Here's my completely new FilmAffinity_[EN][HTTPS_Poster]_v6.1.psf script.
It includes major changes and additions.
CHANGE LOG: V (12/15/2024) afrocuban: MAJOR CHANGES INTRODUCED. Custom field types need to be strictly followed in order to be presented properly. Following custom/original fields added/changed respectively:
• ~Studio~ section completely re-written:1. Original
"producer (human, category 4)" field now properly imports only when there is a Producer explicitly stated on FA.
2. Original
"studio" (AField, value 8 ), populated now with studios and distributors concatenated. Co-productions (countries) and producer persons not included.
"FA Co-productions" Multiselect list custom field introduced for the first time.
"FA Producers" Multiselect list custom field introduced for the first time.
5. "
FA Studio" Multiselect list custom field introduced for the first time. This field inludes only studios, not Co-production (countires), producer person, nor Distributors.
"FA Distributors" Multiselect list custom field introduced for the first time.
• ~Writers~ section completely re-written:
1. Original
"writers (human, category 2)" field now properly imports only when there is a screenwriter explicitely stated on FA.
"FA Writers" Multiselect list custom field added for the same value as under 1.
"FA Script" Memo custom field introduced for the first time filled with everything else found in the Writers block ("novel:...", "book:...", etc).
• New custom
Memo field
"FA Related". Related movies to the current one.
• New custom
Memo field
"FA SimMov". Similar movies with % of similiraty.
• New custom
Memo field
"FA Awards". Years linked to FA pages with all awards for that competition for that year.
• New custom
Memo field
"FA Misc URLs". Trailers, Image gallery and Pro reviews links with the counts present for each three, for the current movie.
• New custom
Multiselect list field
"FA Cinematography".
• New custom
Memo field
"FA Ranking Position", underlinked to external top lists.
• New custom
Memo field
"FA Ranking Lists Position", underlinked to external users' lists.
• New custom
Memo field
"FA Critics" with Review, Authors and Magazines, each underlinked to external sources, when there is one.
• New custom
Memo field
"FA Released By" added.
• New custom
Memo field
"FA Release Date" added.
• New custom
Memo field
"FA Lists" added.
• New custom
Multiselect list field
"FA Genre" added.
• New custom
Multiselect list field
"FA Category" added.
• New custom
Memo field
"FA OrigTitle" added.
• New custom
Multiselect listfield "FA Year" added.
• New custom
Long Text field "FA length" added.
• New custom
Long Text field "FA features" added.
• New custom
Multiselect List field "FA Country" added.
• New custom
Multiselect List field "FA Directors" added.
• New custom
Multiselect List field "FA Writers" added.
• New custom
Multiselect List field "FA Composers" added.
• New custom
Memo field "FA Description" added.
• New custom
Memo field "FA Actors" added.
Two new functions introduced in the script:1.
"DownloadAndParseTrailerPage" Function
added which constructs the URL for the trailer page, uses the DownloadPage Function to download it, and then calls a parsing function to process it.
"ParseTrailerPage" Function
added to parse the downloaded trailer page HTML content.
"DownloadPage" Function
modified to accept an output file name, by adding a parameter to specify the output file name, so that we can use this function to download both the main movie page and the trailer page. This modified function now accepts OutFile as a parameter to specify the output file name.
"ParsePage" Main Function
modified to include the call to "DownloadAndParseTrailerPage" function.
Additional parsing page
"downpage_trailer-UTF8_NO_BOM_FA.htm" is downloaded beside
"downpage-UTF8_NO_BOM_FA.htm", but nothing still parsed since it contains only dynamic content which needs
Selenium integration, because
PVdBDownPage.exe can download only static content of html.
TO DO:- Selenium integration to PVD.
- Logging to movie site throught the script.
V (12/05/2024) afrocuban: Poster now available via HTTPS.
You can view how imported data looks in my new skins on this topic, and what is imported actually.
You can look for most recent custom fields from this topic's message and later, and use it for easier tracking which custom fields to add to your PVD