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--- Quote from: deazo on March 20, 2016, 06:03:37 pm ---
 Hi Ivek and all,
sorry it took me a while but I approved your membership for the google group.
I will look into accepting automatically in the future.
--- End quote ---

Thanks, deazo.

Today I have taken this to the Russian part of the Forum:

--- Quote ---I'm in the last year talking to Nostra, he seemed to forget obeshal project. That is, it should extend the domain registration.
--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: Ivek23 on March 19, 2016, 02:10:56 pm ---Some news are also available at this link:


--- End quote ---

at the rate this person is developing vdos, I think it will be done in another year or two.

Also, if this domain does expire, it will usually go into a redeem phase where the owner can pay much higher value to redeem back the expired domain. Only after another 30 days when redeem period if over that it is open to public. However, a lot of domain companies will buy the domain up for 1 year hoping someone will offer higher price to buy back from them. Let's hope they don't do that to this domain.

In an case, I do have a reseller account for webhosting. I can offer free webhosting for the new forum or anything related site.


--- Quote from: abubin on April 01, 2016, 08:26:42 pm ---In an case, I do have a reseller account for webhosting. I can offer free webhosting for the new forum or anything related site.
--- End quote ---

Excellent offer, thanks, abubin.

It would be nice even if they were even then there reach all the topics which are already in this forum.

OMG. This are bad news. Open Source would be a good way for the feature.
If this forum are dead please post infos on the google group.


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