_LOCAL_TITLE = True ; //Download the alternate title info in your language in your country in of the principal movie page if it exists there.
GET_LOCAL_TITLE = False ; //Download the alternate title info in your language in your country in of the principal movie page if it exists there.
GET_FULL_MPAA = True ; //Download Certification provider page for retreive the MPAA info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page.
GET_FULL_AKA = True ; //Download 'Also Known As' provider page for retreive the info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page.
GET_FULL_CREDIT = True ; //Download Cast or Credit provider page for retreive the info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page.
PEOPLE_LIMIT = 25; //Limit of number of actors (cast) or of credits (crew) retrieved.
GET_FULL_AWARDS = True ; //Download Awards provider page for retreive the info. Otherwise doesn't do nothingh because no info in the principal movie page.
EVENTS_LIMIT = 100; //Limit of number of events (USA Academy Awards, Golden Globes, etc) to retrive awards.
GET_FULL_FEATURES = True ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio, etc).
//GET_FULL_FEATURES = False ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio, etc).
GET_MINI_FEATURES = True ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio).
//GET_MINI_FEATURES = False ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio).
//GET_FEATURES = True ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio).
GET_FEATURES = False ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio).
GET_FULL_PLOTKEYWORDS = True ; //Download Plot Keywords provider page for retreive the Plot Keywords info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page
PLOTKEYWORDS_LIMIT = 100; //Limit of number of tags retrieved only when download Plot Keywords provider page.
GET_FULL_PLOTSUMMARY = True ; //Download Plot provider page for retreive the Summaries info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page
// GET_FULL_PLOT_SUMMARY = True ; //Set to False to not wanted to Download full synopsis for Plot provider page for retreive the Synopsis info in Comment box.
GET_FULL_PLOT_SUMMARY = False ; //Set to True if to wanted to Download full synopsis for Plot provider page for retreive the Synopsis info in Comment box.
// MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH = 1200; //Heigth limit of the stored posters.
MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH = 500; //Heigth limit of the stored posters.
//Process Data Config
PRESERVE_PVD_DESCRIPTION_SETTING = True ; //Avoid double use of ~description~ and ~comment~ using only the user check fields table selection otherwise try get "plot_summary"
//Process Behaviour Config
BYPASS_SILENT = True ; //Ensure critical ShowMessage alerts bypassing Silent PVdB preferences
CHECK_WEBSITE = True ; //Add to SearchResult List the true HTTPS links 'Just to check the website' with the browser
//CHECK_WEBSITE = False ; //Add to SearchResult List the true HTTPS links 'Just to check the website' with the browser
POSTER_IN_SEARCH = True ;//Download and show movie posters in the list of the SearchResult
Changes in the new final IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes) V script version.
The changes are the same as for the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (series) script.
In addition to all the changes, which are already described in the link below, there are some new features.,4183.msg21468.html#msg21468,4183.msg21470.html#msg21470
The yearValue code has also been added [/b]
//Go to "Tv Mode"
StartPos:=Pos('<h1 textlength="',HTML);
if StartPos>0 then begin
ItemValue:=HTMLValue(HTML,StartPos,0,'<li role="presentation" class="ipc-inline-list__item">','releaseinfo?ref_=tt_ov_rdat');
if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result Tv Mode1:'+ItemValue+'||');
debug_pos1:=Pos('<a href="',ItemValue);
if debug_pos1 >0 then ItemValue := Copy(ItemValue,0,debug_pos1-1);
if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result Tv Mode (CF~Tv~):'+ItemValue);
//ItemValue1:=HTMLValue(HTML,StartPos,0,'<li role="presentation" class="ipc-inline-list__item','</ul>');
ItemValue1:=HTMLValues(HTML,'<h1 textlength="','</ul>','"ipc-inline-list__item">','</',', ',StartPos);
//ItemValue1:=HTMLValues2(HTML,'<h1 textlength="','</ul>','<li role="presentation" class="ipc-inline-list__item">','</li>',', ',StartPos);
if ItemValue1 <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result Tv Mode01:'+#13+ItemValue1+'||'+#13);
end else
LogMessage('tv-metadata not found');
if StartPos>0 then begin
yearValue:=HTMLValue(HTML,StartPos,0,'</a>','</span></li><li role="presentation" class="ipc-inline-list__item"><a href="/title/');
//AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDB Year',yearValue);
if yearValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result Tv Mode (CF~IMDB_year~)+:'+yearValue);
end else
LogMessage('tv-metadata-a not found');
and more info in the link below.,4183.msg21486.html#msg21486
//Retreive Data Config
USE_SAVED_PVDCONFIG = True ; //Use the Overwrite Options of the script saved in pvdconf.ini for avoid download not used pages. Remember PVD only save in exit.
GET_ORIGINAL_TITLE = True ; //Download the alternate title info in your language in your country in of the principal movie page if it exists there for to replace the original title in the Title field.
// GET_ORIGINAL_TITLE = False ; //Download the alternate title info in your language in your country in of the principal movie page if it exists there for to replace the original title in the Title field.
// GET_LOCAL_TITLE = True ; //Download the alternate title info in your language in your country in of the principal movie page if it exists there.
GET_LOCAL_TITLE = False ; //Download the alternate title info in your language in your country in of the principal movie page if it exists there.
GET_FULL_MPAA = True ; //Download Certification provider page for retreive the MPAA info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page.
GET_FULL_AKA = True ; //Download 'Also Known As' provider page for retreive the info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page.
GET_FULL_CREDIT = True ; //Download Cast or Credit provider page for retreive the info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page.
PEOPLE_LIMIT = 25; //Limit of number of actors (cast) or of credits (crew) retrieved.
GET_FULL_AWARDS = True ; //Download Awards provider page for retreive the info. Otherwise doesn't do nothingh because no info in the principal movie page.
EVENTS_LIMIT = 100; //Limit of number of events (USA Academy Awards, Golden Globes, etc) to retrive awards.
GET_FULL_FEATURES = True ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio, etc).
//GET_FULL_FEATURES = False ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio, etc).
GET_MINI_FEATURES = True ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio).
//GET_MINI_FEATURES = False ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio).
//GET_FEATURES = True ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio).
GET_FEATURES = False ; //Download Technical Specs for retreive the original movie features (Runtime, Sound Mix, Color, Aspect Ratio).
GET_FULL_PLOTKEYWORDS = True ; //Download Plot Keywords provider page for retreive the Plot Keywords info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page
PLOTKEYWORDS_LIMIT = 100; //Limit of number of tags retrieved only when download Plot Keywords provider page.
GET_FULL_PLOTSUMMARY = True ; //Download Plot provider page for retreive the Summaries info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page
// GET_FULL_PLOT_SUMMARY = True ; //Set to False to not wanted to Download full synopsis for Plot provider page for retreive the Synopsis info in Comment box.
GET_FULL_PLOT_SUMMARY = False ; //Set to True if to wanted to Download full synopsis for Plot provider page for retreive the Synopsis info in Comment box.
// MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH = 1200; //Heigth limit of the stored posters.
MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH = 500; //Heigth limit of the stored posters.
//Process Data Config
PRESERVE_PVD_DESCRIPTION_SETTING = True ; //Avoid double use of ~description~ and ~comment~ using only the user check fields table selection otherwise try get "plot_summary"
//Process Behaviour Config
BYPASS_SILENT = True ; //Ensure critical ShowMessage alerts bypassing Silent PVdB preferences
CHECK_WEBSITE = True ; //Add to SearchResult List the true HTTPS links 'Just to check the website' with the browser
//CHECK_WEBSITE = False ; //Add to SearchResult List the true HTTPS links 'Just to check the website' with the browser
POSTER_IN_SEARCH = True ;//Download and show movie posters in the list of the SearchResult
Here is the new final IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series) V and IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes) V script version.
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series) and IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes) script is attached.
In all IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS], IMDB_ [EN] (HTTPS] (series) and IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (episodes) scripts, Runtime information is now incorrectly downloaded. The reason is a change in the source code of the primary Imdb web pages. I have fixed this bug and all Imdb scripts may be added to the forum tonight or tomorrow.
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script
IMDB_ [EN] (HTTPS] (series) script
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (episodes) script
In all IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS], IMDB_ [EN] (HTTPS] (series) and IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (episodes) scripts, Runtime information is now incorrectly downloaded. The reason is a change in the source code of the primary Imdb web pages. I have fixed this bug and all Imdb scripts may be added to the forum tonight or tomorrow.
IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS], IMDB_ [EN] (HTTPS] (series) and IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (episodes) scripts is attached.
In all IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] where Bing_Search code has been added, this part of the code no longer works and there are no more visible results to search for results for a particular movie title.
Learn more about this issue at the link below.,3099.msg21639.html#msg21639
In the first half of August, the appearance of the page will be completely changed on the IMDb People web pages.
Changed the basic People web page, the design of which is based on the Movie web pages. But you can already see this look.
In the future, it will be necessary to fix all Imdb People scripts to the new look of the page so that they will work again.
In the first half of August, the appearance of the page will be completely changed on the IMDb People web pages.
Changed the basic People web page, the design of which is based on the Movie web pages. But you can already see this look.
In the future, it will be necessary to fix all Imdb People scripts to the new look of the page so that they will work again.
Here you have a description in pictures.
I noticed quite a few changes in the download of IMDb movies information, which means there have been changes in the source code for the IMDb movies web pages. This means that the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script does not transfer all the information.
It will be necessary to fix the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script. The same goes for IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_1, which is made for testing users to report possible errors in the transmission of information.
Sorry, but at the moment I have quite a few health problems (including with my eyes), so I can't edit any Imdb scripts at the moment.
Slowly my health is improving, but my mother's health is deteriorating. This means that I don't have much time to fix and edit all the IMDB scripts. We will see when I can add some IMDB script (new version) to the forum. I hope it will be as soon as possible.
Sorry to hear. hopefully everything will go well!
Sorry to hear. hopefully everything will go well!
In TheMovieDB API pages, there has been a certain change in both the search results and the API movies pages in the source code. Because of this, searching for results when the IMDB MovieID for a specific movie is not known did not work. Also, the downloads for some information downloads did not work, so these fields were empty.
Now these errors have been fixed in all TheMovieDB API scripts, and some custom fields have been added.
The new custom fields are as follows:
TMDb_APIPage (Custom memo field) - added link to specific TheMoviedbAPIPage web page for specific movie. (Custom memo field) - added link to normal specific TheMoviedbPage web page for specific movie.
TMDb Posters (Custom memo field) - added link to normal specific Posters web page for specific movie, where it is possible to see if any poster for your country has been added.
TMDb Status (Custom Multiselect list field) - added to movie status for specific movie.
TheMoviedb_Rating (Custom Rating field) - added to Rating for specific movie.
TMDb Features (Custom memo field) - added to TMDb Features for specific movie.
Set URL (Custom memo field) - added link to normal specific Collection TheMoviedbPage web page for specific movie.
Posters (Custom memo field) - added links to all posters for specific movie.
Posters Numbers (Custom Short list field) - added to Posters Numbers for specific movie in specific language script.
Made a change to the Updated custom field. It is now renamed to TMDB Updated custom field.
Made a change to the CHANGE LOG description. This is now located at the bottom of the script.
Here are the new TheMovieDB [API] script updated versions.
TheMovieDB [EN][API]
TheMovieDB [DE][API]
TheMovieDB [ES][API]
TheMovieDB [FR][API]
Scripts is attached.
There is also TheMovieDB_[API] script which works in a similar way to the tmdb.dll plugin. This script displays a list of search results for a specific movie (same as the tmdb.dll plugin). Downloading the results is the same as with the other TheMovieDB_[API] script, except that the posters are from the no language group, where there are neutral posters without any language.
The custom fields are the same as the rest of TheMovieDB_[API] script except for the two new ones mentioned below.
The new custom fields are as follows:
TMDb_APIPage 1 (Custom memo field) - added link to specific TheMoviedbAPIPage web page for specific movie.
Posters 0 (Custom memo field) - added links to all posters for specific movie.
Posters Numbers 1 (Custom Short list field) - added to Posters Numbers for specific movie in all language.
The change is also in the size of the downloaded posters in all TheMovieDB_[API] scripts, that instead of the original, it is now this size due to the acquisition of space in the PVD database, which in turn means easier operation of the PVD MOD program.
ItemValue:='' +ItemValue; //WEB_SPECIFIC. w45,w92,w185,w300,w342,original.
TheMovieDB_[API] script is attached.
Here are the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_1a scripts
and IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_2a script for testing.
Added some new custom fields:
Imdb Aspect Ratio (Custom Multiselect list field)
Imdb Color (Custom Multiselect list field)
Imdb Sound Mix: (Custom Multiselect list field)
Thank (Custom memo field)
IMDB_year (Custom Multiselect list field)
IMDB Year (Custom Multiselect list field)
TOP_250TV (Custom Number field)
Bottom 100 (Custom Number field)
Imdb Title 1 (Custom memo field)
These custom fields are only in IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_2a script
IMDb Awards (Custom memo field)
IMDb Movie Awards3 (Custom memo field)
IMDb Movie Awards4 (Custom memo field)
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_1a scripts
and IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_2a script is attached.
Added url link to website for Cinematography and Thanks in Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieCREDIT
A new Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieREFERENCE has been added, because otherwise some items from the basic movies web pages (tagline, tags, "Storyline" as description, "Plot Summary" as description, Bottom Rated Movies) cannot be downloaded any other way than with this function.
The ParsePage_BingSearch function is now blocked and no longer works. It will remain so in the future as it will be replaced by Imdb_[HTTPS]_Bing_Search in case there are no search results. An alternative will also be two IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search scripts, if by chance there are no search results with the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script.
This is a new url link:
//65001 utf-8 Unicode (UTF-8) --->
This is a limitation for searching results, where the search shows multiple results for one movie title. this now allows only 10 hits to be displayed and therefore shows it here earlier.
BASE_URL_SEARCH_PROV =',%y&view=simple&count=10'; //Search string for '%s' title and '%y' year. WEB_SPECIFIC //'&count=50'
This is a limitation of the number due to less space consumption in the PVD database.
// PLOTKEYWORDS_LIMIT = 100; //Limit of number of tags retrieved only when download Plot Keywords provider page.[
PLOTKEYWORDS_LIMIT = 50; //Limit of number of tags retrieved only when download Plot Keywords provider page.
Made a change to the CHANGE LOG description. This is now located at the bottom of the script.
Here are IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search script, which searches for movie results for feature, tv movie, video, and IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search a script, which, in addition to the above, also finds results for series. Scripts download some basic information for movies or series.
There is also an Imdb_[HTTPS]_Bing_Search script to find results using Bing search and display up to 50 hits. If there is already a url link, the script will search again and display the search list for this movies or series. The Imdb_[HTTPS]_Bing_Search script only works in PVD MOD versions with the help of the curl program, otherwise it is currently not possible to edit the script and to download the search results with Bing Search.
Scripts is attached.
The IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script no longer downloads certain information for movies because there have been major changes in the source code of certain web pages. The script only downloads information from the basic Movies page. It currently also downloads information from the Full Cast & Crew, Awards and Plot Keywords web pages. Here, too, there will be changes in the source code sometime by the end of February. Currently, it still downloads movies information from the Reference View website for movies, but it's only a matter of time how long this will be, because the Reference View website is supposed to be discontinued in the near future, unfortunately for us of course.
There will be many problems for corrections in the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script, it is also possible that certain web pages and the transfer of information will no longer be possible in the future.
Here is the current IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_1b script that is currently working. However, there is a possibility that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow some things may not be transferred by the script, because parts of the code in the source code of the IMDb websites change very often.
However, there have been major changes in the source code of the IMDb websites, and in some places it is possible to download only 6 items for a certain area. Such an example is primarily Also Known As (AKA).
Below are links to specific IMDb web pages with such examples.
Most such IMDb websites will no longer be included in IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script updates in the future. Individual specific IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] scripts will also no longer be updated. For example, the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_(Connections) script will not be updated in the future. Another similar IMDb script may meet the same fate.
There are some new features in the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_1b script.
Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieAKA transfers only 6 records. If you don't want this, then you can change it manually in the Retreive Data Config area.
GET_FULL_AKA = True ; //Download 'Also Known As' provider page for retreive the info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page.
//GET_FULL_AKA = False ; //Download 'Also Known As' provider page for retreive the info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page.
Function ParsePage_IMDBMoviePLOTSUMMARY is now primarily blocked and does not transfer any information because many times the Synopsis field is empty. If you don't want this, then you can change it manually in the Retreive Data Config area. You also have the option to have the GET_FULL_PLOT_SYNOPSIS function transfer or not transfer the Synopsis info and Custom IMDB Synopsis memo box. There is also a Custom Plot Summary memo box.
// GET_FULL_PLOTSUMMARY = True ; //Download Plot provider page for retreive the Summaries info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page
GET_FULL_PLOTSUMMARY = False ; //Download Plot provider page for retreive the Summaries info. Otherwise only the info of the principal movie page
GET_FULL_PLOT_SYNOPSIS = True ; //Set to True if to wanted to Download full synopsis for Plot provider page for retreive the Synopsis info in Custom IMDB Synopsis box.
// GET_FULL_PLOT_SYNOPSIS = False ; //Set to True if to wanted to Download full synopsis for Plot provider page for retreive the Synopsis info in Custom IMDB Synopsis box.
GET_FULL_PLOT = True ; //Set to True if to wanted to Download full synopsis for Plot provider page for retreive the Plot info in Custom Plot Summary box.
// GET_FULL_PLOT = False ; //Set to True if to wanted to Download full synopsis for Plot provider page for retreive the Plot info in Custom Plot Summary box.
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_1b script is attached.
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_1b script some new custom fields.
Some IMDb url links can now be found in the existing IMDb Movie Url memo box.
Some IMDb url links can now be found in the new Custom IMDbExternalSitesUrl memo box.
You also have IMDb url links to search results in the new Custom IMDbSearchUrl memo box.
You also have IMDb url links that are stored in the WaybackArchive and can be found in the new Custom WaybackArchive IMDb URLs memo box.
The IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script no longer downloads certain information for movies because there have been major changes in the source code of certain web pages. The script only downloads information from the basic Movies page. It currently also downloads information from the Full Cast & Crew, Awards and Plot Keywords web pages. Here, too, there will be changes in the source code sometime by the end of February. Currently, it still downloads movies information from the Reference View website for movies, but it's only a matter of time how long this will be, because the Reference View website is supposed to be discontinued in the near future, unfortunately for us of course.
There will be many problems for corrections in the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script, it is also possible that certain web pages and the transfer of information will no longer be possible in the future.
Even from the pages listed above [EN][HTTPS] the script practically does not transfer any information anymore, except only downloads information from the basic Movies page. So there won't be any new IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script updates anymore because it is no longer possible to download many full downloads of information. The new Imdb website design does not allow this anymore.
In the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script, the IMDB search results no longer work due to a change in the source code on these pages.
Here is the url link to the new HTTPS script beta for PVD MOD versions.,4109.msg21882.html#msg21882
Here is the new IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_2b script which currently transmits only partially or fully the information for a specific movie.
Partial download Also Known As info, full download info is for PlotKeywords, PlotSummary and Technical specifications. For the time being, the information for the Cast&Crew, ParentsGuide and Reference View websites is still in progress. The search for results does not work anymore (more information about this can be found here (,3099.msg21922.html#msg21922)). Function ParsePage_BingSearch (changes in the source code of the Bing page) and also Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieAWARDS have been removed from the script, but now that the source code of the Awards website has been changed, it is impossible to edit or correct the code, and in addition, there is a limitation for a certain Event (on example: Academy Awards, USA) it is possible to see only five award categories for one event.
You now have a special script available to search for results and you can find them added below.[EN][HTTPS]_ b+ script is now called[EN][HTTPS]_Search script which would work in all PVD versions of the program. You can also add this long text IUpdated01 custom field to the database[EN][HTTPS]_Search script attached.
The[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv script is made in the same way as the[EN][HTTPS]_Search script but with the difference that the Advanced search list of search results is displayed.
You can use it if the[EN][HTTPS]_Search script may not show you results or may not add the correct url in case there are multiple movie titles of the same title.
The[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv script also displays more hits in the list of search results.
The exact year of release of the movies is also correctly transferred here. Works in all PVD versions.[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv script attached.
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_2b script attached.[EN][HTTPS]_Search script attached.[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv script attached.
For me, _2b works as advertised so far. Thank you so much Ivek.
Does anyone know which custom field states by which script the record is last updated? I absolutely forgot. Was it IUpdated?
For me, _2b works as advertised so far. Thank you so much Ivek.
Does anyone know which custom field states by which script the record is last updated? I absolutely forgot. Was it IUpdated?
With the IUpdated custom long text field, you will see exactly when and with which script the most recent record update was made.
Great, thank you. I want to track records in order to be updated with _2b!
Here is the new test IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_1 script, which is updated to the new look of the Imdb People web pages. The same as written below is removed from the script.
The search for results does not work anymore (more information about this can be found here (,3099.msg21922.html#msg21922)). Function ParsePage_BingSearch (changes in the source code of the Bing page) and also Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieAWARDS have been removed from the script, but now that the source code of the Awards website has been changed, it is impossible to edit or correct the code, and in addition, there is a limitation for a certain Event (on example: Academy Awards, USA) it is possible to see only five award categories for one event.
IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_1 script attached.
Wow, that was u surprise! Thank you so much, but the script doesn't import anything for me, although people url is provided.
Wow, that was u surprise! Thank you so much, but the script doesn't import anything for me, although people url is provided.
Logically, it doesn't transfer anything to you, because you don't have the field for transferring information marked so that it would be overwritten, because for me, if the nose is marked for overwriting, it doesn't overwrite it. It only overwrites them if the fields were previously empty.
Of course. I tried everything. Please check screenshot attached.
Of course. I tried everything. Please check screenshot attached.
What do you find in the log file?
Use this attached portable.bat file to then see the transfer data in the log file.
The IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_1 script only works with the url address because the search results do not work.
Then you might have the use of a proxy server checked in the proxy settings. Another possibility is that you have a blocked PVD or blocked access to Imdb websites. Sorry, but the problem is definitely on your side, because I haven't had any problems with the operation of different PVD versions for quite some time or for several years.
Thanks for response:
Strange things are happening when debugging:(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Compiling script: IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_1.psf
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Script compiled successfully: IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_1.psf
[Hint] (467:7): Variable 'CURPOS' never used
[Hint] (468:7): Variable 'ITEMVALUE' never used
[Hint] (468:7): Variable 'IMAGEFILE' never used
[Hint] (469:7): Variable 'NAME' never used
[Hint] (469:7): Variable 'PREVIEWURL' never used
[Warning] (621:62): "True and" is not needed
[Hint] (557:5): Variable 'INDEX' never used
[Hint] (560:2): Variable 'TITLE' never used
[Hint] (560:2): Variable 'ROLE' never used
[Hint] (560:2): Variable 'YEAR' never used
[Hint] (560:2): Variable 'MOVIEURL' never used
[Hint] (952:5): Variable 'DEBUG_POS1' never used
[Hint] (954:5): Variable 'ITEMVALUE10' never used
[Hint] (954:5): Variable 'ITEMVALUE11' never used
[Hint] (955:2): Variable 'ITEMLIST1' never used
[Hint] (1039:5): Variable 'ITEMVALUE' never used
[Hint] (1040:5): Variable 'NAME' never used
[Hint] (1040:5): Variable 'PERSONURL' never used
[Hint] (1042:2): Variable 'MOVIESID' never used
[Hint] (1043:5): Variable 'ITEMVALUE14' never used
[Hint] (1044:5): Variable 'FULLINFO' never used
[Hint] (1044:5): Variable 'DIRECTORS' never used
[Hint] (1044:5): Variable 'WRITERS' never used
[Hint] (1044:5): Variable 'COMPOSERS' never used
[Hint] (1044:5): Variable 'PRODUCERS' never used
[Warning] (1501:54): "True and" is not needed
[Warning] (1501:26): "True and" is not needed
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Executing script binary
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Logging in...
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Person -> LoadStatic -> 0ms
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Person -> LoadMultivalues -> 0ms
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Person -> LoadFilms -> 0ms
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Person -> LoadAwards -> 0ms
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Person -> LoadImages -> 0ms
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Function GetDownloadURL BEGIN======================|
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Global Var-Mode|0|
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Global Var-DownloadURL||
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Person -> LoadStatic -> 0ms
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Person -> LoadMultivalues -> 0ms
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Person -> LoadFilms -> 0ms
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Person -> LoadAwards -> 0ms
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Person -> LoadImages -> 0ms
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Stored URL is:||
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Person -> LoadStatic -> 0ms
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Person -> LoadMultivalues -> 0ms
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Person -> LoadFilms -> 0ms
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Person -> LoadAwards -> 0ms
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Person -> LoadImages -> 0ms
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) No IMDB URL.
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Function GetDownloadURL END====================== with Mode=0 Result=C:\PersonalVideoDB\portable.bat|
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Searching person information for: Orson Welles
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Function ParsePage BEGIN======================|
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Global Var-Mode|0|
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Global Var-DownloadURL||
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Local Var-URL||
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Person -> LoadStatic -> 0ms
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Person -> LoadMultivalues -> 0ms
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Person -> LoadFilms -> 0ms
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Person -> LoadAwards -> 16ms
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Person -> LoadImages -> 0ms
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) ParsePage smSearch|0|. Searching DownloadURL for PersonName |Orson Welles|
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Searching in Provider:|||
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Function DownloadPage BEGIN======================|
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Global Var-DownloadURL||
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Local Var-URL||
(12/22/2023 8:09:25 PM) Waiting 1s for delete:C:\PersonalVideoDB\Scripts\Tmp\downpage-UTF8_NO_BOM.htm
(12/22/2023 8:09:26 PM) Download with PVdBDownPage in file:|C:\PersonalVideoDB\Scripts\Tmp\downpage-UTF8_NO_BOM.htm the information of:|||
(12/22/2023 8:09:26 PM) Waiting 2s for exists of:C:\PersonalVideoDB\Scripts\Tmp\downpage-UTF8_NO_BOM.htm
(12/22/2023 8:09:28 PM) Waiting 2s for exists of:C:\PersonalVideoDB\Scripts\Tmp\downpage-UTF8_NO_BOM.htm
(12/22/2023 8:09:30 PM) Now present complete page file: C:\PersonalVideoDB\Scripts\Tmp\downpage-UTF8_NO_BOM.htm
(12/22/2023 8:09:30 PM) Function DownloadPage END======================|
(12/22/2023 8:09:30 PM) Function ParsePage_IMDBSearchName BEGIN======================|
(12/22/2023 8:09:30 PM) Global Var-Mode|0|
(12/22/2023 8:09:30 PM) Global Var-DownloadURL||
(12/22/2023 8:09:31 PM) No People results
(12/22/2023 8:09:31 PM) Function ParsePage_IMDBSearchName END=====================||
(12/22/2023 8:09:31 PM) Function ParsePage smSearch-prError END======================|
Change this part of the code, maybe the script will work with the url, but the search results will still not work.
SEARCH_ENGINE = True ; //If there isn't provider search results, try with Bing search engine
//SEARCH_ENGINE = False ; //If there isn't provider search results, try with Bing search engine
But now I know what's wrong and why can't stand anything. You are missing in the url address. I will fix this in the new script version
Use SQL script if you are missing this part in the url: www.
More at the link below.,4087.msg21968.html#msg21968
Use SQL script if you are missing this part in the url: www.
More at the link below.,4087.msg21968.html#msg21968 (,4087.msg21968.html#msg21968)
It updates links with,4087.msg21971.html#msg21971 (,4087.msg21971.html#msg21971)
but still
Change this part of the code, maybe the script will work with the url, but the search results will still not work.
SEARCH_ENGINE = True ; //If there isn't provider search results, try with Bing search engine
//SEARCH_ENGINE = False ; //If there isn't provider search results, try with Bing search engine
But now I know what's wrong and why can't stand anything. You are missing in the url address. I will fix this in the new script version
gives nothing, although now link is "proper", with www. Same log as above, now with Stored URL is:||. To remind, _2b works flawlessly with url provided.
it works with only http and not https url?! How come _2b works with https in the url?
-[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv script or[EN][HTTPS]_Search script cannot find search results if there is already some other url link in the url field. In this case, I recommend using the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -b script for advanced search results. You can use the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -a script to simply search results. Both scripts will work for you even if there is already another url link in the url field.
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -b script and IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -a script is attached.
it works with only http and not https url?! How come _2b works with https in the url?
I still have to check that one.
it works with only http and not https url?! How come _2b works with https in the url?
I still have to check that one.
Reviewed and fixed in new IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_1a script.
IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_1a script attached.
Many thanks! God bless you all!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, dear friends!
Many thanks! God bless you all!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, dear friends!
Thank you.
The new IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS] script version no longer allows searching for results, because for now the script does not allow the possibility to edit the function for searching for results. The alternative Bing search results were removed, because now the Bing search source code has been edited in such a way that it is no longer possible to update it in the script. The Awards information transfer no longer works, because the source code of the Awards website has been edited in such a way that it is also impossible to update it in the script. This is now also the case with Alternative Names, where it is now possible to enter only one Alternative Name, although there may be several Alternative Names in the record on the website.
In general, the new look of Imdb websites is now adapted to the mobile mode of websites for use on mobile devices, which now causes a lot of problems with new updates of all Imdb scripts.
And this one.
If a part of the date is missing in the date of birth or death, the first day of the month or the first month of the year was entered in your record.
Certain settings are set by default. However, everyone can set the yin manually according to their wishes.
If you want to have your birth name in the alternative names fields, change the settings below.
//BIRTH_NAME_IN_TRANSNAME = True ; //Use the PVD field ~transname~ for storing the person Birth Name for Biography Pages.
BIRTH_NAME_IN_TRANSNAME = False ; //Use the PVD field ~transname~ for storing the person Birth Name for Biography Pages.
It is the same with certain settings for the bio field and change the settings below. BIO_INFO_IN_BIO = True ; //Use the PVD field ~bio~ for storing the person Biography Info Url link for Biography Pages.
//BIO_INFO_IN_BIO = False ; //Use the PVD field ~bio~ for not storing the person Biography Info Url link for Biography Pages.
BIO_URL_IN_BIO = True ; //Use the PVD field ~bio~ for not storing the person Url's for Biography Info (Mini Bio) for Biography Pages.
//BIO_URL_IN_BIO = False ; //Use the PVD field ~bio~ for storing the person Url's for Biography Info (Mini Bio) for Biography Pages.
You now have the newly updated IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS] script version.
IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS] script attached.
To find search results for people, you can use the Imdb.com_People_[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv script, which also works in all PVD versions.
People_[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv script attached.
Thank you Ivek. It works great! Too bad batch plugins don't work in People view, so we could combine search and people data script at once. It's by unfinished design obviously.
Thank you Ivek. It works great! Too bad batch plugins don't work in People view, so we could combine search and people data script at once. It's by unfinished design obviously.
It works. Here is the imdb_people.batch file that should work.
imdb_people.batch 7z and zip file is attached.
Oh, thanks Ivek!. After so many years I totally forgot about the topic where is everything explained actually...,765.msg1291.html#msg1291 (,765.msg1291.html#msg1291)
Here is the fixed IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series)_TEST_2b script, which works exactly the same as the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS_TEST_2b script and has the same custom fields, the IMDB_Series-year custom field also works now. The search for results does not work here either for the same reason as with the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS_TEST_2b script. You can use the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search_a script or perhaps the[EN][HTTPS]_Search script to search for series results.
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series)_TEST_2b scripts is attached.
Addendum and notice:
The corrected script is now attached.
Here is the fixed IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes)_TEST_2b script, which works exactly the same as the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS_TEST_2b script and has the same custom fields, the IMDB_Series-year custom field also works now. The search for results does not work here either for the same reason as with the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS_TEST_2b script.
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes)_TEST_2b scripts is attached.
Addendum and notice:
The corrected script is now attached.
IMDB Movie(episode list) (a) script is now called Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a) [HTTPS] script and works only in PVD MOD program versions, and it transfers information the same as the old IMDB Movie(episode list) (a ) script. Transfer information is transferred to the Seasons-Episodes and Seasons - Episodes custom memo fields.
IMDB Movie(episode list) (a) script is attached.
IMDB Movie(episode list) script is now called Imdb Movie(episodelist) [HTTPS] script and works only in PVD MOD program versions, and it transfers the same information as the old IMDB Movie(episode list) script. This script downloads the episode list for 30 seasons plus Unknown season. The episode limit for one season is 50 episodes. This restriction is already on the web pages and is the same as on the Plot keywords web pages.
Imdb Movie(episodelist) [HTTPS] script is attached.
First, use the IMDB Movie(episode list) (a) script to see how many seasons a particular series has. Then use this or one of the Imdb Movie(episodelist) [HTTPS] script versions added below.
The Imdb Movie(episodelist) [HTTPS] script will process the information for all seasons (it will take a long time and may look like the PVD has frozen) although the series may have only one season, so it would be good to use one of the versions added below for faster transfer of information.
Imdb Movie(episodelist) [HTTPS] 1sea 0 script and works only in PVD MOD program versions, and downloads information for the episode list for Unknown season. The episode limit for one season is 50 episodes. This restriction is already on the web pages and is the same as on the Plot keywords web pages.
Use this script when the series only has an Unknown season.
Imdb Movie(episodelist) [HTTPS] 1sea 0 script is attached.
Imdb Movie(episodelist) [HTTPS] 1sea script and works only in PVD MOD program versions, and downloads information for the episode list for 1 seasons. The episode limit for one season is 50 episodes. This restriction is already on the web pages and is the same as on the Plot keywords web pages.
Use this script when the series only has an 1 season.
Imdb Movie(episodelist) [HTTPS] 1sea script is attached.
Imdb Movie(episodelist) [HTTPS] 1sea + script and works only in PVD MOD program versions, but downloads information for episode list for 1 season plus Unknown season. The episode limit for one season is 50 episodes. This restriction is already on the web pages and is the same as on the Plot keywords web pages.
Use this script when the series has 1 season plus Unknown season.
Imdb Movie(episodelist) [HTTPS] 1sea + script is attached.
Imdb Movie(episodelist) [HTTPS] 5sea script and works only in PVD MOD program versions, but downloads information for episode list for 5 seasons plus Unknown season. The episode limit for one season is 50 episodes. This restriction is already on the web pages and is the same as on the Plot keywords web pages.
Use this script when the series has 5 seasons plus Unknown season.
Imdb Movie(episodelist) [HTTPS] 5sea script is attached.
Imdb Movie(episodelist) [HTTPS] 10sea script and works only in PVD MOD program versions, but downloads information for episode list for 10 seasons plus Unknown season. The episode limit for one season is 50 episodes. This restriction is already on the web pages and is the same as on the Plot keywords web pages.
Use this script when the series has 10 seasons plus Unknown season.
Imdb Movie(episodelist) [HTTPS] 10sea script is attached.
Imdb Movie(episodelist) [HTTPS] 15sea script and works only in PVD MOD program versions, but downloads information for episode list for 15 seasons plus Unknown season. The episode limit for one season is 50 episodes. This restriction is already on the web pages and is the same as on the Plot keywords web pages.
Use this script when the series has 15 seasons plus Unknown season.
Imdb Movie(episodelist) [HTTPS] 15sea script is attached.
Imdb Movie(episodelist) [HTTPS] 20sea script and works only in PVD MOD program versions, but downloads information for episode list for 20 seasons plus Unknown season. The episode limit for one season is 50 episodes. This restriction is already on the web pages and is the same as on the Plot keywords web pages.
Use this script when the series has 20 seasons plus Unknown season.
Imdb Movie(episodelist) [HTTPS] 20sea script is attached.
IMDB Movie(episode list) (a) script is now called Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a) [HTTPS] script and works only in PVD MOD program versions, and it transfers information the same as the old IMDB Movie(episode list) (a ) script. Transfer information is transferred to the Seasons-Episodes and Seasons - Episodes custom memo fields.
IMDB Movie(episode list) (a) script is attached.
"Transfer information is transferred to the Seasons-Episodes and Seasons - Episodes custom memo fields."
Can you provide a more detailed description of how to do this? Maybe even add a screenshot? Thank you!
Imdb Movie(episodelist) [HTTPS] 20sea script and works only in PVD MOD program versions, but downloads information for episode list for 20 seasons plus Unknown season. The episode limit for one season is 50 episodes. This restriction is already on the web pages and is the same as on the Plot keywords web pages.
Use this script when the series has 20 seasons plus Unknown season.
Imdb Movie(episodelist) [HTTPS] 20sea script is attached.
Is it possible to make a common bat file for these scripts? How will it look like? Thank you!
IMDB Movie(episode list) (a) script is now called Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a) [HTTPS] script and works only in PVD MOD program versions, and it transfers information the same as the old IMDB Movie(episode list) (a ) script. Transfer information is transferred to the Seasons-Episodes and Seasons - Episodes custom memo fields.
IMDB Movie(episode list) (a) script is attached.
"Transfer information is transferred to the Seasons-Episodes and Seasons - Episodes custom memo fields."
Can you provide a more detailed description of how to do this? Maybe even add a screenshot? Thank you!
Seasons-Episodes custom memo field displays the total number of episodes of a given series
Seasons - Episodes custom memo field displays the total number of episodes for a specific series, links to seasons for a specific series, and only years for a specific series.
Pictures are also attached where this can be seen.
Imdb Movie(episodelist) [HTTPS] 20sea script and works only in PVD MOD program versions, but downloads information for episode list for 20 seasons plus Unknown season. The episode limit for one season is 50 episodes. This restriction is already on the web pages and is the same as on the Plot keywords web pages.
Use this script when the series has 20 seasons plus Unknown season.
Imdb Movie(episodelist) [HTTPS] 20sea script is attached.
Is it possible to make a common bat file for these scripts? How will it look like? Thank you!
It would be possible to make a batch file for this, but it doesn't make sense because each series doesn't have the same number of seasons and it would take too much time. For example, if the series has one season, and you use a script that is designed to download 20 seasons of the series, it would take too long, and in addition, there is a possibility that the PVD program will also frozen.
IMDB Movie(episode list) (a) script is now called Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a) [HTTPS] script and works only in PVD MOD program versions, and it transfers information the same as the old IMDB Movie(episode list) (a ) script. Transfer information is transferred to the Seasons-Episodes and Seasons - Episodes custom memo fields.
IMDB Movie(episode list) (a) script is attached.
"Transfer information is transferred to the Seasons-Episodes and Seasons - Episodes custom memo fields."
Can you provide a more detailed description of how to do this? Maybe even add a screenshot? Thank you!
Seasons-Episodes custom memo field displays the total number of episodes of a given series
Seasons - Episodes custom memo field displays the total number of episodes for a specific series, links to seasons for a specific series, and only years for a specific series.
Pictures are also attached where this can be seen.
Thank YOU very much
Hello! I've been using IMDB[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_2b.
It's been working fine, but lately it doesn't download tags anymore.
Also I just noticed that when a movie is longer than 2 hours, it just downloads Duration: 02:00:00
Hello! I've been using IMDB[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_2b.
It's been working fine, but lately it doesn't download tags anymore.
Also I just noticed that when a movie is longer than 2 hours, it just downloads Duration: 02:00:00
I fixed code parts for Duration and Tags in IMDB_[EN] [HTTPS] _Test_2b version script.
V (18/05/2024) Ivek23: Fixed code parts for Duration and Tags in IMDB_[EN] [HTTPS] _Test_2 version script
IMDB_[EN] [HTTPS] _Test_2b version script is attached.
Thank you for all of these!
Here are the Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a) [HTTPS] script versions for the Afrocuban user, where the information in the Seasons-Episodes custom field is correctly transferred.
Added Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a) [HTTPS]1 a_(afrocuban), Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a) [HTTPS]2 a_(afrocuban) scripts for several seasons of the series and Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a) [ HTTPS] 1sea_(afrocuban) script for one season of a certain series.
I'm using the new IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_2b.psf and it seems to be working perfectly 8)
Thank you for all of these!
I'm using the new IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_2b.psf and it seems to be working perfectly 8)
Is there a way to get all the tags/plot keywords from IMDB?
I changed a number in the script to get all of them but because of the way IMDB displays the plot keywords, the links to show "50 moreAll" is added as the last tag.
Can I get the rest of the tags somehow?
Is there a way to get all the tags/plot keywords from IMDB?
I changed a number in the script to get all of them but because of the way IMDB displays the plot keywords, the links to show "50 moreAll" is added as the last tag.
Can I get the rest of the tags somehow?
No, because there is currently no way to download all tags/plot keywords.
Ok thank you! 50 should be enough anyways
Here are the Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a) [HTTPS] script versions for the Afrocuban user, where the information in the Seasons-Episodes custom field is correctly transferred.
Added Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a) [HTTPS]1 a_(afrocuban), Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a) [HTTPS]2 a_(afrocuban) scripts for several seasons of the series and Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a) [ HTTPS] 1sea_(afrocuban) script for one season of a certain series.
Thank you so much!
Here are the Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a) [HTTPS] script versions for the Afrocuban user, where the information in the Seasons-Episodes custom field is correctly transferred.
Added Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a) [HTTPS]1 a_(afrocuban), Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a) [HTTPS]2 a_(afrocuban) scripts for several seasons of the series and Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a) [ HTTPS] 1sea_(afrocuban) script for one season of a certain series.
Thank you so much!
Thanks a lot Ivek!
Thanks a lot Ivek!
Hello Ivek. It looks like I accidentally deleted your post with latest scripts, while cleaning forum from spam? Something like IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_2c.psf
If so, can you please upload them again?
Thank you in advance
Here is a re-upload IMDb scripts
V (16/07/2024) Ivek23: Fixed code parts for User Reviews, Technical Specifications and Plot (Summaries) in IMDB_[EN] [HTTPS] _Test_2 version script
V (16/07/2024) Ivek23: Fixed code parts for User Reviews, Technical Specifications and Plot (Summaries) in IMDB [EN][HTTPS](series) _Test_2 version
V (16/07/2024) Ivek23: Fixed code parts for User Reviews, Technical Specifications and Plot (Summaries) in IMDB [EN][HTTPS](episodes)_Test_2 version
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_2c script and IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series)_TEST_2c script and IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes)_TEST_2c script is attached.
Thank you, Ivek!
Just to confirm: Comments/Reviews don't work anymore?
V (24/09/2024) Ivek23: Fixed code parts for User Reviews in IMDB_[EN] [HTTPS] _Test_2 version script
V (24/09/2024) Ivek23: Fixed code parts for User Reviews in IMDB [EN][HTTPS](series) _Test_2 version
V (24/09/2024) Ivek23: Fixed code parts for User Reviews in IMDB [EN][HTTPS](episodes)_Test_2 version
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_2c script and IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series)_TEST_2c script and IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes)_TEST_2c script is attached.
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -a script finds results on IMDb if results are searched for in the normal way as in the link below.
The[EN][HTTPS]_Search script and the
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -a script now return to finding results in the normal search results mode.[EN][HTTPS]_Search script and
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -a script is attached.
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -b script finds results on IMDb if results are searched in "Advanced Search" mode as in the link below.
The[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv script and the
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -b script now return to finding results in the "Advanced Search" results mode.
By the way:
The[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv script is the same one that NetworkShark fixed last year.[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv script and
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -b script is attached.
That is just perfect, Ivek! Thank you so much!
What is even more beautiful, I just redownloaded _adv search script and it miraculously doesn't crash my PVD anymore, on the contrary - it runs smoothly as well!
That is just perfect, Ivek! Thank you so much!
What is even more beautiful, I just redownloaded _adv search script and it miraculously doesn't crash my PVD anymore, on the contrary - it runs smoothly as well!
Yes, that's good to hear. The _adv search script had a bug which has now been fixed.