Personal Video Database

English => Support => Topic started by: buah on May 11, 2010, 09:11:11 pm

Title: PVD Crashes only with Specific Skin Applied Upon Clicking on a Movie
Post by: buah on May 11, 2010, 09:11:11 pm

I have 5658 visible entries. There are 5478 entries with assigned ID>0. For the rest of visible entries, ID=0. When I use IMDb Conservative skin (, everything is ok if I click on entries with ID<1 and ID>5000. If I click on any entry with ID>0 and ID<5001, viddb.exe memory consumption is huge, it's over 1,2GB and PVD crashes with this report.
All non-prroblematic entries were last modified after 23.4.2010. All problematic entries were last modified before the date. There is nothing in common with the date added.
It happens only on two of my home computers, and only with this skin. On other computers, with the same PVD v.21, same .pvd database and same skin and even same pvdconf.ini, viddb.exe memory consumption is around 60MB and there's no problem.
I uninstalled Firebird, uninstalled PVD, cleaned registry, then restarted computer and reinstalled PVD, but no luck. Every other skin works ok.


- It has nothing to do PVD, .pvd, or skin.
- It might be something with Firebird (likely, because it was installed on my laptop, and from the desktop computer I have been connecting to .pvd located on laptop).
- It might be something with OS environment (WinXP SP2).

I know it is impossible to resolve the issue with information I gave, but that's all I got, and any idea what to look for, or what would you do, would be appreciated.

Nostra, I have a bug report. If you're willing to check it out, I'll send it to you.

Thank you all in advance.
Title: Re: PVD Crashes only with Specific Skin Applied Upon Clicking on a Movie
Post by: nostra on May 12, 2010, 12:44:03 am
Could it be the window size and/or screen resolution that causes the problem?

Nostra, I have a bug report. If you're willing to check it out, I'll send it to you.

Of course. There is no point in bug reports if do not get them.
Title: Re: PVD Crashes only with Specific Skin Applied Upon Clicking on a Movie
Post by: buah on May 12, 2010, 06:46:37 am
I tried with different window size, but it didn't help. As for resolution, I use native TV resolution (1920x1080) to which both my laptop and desktop are attached? Anyway, I tried it also, but no luck.

I sent you bug report to fulfill the purpose of its existence.
Title: Re: PVD Crashes only with Specific Skin Applied Upon Clicking on a Movie
Post by: buah on May 13, 2010, 08:05:51 pm
Anyone else any idea for the memory leakage, while waiting nostra?
Title: Re: PVD Crashes only with Specific Skin Applied Upon Clicking on a Movie
Post by: on May 14, 2010, 02:34:10 am
Have you tried a different DB on the crashing computer?
Title: Re: PVD Crashes only with Specific Skin Applied Upon Clicking on a Movie
Post by: buah on May 14, 2010, 09:28:56 am
Mgp, you're great!

I tried one of my earlier backups (max ID=5195). No luck, same issue, even if 1>IDs>5000 were last modified before 1=>IDs<=5000?

So, I asked myself what is in common for entries within 1-5000 range, that is not common comparing to entries outside this range? That was the right question! And the answer was: entries inside the range all have custom made field named "WhereIsIt? Notes" filled in with some data (NOT NULL), while entries outside the range haven't (NULL)! And when I say NULL, I mean it! Once you enter even blank space, memory leak occurs, whatever ID was.

I took then entry ID=4878, cleared "WhereIsIt? Notes" field, applied skin, et voilĂ ! Everything went smooth. No memory leak.

Now I know how to make whole db to run on my home computers, but the question remains: why this isn't happening on other computers? I think it is easier now to find an answer...

Thanks mgp.
Title: Re: PVD Crashes only with Specific Skin Applied Upon Clicking on a Movie
Post by: buah on May 19, 2010, 09:13:33 pm

Did you by any chance had time to examine bug report I sent you?
Title: Re: PVD Crashes only with Specific Skin Applied Upon Clicking on a Movie
Post by: nostra on May 20, 2010, 11:07:32 pm
I think I have an idea, but I am not 100% sure. Can you give me the source of your skin for testing?
Title: Re: PVD Crashes only with Specific Skin Applied Upon Clicking on a Movie
Post by: buah on May 20, 2010, 11:14:04 pm
Thank you for an answer. You can find it here (, or maybe direct link (;topic=1931.0;attach=894) is even better.

Thanks once again for you effort.
Title: Re: PVD Crashes only with Specific Skin Applied Upon Clicking on a Movie
Post by: nostra on May 20, 2010, 11:28:05 pm
What should I enter into the field?
Title: Re: PVD Crashes only with Specific Skin Applied Upon Clicking on a Movie
Post by: buah on May 20, 2010, 11:35:55 pm
Anything, even blank space...
Title: Re: PVD Crashes only with Specific Skin Applied Upon Clicking on a Movie
Post by: nostra on May 20, 2010, 11:45:32 pm
Hm, I can't reproduce the problem :( But still maybe I guess was right, then it will not happen in the version.

What is the size of the PVD window?
Can you reproduce the problem if you delete all other custom fields from the skin and/or leave all of them blank except "WhereIsIt? Notes:"?
Title: Re: PVD Crashes only with Specific Skin Applied Upon Clicking on a Movie
Post by: buah on May 21, 2010, 12:00:14 am
I know it is "un-reproducable" on any others but mine two computers! :)

1. The size of a PVD window is 1920x1080

2. I erased all custom fields from the skin except "WhereIsIt? Notes:" (there were some custom fields in "Movie" tab section, to note you). It works without memory leak!

Still, why on Earth only on these two computers... (btw, now I think I'm getting it: these two computers are the only ones with that resolution?)
Title: Re: PVD Crashes only with Specific Skin Applied Upon Clicking on a Movie
Post by: nostra on May 21, 2010, 12:15:44 am
All right I found it. My guess was right: in certain circumstances the control is drawn very small first before being resized to the right size and as PVD tries to fit the text into such a small control it creates endless amount of lines.
Title: Re: PVD Crashes only with Specific Skin Applied Upon Clicking on a Movie
Post by: buah on May 21, 2010, 12:22:15 am
Important update!

1. I erased all custom fields from the skin except "WhereIsIt? Notes:" (there were some custom fields in "Movie" tab section, to note you).
2. Entry with a blank "WhereIsIt? Notes:" field must be chosen. Edit entry, enter some data. Everything works, whatever entry chosen then.
3. Switch to another skin. Everything OK.
4. Switch back to the skin - memory leaks again, even if it worked in the first step?!

Edit: now I saw your previous post, and as I can see, my update fits the point of it?
Title: Re: PVD Crashes only with Specific Skin Applied Upon Clicking on a Movie
Post by: nostra on May 21, 2010, 12:26:48 am
Edit: now I saw your previous post, and as I can see, my update fits the point of it?

Title: Re: PVD Crashes only with Specific Skin Applied Upon Clicking on a Movie
Post by: buah on May 21, 2010, 12:30:04 am
Great, thanks!