Thanks a lot Ivek. I am currently testing and customizing the script (max values mostly), but please confirm if I understood you well: it's not possible with the script to import English title to a standard Title field, it's only possible if I do it manually by copying/pasting it from AKA field to Title field?
I am asking, because I just don't know non-English movies by their original, or localized title. I know them only by their English title, and I would like to have in Tree view "%N. %T (%O)" where %T would be English title. That way I could recognize movie only by scrolling Tree view, but at the moment I have to click movie by movie to check which one that was, and that is way too slow.
For example, when I am not logged in on IMDb and I go to with my country IP I see English title as main, and original title too. But, when I import it to PVD with the script, then somehow Title and original title are the same. Why can't I import it as it is in browser?
Best regards