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Posted by: Nono
« on: July 18, 2013, 04:43:58 pm »

For the custom field:
There are 4 SQL tables that store the data. They are:
CUSTOM_VALUES_DATE - for date custom fields
CUSTOM_VALUES_INT - for?? custom fields
CUSTOM_VALUES_LONGSTR - for long text fields (memo I guess as well)
CUSTOM_VALUES_SHORSTR - for short text fields.

You will have to choose the proper table for the type of data you store.
The CUSTOM_FIELDS_MOVIES holds the reference of the fields display value and types.

To add a custom field to your Movie details for instance. You would insert a new file into the MovieDetail-x sequence. Rename all the MovieDetail-*.html from 8 to 10 with an increment of 1 making them 9 to 11. So you can now create a file called MovieDetail-8.html.

Put this content in the -8.html file:

Code: [Select]

           <td class="title3" colspan="1">My field</td>
     <td class="normal" colspan="3"><!--MYCUSTOMFIELD-S--></td>

Replace all occurrence of CUSTOM_VALUES_SHORTSTR with the proper table name for the type of custom field you use.
Replace the 'My custom display' value with want you see in PVD for your custom field.
We could use the globalParam file to store table names or what not and/or other SQL request but I think this is the simplest way.

Make sense?
Posted by: Nono
« on: July 17, 2013, 11:18:06 pm »

yes, many files... simplicity but redundancy. With the new version of Kroozbox engine, I should be able to simplify a lot but not enough time to do it. You also have the flash version that you can access with :
http://your server address:9009/debug.html (called PVD Syabas flash template or something like that).
But I don't think you will like it - need to move with keyboard.

Yes, you can have access to custom PVD field... There were some posts about this. I'll dig tomorrow and let you know how to do it. (remind me if I forget).

Posted by: fabs
« on: July 17, 2013, 05:36:02 pm »


I'm rendering using a browser in a PC, as I want it mostly as movie catalogue. The main problem is that changing the HTML in the template requires going through many similar files to do the same change.

Additionaly, I cannot seem to find the way to use custom fields in Kroozbox. Are they stored under a special name in the DB?
Posted by: Nono
« on: July 17, 2013, 04:26:10 pm »

You do have the number listing (kind of). If you select "all" entries at the top, the listing will be sorted alphabetically starting with the movies having their titles starting with space, numbers and none-English characters. Make sense?

As for you second question, I'm not sure to understand. Are you asking if there is a way to edit the movies in batch in PVD? or if a change to an sql request within the DBINFO header in the template can be easily change in all the necessary template files?

PVDTemplate was the first template I made, it is tedious to change something because it has a lot of files but its a much simpler template (to understand) then the LG template for instance.

What is your rendering engine? using a PC, a Porcorn hour (which model?) or ...?


Posted by: fabs
« on: July 17, 2013, 04:09:13 pm »

I downloaded the latest version of PVDTemplate-HD that appears in the website and it doesn't have filtering by #. If there's another one that has it, let me know and I'll just copy the code.

I found how to add the links or extra info. Is there a way to make the changes to all the corresponding files (for example, when editing the listings) at the same time or do I have to go one by one?


Posted by: Nono
« on: July 17, 2013, 02:23:19 pm »


Thanks for the nice words.

If you choose the # sorting you should see the listing with the titles with numbers at first location (might depends on the template you are using).
As for adding more details, I would need to know what template you are using (LG, Popcorn, Music, or.... ).. detailsdetails!??


Posted by: fabs
« on: July 17, 2013, 12:50:58 am »

First of all I wanted to say that this is an amazing piece of code.

I've been able to slightly modify the templates to my liking, but I'd like the possibility to filter by number as first character in title. Is there an easy way to add that option?

Also, is there a way to add more info to the movie details (i.e., a link to imdb)?
Posted by: Nono
« on: February 08, 2013, 06:18:36 pm »

Hello Gang,

New version of Kroozbox available at:

Modification done to accomodate new Syabas flash based templates (for Popcorn hour C-300, Popbox ,etc) and LG Smart TV template.

The LG template requires download from the LG market - search for 'Kroozbox' on the LG TV. Note that, at this time, the app is not yet available. Still under review by LG staff - hopefully available soon. In the mean time, connection can still be made using LG browser.

Posted by: Nono
« on: May 21, 2011, 10:13:50 pm »

hmmm.. It is more than possible that I have made modifications to my template after the published version and that the seasonDetail*.html file are not the same in yours. Sorry about this.
You are right in your understanding on how Kroozbox construct the page (sequencially n final numbers). Check the manual under the Documentation folder for more details.

You can change the corresponding file yourself  (the one with the "DATEADDED" in the DBINFO header - maybe file number 3 for you) from "DATEADDED-D=dateadded" to DATEADDED-D=moddate in the DBINFO header.

Alternatively, you can download my complete HTML template folder - attached here. And, of course, always make backup first.

Let us know.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Posted by: delto
« on: May 21, 2011, 07:14:23 pm »

Hi Nono

After I copied SeasonDetail-4.html,  all episodes in a specific season was listed twice like this 1,2,1,2

I restored my backup of that file and it lists  it correctly (1,2 )

My restored file only contants "</table> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>", my question is do Kroozbox read the html files sequentially SeasonDetail-1.html then SeasonDetail-2.html and so on??

If Kroozbox read them sequentially, do each new file a new layer to the final result??

Did you make a mistake by calling it SeasonDetail-4.html should it not be called SeasonDetail-3.html??
cos the diff between my SeasonDetail-3.html and your SeasonDetail-4.html is  a new line DATEADDED-D=moddate
and  a rem of #DATEADDED-D=dateadded


It still happens but only when you create a new entry in the series episode list not when you change it (adding or setting the path to the actual video file for instance).

It has been a problem for me as well and finally decided to fix it.

Attached you will find the file that you need.
Extract and overwrite the file in your "template/PVDTemplate-HD/html" folder.
The zip file only contains the necessary file - not the whole folder. And please, make a backup first of your template... juuust in case.

With this update you will always see the series that got the lastest modification and the listing of the episode will state the modification date and not the creation date.

This is for Kroozbox 2.0a. Shoudl work with 2.0. No need to restart Kroozbox.

Let me know.

Posted by: delto
« on: May 18, 2011, 08:42:51 am »

Thanks Nono that worked perfectly  :D

Posted by: Nono
« on: May 17, 2011, 08:47:40 pm »

It still happens but only when you create a new entry in the series episode list not when you change it (adding or setting the path to the actual video file for instance).

It has been a problem for me as well and finally decided to fix it.

Attached you will find the file that you need.
Extract and overwrite the file in your "template/PVDTemplate-HD/html" folder.
The zip file only contains the necessary file - not the whole folder. And please, make a backup first of your template... juuust in case.

With this update you will always see the series that got the lastest modification and the listing of the episode will state the modification date and not the creation date.

This is for Kroozbox 2.0a. Shoudl work with 2.0. No need to restart Kroozbox.

Let me know.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Posted by: delto
« on: May 17, 2011, 02:29:06 pm »

I have a problem in Series Newest using Kroozbox and PVD

Earlier when I added a new episode in PVD, that episode (Series) came first in Series Newest (Kroozbox)
this does not happen anymore, do someone know why ??

There has been no changes in either of the PC's, Kroozbox or PVD (Exept new episodes and movies)
I'm using PVD and Kroozbox 2.0, PVD is running on Windows 7 and Kroozbox is running on Windows Server 2003 x64
Posted by: Paul T
« on: March 11, 2011, 09:11:05 am »

Forgot to say , running Win XP pro 32 bit. Would XP Pro 64 bit be an easier path ?
Posted by: Paul T
« on: March 10, 2011, 09:59:36 pm »

Hi All,
running PVD and Kroozebox, on a Windows XP Pro  machine and a Popcorn hour, for the last couple of years with no problems. Getting to the stage when my raid card is getting past it as it only supports 1TB drives and max raid 5 size of 2TB. Already have 3 raids setup each pointing to the next holding all my files . All works well.
Have ordered a 12 port Sata 2 card which hopefully supports > 2TB drives and raid sizes to the limit of the OS. I know about the problems with raid but have found no problems running it.

My question is, what is the way forward as far as an OS is concerned ?
Not a fan of Linux etc so am down to Windows.
My thoughts are go with Win 7 but think will have a problem as my drives are different sizes, 4 x 750, 4x 500 amd 4 x 320 so there may be little advantage in going this route.
My other idea was a Windows Home server using drive extender. I have one running at the moment using different drives sizes for a total of approx 11 TB. I use this to store backups of my films and the computer backups.
Will PVD/Kroozebox etc run on WHS or has anyone any other ides ?

All the best
Posted by: kotten
« on: February 06, 2011, 02:16:24 pm »

Some problem now. Suddenly after a restart of my win7 64-bit computer the kroozbox service is hanging. I wont start, it only say starting.

is there any log-file i can read?

I have tried to remove the service and install it again. I have also downloaded the kroozbox package and use these files
instead of mine, if i maybe have change something in some file. No change.

What can it be?
Posted by: kotten
« on: January 25, 2011, 08:10:33 pm »

It works now and i am happy, thanks.

There is something that i dont understand, how does the sort order work? If i have a movie that should be on one other place, how do i change that?
Posted by: kotten
« on: January 20, 2011, 11:47:21 pm »

I have now a fine pvd-file wich is working correct on my computer if i browse to port 9008. The problem is now
that i have static path to my movies because i had this path (mapped drive) on my computer.

Therefore it wont work on the popcorn. What shall i do to solve this?

In my computer i have, Z:\HD-Movies and on the popcorn i have samba to
Posted by: newsky
« on: January 20, 2011, 11:09:57 am »

Dear Nono! Thank you very much for your help!

Just as I expect, Dune BD Prime 3.0 (and other players of the brand) are not able to run the file from the link in your browser. According to this, until Kroozbox use with this player can not. BUT! Representatives of this player in Russia, this possibility seemed interesting, and they promised to implement a media launch at the link from a browser in a future firmware. I will wait!

Came the question directly on the Kroozbox: Why are some films so "scattered"?

I have an external IP and my base is "looking to the Internet, " I could give you a link if it helps to understand why. Do you mind?
Posted by: kotten
« on: January 19, 2011, 09:44:36 pm »

sorry, i should have find that.

I have now started the search and sometime i got a question what movie i really have
because it cant translate my filename. Sometimes i can see my movie of suggestion
but some movies it just cant find. It is still common movies and not very unusual.