I started using PVD in 2008.
I have loved (and still do) PVD but I have recently decided to move on, because of several reasons, but mainly because the movie plugins were getting difficult to work with and I simply could not rely on one single (great) guy called Ivek to help me, every time I had issues.
I have never liked xbmc and other fancy tools, because they never gave me the power PVD was giving me, and the sexy interface with limited navigation/filtering did not really appeal to me.
I found a good "half-way" tool called PLEX.
It is very simple to work with.
It matches movies easily and have many nice plugins.
The interface is OK, and the filterings/navigation is OK (not great, but really OK).
It is free with some premium features but the free version does the job.
Bottom line: I now spend much less time maintaining my collection than with pvd.
Extra info:
I have built a NAS server based on UNRAID. I have setup automated downloads with various tools (sonarr, radarr, deluge, etc.) all done via vpn.
Everything goes to Plex, get matched, and can be watched from everywhere.
I am still keeping an eye on PVD through this forum because I still love it and I could easily start using it again.