1. I know nothing about scripting, just using common sense. Unfortunately, it is not possible to put all scripts into one script, Ivek already told us that - some because they need proxomitron, some for other (coding, as I understood) reasons. We discussed all that very recently. What is needed is to read, read and read before asking. Then, one can say, I've read a lot on the forum, but couldn't find an answer for...
That is usual behavior on all forums and search engine on the forum can help us a lot while looking for an info.
Nobody likes "thing" but PVD is so powerful comparing to others, that it is less job to use that in PVD, then to achieve the same goal with other catalogers. A lot, lot of options are even not available in other catalogers. Not to speak about customizing...
2. IMDb is again in a transition process, so the scripts will inevitably need updating. It was announced on IMDb recently, we discussed it immediately here, I have wrote about that here, so I've decided to do mass update of all my movies just in case future scripting gets to dead end. again, all of that is written here recently. So, good to know which fields don't work anymore. But, for example, custom movie field "IMDb Category" still works, so you can use that one for movies (I can't check at the moment for the series).
3. If I properly understand you, you can stop importing any info by un-checikng it in its configuration (it's the third small icon beside script name - look your picture above where you rounded batch file with red elipse). To be sure, uncheck desired option both in a script configuration as well as in the batch file configuration where the svript is included.
4. I've asked you if it's true what you said that nostra - the author of PVD is dead and how do you know, but you didn't give me that answer, so I am asking you again, please.