Beta 2 Release Candidate version with (EN, ES, FR in TheMovieDB) and (ES, EN in FilmAffinity) (you can hide/activate in Script Configuration). Testers:
Run NOW with "debug.bat". So if you have problems, please
is very important the
name of the movie and attach the file:
PersonalVideoDB\log.txt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Dirty" own PVD installation/collection adaptation:
Important: Make a secure copy and a test copy of your own actual PDV installation.
Unzip the beta versión and change the folders:
Scripts and
Plugings of your test copy.
Run PVD in portable mode (portable.bat) without internet proxi.
In Preferences/Movies/Custom Ítems add the fields:
Set (Short Text), TOP_250 (Number), IMDB_Votes (Number), TheMoviedb_Votes (Number), FilmAffinity_Votes (Number)
1) Description issues (Ivek23 code).
2) Small fixes in code sections for Runtime (Ivek23 code)
3) Added birthplace in IMDB People
4) IMDB images begin to redirect to HTTPS URL's so added a DownloadImage function in order to download Movie Poster and People Photo by the script and not by PVD Get funtion. Not applied (still?) to the SearchList posters/photos because we would need a lot of intermediate files (better use TheMovieDB script to identify the movie/person and their IMDB ID).
Ivek23:The proposal for the highest uploaded resolution of the posters should be 1200*1500, which is the limit that then works fine for the good functioning of PVD.
I'm agree and I know that if the script add some numbers in the image url name it can ask for a dowload size, but I don't know very well if it is universal.
Have you some informations or code proposals in this line?