Maybe this piece of code from series script explains a bit more?
if (Pos('404 Not Found',Result)>0) then begin //Banned IP. WEB_SPECIFIC.
If BYPASS_SILENT Then ShowMessage('The URL is not in use (404 Not Found).'+Chr(13)+'Go to the provider web in order to in order to'+Chr(13)+'find the good page',SCRIPT_NAME);
LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+' 404 Not Found|');
Result:=''; //Fatal error
if (Pos('404 Error - IMDb',Result)>0) then begin //Banned IP. WEB_SPECIFIC.
If BYPASS_SILENT Then ShowMessage('The URL is not in use (404 Error - IMDb).'+Chr(13)+'Go to the provider web in order to in order to'+Chr(13)+'find the good page',SCRIPT_NAME);
LogMessage(Chr(9)+Chr(9)+' 404 Error - IMDb|');
Result:=''; //Fatal error
Thanks, afrocuban for this warning.
still have trouble with season trees in series:
When I run the new IMDB Movie(episodelist) (a) script and IMDB Movie(episodelist) script using proxomitron I get the error message HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found.
What seems to be the problem?
This happpens with all series when I try to run IMDB Movie(episodelist) (a) script and IMDB Movie(episodelist) script.
I can run IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]-a script, but the Imdb Movie Info-2a script gives the same error message.
All of the above scripts have the following piece of code in the ParsePage function
function ParsePage(HTML:String;URL:AnsiString):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
LogMessage('Function ParsePage BEGIN ====================== |');
LogMessage('Global Var-Mode | '+IntToStr(Mode)+' |');
Wait (pauseBeforeLoad);
LogMessage(' Parsing search Movie search results');
If (0<Pos('404 Not Found',HTML)) OR (0<Pos('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found',HTML)) Then Begin
ShowMessage('No results.','IMDb Search Results');
LogMessage(' -------- ParsePage Error Result ( '+IntToStr(Result)+' )');
LogMessage('Function ParsePage smSearch-prError END======================|');
LogMessage('Function ParsePage prError END======================|');
If Pos('Find - IMDb',HTML) > 0 Then Begin
, which is probably the cause of these problems.
Block this part of the code for each of the above scripts.
//If (0<Pos('404 Not Found',HTML)) OR (0<Pos('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found',HTML)) Then Begin
// ShowMessage('No results.','IMDb Search Results');
// Result:=prError;
// Exit;
// LogMessage(' -------- ParsePage Error Result ( '+IntToStr(Result)+' )');
//LogMessage('Function ParsePage smSearch-prError END======================|');
//LogMessage('Function ParsePage prError END======================|');
Then do a retest for each script separately to see if the same error still occurs.