curl - PVD to https solutionYou don't need to program out of PVdB. curl.exe is a program that download a web page (even https) to a file in the command line.
Download the original ones: (The needed files were in "curl-7.50.2-win32-mingw\bin\" folder)
Needed external:
1.) Download the curl-7.50.2-win32-mingw.7z file from (Thanks Viktor Szakáts
2.) Extract the three curl libraries files:
• curl-7.50.2-win32-mingw\bin\curl.exe
• curl-7.50.2-win32-mingw\bin\curl-ca-bundle.crt
• curl-7.50.2-win32-mingw\bin\libcurl.dll
and copy then these files to " Program folder/Scripts ":
libcurl.dllThese three above-mentioned files are needed to get the program of the work at all.
These files can also be found on these links,,4069.msg19897.html#msg19897,4069.msg19898.html#msg19898where you also describes how to extract the files.
Important:There's also a
Rotten Tomatoes [HTTPS] script, which does not copy of this " Program folder/Scripts " folder. Copy it this
Rottentomatoes_ [HTTPS] script on this link
(,4069.msg19948.html#msg19948), which it operates correctly (script for testing and operation of the curl program).
Needed external for full functionality:
To spread in internet, the best form to save the 4 needed files:
If you want to download the original ones: (The needed files were in "curl-7.50.2-win32-mingw\bin\" folder).
Operation curl program:1.) Run the program PVD
2.) Run
Rottentomatoes_ [HTTPS] script. Wait until curl.exe runs in
DOS Windows and at the same time automatically creates 'downpage.htm' file, which was saved web page with search results for the current movie title, you are looking for.
3.) Now you will be opened window with your search results. Confirm the desired movie title.
4.) Wait until you curl.exe again runs in
DOS Windows and at the same time automatically creates 'downpage.htm' file, which is now stored movie web page for the current movie title, you are looking for.
It is important, what should not be done to PVD does not freeze:Once you start
Rottentomatoes_ [HTTPS] script, always wait until when you opened the window with the search results, or when a window pops of the record:
Not results. Try again or make an advanced search out of the script.
Write the movie URL (http) in the PVdB manually (remember separated by spaces) and run again.
Do not interrupt the start-up operations curl.exe program because you PVD mandatory freeze and it will be necessary to re-start again. There is a risk that the loss of data. Also make sure that during this time will not switch to the next title of the film, because you will be the next title of the film mandatory overwrite on the title of the film, which information you currently transmitted.
For testing of the possible, you can use
curl_try.bat file in 7z file, which is also copied to the
"Program folder/Scripts" folder. There can be no PVD download the web page, so that the bat file enter the URL you want to check and run
curl_try.bat. In curl_try.bat 7z files are also
downpage_search.htm, downpage_try.htm and downpage.htm, which also copy the
"Program folder/Scripts" folder.
curl_try.bat 7z is attached.
For more information, read this topic curl - solution for https in the Talk section.
The final version Rottentomatoes_ [HTTPS] script found on this link:,4079.0.html