Posted by: firefox
« on: November 09, 2013, 01:57:48 pm »I finished the script and it runs well.
Many thanks for your help!
Many thanks for your help!
StartPos := PosFrom(FileToString(GetAppPath + 'Scripts\value1.txt'), HTML, StartPos);
So the value is replaced with: FileToString(GetAppPath + 'Scripts\value1.txt')There seem to be multiple problems (the program was never tested with such languages):Please give me an example code for saving japanese values in a file and load them in runtime.
1. There is a problem when passing data to the script. I will fix it in next update
2. The pascal script compiler does not accept non ANSI characters. This can't be fixed, unless the pascal script compiler is updated. As a workaround you could try saving values in japanese in a file and load them in runtime. (but the first problem must be fixed for this to work)
function GetCodePage : Cardinal;
Result := CODE_PAGE;
StartPos := Pos('<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" class="mg-b20">', HTML);
StartPos := PosFrom('">レーベル:</td>', HTML, StartPos);
Cast := Trim(TextBetween(HTML, '>', '<', False, StartPos));
if Cast <> '----' then
CastURL := BASE_URL + Trim(TextBetween(HTML, 'href="', '"', False, StartPos));
Cast := Trim(TextBetween(HTML, '">', '<', False, StartPos));
LogMessage('writer: '+ Cast +', url: '+ CastURL);
AddMoviePerson(Cast, '', '', CastURL, 2);
end else
LogMessage('writer not found');