Posted by: afrocuban
« on: November 16, 2024, 11:00:36 pm »Hi afrocuban,
PVD can handle multiple images for the same type (poster, disk cover, etc..) but from scripts I have never been able to upload more than 1 per type.
Hmmm, yes, me too. I'm trying but what ever I try, script won't compile, and it should. For example, this:
Code: [Select]
TPosterInfo = record
ImageURL: string;
Caption: string;
Height: Integer; // Included height in the record for clarity
Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE(HTML: String): Cardinal; //BlockOpen
// Result:=prFinished; Script has finished gathering data
// Result:=prError; If ¿any big problem? with exit;
// Retrieve: ~title~, ~year~, ~origtitle~, ~poster~ / ~imdbrating~, ~IMDB_Votes~ (Custom Field) / ~TOP_250~ (Custom Field) /
// If Not(GET_FULL_CREDIT): ~crew~ ctDirectors, ctWriters, ctComposers, ctProducers (Not in base page), ctActors
// ~description~ / ~category~ "keywords" / ~tagline~ / ~genre~
// If Not(GET_FULL_MPAA) ~mpaa~
// ~country~ / ~rdate~ in contry provider local IP geolocation
// If Not(GET_FULL_AKA) ~aka~.
// ~budget~ / ~money~ / ~studio~ "Production Co"
curPos, endPos, index, debug_pos1: Integer;
StartPos, Hours, Minutes: Integer;
ItemValue, ItemValue0, ItemValue1, ItemValue2, ItemValue99, ItemList, ImageFile: String;
MovieURL, titleValue, yearValue, yearsValue: String;
Name, Role, PersonURL: String;
ItemList2, ItemList12, day_s, month_s, year_s: String;
ItemList1, ItemList11: String;
ItemArray: TWideArray;
Posters: array of TPosterInfo; // Declared Posters here
PosterURL, TempURL: String; // Added for poster handling
TempHeight: Integer; // Added for poster handling
LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE BEGIN======================|');
Result := prFinished; // It will change to prError if any big problem with exit;
//Because the script doesn't retrieve the data in order, a token search for the first curPos position or block select is mandatory
//Get ~title~, ~year~, ~origtitle~, ~poster~
//Get all "raw" title summary (in raw because we need the hidden links, we avoid "complete" token in strings which opens/closes) // (* *)
//Get ~MID ID:~ and ~NUM ID::~
AddCustomFieldValueByName('MID ID:', GetFieldValueXML('mid'));
LogMessage(' ** Movie MID ID: ' + GetFieldValueXML('mid') + ' **');
if GetFieldValueXML('num') <> '0' then AddCustomFieldValueByName('NUM ID:', GetFieldValueXML('num'));
if GetFieldValueXML('num') <> '0' then LogMessage(' * Movie NUM ID: ' + GetFieldValueXML('num') + ' ||');
//Get ~script info~
//Get ~rdate~ in country provider local IP geolocation. See:
//Get ~imdbrating~, ~IMDB_Votes~ (Two tries)
ItemList := TextBetWeenFirst(HTML, '<script type="application/ld+json"', '}</script>'); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
//LogMessage(' Parse results (' + IntToStr(curPos) + ',' + IntToStr(endPos) + ') complex ItemList: ' + '<script type="application/ld+json"' + ItemList + '}</script>' + '||');
If (Length(ItemList) > 0) Then Begin
//Get ~IMDb Url~
//MovieURL:='' + TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList, '","url":"', '","name":"');
MovieURL := TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList, '","url":"', '","name":"');
MovieURL := StringReplace(MovieURL, 'https://', 'http://', True, False, True);
AddFieldValueXML('url', MovieURL);
LogMessage(' * Get result url 1:' + MovieURL + ' ||');
LogMessage(' * Get result MovieURL: ' + MovieURL);
if PosFrom('imdb', MovieURL, 1) > 0 then AddCustomFieldValueByName(IMDB_FIELD, '-1');
//Get ~title~
titleValue := TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList, '","name":"', '","'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If titleValue = '0' then titleValue := '';
//If titleValue = '' then titleValue := TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList, '<h1 class="long">', '<'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
if GET_ORIGINAL_TITLE then AddFieldValueXML('title', titleValue);
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Title', titleValue);
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Localized title', titleValue);
LogMessage(' Get result title:' + titleValue + '||');
//Get ~origtitle~
ItemValue := TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList, '","name":"', '","'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
If (Length(ItemValue) = 0) Then ItemValue := titleValue; //Provider hides the original title if same as title. WEB_SPECIFIC
AddFieldValueXML('origtitle', ItemValue);
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Origtitle', ItemValue);
LogMessage(' Get result origtitle:' + ItemValue + '||');
//Get ~alternatetitle~
ItemValue := TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList, '","alternateName":"', '","'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Localized title', ItemValue);
if GET_LOCAL_TITLE then AddFieldValueXML('title', ItemValue);
if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result alternatetitle:' + ItemValue + '||');
If ItemValue <> '' then AddCustomFieldValueByName('Imdb_Title', ItemValue + #13 + titleValue + ' (original title)')
Else AddCustomFieldValueByName('Imdb_Title', titleValue);
//Get ~IMDB_Movietype~
ItemValue := TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList, '","@type":"', '","'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
MediaType := ItemValue;
MediaType := StringReplace(MediaType, 'TVEpisode', 'TV Episode', True, False, True);
MediaType := StringReplace(MediaType, 'TVSeries', 'TV Series', True, False, True);
AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDB_Movietype', MediaType);
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Tv 0', MediaType);
if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result MediaType (CF~IMDB_Movietype~):' + MediaType + '||');
ItemValue := TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList, ',"contentRating":"', '","'); //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDB_MPAA', ItemValue);
if ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage(' Get result ContentRating (CF~IMDB_MPAA~):' + ItemValue + '||');
// Start of the new poster-related code
procedure AddPoster(const URL: string; Height: Integer);
SetLength(Posters, Length(Posters) + 1);
Posters[High(Posters)].ImageURL := URL;
Posters[High(Posters)].Caption := 'Poster'; // Adjust this as needed
Posters[High(Posters)].Height := Height; // Added to ensure height is stored
PosterURL := TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList, BASE_URL_IMAGE_PRE_TRUE, '.'); // Adjust this to match actual URLs
if PosterURL <> '' then
TempURL := BASE_URL_IMAGE_PRE_TRUE + PosterURL + '.jpg';
TempHeight := StrToIntDef(TextBetWeenFirst(PosterURL, '_V1_UY', '_'), 0);
AddPoster(TempURL, TempHeight);
until (PosterURL = '');
// Import the posters up to the specified limit
PosterCount := Min(5, Length(Posters)); // Up to 5 posters
for index := 0 to PosterCount - 1 do
ImageFile := GetAppPath + 'Scripts\' + BASE_DOWNLOAD_FILE_IMAGE_NAME + '-Poster-' + IntToStr(index + 1) + '.jpg';
if (1 = DownloadImage(Posters[index].ImageURL + '._V1_UY' + IntToStr(Posters[index].Height) + '_.jpg', ImageFile)) then
AddImageURL(itPoster, ImageFile);
LogMessage('Imported poster: ' + Posters[index].ImageURL + '._V1_UY' + IntToStr(Posters[index].Height) + '_.jpg' + ' || Height: ' + IntToStr(Posters[index].Height));
else if (1 = DownloadImage(Posters[index].ImageURL + '.jpg', ImageFile)) then
AddImageURL(itPoster, ImageFile);
LogMessage('Imported poster: ' + Posters[index].ImageURL + '.jpg' + ' || Height: ' + IntToStr(Posters[index].Height));
// End of the new poster-related code
// Additional code to integrate with PVD if needed
The log complains with this
(11/16/2024 1:17:20 PM) Could not compile script: IMDB_2c_afro-Custom Cast + more.psf
[Error] (731:5): Identifier expected
Line 731 is procedure AddPoster(const URL: string; Height: Integer);