Agreed. But I hope you're clicking a second time before getting too annoyed.
I do, of course. but I shouldn't have to, if only the window would stay put and not scroll. I know of no other app where a text-entry area scrolls when you click and make it "active". Imagine how annoying it would be if this happened in, say, Microsoft Word or your favorite page-layout app...
One thing about PVD that tends to annoy me a lot: When I go into Edit Mode and click in a text field (Description, Biography, etc.), if the field is not entirely visible (partially off the top or bottom of the window), PVD will scroll the window to MAKE the field visible (or at least as much of it as it can). But this has the effect of drag-selecting all the text between the point where I clicked and the point where the mouse pointer wound up after the scroll.
It would be nice if PVD wouldn't scroll the window like this.