Thank you so much! It works like a charm.
Now, I don't want to sound ungratefully, but is there any chance you could include these custom fields in future release, I just sometimes tend to forget to manually update each time the script according to my needs:
//// 'Synopsis' saved to ~mfDescription~
If Pos('<section class="review read-more synopsis">', HTML) > 0 then begin
curPos := PosFrom('<h4 class="review-author headline" itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype="">', HTML, curPos);
endPos := PosFrom('<span itemprop="name">', HTML, curPos);
TmpStr5 := TextBetween(HTML, '<h4 class="review-author headline" itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype="">', '<span itemprop="name">', True, curPos);
TmpStr5 := StringReplace(TmpStr5, ' by', '', True, True, False);
curPos := PosFrom('<h4 class="review-author headline" itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype="">', HTML, curPos);
endPos := PosFrom('<span itemprop="name">', HTML, curPos);
TmpStr4 := TextBetween(HTML, '<h4 class="review-author headline" itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype="">', '<span itemprop="name">', True, curPos);
TmpStr4 := StringReplace(TmpStr4, 'Synopsis ', ' - ', True, True, False);
curPos := PosFrom('<span itemprop="name">', HTML, curPos);
endPos := PosFrom('</span>', HTML, curPos);
TmpStr3 := TextBetween(HTML, '<span itemprop="name">', '</span>', True, curPos)
curPos := PosFrom('<div class="text" itemprop="description">', HTML, curPos);
endPos := PosFrom(' </div>', HTML, curPos);
//TmpStr := Copy(HTML, curPos, endPos - curPos);
TmpStr := TextBetween(HTML, '<div class="text" itemprop="description">', ' </div>', True, curPos);
TmpStr1 := StringReplace(TmpStr, ' -- ', '—', True, True, False);
TmpStr2 := StringReplace(TmpStr1, ' --- ', '—', True, True, False);
TmpStr := StringReplace(TmpStr2, '--', '—', True, True, False);
TmpStr1 := StringReplace(TmpStr, #13#13#13#13, #13#10#13#10, True, True, False);
TmpStr2 := RemoveTagsEx(TmpStr1);
if (TmpStr5 = 'Synopsis') AND (Pos('©', TmpStr2) = 0) then
AddFieldValue(mfDescription, TmpStr2 + #13 + TmpStr4 + ' ' + TmpStr3)
if (TmpStr5 <> 'Synopsis') OR (Pos('©', TmpStr2) = 1) then
LogMessage(' Synopsis: Not available');
AddCustomFieldValueByName('AllMovie Synopsis:', TmpStr);
which is AddCustomFieldValueByName('AllMovie Synopsis:', TmpStr);
// Get ~mfURL~ or ~URL~
AddFieldValue(mfURL, MovieURL);
AddCustomFieldValueByName('', '<link url="' + MovieURL + '"></link>');
LogMessage(' Parse Results MovieURL: '+MovieURL+' ||');
which is
AddCustomFieldValueByName('', '<link url="' + MovieURL + '"></link>');
I totally understand this is rather peculiar request, but whatever your response would be, thank you for everything, ie for you and Easy keeping alive PVD, best piece of software ever.