Author Topic: Imdb People script issues  (Read 564 times)

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Offline afrocuban

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Imdb People script issues
« on: November 08, 2024, 05:09:10 pm »
Does anyone have the issue with this skin, as I do. Namely, when downloading a person's photo is taking a place, it freezes, I cannot cancel import, and the only way to continue is to kill viddb.exe process, and to restart PVD.

Thanks a bunch for a feedback.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2024, 05:11:03 pm by afrocuban »

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Re: Imdb People script issues
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2024, 12:09:39 am »
Can someone try to import any person with People Imdb script please, so I could know I am the only one having this issue? Upon restarting PVD if I click on the name the actor on which PVD frozen up, freezing occurs again and I have to improvise to delete actor's record from the database.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2024, 12:11:50 am by afrocuban »

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Imdb People script issues
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2024, 02:26:48 pm »
What is the error message in the log file?
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline afrocuban

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Re: Imdb People script issues
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2024, 05:03:46 pm »
None. It starts parsing and hangs. On a status bar in PVD I see it hangs on importing people photo jpg.

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Imdb People script issues
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2024, 08:42:16 pm »
None. It starts parsing and hangs. On a status bar in PVD I see it hangs on importing people photo jpg.

Then it blocks the entire code for downloading the people photo jpg.

    //Get ~Photo~ . Remember that the PVdB ~transname~ Translated Name is not stored in TheMovieDB. Can be used for PhotoURL
    ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'"image":"','",');                  // WEB_SPECIFIC.
    If (Length(ItemValue)>0) and (Pos('nopicture',ItemValue)=0)Then Begin            //"' NOT exists working httpS
        PhotoURL:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemValue,BASE_URL_IMAGE_PRE_TRUE,'.');       //Get poster code. Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC       
        If ((Length(PhotoURL)>0) and Not(USE_SAVED_PVDCONFIG and (Copy(PVDConfigOptions,opPhoto,1)='0'))) then begin  //The Poster will be saved in PVD
            PhotoURL:=BASE_URL_IMAGE_PRE_TRUE + PhotoURL;                             //Base poster URL without '.jpg'. WEB_SPECIFIC
            // Avoid HTTPS redirection: Download https image to file
            If (1=DownloadImage(PhotoURL + '._V1_UY' + IntToStr(MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH) + '_.jpg',ImageFile)) then begin  //Dowload in the selected user max size. WEB_SPECIFIC
                AddImageURL(itPoster,ImageFile);    //Get the photo to the database.But I don't know why but it doesnt work: not retrive the photo like in movie poster
                AddSearchResult(GetFieldValueXML('name'), '', '', ImageFile, ImageFile); //It's not possible avoid GetFieldValueXML because the name can't be the same.
                if PHOTO_URL_IN_TRANSNAME then AddFieldValueXML('transname',PhotoURL + '._V1_UY' + IntToStr(MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH) + '_.jpg'); //For storing the URL to the person photo, for send to KODI in a Template
                LogMessage('      Get result PhotoURL:'+PhotoURL + '._V1_UY' + IntToStr(MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH) + '_.jpg'+'||');
                LogMessage('Script end. After, PVdB will retreive from ListImage and info of person in order get the photo');
            end else if (1=DownloadImage(ItemValue +'.jpg',ImageFile)) then begin  //Donwload in the web base size. WEB_SPECIFIC
                AddImageURL(itPoster,ImageFile);    //Get the photo to the database.But I don't know why but it doesnt work: not retrive the photo like in movie poster
                AddSearchResult(GetFieldValueXML('name'), '', '', ImageFile, ImageFile); //It's not possible avoid GetFieldValueXML because the name can't be the same.
                if PHOTO_URL_IN_TRANSNAME then AddFieldValueXML('transname',PhotoURL+'.jpg'); //For storing the URL to the person photo, for send to KODI in a Template
                LogMessage('      Get result PhotoURL:'+PhotoURL+'.jpg'+'||');
                LogMessage('Script end. After, PVdB will retreive from ListImage and info of person in order get the photo');
    End Else Begin
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline afrocuban

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Re: Imdb People script issues
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2024, 09:09:23 pm »
Thanks. Are you saying I should try to comment out downloading photo to check if that is the culprit?

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Imdb People script issues
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2024, 08:17:17 am »
Thanks. Are you saying I should try to comment out downloading photo to check if that is the culprit?

Yes, I hope that the culprit of the problem is only this code for downloading the photo of people, and not something else, because I haven't tested it myself.
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

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Re: Imdb People script issues
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2024, 10:44:06 am »
Thanks. Are you saying I should try to comment out downloading photo to check if that is the culprit?

Yes, I hope that the culprit of the problem is only this code for downloading the photo of people, and not something else, because I haven't tested it myself.

The code for Function ParsePage_IMDBPeopleBIO is to blame, so that PVD freezes.

Code: [Select]
Function ParsePage_IMDBPeopleBIO(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
    //     Result:=prFinished; Script has finished gathering data
    //     Result:=prError; If żany big problem? with exit;
    //Retrieve: ~bio~ Biography from "Mini Bio" IMDB section
// (* *)
    LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBPeopleBIO BEGIN=====================||');       
    Result:=prFinished;  //It will change to prError if any big problem with exit;
    //Get "Biography" info
    curPos:=Pos('<h1 class="ipc-title__text">Biography</h1>',HTML);      //Strings start which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
    if (curPos=0) then Exit;
ItemList0:=TextBetWeenFirst(HTML,'<h1 class="ipc-title__text','<h3 class="ipc-title__text"><span>Contribute to this page</span></h3>');
//LogMessage('  ** Parse Biography '+#13+ItemList0+' **');

If (Length(ItemList0)>0) Then Begin
ItemValue1:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList0,'<span class="ipc-metadata-list-item__label" aria-disabled="false">Birth name</span>','</div>');
if ItemValue1 <> '' then AddFieldValueXML('transname',ItemValue1);
If ItemValue1 <> '' then LogMessage('      Get result from Birth Name01:'+ItemValue1+'||');

//Get PersonID
PersonID:=TextBetWeenFirst(HTML,'<meta property="imdb:pageConst" content="','"/>');   //WEB_SPECIFIC.
    if (2<Length(PersonID)) then begin
ItemList:='<link url="'+PersonID+'/bio/#overview">Biography Info</link>';
        LogMessage('      Get result PersonID:'+PersonID+'||');
    //Get "Mini bio" Biography text
If Pos('<h1 class="ipc-title__text">Biography</h1>',HTML)>0 Then Begin
curPos:=Pos('<h3 class="ipc-title__text"><span id="mini_bio">Mini Bio</span>',HTML);       //WEB_SPECIFIC.
If 0<curPos Then Begin
curPos:=PosFrom('<li role="presentation" class="ipc-metadata-list__item" id="mini_bio_0" data-testid="list-item"><div class="ipc-metadata-list-item__content-container"><ul class="ipc-inline-list ipc-inline-list--show-dividers ipc-inline-list--inline ipc-metadata-list-item__list-content base" role="presentation"><div class="ipc-html-content ipc-html-content--base ipc-metadata-list-item-html-item" role="presentation"><div class="ipc-html-content-inner-div">',HTML,EndPos)+Length('<li role="presentation" class="ipc-metadata-list__item" id="mini_bio_0" data-testid="list-item"><div class="ipc-metadata-list-item__content-container"><ul class="ipc-inline-list ipc-inline-list--show-dividers ipc-inline-list--inline ipc-metadata-list-item__list-content base" role="presentation"><div class="ipc-html-content ipc-html-content--base ipc-metadata-list-item-html-item" role="presentation"><div class="ipc-html-content-inner-div">');
ItemValue:=Trim(Copy(HTML,curPos,endPos-curPos)); //ItemValue:=Copy(HTML,curPos+425,endPos-curPos-425);
//LogMessage('      Get result bio (from Mini bio)1:'+ItemValue+'||');
//LogMessage('      Get result bio (from Mini bio)2:'+ItemValue+'||');
ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'<a class="ipc-md-link ipc-md-link--entity" href="','<link url="' ,True,False,True);
//LogMessage('      Get result bio (from Mini bio)0:'+ItemValue+'||');
//If 0<curPos then ItemValue:=Copy(ItemValue,0,curPos-2);
//curPos:=Pos('</p>',ItemValue);      //WEB_SPECIFIC. Chr(13)
//If 0<curPos then Delete(ItemValue,curPos,Length(ItemValue)-curPos);
//if Pos('~  ', ItemValue) = 0 then Delete(ItemValue,1,2);
If BIO_URL_IN_BIO then ItemValue:=RemoveTags(ItemValue, False);
LogMessage('      Get result bio (from Mini bio):'+ItemValue+'||');
If ItemValue <> '' then ItemList11:=ItemList11+ItemValue;
//if ItemValue <> '' then AddFieldValueXML('bio',ItemValue);

//If (ItemList11 = '') AND (ItemList <> '') Then
If (ItemList11 <> '') AND (ItemList <> '') Then 

//ItemList12:=ItemList11+#13+'--------------------------------------------------------------------------'+#13+ItemList+#32#32#32+'<link url="'+PersonID+'/bio/#mini_bio">Mini bio Biography</link>';

///If BIO_INFO_IN_BIO then AddFieldValueXML('bio',ItemList12);

  ///If Not(BIO_INFO_IN_BIO) Then AddFieldValueXML('bio',ItemList11);

//Get "Birth name" Biography text
ItemList00:=TextBetWeenFirst(HTML,'<h1 class="ipc-title__text','<h3 class="ipc-title__text"><span>Contribute to this page</span></h3>'); 
//LogMessage('  *** Parse Biography '+#13+ItemList00+' ***');
If (Length(ItemList00)>0) Then Begin
ItemValue0:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList00,'<span class="ipc-metadata-list-item__label" aria-disabled="false">Birth name</span>','</div></div></div>');
//if ItemValue0 <> '' then AddFieldValueXML('transname',ItemValue0);
If ItemValue <> '' then LogMessage('      Get result from Birth Name02:'+ItemValue0+'||');
If ItemValue0 <> '' then ItemValue0:='BirthName:  '+ItemValue0;
If ItemValue0 <> '' then ItemList12:=ItemList12+#13+'--------------------------------------------------------------------------'+#13+ItemValue0;

If BIO_INFO_IN_BIO then AddFieldValueXML('bio',ItemList12);

  If Not(BIO_INFO_IN_BIO) Then AddFieldValueXML('bio',ItemList11);
    LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBPeopleBIO END=====================||');
  End; //BlockClose

Below is the added code and IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS] (2) script, where this function is blocked. The script needs massive changes due to major changes in the source code of the website.
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline afrocuban

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Re: Imdb People script issues
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2024, 10:57:39 pm »
As I said somewhere else, i fixed bio and genre fields, and now I'm dealing with integrating selenium into PVD for downloading dymanic HTML content.
Reference from this point forward
Now, I have passed the phase to parse the Awards page manually downloaded with selenium, and I'm having hard time with it. I have fixed the code to parse the page, and it successfuly parse it as you can see here:
(12/21/2024 10:24:56 PM) Parsed Event: Ariel Awards, Mexico
(12/21/2024 10:24:56 PM) Parsed Award:  Golden Ariel
(12/21/2024 10:24:56 PM) Parsed Category: Best Picture (Mejor Película)
(12/21/2024 10:24:56 PM) Parsed Recipient: Roma
(12/21/2024 10:24:56 PM) Parsed Year: 2019
(12/21/2024 10:24:56 PM) Parsed Won: True
(12/21/2024 10:24:56 PM) Before calling AddAward with parameters:
(12/21/2024 10:24:56 PM) Event: Ariel Awards, Mexico
(12/21/2024 10:24:56 PM) Award:  Golden Ariel
(12/21/2024 10:24:56 PM) Category: Best Picture (Mejor Película)
(12/21/2024 10:24:56 PM) Recipient: Roma
(12/21/2024 10:24:56 PM) Year: 2019
(12/21/2024 10:24:56 PM) Won: True
(12/21/2024 10:24:56 PM) AddAward executed successfully.
(12/21/2024 10:24:56 PM) IMDb People Awards added Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Golden Ariel, Category=Best Picture (Mejor Película), Recipient=Roma, Year=2019, Won=True
(12/21/2024 10:24:56 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Golden Ariel, Category=Best Picture (Mejor Película), Recipient=Roma, Year=2019, Won: True

But for some reason the value is not populated/displayed in PVD. So I thought I'll create custom memo field "IMDb People Awards" to populate there the value to check what it looks like, only to realize no custom field is visible in PVD's People section???
Is it possible at all to add custom fields in People section?
I manually put the value in the field (added to my dark people skin), but when I exit edit mode, it's not displayed. When I enter edit mode, it's there. If I restart PVD value dissappears from the custom field.

Anyway, does  anyone know looking at the log, why this properly parsed award wouldn't populate to field although reported that it did?

Here's whole function (I even added some extra logging around adding value to the field in order to see what is going on, but to no avail - everything looks perfect yet value is not there):

Function CustomBoolToStr(Value: Boolean): String;
  If Value Then
    Result := 'True'
    Result := 'False';

Function ParsePage_IMDBPeopleAWARDS(HTML: String): Cardinal;
  curPos, endPos: Integer;
  ItemList, Event, Award, Category, Recipient, Year: String;
  AValue: String; // Declaring AValue as a String
  Won: Boolean;
  FailSafe: Integer;  // To prevent infinite loops

  LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBPeopleAWARDS BEGIN=====================||');

    Result := prFinished;

    // Log the initial HTML snippet being parsed
    LogMessage('Initial HTML snippet: ' + Copy(HTML, 1, 500));

    // Find the position of the Awards title
    curPos := Pos('<h1 class="ipc-title__text">Awards</h1>', HTML);
    If curPos > 0 Then Begin
      // Find the position of the Awards section
      curPos := PosFrom('<section class="ipc-page-section ipc-page-section--base">', HTML, curPos);

    If curPos > 0 Then Begin
      // Find the end position of the Awards section
      endPos := PosFrom('</section>', HTML, curPos);
      If endPos = 0 Then endPos := Length(HTML);

      If (curPos > 0) AND (endPos > curPos) Then Begin
        // Extract the Awards block
        ItemList := Copy(HTML, curPos, endPos - curPos);

        // Extract and log the event name
        curPos := PosFrom('<h3 class="ipc-title__text">', ItemList, 1);
        If curPos > 0 Then Begin
          curPos := PosFrom('>', ItemList, curPos) + 1;
          endPos := PosFrom('</span>', ItemList, curPos);
          Event := Copy(ItemList, curPos, endPos - curPos);
          Event := Trim(Event);

          // Remove the <span> tag
          Event := Copy(Event, Pos('>', Event) + 1, Length(Event));
          LogMessage('Parsed Event: ' + Event);
        End Else LogMessage('Error: Event title div not found.');

        // Parse each award item manually
        curPos := PosFrom('<li class="ipc-metadata-list-summary-item sc-15fc9ae6-1 gQbMPJ" data-testid="list-item"', ItemList, 1);
        FailSafe := 0;  // Initialize fail-safe counter

        While (curPos > 0) And (FailSafe < 10) Do Begin
          // Extract and log the award name
          curPos := PosFrom('<span class="ipc-metadata-list-summary-item__tst">', ItemList, curPos);
          If curPos > 0 Then Begin
            curPos := PosFrom('>', ItemList, curPos) + 1;
            endPos := PosFrom('</span>', ItemList, curPos);
            Award := Copy(ItemList, curPos, endPos - curPos);
            LogMessage('Parsed Award: ' + Award);

            // Extract and log the category name
            curPos := PosFrom('<span class="ipc-metadata-list-summary-item__li awardCategoryName"', ItemList, curPos);
            If curPos > 0 Then Begin
              curPos := PosFrom('>', ItemList, curPos) + 1;
              endPos := PosFrom('</span>', ItemList, curPos);
              Category := Copy(ItemList, curPos, endPos - curPos);
              LogMessage('Parsed Category: ' + Category);

              // Extract and log the recipient name
              curPos := PosFrom('<a class="ipc-metadata-list-summary-item__li ipc-metadata-list-summary-item__li--link"', ItemList, curPos);
              If curPos > 0 Then Begin
                curPos := PosFrom('>', ItemList, curPos) + 1;
                endPos := PosFrom('</a>', ItemList, curPos);
                Recipient := Copy(ItemList, curPos, endPos - curPos);
                LogMessage('Parsed Recipient: ' + Recipient);

                // Extract and log the year
                curPos := PosFrom('<a class="ipc-metadata-list-summary-item__t"', ItemList, curPos);
                If curPos > 0 Then Begin
                  curPos := PosFrom('>', ItemList, curPos) + 1;
                  endPos := PosFrom(' ', ItemList, curPos);  // Find the space after the year
                  Year := Copy(ItemList, curPos, endPos - curPos);
                  Year := Trim(Year);
                  LogMessage('Parsed Year: ' + Year);
                End Else LogMessage('Error: Year not found.');

                // Determine if the award was won
                Won := Pos('Winner', ItemList) > 0;
                If Won Then
                  LogMessage('Parsed Won: True')
                  LogMessage('Parsed Won: False');

                // Construct the AValue string
                AValue := 'Event=' + Event + ', Award=' + Award + ', Category=' + Category + ', Recipient=' + Recipient + ', Year=' + Year + ', Won=' + CustomBoolToStr(Won);

                // Log the parameters before calling AddAward
                LogMessage('Before calling AddAward with parameters:');
                LogMessage('Event: ' + Event);
                LogMessage('Award: ' + Award);
                LogMessage('Category: ' + Category);
                LogMessage('Recipient: ' + Recipient);
                LogMessage('Year: ' + Year);
                LogMessage('Won: ' + CustomBoolToStr(Won));

                // Add the award to the database with error handling
                  AddAward(Event, Award, Category, Recipient, Year, Won);
                  LogMessage('AddAward executed successfully.');
                    LogMessage('Exception encountered in AddAward');
                    Result := prError;

                // Populate the custom field with AValue
                AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDb People Awards', AValue);
                    LogMessage('IMDb People Awards added ' + AValue)

                // Log the action of adding the award
                If Won Then
                  LogMessage('Added Award to Database: Event=' + Event + ', Award=' + Award + ', Category=' + Category + ', Recipient=' + Recipient + ', Year=' + Year + ', Won: True')
                  LogMessage('Added Award to Database: Event=' + Event + ', Award=' + Award + ', Category=' + Category + ', Recipient=' + Recipient + ', Year=' + Year + ', Won: False');
              End Else LogMessage('Error: Recipient not found.');
            End Else LogMessage('Error: Category not found.');
          End Else LogMessage('Error: Award not found.');

          // Move to the next item
          curPos := PosFrom('<li class="ipc-metadata-list-summary-item sc-15fc9ae6-1 gQbMPJ" data-testid="list-item"', ItemList, curPos + 1);
      End Else LogMessage('Error: Invalid endPos or curPos for Awards section');
    End Else LogMessage('Error: Awards section not found');

      LogMessage('Exception encountered');
      Result := prError;

  LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBPeopleAWARDS END=====================||');
  Result := prFinished;

« Last Edit: December 21, 2024, 11:01:40 pm by afrocuban »

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Imdb People script issues
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2024, 10:05:26 am »
But for some reason the value is not populated/displayed in PVD. So I thought I'll create custom memo field "IMDb People Awards" to populate there the value to check what it looks like, only to realize no custom field is visible in PVD's People section???
Is it possible at all to add custom fields in People section?
I manually put the value in the field (added to my dark people skin), but when I exit edit mode, it's not displayed. When I enter edit mode, it's there. If I restart PVD value dissappears from the custom field.

You can only see this in the comment box for people to see what is happening.

The code you have now does not complete the process, so this is the code

AddAward(EventName, AwardName, AwardCategory, AwardRecipient, EventYear, AwardWon);

therefore, it cannot write the award data so that the awards will then be visible in the awards field in the database.

Here is the awards code to help you.

Function ParsePage_IMDBPeopleAWARDS(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
    //     Result:=prFinished; Script has finished gathering data
    //     Result:=prError; If żany big problem? with exit
    //Retrieve: AddAward(Event, Award, Category, Recipient, Year, Won)
    ItemArray: TWideArray;
    AwardWon: Boolean;
    LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBPeopleAWARDS BEGIN=====================||');
    Result:=prFinished;  //It will change to prError if any big problem with exit   
//Get award (several values save in PVD with AddAward(Event, Award, Category, Recipient, Year, Won)
        // Parameters: Example Al Pacino
        //Event (Academy Awards, USA): Name of the event 
        //Year (1993) = EventYear
        //Won (True,Winner/Nominee) set to true if the recipient won the award and to false otherwise       
        //Award (Oscar): Best award name
        //Category (Best Actor in a Leading Role): award category
        //Recipient (Scent of a Woman): for people records the variable should contain the title of a movie for which the person won the award
        //          for movie records this variable should contain the name of a specific person who won the award
        //Year (1973): release year of a movie (only applicable when adding award to a person record) -> NO: Use EventYear allways, in movie and in people
        //Won (True,Winner/Nominee) set to true if the recipient won the award and to false otherwise
//Go to "Awards" There is 4 levels: 1) Event (name) 2) Year (not saved) 3) Award (with outcome-Winner and name) 4) Recipient (award_description and Movie(name and year)) 
    curPos:=Pos('<h1 class="header">Awards',HTML);                                     //Strings start which opens the block content data. WEB_SPECIFIC
    curPos:=PosFrom('</h1>',HTML,curPos);                                              //Strings end which opens the block content data.  WEB_SPECIFIC
    curPos:=curPos+Length('</h1>');                                                    //Strings end which opens the block content data.  WEB_SPECIFIC
    //Event Level
    curPos:=PosFrom('<table class="awards"',HTML,curPos);                              //String which opens/closes the Event close but not the name. Search directly '<h3>' is very inconsistent. WEB_SPECIFIC
    While curPos>0 Do Begin
        If (index>EVENTS_LIMIT) Then break;     //Limited depassed (Remember index begin in 0).
        //Go back for get the EventName and EventYear (Get all "raw" list data for create good values separators)
        curPos:=PrevPos('<h3>',HTML,curPos);                                             //String which opens the EventName and EventYear list data. WEB_SPECIFIC
        endPos:=PosFrom('</h3>',HTML,curPos)+Length('</h3>');                            //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
        EventName:=RemoveTags(ItemList, False);
        //LogMessage('           Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos)+','+IntToStr(endPos)+') complex ItemList:'+ItemList+'||');         
        //Get all "raw" Event data for create good values separators
        curPos:=PosFrom('<table class="awards"',HTML,endPos);                               //String which opens/closes the Event table data but not the name. WEB_SPECIFIC
        //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
        //LogMessage('           Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos)+','+IntToStr(endPos)+') complex EventBlock:'+EventBlock+'||');
        //Year Level
        curPos0:=Pos('<td class="award_year"',EventBlock);                                  //String which opens the AwardYear list data. WEB_SPECIFIC
        While curPos0>0 Do Begin
            //Get EventYear
            endPos0:=PosFrom('</td>',EventBlock,curPos0)+Length('</td>');                   //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
            EventYear:=Trim(RemoveTags(ItemList, False));
            //Get all "raw" Year data for create good values separators
            endPosAux:=PosFrom('<td class="award_year"',EventBlock,endPos0);                 //Strings which opens/closes the next block data. WEB_SPECIFIC
            If (endPosAux=0) Then endPosAux:=Length(EventBlock);                           //If no more blocks, set endPosAux at the last character.
            //LogMessage('           Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos0)+','+IntToStr(endPosAux)+') complex YearBlock:'+YearBlock+'||');
            //Award Level     
            curPos1:=Pos('<td class="award_outcome"',YearBlock);                         //String which opens the AwardName and Won list data. WEB_SPECIFIC
            While curPos1>0 Do Begin
                //Get AwardWon and AwardName
                endPos1:=PosFrom('</td>',YearBlock,curPos1)+Length('</td>');                   //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
                ItemList:=StringReplace(ItemList,'category','>;<',True,True,False);              //WEB_SPECIFIC
                ItemList:=RemoveTags(ItemList, False);
                //LogMessage('           Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos1)+','+IntToStr(endPos1)+') complex ItemList:'+ItemList+'||');
                AwardWon:= False;                                                           //Normaly in 'Nominee' case. WEB_SPECIFIC
                If Pos('Winner',ItemArray[0])>0 Then AwardWon:= True;                          //WEB_SPECIFIC
                //Get all "raw" Award data for create good values separators
                endPosAux:=PosFrom('<td class="award_outcome"',YearBlock,endPos1);         //Strings which opens/closes the next block data. WEB_SPECIFIC
                If (endPosAux=0) Then endPosAux:=Length(YearBlock);                           //If no more blocks, set endPosAux at the last character.
                //LogMessage('           Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos1)+','+IntToStr(endPosAux)+') complex AwardBlock:'+AwardBlock+'||');
                //Recipient Level     
                curPos2:=Pos('<td class="award_description">',AwardBlock);                       //String which opens the AwardCategory and AwardRecipient list data. WEB_SPECIFIC
                While curPos2>0 Do Begin
                    //Get all "raw" list data for create good values separators (not use TextBetWeen)
                    endPos2:=PosFrom('</td>',AwardBlock,curPos2)+Length('</td>');                 //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
                    //LogMessage('           Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos2)+','+IntToStr(curPos2)+') complex ItemList:'+ItemList+'||');
                    //The Receipt awards ItemList may have:  1) empty description or not have name (not interesting) and break ItemArray[]. 2) Several titles with year 3) Detail o full Notes
                    //So is better search sequentily by token in a block than with ItemArray
                    endPosAux:=PosFrom(#13,ItemList,2);                                        //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
                    curPos3:=PosFrom('title',ItemList,2);                                       //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
                    If (endPosAux<curPos3) Or (curPos3=0) Then Begin                            //There is Awardcategory because #13 is befor name or there isn't name. WEB_SPECIFIC
                        AwardCategory:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<td class="award_description">',#13,false,curPos4);   //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
                        LogMessage('     Parse Results in AwardCategory:'+AwardCategory+'||');
                        curPos4:=Pos('Shared with:',AwardCategory);                          //WEB_SPECIFIC.
                        If 0<curPos4 then AwardCategory:=Copy(AwardCategory,0,curPos4-1);
                        LogMessage('     Parse Results in AwardCategory0:'+AwardCategory+'||');
                    End Else Begin
                    If curPos3=0 Then Begin //Award without Recipient
                        AddAward(EventName, AwardName, AwardCategory, '', EventYear, AwardWon);
                        LogMessage('      Get results Awards:#'+IntToStr(index)+'|'+EventName+'|'+AwardName+'|'+AwardCategory+'|'+''+'|'+EventYear+'|'); //+BoolToStr(AwardWon)+'||');
                    While curPos3>0 Do Begin
                        MovieURL:=''+TextBetWeen(ItemList,'<a href="/title','?ref_=nmawd_awd_',true,curPos4)+'/';                                      //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
                        LogMessage('  **  Parse Results in MovieURL: '+MovieURL);
                        AwardRecipient:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'>','<',false,curPos3);              //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
                        LogMessage('      Parse Results in AwardRecipient:'+AwardRecipient+'||');
                        MovieYear:=TextBetWeen(ItemList,'(',')',false,curPos3);                  //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
                        LogMessage('  **  Parse Results in MovieYear:'+MovieYear);
                        AddAward(EventName, AwardName, AwardCategory, AwardRecipient, EventYear, AwardWon);
                        LogMessage('      Get results Awards:#'+IntToStr(index)+'|'+EventName+'|'+AwardName+'|'+AwardCategory+'|'+AwardRecipient+'|'+EventYear+'|'); //+BoolToStr(AwardWon)+'||');                   
                        endPosAux:=PosFrom('truncated-note',ItemList,curPos3);                   //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
                        curPos3:=PosFrom('title',ItemList,curPos3);                             //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
                        If curPos3>endPosAux Then curPos3:=0                                   //Avoid Names in notes. WEB_SPECIFIC                                                                                                                                     
                    curPos2:=PosFrom('<td class="award_description">',AwardBlock,endPos2);        //String which opens the AwardCategory and AwardRecipient list data. WEB_SPECIFIC
                curPos1:=PosFrom('<td class="award_outcome"',YearBlock,endPos1);               //String which opens the AwardName and Won list data. WEB_SPECIFIC
            curPos0:=PosFrom('<td class="award_year"',EventBlock,endPos0);                      //String which opens the AwardYearlist data. WEB_SPECIFIC
        curPos:=PosFrom('<table class="awards"',HTML,endPos);                               //String which detectecs the Event. Search directly '<h3>' is very inconsistent. WEB_SPECIFIC
    LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieAWARDS END=====================||');
  End; //BlockClose
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline afrocuban

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Re: Imdb People script issues
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2024, 06:26:56 pm »

Thanks Ivek!

I never knew about custom fields.

I also didn't know how would database know that there are more awards on the page so it will not populate what is already offered to it:

Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Golden Ariel, Category=Best Picture (Mejor Película), Recipient=Roma, Year=2019, Won: True
It clearly says that it is added to database and it contains all the parameters defined by the procedure.

But I'll try to parse all awards and events to check if it works then...

Regarding th function you sent, I started from it actually, but with no luck. I couldn't revise it in a meaningful way to get desired result (mainly due to TextBetWeen), so I had to start from scratch manually parsing html content.

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Imdb People script issues
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2024, 09:36:31 pm »
(22.12.2024 21:12:36) Compiling script: IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS].psf
(22.12.2024 21:12:36) Script compiled successfully: IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS].psf
[Hint] (492:7): Variable 'CURPOS' never used
[Hint] (493:7): Variable 'ITEMVALUE' never used
[Hint] (493:7): Variable 'IMAGEFILE' never used
[Hint] (494:7): Variable 'NAME' never used
[Hint] (494:7): Variable 'PREVIEWURL' never used
[Hint] (582:5): Variable 'CURPOS' never used
[Hint] (582:5): Variable 'ENDPOS' never used
[Hint] (582:5): Variable 'DEBUG_POS1' never used
[Hint] (582:5): Variable 'INDEX' never used
[Hint] (583:5): Variable 'PHOTOURL' never used
[Hint] (583:5): Variable 'ITEMVALUE' never used
[Hint] (583:5): Variable 'ITEMLIST' never used
[Hint] (583:5): Variable 'IMAGEFILE' never used
[Hint] (584:2): Variable 'PERSONID' never used
[Hint] (584:2): Variable 'ITEMVALUE0' never used
[Hint] (584:2): Variable 'ITEMVALUE1' never used
[Hint] (584:2): Variable 'ITEMVALUE2' never used
[Hint] (584:2): Variable 'ITEMVALUE3' never used
[Hint] (585:2): Variable 'JOBTITLE' never used
[Hint] (585:2): Variable 'ALTNAMES' never used
[Hint] (585:2): Variable 'ALTNAMES1' never used
[Hint] (585:2): Variable 'DEATHAGE' never used
[Hint] (586:2): Variable 'ITEMLIST0' never used
[Hint] (586:2): Variable 'ITEMLIST1' never used
[Hint] (586:2): Variable 'ITEMLIST2' never used
[Hint] (586:2): Variable 'ITEMLIST4' never used
[Hint] (587:2): Variable 'TITLE' never used
[Hint] (587:2): Variable 'ROLE' never used
[Hint] (587:2): Variable 'YEAR' never used
[Hint] (587:2): Variable 'MOVIEURL' never used
[Warning] (852:57): "True and" is not needed
[Warning] (852:29): "True and" is not needed
(22.12.2024 21:12:36) Executing script binary
(22.12.2024 21:12:36) Script loaded: IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS].psf
(22.12.2024 21:12:37) Loading database: D:\MyTest-PVD\Nova mapa (5)\PersonalVideoDBP11\MOVIES33B1B22.pvd
(22.12.2024 21:12:38) Person -> LoadStatic -> 0ms
(22.12.2024 21:12:38) Person -> LoadMultivalues -> 0ms
(22.12.2024 21:12:38) Person -> LoadFilms -> 0ms
(22.12.2024 21:12:38) Person -> LoadAwards -> 0ms
(22.12.2024 21:12:38) Person -> LoadImages -> 0ms
(22.12.2024 21:12:40) Compiling script: IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS].psf
(22.12.2024 21:12:40) Script compiled successfully: IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS].psf
[Hint] (492:7): Variable 'CURPOS' never used
[Hint] (493:7): Variable 'ITEMVALUE' never used
[Hint] (493:7): Variable 'IMAGEFILE' never used
[Hint] (494:7): Variable 'NAME' never used
[Hint] (494:7): Variable 'PREVIEWURL' never used
[Hint] (582:5): Variable 'CURPOS' never used
[Hint] (582:5): Variable 'ENDPOS' never used
[Hint] (582:5): Variable 'DEBUG_POS1' never used
[Hint] (582:5): Variable 'INDEX' never used
[Hint] (583:5): Variable 'PHOTOURL' never used
[Hint] (583:5): Variable 'ITEMVALUE' never used
[Hint] (583:5): Variable 'ITEMLIST' never used
[Hint] (583:5): Variable 'IMAGEFILE' never used
[Hint] (584:2): Variable 'PERSONID' never used
[Hint] (584:2): Variable 'ITEMVALUE0' never used
[Hint] (584:2): Variable 'ITEMVALUE1' never used
[Hint] (584:2): Variable 'ITEMVALUE2' never used
[Hint] (584:2): Variable 'ITEMVALUE3' never used
[Hint] (585:2): Variable 'JOBTITLE' never used
[Hint] (585:2): Variable 'ALTNAMES' never used
[Hint] (585:2): Variable 'ALTNAMES1' never used
[Hint] (585:2): Variable 'DEATHAGE' never used
[Hint] (586:2): Variable 'ITEMLIST0' never used
[Hint] (586:2): Variable 'ITEMLIST1' never used
[Hint] (586:2): Variable 'ITEMLIST2' never used
[Hint] (586:2): Variable 'ITEMLIST4' never used
[Hint] (587:2): Variable 'TITLE' never used
[Hint] (587:2): Variable 'ROLE' never used
[Hint] (587:2): Variable 'YEAR' never used
[Hint] (587:2): Variable 'MOVIEURL' never used
[Warning] (852:57): "True and" is not needed
[Warning] (852:29): "True and" is not needed
(22.12.2024 21:12:40) Executing script binary
(22.12.2024 21:12:40) Prijava v...
(22.12.2024 21:12:40) Person -> LoadStatic -> 0ms
(22.12.2024 21:12:40) Person -> LoadMultivalues -> 0ms
(22.12.2024 21:12:40) Person -> LoadFilms -> 0ms
(22.12.2024 21:12:40) Person -> LoadAwards -> 0ms
(22.12.2024 21:12:40) Person -> LoadImages -> 0ms
(22.12.2024 21:12:40) Function GetDownloadURL BEGIN======================|
(22.12.2024 21:12:40) Global Var-Mode|0|
(22.12.2024 21:12:40) Global Var-DownloadURL||
(22.12.2024 21:12:40) Person -> LoadStatic -> 0ms
(22.12.2024 21:12:40) Person -> LoadMultivalues -> 0ms
(22.12.2024 21:12:40) Person -> LoadFilms -> 0ms
(22.12.2024 21:12:40) Person -> LoadAwards -> 0ms
(22.12.2024 21:12:40) Person -> LoadImages -> 0ms
(22.12.2024 21:12:40) Stored URL is:||
(22.12.2024 21:12:40) * Stored URL is:||
(22.12.2024 21:12:40)       IMDB URL.
(22.12.2024 21:12:40)       Parse stored information DownloadURL:||
(22.12.2024 21:12:40) Function GetDownloadURL END====================== with Mode=1 Result=D:\MyTest-PVD\Nova mapa (5)\PersonalVideoDBP11\portable.bat|
(22.12.2024 21:12:40) Iskanje ljudi informacij za: Alfonso Cuarón
(22.12.2024 21:12:40) Function ParsePage BEGIN======================|
(22.12.2024 21:12:40) Global Var-Mode|1|
(22.12.2024 21:12:40) Global Var-DownloadURL||
(22.12.2024 21:12:40) Local Var-URL||
(22.12.2024 21:12:40)   ParsePage mode smNormal|1|. Getting provider data for PersonID|nm0190859|
(22.12.2024 21:12:40)       Function DownloadPage BEGIN======================|
(22.12.2024 21:12:40)       Global Var-DownloadURL||
(22.12.2024 21:12:40)             Local Var-URL||
(22.12.2024 21:12:40)             Waiting 1s for delete:D:\MyTest-PVD\Nova mapa (5)\PersonalVideoDBP11\Scripts\Tmp\downpage-UTF8_NO_BOM.htm
(22.12.2024 21:12:41)             Download with PVdBDownPage in file:|D:\MyTest-PVD\Nova mapa (5)\PersonalVideoDBP11\Scripts\Tmp\downpage-UTF8_NO_BOM.htm the information of:|||
(22.12.2024 21:12:41)             Waiting 2s for exists of:D:\MyTest-PVD\Nova mapa (5)\PersonalVideoDBP11\Scripts\Tmp\downpage-UTF8_NO_BOM.htm
(22.12.2024 21:12:43)             Waiting 2s for exists of:D:\MyTest-PVD\Nova mapa (5)\PersonalVideoDBP11\Scripts\Tmp\downpage-UTF8_NO_BOM.htm
(22.12.2024 21:12:45)             Now present complete page file: D:\MyTest-PVD\Nova mapa (5)\PersonalVideoDBP11\Scripts\Tmp\downpage-UTF8_NO_BOM.htm
(22.12.2024 21:12:45)       Function DownloadPage END======================|
(22.12.2024 21:12:45) Function ParsePage_IMDBPersonBASE BEGIN======================|
(22.12.2024 21:12:45) Function ParsePage_IMDBPersonBASE END=====================||
(22.12.2024 21:12:45)       Function DownloadPage BEGIN======================|
(22.12.2024 21:12:45)       Global Var-DownloadURL||
(22.12.2024 21:12:45)             Local Var-URL||
(22.12.2024 21:12:46)             Waiting 1s for delete:D:\MyTest-PVD\Nova mapa (5)\PersonalVideoDBP11\Scripts\Tmp\downpage-UTF8_NO_BOM.htm
(22.12.2024 21:12:47)             Download with PVdBDownPage in file:|D:\MyTest-PVD\Nova mapa (5)\PersonalVideoDBP11\Scripts\Tmp\downpage-UTF8_NO_BOM.htm the information of:|||
(22.12.2024 21:12:47)             Waiting 2s for exists of:D:\MyTest-PVD\Nova mapa (5)\PersonalVideoDBP11\Scripts\Tmp\downpage-UTF8_NO_BOM.htm
(22.12.2024 21:12:49)             Waiting 2s for exists of:D:\MyTest-PVD\Nova mapa (5)\PersonalVideoDBP11\Scripts\Tmp\downpage-UTF8_NO_BOM.htm
(22.12.2024 21:12:51)             Waiting 2s for exists of:D:\MyTest-PVD\Nova mapa (5)\PersonalVideoDBP11\Scripts\Tmp\downpage-UTF8_NO_BOM.htm
(22.12.2024 21:12:53)             Now present complete page file: D:\MyTest-PVD\Nova mapa (5)\PersonalVideoDBP11\Scripts\Tmp\downpage-UTF8_NO_BOM.htm
(22.12.2024 21:12:53)       Function DownloadPage END======================|
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Function ParsePage_IMDBPeopleAWARDS BEGIN=====================||
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Initial HTML snippet: <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en-US" xmlns:og="" xmlns:fb=""><head><meta charSet="utf-8"/><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"/><script>if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'LoadTitle', {wb: 1}); }</script><script>window.addEventListener('load', (event) => {
        if (typeof window.csa !== 'undefined' && typeof window.csa === 'function') {
            var csaLatencyPlugin = window.csa('Content', {
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Event: Ariel Awards, Mexico
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Award:  Golden Ariel
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Category: Best Picture (Mejor Película)
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Recipient: Roma
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Year: 2019
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Before calling AddAward with parameters:
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Event: Ariel Awards, Mexico
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Award:  Golden Ariel
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Category: Best Picture (Mejor Película)
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Recipient: Roma
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Year: 2019
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) AddAward executed successfully.
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) IMDb People Awards added Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Golden Ariel, Category=Best Picture (Mejor Película), Recipient=Roma, Year=2019, Won=True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Golden Ariel, Category=Best Picture (Mejor Película), Recipient=Roma, Year=2019, Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Award:  Silver Ariel
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Category: Best Editing (Mejor Edición)
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Recipient: Roma
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Year: 2019
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Before calling AddAward with parameters:
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Event: Ariel Awards, Mexico
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Award:  Silver Ariel
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Category: Best Editing (Mejor Edición)
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Recipient: Roma
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Year: 2019
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) AddAward executed successfully.
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) IMDb People Awards added Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Silver Ariel, Category=Best Editing (Mejor Edición), Recipient=Roma, Year=2019, Won=True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Silver Ariel, Category=Best Editing (Mejor Edición), Recipient=Roma, Year=2019, Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Award:  Silver Ariel
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Category: Best Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen (Mejor Guión Cinematográfico Original)
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Recipient: Roma
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Error: Year not found.
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Before calling AddAward with parameters:
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Event: Ariel Awards, Mexico
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Award:  Silver Ariel
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Category: Best Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen (Mejor Guión Cinematográfico Original)
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Recipient: Roma
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Year: 2019
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) AddAward executed successfully.
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) IMDb People Awards added Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Silver Ariel, Category=Best Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen (Mejor Guión Cinematográfico Original), Recipient=Roma, Year=2019, Won=True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Silver Ariel, Category=Best Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen (Mejor Guión Cinematográfico Original), Recipient=Roma, Year=2019, Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Award:  Golden Ariel
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Category: Best Picture (Mejor Película)
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Recipient: Roma
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Year: 2019
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Before calling AddAward with parameters:
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Event: Ariel Awards, Mexico
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Award:  Golden Ariel
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Category: Best Picture (Mejor Película)
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Recipient: Roma
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Year: 2019
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) AddAward executed successfully.
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) IMDb People Awards added Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Golden Ariel, Category=Best Picture (Mejor Película), Recipient=Roma, Year=2019, Won=True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Golden Ariel, Category=Best Picture (Mejor Película), Recipient=Roma, Year=2019, Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Award:  Silver Ariel
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Category: Best Editing (Mejor Edición)
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Recipient: Roma
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Year: 2019
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Before calling AddAward with parameters:
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Event: Ariel Awards, Mexico
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Award:  Silver Ariel
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Category: Best Editing (Mejor Edición)
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Recipient: Roma
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Year: 2019
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) AddAward executed successfully.
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) IMDb People Awards added Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Silver Ariel, Category=Best Editing (Mejor Edición), Recipient=Roma, Year=2019, Won=True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Silver Ariel, Category=Best Editing (Mejor Edición), Recipient=Roma, Year=2019, Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Award:  Silver Ariel
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Category: Best Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen (Mejor Guión Cinematográfico Original)
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Recipient: Roma
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Error: Year not found.
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Before calling AddAward with parameters:
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Event: Ariel Awards, Mexico
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Award:  Silver Ariel
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Category: Best Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen (Mejor Guión Cinematográfico Original)
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Recipient: Roma
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Year: 2019
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) AddAward executed successfully.
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) IMDb People Awards added Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Silver Ariel, Category=Best Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen (Mejor Guión Cinematográfico Original), Recipient=Roma, Year=2019, Won=True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Silver Ariel, Category=Best Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen (Mejor Guión Cinematográfico Original), Recipient=Roma, Year=2019, Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Award:  Golden Ariel
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Category: Best Picture (Mejor Película)
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Recipient: Roma
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Year: 2019
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Before calling AddAward with parameters:
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Event: Ariel Awards, Mexico
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Award:  Golden Ariel
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Category: Best Picture (Mejor Película)
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Recipient: Roma
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Year: 2019
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) AddAward executed successfully.
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) IMDb People Awards added Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Golden Ariel, Category=Best Picture (Mejor Película), Recipient=Roma, Year=2019, Won=True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Golden Ariel, Category=Best Picture (Mejor Película), Recipient=Roma, Year=2019, Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Award:  Silver Ariel
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Category: Best Editing (Mejor Edición)
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Recipient: Roma
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Year: 2019
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Before calling AddAward with parameters:
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Event: Ariel Awards, Mexico
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Award:  Silver Ariel
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Category: Best Editing (Mejor Edición)
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Recipient: Roma
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Year: 2019
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) AddAward executed successfully.
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) IMDb People Awards added Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Silver Ariel, Category=Best Editing (Mejor Edición), Recipient=Roma, Year=2019, Won=True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Silver Ariel, Category=Best Editing (Mejor Edición), Recipient=Roma, Year=2019, Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Award:  Silver Ariel
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Category: Best Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen (Mejor Guión Cinematográfico Original)
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Recipient: Roma
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Error: Year not found.
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Before calling AddAward with parameters:
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Event: Ariel Awards, Mexico
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Award:  Silver Ariel
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Category: Best Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen (Mejor Guión Cinematográfico Original)
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Recipient: Roma
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Year: 2019
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) AddAward executed successfully.
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) IMDb People Awards added Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Silver Ariel, Category=Best Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen (Mejor Guión Cinematográfico Original), Recipient=Roma, Year=2019, Won=True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Silver Ariel, Category=Best Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen (Mejor Guión Cinematográfico Original), Recipient=Roma, Year=2019, Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Award:  Golden Ariel
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Category: Best Picture (Mejor Película)
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Recipient: Roma
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Year: 2019
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Parsed Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Before calling AddAward with parameters:
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Event: Ariel Awards, Mexico
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Award:  Golden Ariel
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Category: Best Picture (Mejor Película)
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Recipient: Roma
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Year: 2019
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Won: True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) AddAward executed successfully.
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) IMDb People Awards added Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Golden Ariel, Category=Best Picture (Mejor Película), Recipient=Roma, Year=2019, Won=True
(22.12.2024 21:12:53) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Golden Ariel, Category=Best Picture (Mejor Película), Recipient=Roma, Year=2019, Won: True

Above is a part of the log output where it is visible that the Function ParsePage_IMDBPeopleAWARDS does not close. I had this in mind before, that the part of the code that would end the Function ParsePage_IMDBPeopleAWARDS is missing.
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Imdb People script issues
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2024, 01:29:13 pm »
Here is the IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS]_Awards script, which now correctly transfers Awards data to the awards field for the 'Chico' Hernandez person from the url added below using a Python Selenium script

I have corrected or added some parts of the code to your code and it works.

Python Selenium script instructions and code will be published probably by the new year in the Integrating Selenium to PVD topic.,4357.0.html
« Last Edit: December 23, 2024, 01:53:28 pm by Ivek23 »
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline afrocuban

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Re: Imdb People script issues
« Reply #13 on: December 23, 2024, 09:05:40 pm »

Above is a part of the log output where it is visible that the Function ParsePage_IMDBPeopleAWARDS does not close. I had this in mind before, that the part of the code that would end the Function ParsePage_IMDBPeopleAWARDS is missing.

Wow! Strange things happen! Now I realize what you meant, but it never occur to me since it didn't loop in my case, that's why I didn't understand!

Here is the IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS]_Awards script, which now correctly transfers Awards data to the awards field for the 'Chico' Hernandez person from the url added below using a Python Selenium script

I have corrected or added some parts of the code to your code and it works.

Python Selenium script instructions and code will be published probably by the new year in the Integrating Selenium to PVD topic.,4357.0.html

Thanks! It's so great that you are willing to look in the code I provide AND HELP! I'm still testing it, and it looks that it properly parses awards inside events, but it always takes the name of the first event (In your case, person had only one award, but in my case there are multiple, and the first is "Ariel Awards, Mexico" and we can see in the log that there are also Oscars, ALMA Awards, and others after that I didn't post, but all added to event "Ariel Awards, Mexico" event):

12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Event: Ariel Awards, Mexico
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Award:  Golden Ariel
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Category: Best Picture (Mejor Película)
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Recipient: Roma
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Year: 2019
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Won: True
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Before calling AddAward with parameters:
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Event: Ariel Awards, Mexico
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Award:  Golden Ariel
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Category: Best Picture (Mejor Película)
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Recipient: Roma
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Year: 2019
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Won: True
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) AddAward executed successfully.
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Golden Ariel, Category=Best Picture (Mejor Película), Recipient=Roma, Year=2019, Won: True
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Award:  Silver Ariel
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Category: Best Original Story (Mejor Argumento Original)
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Recipient: Love in the Time of Hysteria
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Year: 1992
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Won: True
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Before calling AddAward with parameters:
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Event: Ariel Awards, Mexico
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Award:  Silver Ariel
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Category: Best Original Story (Mejor Argumento Original)
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Recipient: Love in the Time of Hysteria
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Year: 1992
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Won: True
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) AddAward executed successfully.
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Silver Ariel, Category=Best Original Story (Mejor Argumento Original), Recipient=Love in the Time of Hysteria, Year=1992, Won: True
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Award:  Oscar
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Category: Best Achievement in Cinematography
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Recipient: Roma
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Year: 2019
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Won: True
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Before calling AddAward with parameters:
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Event: Ariel Awards, Mexico
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Award:  Oscar
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Category: Best Achievement in Cinematography
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Recipient: Roma
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Year: 2019
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Won: True
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) AddAward executed successfully.
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Oscar, Category=Best Achievement in Cinematography, Recipient=Roma, Year=2019, Won: True
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Award:  Oscar
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Category: Best Achievement in Film Editing
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Recipient: Gravity
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Year: 2007
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Won: True
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Before calling AddAward with parameters:
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Event: Ariel Awards, Mexico
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Award:  Oscar
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Category: Best Achievement in Film Editing
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Recipient: Gravity
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Year: 2007
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Won: True
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) AddAward executed successfully.
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Oscar, Category=Best Achievement in Film Editing, Recipient=Gravity, Year=2007, Won: True
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Award:  Saturn Award
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Category: Best Writing
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Recipient: Gravity
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Year: 2014
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Won: True
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Before calling AddAward with parameters:
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Event: Ariel Awards, Mexico
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Award:  Saturn Award
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Category: Best Writing
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Recipient: Gravity
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Year: 2014
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Won: True
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) AddAward executed successfully.
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Saturn Award, Category=Best Writing, Recipient=Gravity, Year=2014, Won: True
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Award:  ALMA Award
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Category: Outstanding Screenplay - Motion Picture
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Recipient: Children of Men
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Year: 1999
(12/23/2024 8:34:38 PM) Parsed Won: True

Fortunately, or unfortunately, I'm testing with Alfonso Cuaron, who has 152 events and several hundred awards, so it should vocer all the cases to be tested.

For some reason, PVD and script won't work (at least for me) if I manually set the page to be parsed by Function ParsePage_IMDBPeopleAWARDS, like this for example:

// Parse Awards provider page = BASE_URL_AWARD_PERSON
  LogMessage('Starting to parse awards page.');
  HTML := ('Tmp\UTF8_NO_BOM-Awards.mhtml');
  LogMessage('Read awards page from file: ' + Copy(HTML, 1, 500)); // Log the file content
Code: [Select]
(I can't remember if this is proper syntax, but I set it properly at the time of the testing, whatever it was)

it wouldn't work without downloading so I had to fake downloading with completely new function:

Function DownloadPage1(URL:AnsiString; FileName:AnsiString):String;
  ScriptPath, WebText: String;
  LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+'Function DownloadPage1 BEGIN======================|');
  LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+'Global Var-DownloadURL|'+URL+'|');
  LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+'      Local Var-URL|'+URL+'|');
  ScriptPath := GetAppPath + 'Scripts\';

  // Directly read the existing file instead of downloading
  If FileExists(ScriptPath + FileName) Then Begin
    LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+'      File already exists: '+ScriptPath + FileName);
    WebText := FileToString(ScriptPath + FileName);
    WebText := ConvertEncoding(WebText, 65001);  // Convert to UTF-8
    Result := WebText;
    LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+'      Read file content successfully.');
  End Else Begin
    LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+'      File does not exist: '+ScriptPath + FileName);
    Result := '';

  LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+'Function DownloadPage1 END======================|');

and then to "call downloading"


// Parse Awards provider page = BASE_URL_AWARD_PERSON
  LogMessage('Starting to parse awards page.');
  HTML := DownloadPage1(DownloadURL, 'Tmp\UTF8_NO_BOM-Awards.mhtml');
  LogMessage('Read awards page from file: ' + Copy(HTML, 1, 500)); // Log the file content

When I reach the phase of passing URL TO SELENIUM TO DOWNLOAD THE PAGE, I'm still not sure how it will work in .psf: will I have to fake download after Selenium passes back the page, or whatever. For someone not knowing how to code, this is too much to comprehend without actual trials.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2024, 09:09:17 pm by afrocuban »

Offline afrocuban

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Re: Imdb People script issues
« Reply #14 on: December 23, 2024, 10:01:42 pm »
Your code also loops:

1372: (12/23/2024 9:53:57 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   1379: (12/23/2024 9:53:57 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   1385: (12/23/2024 9:53:57 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line   2646: (12/23/2024 9:53:59 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   2653: (12/23/2024 9:53:59 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   2659: (12/23/2024 9:53:59 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line   3920: (12/23/2024 9:54:01 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   3927: (12/23/2024 9:54:01 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   3933: (12/23/2024 9:54:01 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line   5194: (12/23/2024 9:54:02 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   5201: (12/23/2024 9:54:02 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   5207: (12/23/2024 9:54:02 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line   6468: (12/23/2024 9:54:04 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   6475: (12/23/2024 9:54:04 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   6481: (12/23/2024 9:54:04 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line   7742: (12/23/2024 9:54:06 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   7749: (12/23/2024 9:54:06 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   7755: (12/23/2024 9:54:06 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line   9016: (12/23/2024 9:54:08 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   9023: (12/23/2024 9:54:08 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   9029: (12/23/2024 9:54:08 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  10290: (12/23/2024 9:54:09 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  10297: (12/23/2024 9:54:09 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  10303: (12/23/2024 9:54:09 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  11564: (12/23/2024 9:54:11 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  11571: (12/23/2024 9:54:11 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  11577: (12/23/2024 9:54:11 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  12838: (12/23/2024 9:54:13 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  12845: (12/23/2024 9:54:13 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  12851: (12/23/2024 9:54:13 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  14112: (12/23/2024 9:54:15 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  14119: (12/23/2024 9:54:15 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  14125: (12/23/2024 9:54:15 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  15386: (12/23/2024 9:54:17 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  15393: (12/23/2024 9:54:17 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  15399: (12/23/2024 9:54:17 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  16660: (12/23/2024 9:54:18 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  16667: (12/23/2024 9:54:18 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  16673: (12/23/2024 9:54:18 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  17934: (12/23/2024 9:54:20 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  17941: (12/23/2024 9:54:20 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  17947: (12/23/2024 9:54:20 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  19208: (12/23/2024 9:54:21 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  19215: (12/23/2024 9:54:21 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  19221: (12/23/2024 9:54:21 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  20482: (12/23/2024 9:54:23 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  20489: (12/23/2024 9:54:23 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  20495: (12/23/2024 9:54:23 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  21756: (12/23/2024 9:54:25 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  21763: (12/23/2024 9:54:25 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  21769: (12/23/2024 9:54:25 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  23030: (12/23/2024 9:54:26 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  23037: (12/23/2024 9:54:27 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  23043: (12/23/2024 9:54:27 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  24304: (12/23/2024 9:54:28 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  24311: (12/23/2024 9:54:28 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  24317: (12/23/2024 9:54:28 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  25578: (12/23/2024 9:54:30 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  25585: (12/23/2024 9:54:30 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  25591: (12/23/2024 9:54:30 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  26852: (12/23/2024 9:54:32 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  26859: (12/23/2024 9:54:32 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  26865: (12/23/2024 9:54:32 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  28126: (12/23/2024 9:54:33 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  28133: (12/23/2024 9:54:33 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  28139: (12/23/2024 9:54:33 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  29400: (12/23/2024 9:54:35 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  29407: (12/23/2024 9:54:35 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  29413: (12/23/2024 9:54:35 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  30674: (12/23/2024 9:54:37 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  30681: (12/23/2024 9:54:37 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  30687: (12/23/2024 9:54:37 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  31948: (12/23/2024 9:54:39 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  31955: (12/23/2024 9:54:39 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  31961: (12/23/2024 9:54:39 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  33222: (12/23/2024 9:54:41 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  33229: (12/23/2024 9:54:41 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  33235: (12/23/2024 9:54:41 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  34496: (12/23/2024 9:54:43 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  34503: (12/23/2024 9:54:43 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  34509: (12/23/2024 9:54:43 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  35770: (12/23/2024 9:54:44 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  35777: (12/23/2024 9:54:44 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  35783: (12/23/2024 9:54:44 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  37044: (12/23/2024 9:54:46 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  37051: (12/23/2024 9:54:46 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  37057: (12/23/2024 9:54:46 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  38318: (12/23/2024 9:54:48 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  38325: (12/23/2024 9:54:48 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  38331: (12/23/2024 9:54:48 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  39592: (12/23/2024 9:54:50 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  39599: (12/23/2024 9:54:50 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  39605: (12/23/2024 9:54:50 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  40866: (12/23/2024 9:54:52 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  40873: (12/23/2024 9:54:52 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  40879: (12/23/2024 9:54:52 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  42140: (12/23/2024 9:54:54 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  42147: (12/23/2024 9:54:54 PM) Award:  Dorian Award

so that's one more thing to resolve

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Imdb People script issues
« Reply #15 on: December 24, 2024, 02:34:14 pm »
Your code also loops:

1372: (12/23/2024 9:53:57 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   1379: (12/23/2024 9:53:57 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   1385: (12/23/2024 9:53:57 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line   2646: (12/23/2024 9:53:59 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   2653: (12/23/2024 9:53:59 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   2659: (12/23/2024 9:53:59 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line   3920: (12/23/2024 9:54:01 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   3927: (12/23/2024 9:54:01 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   3933: (12/23/2024 9:54:01 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line   5194: (12/23/2024 9:54:02 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   5201: (12/23/2024 9:54:02 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   5207: (12/23/2024 9:54:02 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line   6468: (12/23/2024 9:54:04 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   6475: (12/23/2024 9:54:04 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   6481: (12/23/2024 9:54:04 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line   7742: (12/23/2024 9:54:06 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   7749: (12/23/2024 9:54:06 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   7755: (12/23/2024 9:54:06 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line   9016: (12/23/2024 9:54:08 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   9023: (12/23/2024 9:54:08 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line   9029: (12/23/2024 9:54:08 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  10290: (12/23/2024 9:54:09 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  10297: (12/23/2024 9:54:09 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  10303: (12/23/2024 9:54:09 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  11564: (12/23/2024 9:54:11 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  11571: (12/23/2024 9:54:11 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  11577: (12/23/2024 9:54:11 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  12838: (12/23/2024 9:54:13 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  12845: (12/23/2024 9:54:13 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  12851: (12/23/2024 9:54:13 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  14112: (12/23/2024 9:54:15 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  14119: (12/23/2024 9:54:15 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  14125: (12/23/2024 9:54:15 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  15386: (12/23/2024 9:54:17 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  15393: (12/23/2024 9:54:17 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  15399: (12/23/2024 9:54:17 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  16660: (12/23/2024 9:54:18 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  16667: (12/23/2024 9:54:18 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  16673: (12/23/2024 9:54:18 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  17934: (12/23/2024 9:54:20 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  17941: (12/23/2024 9:54:20 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  17947: (12/23/2024 9:54:20 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  19208: (12/23/2024 9:54:21 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  19215: (12/23/2024 9:54:21 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  19221: (12/23/2024 9:54:21 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  20482: (12/23/2024 9:54:23 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  20489: (12/23/2024 9:54:23 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  20495: (12/23/2024 9:54:23 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  21756: (12/23/2024 9:54:25 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  21763: (12/23/2024 9:54:25 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  21769: (12/23/2024 9:54:25 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  23030: (12/23/2024 9:54:26 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  23037: (12/23/2024 9:54:27 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  23043: (12/23/2024 9:54:27 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  24304: (12/23/2024 9:54:28 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  24311: (12/23/2024 9:54:28 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  24317: (12/23/2024 9:54:28 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  25578: (12/23/2024 9:54:30 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  25585: (12/23/2024 9:54:30 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  25591: (12/23/2024 9:54:30 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  26852: (12/23/2024 9:54:32 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  26859: (12/23/2024 9:54:32 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  26865: (12/23/2024 9:54:32 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  28126: (12/23/2024 9:54:33 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  28133: (12/23/2024 9:54:33 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  28139: (12/23/2024 9:54:33 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  29400: (12/23/2024 9:54:35 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  29407: (12/23/2024 9:54:35 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  29413: (12/23/2024 9:54:35 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  30674: (12/23/2024 9:54:37 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  30681: (12/23/2024 9:54:37 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  30687: (12/23/2024 9:54:37 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  31948: (12/23/2024 9:54:39 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  31955: (12/23/2024 9:54:39 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  31961: (12/23/2024 9:54:39 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  33222: (12/23/2024 9:54:41 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  33229: (12/23/2024 9:54:41 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  33235: (12/23/2024 9:54:41 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  34496: (12/23/2024 9:54:43 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  34503: (12/23/2024 9:54:43 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  34509: (12/23/2024 9:54:43 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  35770: (12/23/2024 9:54:44 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  35777: (12/23/2024 9:54:44 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  35783: (12/23/2024 9:54:44 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  37044: (12/23/2024 9:54:46 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  37051: (12/23/2024 9:54:46 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  37057: (12/23/2024 9:54:46 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  38318: (12/23/2024 9:54:48 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  38325: (12/23/2024 9:54:48 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  38331: (12/23/2024 9:54:48 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  39592: (12/23/2024 9:54:50 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  39599: (12/23/2024 9:54:50 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  39605: (12/23/2024 9:54:50 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  40866: (12/23/2024 9:54:52 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  40873: (12/23/2024 9:54:52 PM) Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  40879: (12/23/2024 9:54:52 PM) Added Award to Database: Event=Ariel Awards, Mexico, Award= Dorian Award, Category=Screenplay of the Year, Recipient=Roma, Year=2014, Won: True
   Line  42140: (12/23/2024 9:54:54 PM) Parsed Award:  Dorian Award
   Line  42147: (12/23/2024 9:54:54 PM) Award:  Dorian Award

so that's one more thing to resolve

Yes, I know about this issue in the log file.

Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Imdb People script issues
« Reply #16 on: December 24, 2024, 02:42:40 pm »
Yes, I know about this problem, I have looked into the log files and found a partial solution, which will help.

Code that is not complete::
Function ParsePage_IMDBPeopleAWARDS(HTML: String): Cardinal;
  curPos, endPos: Integer;
  ItemList, Event, Award, Category, Recipient, Year: String;
  AValue: String; // Declaring AValue as a String
  Won: Boolean;
  FailSafe: Integer;  // To prevent infinite loops

  LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBPeopleAWARDS BEGIN=====================||');

    Result := prFinished;

    // Log the initial HTML snippet being parsed
    LogMessage('Initial HTML snippet: ' + Copy(HTML, 1, 500));

    // Find the position of the Awards title
    curPos := Pos('<h1 class="ipc-title__text">Awards</h1>', HTML);
    If curPos > 0 Then Begin
      // Find the position of the Awards section
      curPos := PosFrom('<section class="ipc-page-section ipc-page-section--base">', HTML, curPos);

    If curPos > 0 Then Begin
      // Find the end position of the Awards section
      endPos := PosFrom('<h3 class="ipc-title__text"><span id="contribute">Contribute to this page</span>', HTML, curPos);
      If endPos = 0 Then endPos := Length(HTML);

      If (curPos > 0) AND (endPos > curPos) Then Begin
        // Extract the Awards block
        ItemList := Copy(HTML, curPos, endPos - curPos);

       //While curPos > 0 Do Begin
          // Extract and log the award name
        // Extract and log the event name
      //curPos := PosFrom('?ref_=nmawd" class="ipc-title-link-wrapper" tabindex="0"><h3 class="ipc-title__text">', ItemList, curPos);
      //curPos := PosFrom('?ref_=nmawd" class="ipc-title-link-wrapper" tabindex="0"><h3 class="ipc-title__text">', ItemList, 1);
      curPos := PosFrom('?ref_=nmawd" class="ipc-title-link-wrapper" tabindex="0"><h3 class="ipc-title__text"><span id="ev', ItemList, 0);
      FailSafe := 0;  // Initialize fail-safe counter
      //While curPos > 0 Do Begin
      While (curPos > 0) And (FailSafe < 10) Do Begin
        // Extract and log the award name
         If curPos > 0 Then Begin
          curPos := PosFrom('>', ItemList, curPos) + 29;
          endPos := PosFrom('</span>', ItemList, curPos);
          Event := Copy(ItemList, curPos, endPos - curPos);
        LogMessage('** Parsed Event: ' + Event);
        Event := RemoveTagsEx0(Event);
          Event := Trim(Event);
        LogMessage('* Parsed Event: ' + Event);
        //Event := RemoveTagsEx1(Trim(Event));

          // Remove the <span> tag
          Event := Copy(Event, Pos('>', Event)  + 1 , Length(Event));
          LogMessage('Parsed Event: ' + Event);
          // Parse each award item manually
        curPos := PosFrom('<li class="ipc-metadata-list-summary-item sc-15fc9ae6-1 gQbMPJ" data-testid="list-item"', ItemList, 1);
        //curPos := PosFrom('<span class="ipc-metadata-list-summary-item__tst">', ItemList, curPos + 1);
          If curPos > 0 Then Begin
          curPos1 := PosFrom('<span class="ipc-metadata-list-summary-item__tst">', ItemList, curPos1  + 16);
          If curPos1 > 0 Then Begin
            curPos1 := PosFrom('>', ItemList, curPos1) + 1;
            endPos1 := PosFrom('</span>', ItemList, curPos1);
            Award := Copy(ItemList, curPos1, endPos1 - curPos1);
            LogMessage('Parsed Award: ' + Award);
                // Log the parameters before calling AddAward
                //LogMessage('Before calling AddAward with parameters:');
                //LogMessage('Event: ' + Event);
                //LogMessage('Award: ' + Award);
                //LogMessage('Category: ' + Category);
                //LogMessage('Recipient: ' + Recipient);
                //LogMessage('Year: ' + Year);
                //LogMessage('Won: ' + CustomBoolToStr(Won));
                // Populate the custom field with AValue
                //AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDb People Awards', AValue);
                //    LogMessage('IMDb People Awards added ' + AValue)
         //curPos1 := PosFrom('<span class="ipc-metadata-list-summary-item__tst">', ItemList, EndPos1 + 10);
         curPos1 := PosFrom('<span class="ipc-metadata-list-summary-item__tst">', ItemList, curPos1 + 0);
         //curPos1 := PosFrom('<span/class="ipc-metadata-list-summary-item__tst">', ItemList, curPos1);
         //curPos1 := PosFrom('<span class="ipc-metadata-list-summary-item__tst">', ItemList, EndPos1);
          End Else LogMessage('Error: Award not found.');   
        // Move to the next item
          curPos := PosFrom('<li class="ipc-metadata-list-summary-item sc-15fc9ae6-1 gQbMPJ" data-testid="list-item"', ItemList, curPos + 0);
          End Else LogMessage('Error: Awards not found.');   
       //curPos := PosFrom('?ref_=nmawd" class="ipc-title-link-wrapper" tabindex="0"><h3 class="ipc-title__text"><span id="ev', ItemList, curPos + 1);
       //curPos := PosFrom('?ref_=nmawd" class="ipc-title-link-wrapper" tabindex="0"><h3 class="ipc-title__text">', ItemList, 1);
       //curPos := PosFrom('?ref_=nmawd" class="ipc-title-link-wrapper" tabindex="0"><h3 class="ipc-title__text">', ItemList, curPos);
       curPos := PosFrom('?ref_=nmawd" class="ipc-title-link-wrapper" tabindex="0"><h3 class="ipc-title__text">', ItemList, EndPos);
        End Else LogMessage('Error: Event title div not found.');

      End Else LogMessage('Error: Invalid endPos or curPos for Awards section');
    End Else LogMessage('Error: Awards section not found');
      LogMessage('Exception encountered');
      Result := prError;

  LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBPeopleAWARDS END=====================||');
  Result := prFinished;

Log details:
(24.12.2024 14:28:23)       Function DownloadPage END======================|
(24.12.2024 14:28:23) Function ParsePage_IMDBPeopleAWARDS BEGIN=====================||
(24.12.2024 14:28:23) Initial HTML snippet: <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en-US" xmlns:og="" xmlns:fb=""><head><meta charSet="utf-8"/><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"/><script>if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'LoadTitle', {wb: 1}); }</script><script>window.addEventListener('load', (event) => {
        if (typeof window.csa !== 'undefined' && typeof window.csa === 'function') {
            var csaLatencyPlugin = window.csa('Content', {
(24.12.2024 14:28:23) ** Parsed Event: <span id="ev0000386">Kids' Choice Awards, USA
(24.12.2024 14:28:23) * Parsed Event: Kids' Choice Awards, USA
(24.12.2024 14:28:23) Parsed Event: Kids' Choice Awards, USA
(24.12.2024 14:28:23) Parsed Award:  Blimp Award
(24.12.2024 14:28:23) ** Parsed Event: <span id="ev0000616">Soap Opera Digest Awards
(24.12.2024 14:28:23) * Parsed Event: Soap Opera Digest Awards
(24.12.2024 14:28:23) Parsed Event: Soap Opera Digest Awards
(24.12.2024 14:28:23) Parsed Award:  Soap Opera Digest Award
(24.12.2024 14:28:23) ** Parsed Event: <span id="ev0000716">Young Artist Awards
(24.12.2024 14:28:23) * Parsed Event: Young Artist Awards
(24.12.2024 14:28:23) Parsed Event: Young Artist Awards
(24.12.2024 14:28:23) Parsed Award:  Young Artist Award
(24.12.2024 14:28:23) ** Parsed Event: <span id="ev0000718">YoungStar Awards
(24.12.2024 14:28:23) * Parsed Event: YoungStar Awards
(24.12.2024 14:28:23) Parsed Event: YoungStar Awards
(24.12.2024 14:28:23) Parsed Award:  Young Artist Award
(24.12.2024 14:28:23) Function ParsePage_IMDBPeopleAWARDS END=====================||
(24.12.2024 14:28:23)     Provider data info retreived Ok in 2024-12-24 14:28:23|
(24.12.2024 14:28:23) Function ParsePage smNormal END======================|
(24.12.2024 14:28:23) Person -> LoadStatic -> 0ms
(24.12.2024 14:28:23) Person -> LoadMultivalues -> 0ms
(24.12.2024 14:28:23) Person -> LoadFilms -> 0ms
(24.12.2024 14:28:23) Person -> LoadAwards -> 0ms
(24.12.2024 14:28:23) Person -> LoadImages -> 0ms

<span id="ev0000718">YoungStar Awards

is helpful for which event the awards refer to
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Imdb People script issues
« Reply #17 on: December 26, 2024, 06:56:49 pm »
Here is the IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS]_Awards script, which now correctly transfers Awards data to the awards field for the 'Chico' Hernandez person from the url added below using a Python Selenium script

I have corrected or added some parts of the code to your code and it works.

Python Selenium script instructions and code will be published probably by the new year in the Integrating Selenium to PVD topic.,4357.0.html

Python Selenium script is at the link below.,4362.msg22691.html#msg22691

IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_Aka script in link below.,4363.0.html
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

