There is also TheMovieDB_[API] script which works in a similar way to the tmdb.dll plugin. This script displays a list of search results for a specific movie (same as the tmdb.dll plugin). Downloading the results is the same as with the other TheMovieDB_[API] script, except that the posters are from the no language group, where there are neutral posters without any language.
The custom fields are the same as the rest of TheMovieDB_[API] script except for the two new ones mentioned below.
The new custom fields are as follows:
TMDb_APIPage 1 (Custom memo field) - added link to specific TheMoviedbAPIPage web page for specific movie.
Posters 0 (Custom memo field) - added links to all posters for specific movie.
Posters Numbers 1 (Custom Short list field) - added to Posters Numbers for specific movie in all language.
The change is also in the size of the downloaded posters in all TheMovieDB_[API] scripts, that instead of the original, it is now this size due to the acquisition of space in the PVD database, which in turn means easier operation of the PVD MOD program.
ItemValue:='' +ItemValue; //WEB_SPECIFIC. w45,w92,w185,w300,w342,original.
TheMovieDB_[API] script is attached.