The clues:
(1) Error occurs in procedure GET_TAGS
(2) IMDB indicates 548 plot keywords
(3) There is an "overflow"...the program can handle X number of items, and you tried to add X + 1.
548 is a lot of tags. GET_TAGS (or some subroutine it uses) probably can't handle 548 items.
Once a program has an overflow value, that value is (probably) NULL and using NULL as an index in the database would certainly corrupt it.
Try:Personal Video Database -> Preferences -> Plugins -> IMDB Movie Information -> Configuration -->>
With a NEW (empty) database, try to download the movie again. You should get the movie info with 5 tags.
If so (and you dare..backups are always good

), you can rescan the movie in your "production" database, then change the configuration for the IMDB Plugin so it only adds tags if there are none and re-enable the "download all tags" checkbox:
no checkmark = never update
checkmark = always update
blue box = only update if empty.
NOTE: You could probably do a database repair rather than rebuild the database from scratch.,3935.0.htmlNOTE 2: If you scan IMDB with the "always update" option for tags, it "should" delete all the "bad" tag entries and replace them with the 5 good ones. Not tested, but there's nothing to loose...and your database would no longer be corrupt if it works.NOTE 3: The PVD database can handle 2 billion tags of 127 characters each. Firebird can handle SQL statements up to 64k (transactions...multiple SQL statements, treated as a group must fit into the same space...548 inserts = 1 transaction). Given that the 548 tags are about 10k in size, and the SQL statements that would be required would still be under 64k, I think the problem is with the space PVD allocates for an SQL statement / transaction. The point of this note is that the number of tags isn't the's the length of all the SQL statements that are required to do the necessary processing. Firebird can handle it, but PVD can't.