Author Topic: How to do that in the title was automatically the change of size of font  (Read 27978 times)

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Offline ferofrantisek

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I was finishing the script and skin for AniDB – anime database. I would like to ask if someone could help me with some nuance of skin or script. Sorry for my bad English.

1.   How to do that in the title was automatically the change of size of font when not fit in row, so the text will not going to next line, or  part of the title will not be overlap?

2.   How to do that the content of column <genre> will be automatically changed such that the first letter of the words, will be displayed with large first letter. for example : action, science fiction, mecha,  --  Action, Science fiction, Mecha?

3.   How to do that the content of whole column will be always displayed or 2 line will be displayed? for example in my case: List of episodes:  :D I founded solution:
            <column width="200" halign="center" valign="top" wordwrap="true">
               <customfieldlabel field="List of episodes:"/>
               <custom field="List of episodes:" collapsedlines="10000"/> 

but for another  example: </genre> it is not working and i cannot find solution: ???
                    <column space="35">
                     <section space="10">
                        <border shape="none" />
                           <genre linkcolor1="$9F0000" linkcolor2="$FF5809" collapsedlines="2" >                         
4.   How to do that  <customfieldlabel field="AniDB:"/>  will be displayed with rating?; 
code:          <row>
                  <!-- <column halign="center" > -->
               <column halign="left" space="5">
                  <customfieldlabel field="AniDB:"/>
                  <rating autosize="true">
  AniDB: is in the row presented but it is hide, it shows only when editing.
In the attachments is full working script and Skin for Anime Database. Please look for it.

Thank you for any advice and help.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2015, 09:43:45 pm by ferofrantisek »

Offline Ivek23

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2.   How to do that the content of column <genre> ...

This is not a genre, but tags, which are transferred to the normal Tags field. Yes for the Tags field, but can no be used ' collapsedlines = "2" ' for normal genre field is not the case, but more can be found in Personal Video Database Skin Engine Manual : Attributes (properties)

Code for script: Tags
Code: [Select]
//Genre Žánry
curPos := Pos('<th class="field"><a href="">Tags</a></th>', HTML);
LogMessage('9 zistujem Žánry do mfGenre');
 if curPos > 0 then begin 
LogMessage('9.1 zbiera z intervalu všetky Žánry do mfGenre');
TmpG := HTMLValues2(HTML,'<a href="">Tags</a></th>', '<th class="field">Resources</th>', 'animetb">', '<span class=', ', ', curPos)
LogMessage('9.1.1 vsetky  mfGenre'+TmpG);
AddFieldValue(mfTags, TmpG);
//AddFieldValue(mfGenre, UpperCase(TmpG));
//EndPos := curPos;

Code for skin:
Code: [Select]
  <column width="130" halign="right" valign="top">
<fieldlabel field="tags" />
<tags linkcolor1="$222222" linkcolor2="$777777" collapsedlines="2" />

2.   ... will be automatically changed such that the first letter of the words, will be displayed with large first letter. for example : action, science fiction, mecha,  --  Action, Science fiction, Mecha?

As far as I know, this is not possible, data transfer j ontracting only as good as on the web page but the possibility of functions that only large or only small letters.

4.   How to do that  <customfieldlabel field="AniDB:"/>  will be displayed with rating?; 
code:          <row>
                  <!-- <column halign="center" > -->
               <column halign="left" space="5">
                  <customfieldlabel field="AniDB:"/>
                  <rating autosize="true">

The above is incorrect, please try a similar code:
Code: [Select]
   <column width="120" halign="right">
    <orname width="118" wordwrap="true" halign="right">

Entry should be approximately as follows:
Code: [Select]
<!-- <column halign="center" > -->
<column halign="left" space="5">
<custom field="AniDB:"/>
« Last Edit: March 07, 2015, 02:42:15 pm by Ivek23 »
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Offline ferofrantisek

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2.   How to do that the content of column <genre> ...

This is not a genre, but tags, which are transferred to the normal Tags field. Yes for the Tags field, but can no be used ' collapsedlines = "2" ' for normal genre field is not the case, but more can be found in Personal Video Database Skin Engine Manual : Attributes (properties)

Code for script: Tags
Code: [Select]
//Genre Žánry
curPos := Pos('<th class="field"><a href="">Tags</a></th>', HTML);
LogMessage('9 zistujem Žánry do mfGenre');
 if curPos > 0 then begin 
LogMessage('9.1 zbiera z intervalu všetky Žánry do mfGenre');
TmpG := HTMLValues2(HTML,'<a href="">Tags</a></th>', '<th class="field">Resources</th>', 'animetb">', '<span class=', ', ', curPos)
LogMessage('9.1.1 vsetky  mfGenre'+TmpG);
AddFieldValue(mfTags, TmpG);
//AddFieldValue(mfGenre, UpperCase(TmpG));
//EndPos := curPos;

Code for skin:
Code: [Select]
  <column width="130" halign="right" valign="top">
<fieldlabel field="tags" />
<tags linkcolor1="$222222" linkcolor2="$777777" collapsedlines="2" />

Thank you very much for your response. it possible set up in Code for script: Tags  - size of font?, because it is not working and i cannot find solution ???   
2. is it possible set up only in this section - in this row?   <underline_memo>false</underline_memo>, because it is not working and i cannot find solution ???  Am I missing something, or is there a another way to do this?

Code: [Select]
<column width="130" halign="right" valign="top">
<!-- <fieldlabel field="tags"/> --> <!-- Tags no visible -->



  <tags linkcolor1="$9F0000" linkcolor2="$FF5809" collapsedlines="2"/>

« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 04:33:40 pm by ferofrantisek »

Offline Ivek23

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    • View Profile it possible set up in Code for script: Tags  - size of font?, because it is not working and i cannot find solution ???   

As far as I know, the answer is no for the script and yes to the skin. it possible set up in Code for script: Tags  - size of font?, because it is not working and i cannot find solution ???   
2. is it possible set up only in this section?   <underline_memo>false</underline_memo>, because it is not working and i cannot find solution ???  Am I missing something, or is there a another way to do this?

Code: [Select]
<column width="130" halign="right" valign="top">
<!-- <fieldlabel field="tags"/> --> <!-- Tags no visible -->



  <tags linkcolor1="$9F0000" linkcolor2="$FF5809" collapsedlines="2"/>


Code for the skin, of course, does not work because it has a lot of errors:

1.) This falls under the head at the beginning of the skin:
Code: [Select]
Correctly should be like
Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <skinname>AniDB Alternative</skinname>
    <description>Classic theme from 0.9.8.x</description>

<!-- $FFFFFF -biela --> 

      <linkcolor1>$0000FF</linkcolor1> <!-- nastavi color dopl. textu Director, Producer, Actors 0000FF - ako ostatne-->
      <linkcolor2>$0000FF</linkcolor2> <!-- nastavi color dopl. textu Director, Producer, Actors  - ak su viacej polozky-->
or similar to the example below :
Code: [Select]
    <skinname>PVD Tabs-ex  AllMovies</skinname>
    <author>Ivek23, tabbed PVD Tabs style and Information</author>
    <description>8 Tabs: Main information,rating,description,file information,images,custom,custom section and manager.
Standard fonts,colors,positioning (changed but not all),added is more tabs and AllMovie Information.Awards section embedded within a Rating tab.Based is on PVD Tabs,appearance is designed on my ideas.

2.) Here does not work,
Code: [Select]
<column width="130" halign="right" valign="top">
<!-- <fieldlabel field="tags"/> --> <!-- Tags no visible -->


  <tags linkcolor1="$9F0000" linkcolor2="$FF5809" collapsedlines="2"/>
and this is how it should work:
Code: [Select]
<column width="130" halign="right" valign="top">
<!-- <fieldlabel field="tags"/> --> <!-- Tags no visible -->

  <tags linkcolor1="$9F0000" linkcolor2="$FF5809" collapsedlines="2">



Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline ferofrantisek

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Entry should be approximately as follows:
Code: [Select]

                  <!-- <column halign="center" > -->
                  <column halign="left" space="5">
                  <custom field="AniDB:"/>

Thank you very much. I tried may times, but it didn't work. There is not showing AniDB:. I would like if it possible that data from rating will show as AniDB:.  Here is picture, because i don't know how to better explain. Thank you very much for your patience with me.
Code: [Select]
<column halign="center" >

<!-- <customfieldlabel field="AniDB:"/> -->
<custom field="AniDB:"/>
<rating autosize="true">

Similar scenario for Additional Rating as AniDB:

Code: [Select]
   <column width="120" halign="right">
 <!-- <customfieldlabel field="AniDB:"/> -->
   <custom field="AniDB:"/>
<!-- <orname width="118" wordwrap="true" halign="right">
</orname> -->

Similar scenario.

Code: [Select]
<!-- Story Composition: as writer -->

<column width="130" halign="right" valign="top">
                                                                    <!-- <fieldlabel field="human" category="2"/> -->
    <!-- <customfieldlabel field="Story Composition:"/> -->

<custom field="Story Composition:"/>
<!-- <custom field="Story Composition:" /> -->
<human category="2"/>

Am I missing something, or is there a another way to do this?
I know that 'full Custom Field' is correctly for example this code but there is a different case.
Code: [Select]
                                               <row height="35">
<column halign="left" space="6" valign="center"> <!-- prázdne miesto medzi dvoma polami/nazvami -->
<spacer width="15"/> <!-- posúva od zaciatku riadku -->
<customfieldlabel field="AniDB:"/>

<custom field="AniDB:"/>
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 08:35:51 pm by ferofrantisek »

Offline Ivek23

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This similar code might help:
Code: [Select]
                          <label width="110" halign="right">
                            <caption>AllMovie Rating:</caption>
                          <spacer width="-4" />
                          <custom precision="1" field="AllMovie rating" />

In your case this code might help:
Code: [Select]
<column halign="center">
                          <custom field="AniDB:" autosize="true" />

Custom AniDB: field for rating must be in the Tools \ Movies \ Custom items added as rating - Required.
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline ferofrantisek

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Thank you very much. It works, but scenario with <human category="2" /> not working.  Is this the way to do it? Thanks.
Code: [Select]
<column width="130" halign="right" valign="top">
     <!-- <customfieldlabel field="Story Composition:" /> -->
                                                              <caption>Story Composition:</caption>

<!-- <custom field="Story Composition:" /> -->
<human category="2" />

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Thank you very much. It works, but scenario with <human category="2" /> not working.  Is this the way to do it? Thanks.
Code: [Select]
<column width="130" halign="right" valign="top">
     <!-- <customfieldlabel field="Story Composition:" /> -->
                                                              <caption>Story Composition:</caption>

<!-- <custom field="Story Composition:" /> -->
<human category="2" />

This is wrong, so can not and does not work, of course, necessary to examine all the necessary skin, which are available on the forum or the download page.
In your case, it is a similar piece of code as in pvd_classic_movie skin:
Code: [Select]
   <column width="120" halign="right" valign="top">
    <fieldlabel field="human" category="2"/>
<human category="2"/>
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

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In a lot of help can also be attached below the skin - 'My skins'.
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline ferofrantisek

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Thank you very much. It works, but scenario with <human category="2" /> not working.  Is this the way to do it? Thanks.
Code: [Select]
<column width="130" halign="right" valign="top">
     <!-- <customfieldlabel field="Story Composition:" /> -->
                                                              <caption>Story Composition:</caption>

<!-- <custom field="Story Composition:" /> -->
<human category="2" />

This is wrong, so can not and does not work, of course, necessary to examine all the necessary skin, which are available on the forum or the download page.
In your case, it is a similar piece of code as in pvd_classic_movie skin:
Code: [Select]
   <column width="120" halign="right" valign="top">
    <fieldlabel field="human" category="2"/>
<human category="2"/>

Thank you very much. But i know about this code and i used it in my skin AniDB as you could  saw in my first attachment. I was asking something different. I would like if it possible to do that data from Writers <human category="2"> and Composers <human category="3">, will show as field="Story Composition:" and field="Series Composition:" . Because I want use option: show only movies with writers and group movie by writers etc.…, of course filed will be outwardly Story Composition: and etc.. Maybe you understand me what I want to do.  Because if I used <custom field="Story Composition:"/>  It was without this option. It is outwardly a little similar as was with AniDB: rating and data from Rating. Am I missing something, or is there a another way to do this?
Code: [Select]
<column width="130" halign="right" valign="top">
<customfieldlabel field="Story Composition:" />
<custom field="Story Composition:" />
« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 03:35:54 pm by ferofrantisek »

Offline Ivek23

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You can make a list of custom fields and how they are treated in Custom items, then it will be easier to find further solutions.

Below is a list of similar added custom fields that you will find it easier to understand what I mean:
Code: [Select]
//---------- List of CustomField ----------//
//Controle parental Short Text
//Date de reprise Short Text
//Date de sortie Short Text
//Duree Short Text
//Nationalite 'Listes de valeurs' in french
//Note Presse Short Text
//Note spectateurs Short Text
//General Info Memo
//Secrets Memo
//Recompenses Memo
//Details Memo

Where possible, they also get the latest updated version of the skin.
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Offline ferofrantisek

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Please excuse my mistake, i am forgotten to mention it  in the skin. I only mentioned it in the script.
Code: [Select]
//---------- List of CustomField ----------//

//1. Original Work: memo   
//3. Story Composition: memo
//4. Series Composition: memo
//5. Character Design: memo
//6. Music: memo
//8. Animation Producer: memo
//9. Animation Work: memo

//10. Production: memo --
//11. List of episodes: memo

//11. AniDB: Rating
« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 09:04:39 pm by ferofrantisek »

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Where possible, they also get the latest updated version of the skin.

The idea was mentioned above as follows:
Above, it was meant as follows:

If any changes were made in the skin, then please was added the latest updated version of the skin.
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Offline ferofrantisek

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Excuse me, but I am not very good in English as you could saw therefore I don't understand what are you suggested. Have I add new update of my skin?
On the other side, Is this the way to do it, combine <human category="2"> with some field="Series Composition:" Thanks for all and I checking your skins.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 10:02:37 pm by ferofrantisek »

Offline Ivek23

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Excuse me, but I am not very good in English as you could saw therefore I don't understand what are you suggested.

If you prefer the maternal language also can write your answer.

Preložený text:
Ak dávate prednosť materským jazykom tiež môžete napísať odpoveď.

On the other side, Is this the way to do it, combine <human category="2"> with some field="Series Composition:"

Currently, I have no real answer, I have to do certain tests, then I easily answered.

V súčasnej dobe nemám žiadnu skutočnú odpoveď, musím urobiť určité skúšky, a potom som sa ľahko odpovedal.
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Offline ferofrantisek

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Thank you very much for your kindness, but mechanical translation through some program translator is very often meaningless as could you find out, therefore i only ask, please be patient with me when I ask detailed and use in some case the intuition. Please speak with me in English unless you know speak Slovak. Grammar is another story. Thanks.

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As you have already themselves rightly observed, this piece of code does not work:
Thank you very much. It works, but scenario with <human category="2" /> not working.  Is this the way to do it? Thanks.
Code: [Select]
<column width="130" halign="right" valign="top">
     <!-- <customfieldlabel field="Story Composition:" /> -->
                                                              <caption>Story Composition:</caption>

<!-- <custom field="Story Composition:" /> -->
<human category="2" />

It works, this piece of code:
Code: [Select]
   <column width="120" halign="right" valign="top">
    <fieldlabel field="human" category="2"/>
<human category="2"/>
In this part of the code ' human "category ="2" ' may be added to only the numbers from 0 to 4 .
Code: [Select]
//Credits types
ctActors = 0;
ctDirectors = 1;
ctWriters = 2;
ctComposers = 3;
ctProducers = 4;

The same works, this piece of code:
Code: [Select]
<column width="130" halign="right" valign="top">
<customfieldlabel field="Story Composition:" />
<custom field="Story Composition:" />
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Offline ferofrantisek

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Thank you very much. During my testing I reached unfortunately  the same result. :'(

Offline ferofrantisek

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Please, could you tell me a list of custom fields and how they are treated in Custom items in your /pvd_movie_tabs-ex AllMovies/ because I cannot find them and i want  better understand how to do. Thanks.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 10:15:02 am by ferofrantisek »

Offline Ivek23

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Please, could you tell me a list of custom fields and how they are treated in Custom items in your /pvd_movie_tabs-ex AllMovies/ because I cannot find them and i want  better understand how to do. Thanks.

No problem.
List of CustomField - pvd_movie_tabs-ex AllMovies is the attached.
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