I'm attaching 4 versions of a new skin I created. The only difference is the design of a front section.
They contain all custom fields I found in all scripts and as far as I know
it is the only custom one that includes custom fields, at least in such a huge number. Because of this fact, maybe Ivek might consider to sticky this topic and to add skins to download section as a base for future customizations by other users who will have all current custom fields on their disposal, out of
I have created these skins with deprecated, but still fully functioning Serna Free ML Editor, so editing these skins with any other non-WYSIWYG editor will give you headache because of repetitive comments, while in Serna they were crucial for easier navigating and manipulating.
You will need to add new custom fields from this topic's
message and later, in order to be able to see all data. In that table look in
column H for the field name, and
column K for the PVD Database Field Type.
If you use my new
FilmAffinity_[EN][HTTPS_Poster]_v6.1.psf script or above, you will need this skin to view all the data imported, beside default
Classic skins, of course.
I added completely new tab
"FilmAffinity" since now it deserves new skin section because of the amount of data imported.
Here's my PVD IMDb Full HD v4-4.1 - Dark.xml skin.In addition, there are screenshots how imported data look in my skin.