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Posted by: VVV_Easy_Programing
« on: May 23, 2015, 01:47:16 pm »

If you want to pass information from the file name to a field you can do it with a very simple script.
Look inside the message ",3965.0.html "Script: Some small programming scripts for Ideas (Easy Script)" the script "Several_File_Infos.psf" for inspiration.

PS: Nostra, we had miss you. Many thanks for the program.
Posted by: ferofrantisek
« on: May 17, 2015, 12:33:24 am »

Thank you for your fast answer although I am very, very, very sad of it. Maybe later comes to your mind some simple solution with the adjustment of the program in order to transfer the previously mentioned data in brackets through Regexps to some field. I will wait and hope. I have a tremendous amount of anime and mechanical copy data in brackets I see it as a bad solution. Let's all ok, so you have more free time. Thanks for everything.
Posted by: nostra
« on: May 16, 2015, 04:09:42 pm »

Unfortunately, the functionality you ask for needs a lot of changes regardless of the way I do this. Having the development of the app on hold now due to the lack of free time on my side, I do not think I can offer you a solution any time soon.
Posted by: ferofrantisek
« on: May 14, 2015, 04:38:12 pm »

In all modesty and humility I would like to ask if you, Nostra,  could add text field or multiselect list field or CustomField (with any name that you can use) where can i insert with RegExps data. I know that i can use  <title> <origtitle> <eptitle> <year>  <episode> <season> <imdbid> but i have organized video files in folders for example:
G:\Anime\Sword Art Online (720p Dual 10bit CRF24 DF)\[DarkFlames] 01 - The World of Swords.mkv .... 25 episode.
G:\Anime\Sword Art Online (BD 1080p Dual 10bit CRF23.5 dn92)\[dn92] Sword Art Online - 01 [Dual][BD][1080p].mkv ....  25 episode.
(?i)^.*\\(?P<title>.*)\ \((?P<????>.*)\)\\
Title: Sword Art Online
???? : BD 1080p Dual 10bit CRF23.5 dn92

I want to use in addition to the Title, (Original title and Year - if any) and all text in brackets in some text field (or multiselect list field) in the skin. Because in the brackets are very important information regarding quality, encoding and who encoded. (BD 1080p Dual 10bit CRF23.5 dn92). As you can see there are two versions of the same work/anime therefore, this specification will help me identify them. It does not care that there will be two identical Title names found in database or better if it could be resolved in some other way which will be in one record Title of the movie/anime both entries in brackets in some different fields. BD 1080p Dual 10bit CRF23.5 dn92, 720p Dual 10bit CRF24 DF  It would be good if it was accessible file path for both versions of the files/folders of files. I am open to any proposal how would it be better. For me the most important thing that I had stored record in brackets. I would be very grateful if you could find any solutions and helped me. Thank you very much for your work, willingness and effort.
With respect and appreciation, František
Posted by: oli70
« on: January 21, 2014, 09:36:00 am »


If you can make the change, send us a correct syntax of file names and the Regular Expression.

Thanks a lot!

Posted by: nostra
« on: January 20, 2014, 05:16:29 pm »

Would it be OK to have season NUMBER, episode NUMBER and a separate "Episode Type" TEXT field which will contain such values as OAV, Film, Special etc.?
Posted by: oli70
« on: January 20, 2014, 05:11:53 pm »

I know...
For season is not important!

199697 or 1996/07 is the same!

For episode you may catalog some episode with alphanumeric character (for catalog OAV, for example)

You can have...
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3

Season extra (Film, OAV, Special).
For the same anime
(Ad Example Gundam or Holly e Benji)

Holly e Benji (Capitan Tsubasa) has 1 season (128 episode), and 13 OAV.

I dont' know how to catalog the OAV

Thanks a lot
Posted by: nostra
« on: January 20, 2014, 04:29:11 pm »

This would mean significant changes in database structure and queries. Maybe it is better to use another field for the text data? What do those characters in seasons and episodes mean?
Posted by: oli70
« on: January 20, 2014, 10:46:11 am »

If you can...
Thank you.

Can you make another change ?
Accept the Seasons with alphanumeric values (example 1996/97), and the episode number with alphanumeric values (Example for anime Series - 1xOAV1 - Title)

Thanks and sorry for my english

In fact:

Champions League - 1996/97x01 - Arsenal - Real Madrid
Gundam - 1xOAV1 - Title name
Posted by: nostra
« on: January 17, 2014, 06:40:34 pm »

I think the problem here is not the RegEx, but the fact the file scanner ignores season numbers having such high values. I could change that in the next update, but I am afraid it may take some time.
Posted by: oli70
« on: January 17, 2014, 05:44:15 pm »


File name:

"NFL - 199798x02 - NFCCH_CAR@GB.mkv"

is catalogued only "NFL"

with the string
(?i)^.*\\(?P<title>.*) - (s|\b)(?P<season>[0-9]{1,6})x(?P<episode>[0-9]{1,4}) - (?P<eptitle>.*)\..{3,4}

(?i)^.*\\(?P<title>.*) - (s|\b)(?P<season>[0-9]{1,4})x(?P<episode>[0-9]{1,4}) - (?P<eptitle>.*)\..{3,4}

and file name
"NFL - 1997x02 - NFCCH_CAR@GB.mkv" all is OK!
Posted by: nostra
« on: January 17, 2014, 01:54:20 pm »

(?i)^.*\\(?P<title>.*) - (s|\b)(?P<season>[0-9]{1,6})x(?P<episode>[0-9]{1,4}) - (?P<eptitle>.*)\..{3,4}
This seems to work fine here. Try moving this RegEx up in the list.
Posted by: oli70
« on: January 17, 2014, 09:33:10 am »

I'm trying to use PVD to archive my football matches.
The sintax of files is

Champions League - 201213x01 - F_Bayern Munich - Borussia Dortmund.


Season Field can be long 6 or more bytes ?

Can i use a string value for Episode ?
(Example Champions League - 201213xF -Bayern Munich - Borussia Dortmund)

Witch is the String for use these string ?

I use the standard one, but is not ok for season long 6.

(?i)^.*\\(?P<title>.*) - (s|\b)(?P<season>[0-9]{1,4})x(?P<episode>[0-9]{1,4}) - (?P<eptitle>.*)\..{3,4}

(?i)^.*\\(?P<title>.*) - (s|\b)(?P<season>[0-9]{1,6})x(?P<episode>[0-9]{1,4}) - (?P<eptitle>.*)\..{3,4}
dont' work!

Posted by: WoozyB
« on: November 12, 2013, 05:33:58 am »

Hi there, I've looked through here and did a search but:

Is there a way to use the file scanner but only to get individual file info?  I don't want them to be grouped by seasons/episodes, as these aren't all TV shows.  I want to have one long basic list of single titles, even if some are similarly named or are in the same folder.

Posted by: JoopvB
« on: August 06, 2012, 09:28:09 pm »

I see, so multiple URL's are saved in one field; OK. Must be the plugin. Thanks.
Posted by:
« on: August 06, 2012, 12:45:00 pm »

It would be great if multiple URL's were possible giving each "lookup" plugin it's own field to do it's job.

As I indicated, URLs are normally saved in the URL field. Separate fields are unnecessary. I suspect the TVDb URL is not saved because the plugin doesn't use it.
Posted by: JoopvB
« on: August 06, 2012, 08:24:29 am »

Yes, I agree. It would be great if multiple URL's were possible giving each "lookup" plugin it's own field to do it's job. And we could even have the possibilty to find out what information came from where (by storing a reference to that field). Maybe something for nostra's next release?
Posted by:
« on: August 05, 2012, 08:56:23 pm »

I don't know why it doesn't save the URL in the URL field like other plugins. Perhaps because the plugin API doesn't use it—but it's still useful as a link (I add it manually). If the plugin would just do that and get the default poster instead of all of them, it would be a huge improvement.
Posted by: JoopvB
« on: August 05, 2012, 02:17:11 pm »

Hi Rick,

Get your point. So it's up to the TVDb plugin to become more powerful. One remark... it would be nice to be able to enter the TVDB series number (as it does for IMDB) to help the plugin do it's job and, if PVD would have some unused field in the database, to store it for future references (like it does for IMDB).

Thanks for your help.
Posted by:
« on: August 05, 2012, 02:07:58 am »

Just to be clear, I'm not the developer, nostra is. I can only tell what I've learned from using the program. Bear in mind this is the hobby effort of one individual, and the TVDb plugin is one of many. Also, as good as it is for some things, it's not a source everyone will need or want to use. It, or other software that uses it exclusively (like TV Rename) are not likely to be model for all aspects of handling series.

Don't ask me how (I haven't tried it myself), if TV Rename writes sidecar data files, you might be able to import those using the Text file import plugin. There's also a plugin or script for importing local images (perhaps just posters), but I'm less sure how practical that might be.

I use Sick Beard for handing series. Like TV Rename, it's open source and no longer actively supported, but it works. And while I'm not familiar with TV Rename, it may do more. It looks for torrents of new episodes, works with my torrent client to download them, renames and moves them, and gets all the TVDb data (including images)—all automatically. Even so, I don't find it too difficult to maintain the same information in PVD using the plugin. It won't get the episode images, but they're generally crappy anyway. I prefer to let PVD automatically create some screenshots. I then choose one to use as a poster, and delete the rest. I suppose the other reason I don't mind this approach is I need to run the IMDb plugin to get the people data anyway. I run both as a batch for updating episodes.

My point is, I could suggest PVD do what Sick Beard does, or to be integrated with it so they can be used seamlessly together. I don't, because I don't expect others to adapt to my personal preferences—including those who use TV Rename or something else. What's important is that it provide the tools necessary to adapt to any reasonable situation. It can create series records using several sources and add data from sidecar files. It's file scanner can easily match episode files named by any systematic naming routine.

run TVDB plugin on the show (I did, but the title matching came up with nothing); then run IMDB per season to get the details (I do, but I run IMDB as step 1 also).

I'm not sure, but maybe the better result I get is from running the TVDb plugin first. :-\

The question there was how do I get a correct record in the database given that I use my filename (see format in the previous post) as the input.

Don't use the filename as input! It only takes a moment to Add a series by entering it's name and running the plugin. Once the series records are created, the file scanner will properly match the files.