IMDB Movie(episode list) script is now called Imdb Movie(episodelist) [HTTPS] script and works only in PVD MOD program versions, and it transfers the same information as the old IMDB Movie(episode list) script. This script downloads the episode list for 30 seasons plus Unknown season. The episode limit for one season is 50 episodes. This restriction is already on the web pages and is the same as on the Plot keywords web pages.
Imdb Movie(episodelist) [HTTPS] script is attached.
First, use the IMDB Movie(episode list) (a) script to see how many seasons a particular series has. Then use this or one of the Imdb Movie(episodelist) [HTTPS] script versions added below.
The Imdb Movie(episodelist) [HTTPS] script will process the information for all seasons (it will take a long time and may look like the PVD has frozen) although the series may have only one season, so it would be good to use one of the versions added below for faster transfer of information.