For AllMovie_new script I found the way, defining custom field and the codes would be (for example):
Allmovie script:
//Get ~mfURL~ or ~URL~
endPos := Pos('"><span>overview</span></a>', HTML);
if endPos > 0 then begin
curPos := PrevPos('href="/movie', HTML, endPos);
AddFieldValue(mfURL, BASE_URL + Copy(HTML, curPos + 6, endPos - curPos - 6));
end else
AddFieldValue(mfURL, MovieURL);
AddCustomFieldValueByName('', '<link url="' + MovieURL + '"></link>');
<column space="0" halign="left" autosize="true" valign="top">
<caption>Other URLs: </caption>
<custom field="" linkcolor1="$338900"/>
Still, the OP question stands if it's possible to import urls in "url" field in such way.
Yes, it is possible if you use
Imdb Movie Script for rating ... and the url do the same way as is done in Allmovie_new script.
Example for Imdb:
//Get ~mfURL~ or ~IMDb Url~
endPos := Pos('" /><meta property="og:url"', HTML);
if endPos > 0 then begin
curPos := PrevPos('"canonical" href="', HTML, endPos);
AddFieldValue(mfURL, Copy(HTML, curPos + 18, endPos - curPos - 18));
end else
AddFieldValue(mfURL, MovieURL);
AddCustomFieldValueByName('', '<link url="' + MovieURL + '"></link>');
However, the same also in the skin:
<column space="0" halign="left" autosize="true" valign="top">
<caption>Other URLs: </caption>
<custom field="" linkcolor1="$338900"/>