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Posted by: deazo
« on: July 30, 2009, 08:51:23 am »

 Wow, didn't know about Tineye, it's very powerful, thanks for the tip!
 Your "Paste from clipboard" idea would actually be a great implementation into PVD, even better than the integrated browser, it would eliminate the (cumbersome) step of saving the image into a folder.

Posted by:
« on: July 29, 2009, 09:36:20 pm »

How could I for example add in the Google search the name of the director so that I am sure I will actually find images only related to the movie, and not other ones? Is it possible?

No, there's currently no variable for director. Generally speaking, it would be nice to have more variables to use in web searches. I wonder, however, if it would really help much in the case of Google Images. Including director will, of course, make it more likely the resulting hits are the movie in question, but it will also eliminate sources that don't happen to mention the director. I suppose it would still make it easier—you can always remove the director and refresh the results if the results are too narrow.

Have you tried TinEye, as suggested here? Use Google Image to find the image you want, and then TinEye to find the best available version of it.

We could have the browser integrated into PVD...

I imagine full integration probably is too complicated (or would be a pain to maintain as browsers change). I would be happy if I could enter images to PVD via the clipboard (i.e., right-click on any image/place-holder in PVD and select "paste" to replace/add with the one from the clipboard). That's not quite as convenient, but would be more versatile because we would be able to copy the image from anywhere.
Posted by: deazo
« on: July 29, 2009, 05:57:33 pm »

 Hi all,

since my favorite Poster import plugin is not working anymore (that is kinopisk), I am now mostly using Google image search for this. This way I can find pretty good quality pictures on the web.
I am using the following string but would like to enhance it.|medium|large|xlarge&imgw=&imgh=&as_filetype=&imgc=&as_sitesearch=&as_rights=&safe=images&as_st=y%u

 How could I for example add in the Google search the name of the director so that I am sure I will actually find images only related to the movie, and not other ones?
 Is it possible?
Extra: I would like to add a small suggestion: We could have the browser integrated into PVD and we could just add the poster with a right click or something (at the moment I "Save As" then look for it from the movie information card). Another even better one would be a kind of Firefox add-on that would allow you to right-click on an image and add it as a poster to the movie information currently opened in PVD.... Of course I can imagine these things are rather complex and time consuming. Just a thought...

Thanks for your help.
