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A. You installed pythonB. You installed selenium byQuotepip install seleniumC. You have your Chrome bin on a PATHD. You have Python folder on your PATHE. pythonw.exe is not missing, or it's containing folder is on the PATH
pip install selenium
1. Uses Chrome browser instead Firefox2. Uses chromedriver.exe instead geckodriver3. Starts chromedriver.exe silently4. Silently invokes browser in a headless mode (no pop-up windows of browser)5. Scrapes .htm page of a given url6. No path is needed to set manually inside the script - it is set to be relative to the path of selenium script!
6A. You put this script into "Scripts" folder of your PVD instance.6B. You put appropirate chromedriver.exe to the "Script" folder, too.
FileExecute('pythonw.exe', '"' + ScriptPath + '" "' + URL + '" "' + ScriptPath + BASE_DOWNLOAD_FILE_NO_BOM + '"');