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Videodb.info news

Lower the message I got from a former user of 10/2/2016 18:49

--- Quote ---May 6, 2016 is an important date for PVD.  It will either continue or die on that day...

--- End quote ---

What will happen to this date, we can only speculate. It is possible that since then there shall be no more support for PDV. I hope that you are very wrong, but for some time there were no updates or patches for PVD program. The only exception is IMDB plugin. which is no longer fully operational after the last major change in the IMDB web pages. There is a high probability that the IMDB plugin will not be repaired and will not work on a lot of sadness for all of us users, which we love this program.


Please give PVD chance to survive. Give the code to community. Definitely there is no software out there that is more funcional than your phenomenal PVD.


        Ruben Gonzales <afrocuban01@yahoo.com>
        Today at 5:14 PM
        To: nostradamus68@gmx.net


"... I would like to kindly ask you something. Please give PVD chance to survive. Give the code to community, or whatever is most suitable for you. Definitely there is no software out there that is more funcional than your phenomenal PVD.


totally agree

PVD is the best util i ever saw


--- Quote from: supreme on March 06, 2016, 07:42:52 pm ---totally agree

PVD is the best util i ever saw
--- End quote ---

Absolutely this is true, I agree with the others.


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