Thank you so much for your time and patience dear Ivek, and I am terribly sorry for repeating questions, sometimes. I'm just trying to get as largest as possible amount of data from IMDb. That said, it's not a problem for me chaining scripts, when merging is not possible/desirable.
So, please let me know:
1. For series, in what order the chain has to be applied: (series)->(episodeslist)(a)->(episodeslist)->(episodes), or what?
2. For movies, obviously only chain of 2 scripts has to be applied: IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS]->IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Connections), right?
3. For people, only: IMDB_People_ [EN] [HTTPS], right?
4. Is IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Connections) applicable with series, episodes and people too, so I could chain IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (Connections) with 1. and 3. as well?
There is no way at the moment to get larger amount of data than using scripts I stated above?
Best regards
EDIT: I just applied only (episodelist) script to a title "The Boys" and I got list of all seasons, list of all episodes, URL series address in the URL normal box of the series and Seasons-Episodes custom field filled up. So I really don't understand the difference between (episodelist) and (episodelist)(a) script, and why we I would use it, sorry...
EDIT2: I got the difference - the only difference is that we get starting year for the series with (episodelist)(a), which we can't get with (episodelist). It's a shame that these 2 scripts can't be merged, at least...