Thanks for clarification!
Still, I need help. When <title> is equal to <origtitle>, origtitle becomes invisible in the skin. Is there a way to force origtitle to be visible in the skin anyway?
I have created custom field 'Origtitle' and put
in the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS].psf, but if forcing visibilty of origtitle is not possible, may I kindly ask yo to include 'Origtitle' as official custom field in the skin?
It's not a problem for me to manully paste the code line above on every script update, but the problem will be that, when the script update happens, I will for sure forget "why now Original Title is not imported?" and that I have to paste that line, hahahaha.
Thanks in advance.
P.S. I have resolved centering. I put everything in one column, and put spacer with appropriate width in front of the first item in the column:
<column space="10" halign="center" wordwrap="true">Custom Original Title label and Custom Original Title
<spacer width="80"/>
<label autosize="true">Original Title<font>
</font><caption>Original Title:</caption></label>
<custom field="Origtitle" autosize="true">Custom Original Title
<label autosize="true">Localized title label<font>
</font><caption>Localized Title:</caption></label>
<title autosize="true">Localized title
Thanks for inspiring!