Thank you Ivek for yr quick reply.
I have many questions but, I will ask you only the basic:
1) Is the MOD version working with the current IMDB layout ?
Yes, IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] script working with the current IMDB layout in the MOD version.
2) Can I transfer my database to the MOD version easily?
Yes, of course you can. However, I recommend that you have the MOD version in a new folder and run in debug or portable mode. Leave the current PVD version for the correct display and operation of certain extensions or database. You can still check the data in the database or settings in PVD version and also transfer information using Proxomitron with scripts that work with Proxomitron such as Imdb Movie Script (Episode list) and Imdb Movie Script (episode list)a version.
So you still have the original database files, copies of which you save to a new folder in PVD version
For security, use copies of the current database and bacup .bak files in PVD version. These now test how they work in PVD MOD version. If all is well, you can then use these database copies in both PVD version and PVD MOD version to transfer information. However, do not use PVD version or PVD MOD version at the same time, but each separately, because otherwise there will be a problem using one database file in both PVD version or PVD MOD version at the same time.
3) From your answers, I understand that some scripts might work -if modified- but most work will be manual copy & paste of IMDB data, as I have done up to now.
Yes, they will work if I manage to fix and update them to the new current IMDB layout.
4) Your last paragraph has some Russian words which I don't understand what you mean. You want me to upload all psf files used for IMDB ?
I apologize for certain stealth bugs that I have now fixed in a previous post.
Yes you correctly found to add all the psf files you use for IMDB. This will make it easier for me to review them and see how and what can be done if I can fix them or not. However, you will be informed about what is happening in this direction with these scripts.