English > Feature Suggestions

Boxofficemojo.com Plugin

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"Imdb.com" doesn't display "Box office" correctly.

It could be an interesting plugin.


--- Quote from: jippo on November 05, 2015, 07:29:10 pm ---"Imdb.com" doesn't display "Box office" correctly.

It could be an interesting plugin.
--- End quote ---

Maybe, just tell what exactly would you like to have in the script, we'll see what we can do.

Url, Production Budget, and Worldwide.


--- Quote from: jippo on November 08, 2015, 05:17:34 pm ---Url, Production Budget, and Worldwide.
--- End quote ---

Ok, but it will take a few days, I've been busy editing their own movie database, by updating and while also checking data to Boxofficemojo.com, which are here mentioned.

I must also mention what I have so far noticed that for quite a few of my movies  (about 900 movies), which I have in Movie Database, is that they do not in their database or some data which you want to have, by (Production Budget, or Worldwide, or both) it could not be found.


At the above address as well as data, which you mentioned, and how I managed to quickly check may be even more real than at Boxofficemojo.com.

Check there and then know here, how could there with these data, which would want to have.



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