Posted by: afrocuban
« on: December 19, 2023, 12:00:30 am »Thanks for clarification. I tried it and I wonder if Bing Ai can be used somehow... Here's how I tried it
I think we would test others search engine like
I always wondered why it has to be Bing, actually, but assumed it was some "axiom".
I always wondered why it has to be Bing, actually, but assumed it was some "axiom".
I think it was used because it was perhaps the best choice after google
I always wondered why it has to be Bing, actually, but assumed it was some "axiom".
I think we would test others search engine like
Due to changes in the Microsoft Bing source code, all Bing_Search scripts have now become unusable. Because data access is now disabled in the source code for search results, Bing_Search scripts can no longer find search results for a specific movie title. Previously, Bing_Search scripts were able to find search results for a specific movie title, so the results were also visible.
In scripts where Bing_Search code has been added, this part of the code no longer works and there are no more visible results to search results for a particular movie title. This is especially true for all IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] scripts.
And a warm notice.
The same is true in Google source code for finding results for a particular movie title.
//---------- Procedure SearchResults ----------//
// Create list of movies found during the search
procedure SearchResults (HTML : String);
CurPos, PosStart, EndPos : integer;
URLposStart, URLPosEnd : integer;
StartURL, Title, URL : String;
//List of other site where search page :
TabSite := [''];
//Search Result in actual page :
StartURL := '<h2><a href="http://' + SiteSearch;
CurPos := Pos(StartURL, HTML);
If Curpos > 0 then begin
EndPos := Curpos;
While (curpos > 0) AND (curpos < PosFrom('<![CDATA[', HTML, Endpos)) do begin
EndPos:= Curpos;
URLposStart := Curpos + 13;
URLPosEnd := PosFrom('" h="', HTML, URLposStart);
URL := Copy(HTML, URLPosStart, (URLposEnd-URLposStart));
curPos := PosFrom('">', HTML, curPos)+2;
endPos := PosFrom('</h2>', HTML, curPos);
Title := RemoveTags(Trim(Copy(HTML, curPos, endPos - curPos)), false);
AddSearchResult(URL, Title, '', LowerCase(URL), '');
curpos := PosFrom(StartURL, HTML, URLPosEnd);
//Add Links to Page with other sites in TabSite:
For I := Low(TabSite) to High(TabSite) do
URL := '' + TabSite[I] + PeopleName+'%s';
AddSearchResult('Search in :', TabSite[I],'',LowerCase(URL),'');
//---------- Procedure SearchResults ----------//
// Create list of movies found during the search
procedure SearchResults (HTML : String);
CurPos, PosStart, EndPos : integer;
URLposStart, URLPosEnd : integer;
StartURL, Title, URL : String;
//List of other site where search page :
TabSite := ['', '', '',
'', '', ''];
//Search Result in actual page :
StartURL := '<h2><a href="http://' + SiteSearch;
CurPos := Pos(StartURL, HTML);
If Curpos > 0 then begin
EndPos := Curpos;
While (curpos > 0) AND (curpos < PosFrom('<![CDATA[', HTML, Endpos)) do begin
EndPos:= Curpos;
URLposStart := Curpos + 13;
URLPosEnd := PosFrom('" h="', HTML, URLposStart);
URL := Copy(HTML, URLPosStart, (URLposEnd-URLposStart));
curPos := PosFrom('">', HTML, curPos)+2;
endPos := PosFrom('</h2>', HTML, curPos);
Title := RemoveTags(Trim(Copy(HTML, curPos, endPos - curPos)), false);
AddSearchResult(URL, Title, '', LowerCase(URL), '');
curpos := PosFrom(StartURL, HTML, URLPosEnd);
//Add Links to Page with other sites in TabSite:
For I := Low(TabSite) to High(TabSite) do
URL := '' + TabSite[I] + PeopleName+'%s';
AddSearchResult('Search in :', TabSite[I],'',LowerCase(URL),'');
//---------- Procedure SearchResults ----------//
// Create list of movies found during the search
procedure SearchResults (HTML : String);
CurPos, PosStart, EndPos : integer;
URLposStart, URLPosEnd : integer;
StartURL, Title, URL : String;
//List of other site where search page :
TabSite := ['', '', '',
'', '', ''];
//Search Result in actual page :
StartURL := '<a href="http://' + SiteSearch;
CurPos := Pos(StartURL, HTML);
If Curpos > 0 then begin
EndPos := Curpos;
While (curpos > 0) AND (curpos < PosFrom('<![CDATA[', HTML, Endpos)) do begin
EndPos:= Curpos;
URLposStart := Curpos + 9;
URLPosEnd := PosFrom('" h="', HTML, URLposStart);
URL := Copy(HTML, URLPosStart, (URLposEnd-URLposStart));
curPos := PosFrom('">', HTML, curPos)+2;
endPos := PosFrom('</h2>', HTML, curPos);
Title := RemoveTags(Trim(Copy(HTML, curPos, endPos - curPos)), false);
AddSearchResult(URL, Title, '', LowerCase(URL), '');
curpos := PosFrom(StartURL, HTML, URLPosEnd);
//Add Links to Page with other sites in TabSite:
For I := Low(TabSite) to High(TabSite) do
URL := '' + TabSite[I] + '+%20' + MovieName;
AddSearchResult('Search in :', TabSite[I],'',LowerCase(URL),'');
//---------- Procedure SearchResults ----------//
// Create list of movies found during the search
procedure SearchResults (HTML : String);
CurPos, PosStart, EndPos : integer;
URLposStart, URLPosEnd : integer;
StartURL, Title, URL : String;
//List of other site where search page :
TabSite := ['', '', ''];
//Search Result in actual page :
StartURL := '<a href="http://' + SiteSearch;
CurPos := Pos(StartURL, HTML);
If Curpos > 0 then begin
EndPos := Curpos;
While (curpos > 0) AND (curpos < PosFrom('<![CDATA[', HTML, Endpos)) do begin
EndPos:= Curpos;
URLposStart := Curpos + 9;
URLPosEnd := PosFrom('" h="', HTML, URLposStart);
URL := Copy(HTML, URLPosStart, (URLposEnd-URLposStart));
curPos := PosFrom('">', HTML, curPos)+2;
endPos := PosFrom('</h2>', HTML, curPos);
Title := RemoveTags(Trim(Copy(HTML, curPos, endPos - curPos)), false);
AddSearchResult(URL, Title, '', LowerCase(URL), '');
curpos := PosFrom(StartURL, HTML, URLPosEnd);
//Add Links to Page with other sites in TabSite:
For I := Low(TabSite) to High(TabSite) do
URL := '' + TabSite[I] + '+%20' + MovieName;
AddSearchResult('Search in :', TabSite[I],'',LowerCase(URL),'');
None of these scripts does not work anymore. There have been major changes in the search results (major changes in source code page). I tried to fix it, but without success.
Maybe someone can help solve the problem.
Here is script for multi web search for the people.
Default SiteSearchCode: [Select]SiteSearch = ''; // Change the site as your choice
TabSiteCode: [Select]//---------- Procedure SearchResults ----------//
// Create list of movies found during the search
procedure SearchResults (HTML : String);
CurPos, PosStart, EndPos : integer;
URLposStart, URLPosEnd : integer;
StartURL, URL : String;
//List of other site where search page :
TabSite := ['', '', ''
, '', ''];
//Search Result in actual page :
//List of other site where search page :
TabSite := ['', '', ''
, '', '', ''];
//Search Result in actual page :
Now the search is only for people.SiteSearch = ''; // Change the site as your choice
//---------- Procedure SearchResults ----------//
// Create list of movies found during the search
procedure SearchResults (HTML : String);
CurPos, PosStart, EndPos : integer;
URLposStart, URLPosEnd : integer;
StartURL, URL : String;
//List of other site where search page :
TabSite := ['', '', ''
, '', ''];
//Search Result in actual page :
Here a script where you can search in different Site.
The constante SiteSearch is the first site where Bing search.
After you can add other site in variable TabSite (ex: TabSite:=[ '', ''])
After the first search you'll have links for other search in the result prList.
I found only this method to use many sites.
But if someone have an idea?
Now to improve this, we must find infos about a link in the Bing page to show them in the prlist.