Hello pelisdb,
I overlooked your script (same sript name) apologize.
Your script is what I wanted.
My problem was I do not know where and how the Different types of images (posters, Thumbnail, front ...) defining.
z.B. Basename := Copy(Path, 1, LastPos('.',Path)-1);
nameposter := Basename+'_Poster.jpg';
LogMessage('Poster: '+nameposter);
and Partial calling
z.B. if FileExists(nameposter) then
LogMessage('FILE EXISTS: '+nameposter);
//nameposter := StringReplace(nameposter, ' ', '%20', true, false, true);
AddImageURL(itPoster, nameposter);
//Result := PATH;
end else begin
LogMessage('Poster Image not found.');
I understand the logic of the script, but with the programming language, there are problems'm learning.
If I have a template that at about that fits what I would like to do, I can change it.
As in your script the case I was able to change the different image types in the right position to load it now.
Thank you for your help, you have facilitates my work.
Nice Weekend,
regards Jabberwocky