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It needs to be just edit it to work faster, on version also works well, but more slowly, it may be functioning can be a bit faster.
pauseBeforeLoad = 2000; // Pause before loading (in millisecond)
pauseBeforeLoad = 10; // Pause before loading (in millisecond)
const pauseBeforeLoad = 2000; // Pause before loading (in millisecond) nMaxAffiches = 0; // Nombre Maximum d'affiches a télécharger nMaxPhotos = 0; //Add +1 // Nombre Maximum de photos a telecharger nMaxImages = nMaxAffiches + nMaxPhotos;
const pauseBeforeLoad = 2000; // Pause before loading (in millisecond) nMaxAffiches = 2; // Nombre Maximum d'affiches a télécharger nMaxPhotos = 1; //Add +1 // Nombre Maximum de photos a telecharger nMaxImages = nMaxAffiches + nMaxPhotos;
Thank you, now run faster, but at the bottom adding url address PVD yet always blocked.
and there's also 'Date de Production' i don't take it. If we want put year in current field year wich one choose?
Thanks,Correction for affiche in screenshot.Add Year.Add URL.
const pauseBeforeLoad = 10; // Pause before loading (in millisecond) nMaxAffiches = 5; // Nombre Maximum d'affiches a télécharger nMaxPhotos = 5; //Add +1 // Nombre Maximum de photos a telecharger nMaxImages = nMaxAffiches + nMaxPhotos;
const pauseBeforeLoad = 10; // Pause before loading (in millisecond) nMaxAffiches = 3; // Nombre Maximum d'affiches a télécharger nMaxPhotos = 1; //Add +1 // Nombre Maximum de photos a telecharger nMaxImages = nMaxAffiches + nMaxPhotos;
i'm just trying the last url : i have all the data. (with NMax 5)
Correction for link'll see the problem of no screenshot.
const pauseBeforeLoad = 10; // Pause before loading (in millisecond) nMaxAffiches = 0; // Nombre Maximum d'affiches a télécharger nMaxPhotos = 0; //Add +1 // Nombre Maximum de photos a telecharger nMaxImages = nMaxAffiches + nMaxPhotos;
Code: [Select]const pauseBeforeLoad = 10; // Pause before loading (in millisecond) nMaxAffiches = 5; // Nombre Maximum d'affiches a télécharger nMaxPhotos = 5; //Add +1 // Nombre Maximum de photos a telecharger nMaxImages = nMaxAffiches + nMaxPhotos;Quote from: pra15 on February 21, 2015, 05:55:53 pmCorrection for link'll see the problem of no screenshot.
Yes it works,still the problem of +1 in NMaxPhotos i tried add an extralinks, add a linksPhoto but not work (perhaps a +1 somewhere but i don't find the solution). I think for the moment i keep code like this sorry.
const pauseBeforeLoad = 10; // Pause before loading (in millisecond) nMaxAffiches = 16; // Nombre Maximum d'affiches a télécharger nMaxPhotos = 2; // Nombre Maximum de photos a telecharger nMaxImages = nMaxAffiches + nMaxPhotos;
I don't know if i understand well (my english!).The script work but we must know that for 1 screenshot we must put NMaxPhotos = 2. We must add +1 to the number wanted.If i have 5 extralinks :links_Castinglinks_PrePhoto1links_PrePhoto2links_PrePhoto3links_PrePhoto4the script run like mode 1 then 2 then 3 then 4 then 5in mode 1, takes information about casting then go to mode 2in mode 2, takes link of photo1 and put this link in array LinksPhotoect....In ParsePagewhen countPhoto is the numer of maximum link_Prephoto (here4) i execute parsephoto, take all links in array linksPhoto and addimageurl....Then parsepage go to prfinished and download photo.But ParsePhoto works and download Photo only after mode 4 and not download photo 5.