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Posted by: svenne
« on: September 17, 2014, 10:50:55 am »

If you refer to the HTML Frames and HTML List templates I wrote (fresh versions are here)... they keep the sort order you had in PVD.
In fact, PVD has some issues with sorting by alphabet. First there will be numbers followed by all capital letters, then by lower letters form a to z, and then by characters like Ä, Ö, é, â, ü, etc.
Is that what you experience?
The problem is known, but to have a better collation the database would have to be redesigned in some complex way to be able to use the newer firebird features. See here. Nostra didn't find the time yet to address that, I guess.
You could change the sort order by hand. Open the main HTML file with some text editor and and move the respective lines with <li>...</li>.
Another workaround:
1) Open the main HTML file in your browser. Mark and copy the whole movie list. Paste it to Excel (as first column).
2) Open the main HTML file with some text editor and copy all the lines with <li>...</li>. Paste them to the second column in Excel.
3) Mark the first column, let Excel sort it from A to Z. When Excel asks to expand the selection, let it do so.
4) Copy the second column and replace all the lines with <li>...</li> in the text editor.
Posted by: dekiscool
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:03:03 am »

Ok...I finally figured it out...however, when I export the files to HTML...the movies are not always in alphabetical order. Any ideas?
Posted by: dekiscool
« on: September 14, 2014, 10:21:51 pm »

I used to know how to do this...but it's been a while and have forgotten. How do I get PVD to just show for example...

If I wanted to export just "A" movies on my list to HTML, how do I get PVD to just show "A" movies? "A" movies, then "B" movies, then "C" movies etc?
