Hello Ivek. I'm using PVD_1.0.2.7_MOD-V20180922. You were right, it's not about .dll files, it was something with .batch files that I don't understand:
This batch file works:
NAME=AllMovie.com+RottenTomatoes HTTPS
DESC= AllMovie.com+RottenTomatoes HTTPS
and this one doesn't:
DESC= AllMovieHTTPS+RottenTomatoesHTTPS+IMDBFull
EXECUTE=AllMovie.com HTTPS.psf|Rottentomatoes_[HTTPS].psf|Imdb Title, Original Tile and Year.psf|FilmAffinity_[EN][HTTPS].psf|Imdb Url on the first page and IMDbID.psf|IMDB_[EN][HTTPS].psf|
... while basically there is no differences between them except about the scripts that are used. Weird.
But, since it's not possible at the moment to make AllMovie script without Proxomitron, and Rottentmatoes script doen't get ratings any more, I will not use batch files, because it's useless. Thank you...